Member Reviews

I found The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy charming, but I fell in love with The Undermining of Twyla and Frank. I just loved Twyla and Frank from the start, bless their hearts. They’re both pretty content being friends, and they are such good friends. Twyla doesn’t really think of herself as someone worthy of desire, but she’s not spending all her time bemoaning it. She has this whole great speech about being a chair which had definite America Ferrera in Barbie vibes.

Things start to change when a sexy-legged dragon expert in shorts is called in for advice and takes notice of Twyla. The dragons are so cute, sparkly vomit and all! When Frank is left holding a cracked dragon’s egg, you know exactly what’s about to happen. And they have to keep the whole dragon situation hush hush, which is hard to do when a baby dragon won’t let go of you.

The villain was the best! I don’t want to spoil it for you at all, but just know, I was cackling at the motive. Loved it.

As I get older, I’m starting to appreciate more middle-aged characters in fantasy. Not everyone in fantasy lands are young and nubile, and sometimes they have trouble getting up off the ground. With a lot of romantasy getting spicier these days, I thought the sexual content was just about right. A touching (ahem) sex scene and a few hot and bothered thoughts, were just what it needed and didn’t get in the way of the story.

I’m so happy they’ll be more in this series. I just saw the cover reveal for The Undercutting of Rose and Adam, and I’m thrilled at the character choice.

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TW: death, divorce, violence, grief

I was so excited to read the latest novel in this universe, as The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy was my favourite book last year!

As with anything I hype up too much, I was disappointed.

The novel reads well and retains the same quirky charm of the previous book. Secondary characters and supernatural elements were just as fun as last time. The plot was less compelling than the first novel but I was still on board with it. What let this book down was Twyla and constantly reading her internal monologue.

From what I remember of Hart and Mercy, we visited both these characters at different points. We had insight into how both of them were feeling, what they were up to and what their motives might be when they were apart from each other. This worked really well, so I was confused to find we spent the entire time with Twyla. Yes, Twyla and Frank were often together anyway but that doesn't mean we can't read from his POV as well (it's still 3rd person POV just to be clear).

Had Twyla's inner dialogue been more interesting and diverse, perhaps this wouldn't have been an issue. Mercy was an interesting, well-rounded, confident, body-positive female character, so I was surprised to see that the author decided to make Twyla so self-conscious and lacking in confidence. It seemed too easy for the author to play into the 'old, unhappy, sexless widow' trope who feels unloveable because of her body shape. It seemed at odds with the attitudes and female empowerment she had set up in the first novel. I'm sure this narrative has its place, but I don't think it belongs in this universe. Placing an older woman at the centre of this novel could have been an exciting opportunity to change things up.

I also found the plot twist a bit gimmicky and cartoonish. Throughout the novel, the stakes feel a lot lower than Hart & Mercy because of something that happens at the end of the first one. Ultimately, Hart & Mercy was just too tough of an act to follow.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free e-arc in exchange for an honest review

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I adored The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy so was really excited for Twyla and Frank's story.
I was a bit disappointed to be honest. Frank was great, loved him, the dragon plot was great, fun and a cute twist, Duckers was his usual awesome self I love that guy. Pace and writing good, adorable front cover. Ah but Twyla, who's pov seemed to take over and dominate everyone else's, grated on me. I struggled quite a bit with her thoughts and actions for most of the book and when things were finally explained a bit more I got it, but it didn't really make up for the tone she'd brought so far. And I didnt feel our middle aged mc's got the spice they deserved either. The world building is fab though and side characters great fun so I'll definitely read the next book in this world if we're lucky to get more.
Thanks to Orbit and Netgalley for the arc, all thoughts are my own and left voluntarily.

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You don't need to have read The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy to enjoy this book, but if you enjoyed that book, you'll enjoy this one.

We're back in the world of Tanria, all magical wild west of it. And honestly? I think the worldbuilding is just fantastic. It's so imaginative and fun, and filled with vibrant characters. Megan Bannen is talented at inserting personality into secondary characters, and that shouldn't be underestimated.

But for primary characters, Twyla and Frank are lovely. Twyla maybe goes a bit overboard with the internal monologues about how old she is and how uncomfortable she is with her body, but you know what? What woman hasn't thought the same at some point in her life? So I'll give it to her.

It was refreshing to have mature and established characters - in their 50s! - as the romantic leads. And Twyla and Frank's friendship was so lovely and respectful of one another, I only want good things for them.

The best thing that I could give them - or the author could give them, but that's a nitpick - is a baby dragon. Mary Georgina (the baby dragon's name is Mary Georgina , I am awash in delight) is a treat.

So we have strong characters, we have fabulous world building, we have a baby dragon - and we also have a good plot outside of the romance! A mystery, which is always super fun.

Honestly, I don't know what else I can say beyond this being delightful. The romance may be principal in the plot, but it's secondary in my enjoyment because there are just so many other things to adore here.

Thank you to the publisher, Orbit, and to NetGalley for the ARC.

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When I started this story, I hadn't noticed that there was a first part, now I'm looking forward to reading it.
This story has surprised me with the mix that makes it up and how it develops, I didn't think it could work. But since it's a sequel, I had to have a little more confidence when I read it.

It's been a lot of fun to see the interaction between the friends and this paranormal atmosphere, even dragons....
and mafia...

Like I said it's all a potpourri but it works. Twyla is a very peculiar character that works so well, seriously, you should meet her so you can see why so much works so well and how someone can go through all of this JEJEJEJEJEJEJE

Read it, you're sure to have a great time during your reading.

#TheUnderminingofTwylaandFrank #NetGalley

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After absolutely loving The Untertaking of Hart and Mercy, I couldn't wait to read the second book in the series, which is a return to the quirky and magical world created by Bannen. This book sees a more peaceful Tanria, but are things really what they seem in the Mist? While the Marshalla may not be hunting Dredges anymore, the discovery of Dragons, which were supposed to have been extinct for a long time, along with a smuggling ring, complicates things. We get the return of Duckers (who I really hope gets his own book!), appearances by Hart and Mercy and a whole new cast of characters as well! This is a friend's to lovers romance that proves you are never too old to find yourself and love. I absolutely adored this cosy, fun romantasy and look forward to more in the future. Also, how I would love my mail delivered by nimkilim!

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The Undermining of Twyla and Frank

I enjoyed the first book about Hart and Mercy and while it wasn’t my all time favourite read I had to try this to see if I could get more into the world building which threw me a little in the first book as it was so different. At the very beginning of the book I was a bit worried I wouldn’t like it, but then I got into the book, got to meet the wonderful and fierce Twyla and her best friend and partner marshal Frank. The difficulties I had with getting immersed into the world building in the first book were nonexistent in this, because the warm friendship between Twyla and Frank and their goofy, but wholesome personalities shone through and made me forget where it all happened. I just enjoyed their interactions and adventure so much. No, that’s not accurate, I freaking love it!
I, a 38 year old mum of two, who usually dream myself away into a fantasy world where the heroine is a young, fierce and headstrong warrior princess or something equally epic instead identified with Twyla and her life.

Second chance love, pink, glitter-spewing thing that may or may not be dragons, a mob ring doing nefarious business in the shadows, an unexpected villain and a few of the old characters plus a bunch of new ones makes for such a fun read and I’m really enjoying it.
If you liked The undertaking of Hart and Mercy and want to explore Eternity and Tania further, you’ll have to read this one.
If you love tropes like second chance love, dragons, found family, fantasy with a dash of romance and a little mystery, then you will LOVE this book.

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Just like book 1 this one transported me into a world full of laughs and I really enjoyed the ride. Twyla and Frank were such an amazing couple to follow and I LOVED that we got to see a couple that is older and has more experience. I had all the feelings with this book and loved getting to explore this world again!

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What an old school, cops and robbers, goodies and baddies, heroes and villains, fantasy adventure romcom! It’s part Romancing the Stone and part The Ole' West but set in the completely made-up world of Tanria.

Author Megan extends the universe she devised in ‘The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy’ with a growing romance between neighbours, old friends (and work colleagues) Twyla and Frank. The action keeps rolling, with drama piling up while at the same time the most tender awakening occurs between Twyla and Frank. Essentially a slow burn, there’s steam 🌶 and pragmatism. Best character names ever - from Duckers to Mary Georgina, it’s so much fun!

There’s mateship, rideable seahorses, the discovery of dragons and pink poop. It’s funny and wry and fast paced and clever, and while that's all going on Twyla and Frank are pining for each other - from oblivion to awareness to smitten in a way that feels so satisfying.

Thank you NetGalley, Megan Bannen and Little, Brown Group for the ARC. Opinions are my own.

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I loved the dynamic between Twyla and Frank. It is so refreshing to read about two characters later in their lives, that have lived full lives and still find romance with each other.
I didn't know where this one would take us since the previous one resolved all of the current problems that this world faced but the inclusion of dragons really engaged me. The way the dragon attached itself to the characters and the characters to the dragons.
The writing is continuously engaging, the story flows well and I found myself unable to put it down. It's funny and romantic and serious and fun. the characters are fully developed and I love them.

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I love this whimsical world so much, it's urban fantasy, it's western and it's marvelous. I wondered what the plot would be now there are no longer any zombies. I won't say anything else but it's another mysterious crime solving scenario with a new couple who have been partners for a long time.

The friends to lovers romance of these two whose lives are so intertwined; they're neighbors, they're work partners and their families have been intermingled since infancy, they have so much more to lose to make that leap outside of friendship. It was angsty and sweet, the hero is pure sugar.

We're in the heroine's head for this one and I resonate with her struggles of the changing female body and motherhood. It hit very close to home and bless her for navigating all that on top of the craziness that's happening in Tanria.

Thanks to Little, Brown Book Group and NetGalley for the review copy and this is my honest review.

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4.5 stars

Cosy, whimsical & sweet
Mid-life couple

I loved this book so much and it was such a strong follow-up in the world of Hart & Mercy. My love for this tale started with the friendship of Twyla and Frank and the slow sizzle to more. These two were in their 50s, had supported one another through the loss of their spouses and parenting challenges. The friends to more-element was frought with risk to that priceless friendship.

Twyla in particular ended up on a journey of self-discovery, she reflected on a life of being used and did not want that for her future. Frank was everything lovely, good guy, good friend, equal partner and no saviour tendencies.

The plot was a whimiscal delight, less zombie than book one and the dragons that took their place were just everything. I loved Mary Georgina, what a story that all turned out to be...
The foreshadowing about the villain of the piece was there early but I only caught it just before the reveal and that was a pretty hilarious twist.

I do hope Megan Bannen continues to write in this world, the stories she creates just work so well for me.

Thank you to Orbit Books for the eARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Okay, so I love Frank and Twyla with my whole heart and you can wrench them from my fingers as hard as you want but I’m not letting them go. What do you mean I get to read this adorable heartfelt story about these two people and then just have to carry on with my life afterwards?

I truly believe having Frank and Twyla be older than your typical fantasy romance characters adds to the charm all the more. They have experience, they’ve been through heartbreak and loss and know what it means to love unconditionally. They have a decades long friendship they’re scared to fuck up. It all comes together in such a wonderful way.

And of course the wonderful world Bannen has made just makes this story all the better. The sprinkling of characters from The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy adds to the charm. Getting the wedding scene? I was in bits, it’s so lovely to get another tale from this fantastical world.

I love that it doesn’t take itself too seriously too, it’s a bit stupid and silly but the characters almost acknowledge the fantastical-ness of the world and honestly, it’s all the better for it.
I went into this story apprehensively, not knowing what to expect from another story set in Eternity, but I am pleased to say I was beyond pleasantly surprised by not only the story, but these two amazing characters I got to read about.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy to review. All thoughts are my own.

I absolutely adored this world in The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy, and I'm so glad Megan Bannen returned to Tanria a second time to deliver this tale. Twyla and Frank - both now in their early fifties - have been neighbours and Tanrian marshalls together for a very long time. I instantly enjoyed the approach to this book. With the characters being mature in age compared to most fantasy characters, there were new elements of character development or storyline to enjoy and it was a breath of fresh air. The pacing of this book matched well with the slow navigation Twyla, the main protagonist, shares throughout. I felt the slow pacing to be intentional to match her low-stakes sort of way of being, and very cleverly done.

Once again, the world of Tanria feels like a complete fever dream, and for those not used to it, it definitely might throw you off. This world is so far-fetched, and this time around has glitter-pooping pink dragons in it. So if you're not prepared for the whimsy nature of this book, I'm not sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did. It even took me a moment to adjust back to Tanria, but the characters were so well-developed that I was soon invested and chuckling away. A great addition to the main lineup of this read is the return of Duckers ("fuck yeah!"), who helped ground some of the wackier sides of this read and livened the mood when both Frank and Twyla were stuck inside their heads. This trio were a formidable force from start to finish, and I appreciated the author's decision to bring Duckers back and incorporate some of his own romantic struggles whilst Twyla progressed through her own.

I did enjoy the storyline around discovery - of new dragon life with a side character being brought in to give knowledge (and tension), for Twyla as a mother and what her boundaries are or need to be, romantic discovery after years of being a mother or simply "too old", and what makes a family or community. This book was really wholesome, as the first one was, and I enjoyed the journey.

That being said, it's not like Hart and Mercy, where there was dual POV, and this is my biggest critique. I would have loved to have Frank's POV at times, even though this man is honest to a fault, and so obviously in love with Twyla. But I think when Twyla gets to the point in this story where her inner dialogue gets exasperating over the romantic element, this could have been diffused some if we had that second viewpoint with Frank. My only other critique was the subplot with the mystery mining and villainous acts weren't developed enough for it to have the impact that Bannen may have been opting for. It was just alright, and I did guess who was behind it, yet I found it all a little lacklustre.

Returning to Tanria was timed well with me being ill and drawing me away from the realities of life with this hilarious and wholesome read, and left me smiling a great deal. It's not going to be everyone's type of read, but I really appreciated this sequel and would love to return to this world again in the future.

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The Undermining of Twyla and Frank is the second book in the series but you can read this book as a standalone too. Twyla and Frank were briefly introduced in the first book, and I was surprised at how much I ended up liking them. Frank and Twyla are both in their fifties and they try to navigate their life and their friendship. This book is so much fun with a lovely friendship, second chance romance, nimkilims, and dragons. By the way, the dragons are pink and glittery. I love this world and its characters, and I hope there's more to come. I highly recommend it. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an early copy.

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Older couple, friends to lovers, and glitter spitting dragons? Sign me in! The MMC has acne scars? I’m not sure my heart can take all this normalcy! Megan Bannen, are you telling me that real people can find love as well??

The undertaking of Hart and Mercy is one of my favorite fantasy romances and I was ecstatic to be back to Eternity and Tarnia. Hart and Mercy remain my favorite couple, and I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say that seeing them get married was my favorite part of this book. However, Twy and Frank are beautiful characters and I loved every single minute I spent getting to know them.

I loved to see Twy navigating through her life and job, overcoming her fears in love and relationships.

Frank is everything that is good in the world. He has such tenderness in him, I just wish he had more voice in the story and more time to show his steady and quiet love.

I’ll be anxiously waiting for more books in this world.

<i>I would like to thank Little, Brown Book Group UK | Orbit and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.</I>

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I wanted to really enjoy this book because I was a massive fan of the undertaking of hart and mercy, but it just didn’t resonate with me. I think this is a “me” problem rather than the books issue.

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The Undermining of Twyla and Frank
Release date 2nd July
Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ CAWPILE 9

Thank you for the opportunity to review this book I loved the undertaking of hart and mercy and when this came up it was an instant yes. This was just what I needed as I have been a bit slumpy this month. This had banter, dragons [ yes dragons] the idea that you are never too old to find your person it filled my heart with a huge hug. I loved the two main characters even if I wanted to bang their heads together saying you love each other fools. If you need an easy read that you can just get swept in the world this book is for you cannot wait to discuss this with all the people who loved the first one, thank you for the opportunity for reviewing this book.

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I'm not a fan of the friend to lovers trope but if there's an author who could make me like it, it's definitely Megan Bannen!

I really liked it, I quickly became fond of the characters and found everything very engaging!
The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy remains my favorite but I have to say that the books set in this world are all turning out to be very good!

I can't wait to read anything else by this author!

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A wonderful fun book.
This book was great, a very sweet love story between two mature adults. The explorations of what romance looks like at a more mature age was handled extremely well. The dragons and intrigue add to the entertainment. The villain was hilarious!
The only reason this was not quite a 5 star for me was because the themes were not as hard-hitting for me.

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