Member Reviews

OMG please hold my coffee while I pick my jaw off the floor! A very riveting story that had me glued to the pages from start to finish. It is every mother's (and stepmother's) nightmare for their child to just vanish into thin air... Lauren North did such a great job at displaying all the emotional rollercoaster the characters were going through. Mom 1 and Mom 2 pleaded their cases well and it had me questioning myself on who to really trust. A well-done story and the author's note further explains the author's take and how the story came to be. Loved it and highly recommend it

Many thanks to the author and Netgalley for a copy for an honest review.

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Loved the different POVs and this book kept me excited and engaged throughout its entirety. I devoured this and can't wait to read many many more from this author

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If perfect was a book! A brilliantly crafted thriller with a gripping plot and unforgettable twists. The ending was shocking and I can’t wait for more from the author.

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This book was good one that kept me on my toes. I was intrigued by the story and what the truth was. I can honestly say when I did find out the whole truth I was surprised. I did not guess what it was and who was truly helping her. I was anxious throughout wondering what was going to happen next and if a book can bring out emotions in me then I always say it is a good book. To this day I have yet to be disappointed by a Lauren North book and can't wait for more from her!

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This book is an engrossing psychological thriller that kept me invested from start to finish. With two women claiming to be Lola’s mother, the story expertly weaves a web of suspense and uncertainty, making it impossible to know who to trust. Each twist is as surprising as the last, keeping the tension high and the pace fast, while the alternating perspectives of the two "mothers" deepen the intrigue.

The narrative is cleverly constructed, and once you reach the conclusion, it practically begs for a second read to spot the subtle clues hidden throughout. This is a thriller that pulls you in and doesn’t let go, perfect for fans of complex plots and unreliable narrators. A true page-turner that will keep you guessing right up to the final revelation.

Thank you NetGalley, Lauren North, and Bookouture for the ARC.

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We both say she's our daughter...who do you believe...?

I must say, Lauren North has impressed me. This is my fourth read of hers, the first being her first thriller "The Perfect Betrayal" (also published as "The Perfect Son" , through another publisher) and I loved it. But then came "My Word Against His" (her first with Bookouture) - deviously brilliant, closely followed by "She Says She's My Daughter" - very clever. And then came along this one. And again, I was both entertained and thrilled in equal measure. Probably the most irritating thing about this book is the interfering mother-in-law and the husband's ridiculous name of Roly. I'm sorry, but I could only see a cross between a Sharpei dog and a rotund figure of a man.

The story itself is so full of twists that you think you have it all figured out (and granted, while you might have some, you won't even be close as to the rest of it!) that you will get whiplash with which the speed everything changes in the blink of an eye. Throughout the entire tale I was unsure who to really believe despite spying the obvious underlying truth. But hold tight, North isn't even close to being finished with this one, and everything you thought you knew you then begin to question. But are they the right questions? You'll have to read the book to find out!

Isobel and Roly are on their way home from Cornwall with their 3 year old daughter Lola when they stop at the motorway services for a bathroom break. And Lola, being at the precocious age of 3, insists on going by herself. That's fine, mum Isobel is only in the cubicle next door. The whole scenario takes something like, what, two minutes? But by the time Isobel comes out of her's, Lola has gone. She's not in the cubicle she'd locked herself in, she's not at the basins, she's not even outside the bathroom waiting for her mother. She has simply vanished.

Isobel is frantic. She races outside to find Roly scrolling through his phone and asks has he seen Lola. That would be a no. So he does what any frantic parent would do. Calls in a favour via a friend who is a DCI at Scotland Yard, knowing he'll track the culprit down and return Lola to them.

Let's backtrack a bit, back to the bathroom. While Isobel is scrolling through her phone in her cubicle, Lola had promptly finished her business and was busy washing her hands at the basin. Enter Emma...with a big bright yellow ducky that Lola had spied on her way to the bathroom with pleas to Isobel to add ducky to her collection of stuffed toys. Emma smiles. Lola smiles. Emma reaches out her hand. Lola hesitates, looks back at the cubicle before the lure of ducky is too much and she takes Emma's hand. In a matter of moments, before Isobel has buttoned up her skinny jeans that Roly loves her in, Emma and Lola have gone.

What ensues is a frantic chase north, south, east, west across the country in a bid to find Lola and return her safely into Isobel and Roly's arms and arrest the person who took her. But the deeper you delve into this story, the more you find that as soon as you peel back one layer, another lays beneath. And so on...and so on...and so on. Just when it seems they are closing in, Emma escapes their claws once again.

But just who is Emma and how does she fit into Isobel and Roly's world? Both women claim to be Lola's mother, but which one of them is telling the truth? Both women have secrets but can you guess what they are? Even Roly has secrets as does his horrible mother Margaret who thinks only of the Huntingdon name and the fact that Lola is "her grandchild" rather than Isobel's daughter.

You'll need to suspend reality a bit but that's OK; if the story's entertaining and thrilling enough, then how believable it is or isn't doesn't matter. For me, it's all about the entertainment factor and how much the author draws you into the world within those pages making it an easy read and without being convoluted. If they can do that, and keep me thrilled along the way, then you can pretty much guarantee 5 stars from me.

Overall, a thoroughly entertaining, intriguing thrill ride that is twisty and intense from the first page. Plenty of red herrings in this one to keep you guessing all the way through. I doubt you will see the outcome before its reveal. I think most psychological thrillers will like this one!

I would like to thank #LaurenNorth, #Netgalley and #Bookouture for an ARC of #ImHerMother in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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I did not enjoy this book. I would not recommend to a friend. However, I am interested in books by this author in the future.

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Fast paced & very enjoyable read. Liked the perspective of the two mothers. Well written and I look on forward to reading more by this author

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This was a fab book. I really enjoyed it and hope there is another instalment where we can find out what happens to Emma And Isobel.

Isobel and Roly both dote on their daughter Lola. On the way back from a family holiday in Cornwall Lola goes missing. Isobel was the last person to see Lola and is distraught. Roly informs the police and they go home to wait for news.

Emma used to be Lola's nanny but was asked to leave as she was adamant that she was Lola's mother.

The book is split into chapters by Emma and by Isobel. I couldn't work out what was going to happen and the book definitely contained lots of surprises.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for an advance copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Very interesting plot and kept me wanting to read more. Relatively fast paced which is always a win!

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I really enjoyed this! I had a few guesses as to how the story would continue, but the ending still surprised me. I will definitely read more books by this author in the future. For me, it was a solid four-star read.

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An interesting story told from the perspectives of two potential mothers of Lola.Unexpected twists made it a good read.
Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in return for an honest review

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I struggled with this book and despite the blurb sounding good, I found the plot bizarre with too much petition that it just became boring. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for providing me with access to this ARC in exchange for my honest review

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Loved this book. I really liked the fact it was told by 2 perspectives both fighting for this child. I cant wait to read more of this author. Thank you for putting her on my radar.

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The beginning started off with a bang and I was all in! Loved it. It’s a super easy read I was flying through the pages and kept me guessing from start to finish.

Isabel’s mother in law Margaret wins the award for nastiest MIL ever!🏆 Not sure I’d have the strength or patience to keep myself in check like Isobel did.

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And Breath!!!!!

Wow................I'm Her Mother by Lauren North was a book that just took my breath away and beautifully written by Lauren, especially as it was written from her heart. This was a book that once I started I could not put it down. I loved it.......

A great holiday read. I highly recommend.

Big Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC.

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Two mothers one child. Each mother acting with conviction that the child is hers. A child abduction with each of the mothers doing whatever it takes to protect the child. One mother educated, isolated , intimidated and terrorised to the point of destroying any self esteem. The other mother, refusing to acknowledge any misgivings or guilt maintaining blind ignorance of facts related to the birth of her much loved daughter. A sequence of events manifest itself leaving the potential perpetrators seeking revenge , reprisals and retribution. An electrifying conclusion tying up numerous loose ends . Many thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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Just brilliant! Loved, loved loved this amazing book. Could not put it down. Highly recommend it to all.

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What did I just read? To say I would have never guessed the ending is an understatement. Definitely enjoyed the book and it kept me guessing until the end. So many twists and turns. It was hard to know who to believe. The story completely turned into something I wasn't expecting. Not sure I would have ever married Roly after meeting Margaret. I would have changed the locks on the house and never gave her a key. Isobel would always be second to Margaret. Having your child kidnapped is one of the scariest things imaginable, something I would never want to experience. Does it seem like Isobel and Roly are doing everything they can to get Lola back? No!!!! With all their money and influence you would think more would be happening. Why isn't Lola's face plastered everywhere as a missing child? Then there's Emma. I immediately thought of her as an unhinged child stealer. She's so delusional she actually thinks Lola is her child, even after the DNA tests came back. The time she spent in the mental institution didn't help her at all. The real victim throughput all this is Lola. The ending was the best part. So unexpected. None of these people are who I thought they were. So many lies and secrets.

Definitely recommend the book. It was a good mystery/thriller and kept me guessing until the end. Enjoyed the story, writing style and characters. Look forward to reading more books by the author.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bookouture through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Review for 'I'm Her Mother' by Lauren North.

Yet another thrilling and twist packed psychological thriller from the absolutely fantastic author Lauren North! This storyline was absolutely ram packed with hair raising action which kept me turning the pages while on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happened next. The book was filled secrets, shock, family, lies, heartache, suspense, drama, tension and twists to keep you on your toes. I love the fact that there were multiple protagonists telling us their stories which gives the reader a massive insight into everything that was going on but without giving away too much. The storyline includes a mother's worse nightmare with their child being taken and I wanted to make future readers aware of this as it may be unsuitable and/or upsetting for some readers. This book takes the reader straight into the action leaving them constantly wanting to know what happens next from the very first page until the last!! This book started straight into the action and continues on a rollercoaster ride of twists, turns, shocks and surprises all the way until the cliff hanger ending which I absolutely loved and would have never seen coming. The other thing I would never have seen coming is all the twists and turns!! Just when I thought the storyline could not get any more shocking there was another twist and then another until I was reading this with my jaw dropped open in disbelieve!! I have read thousands of psychological and crime books so it is getting harder and harder to surprise me but Lauren managed it hook, line and sinker over and over so a MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS to Lauren!!!
There isn't much worse in a book than than guessing who did what when your not even half way through a book but there's no worry of that here. Lauren's absolutely fantastic emotive and evocative descriptions will have your heart racing and filled with suspense and tension along with Emma and Isobel in each and every chapter!! I could not put this book down as every single time I even thought about it something else would happen until I just had to read one more until this happened so much I had devoured it in one sitting of a few hours so make sure you clear your schedules before starting!! An absolutely unputdownable addictive page turner!!. Needless to say this would make an absolutely epic movie!!!

Clear your schedules before you even turn a single page on this epic psychological thriller as you will not be able to put it down!!

This is one of those books where it is extremely difficult to say much about the characters without giving any of the storyline. Our main protagonists consist of Isobel whose daughter Lola is taken from her when she is in the toilets of a service station and she will do anything to get her back. Emma has Lola and is determined that she is her daughter and that she needs to keep her safe and away from Isobel as well as several other characters we meet in this book. Lauren has done an absolutely fantastic job of weaving each of the protagonist's chapters together in a way where she drips feeds us exactly the right amount of information at the perfect timings. My opinion changed on the characters throughout the books so it is hard to say how I felt about them now knowing the truth but there was definitely a mix of feelings and I went from feeling sorry for one character to absolutely hating them, the complete opposite for another character, my heart went out to another character but to which ones? Well, grab your copy of this page turner and discover for yourself today!! What I will say is that this is a book filled with some very unlikeable characters that you have no idea who is telling the truth, who is hiding what and why they are doing certain things. Lauren's fantastic evocative writing skills ensures each one of them come to life in front of your eyes and that you can see, feel and hear everything that they are while turning the pages. Lauren has done an absolutely fantastic job of creating several complex characters each with their own unique personalities and mixing them into a storyline that has an ending you will never see coming!! However, regardless of how you feel about any of the characters they each play their part perfectly bringing out each and every one of your emotions throughout this action packed, addictive page turner!!

Well done Lauren on yet another fantastic, gritty and unputdownable success!! This is the reason you are one of my favourite authors and here's to your next success!!

Overall a heart racing, action packed, page turning must read with twists you will never see coming!!

#ImHerMother #LaurenNorth #Bookouture #BookoutureAnonymous

@LaurenNorth @Bookouture @BookoutureAnonymous

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