Member Reviews

This book accomplished perfectly what it wanted to do, which was tell a sweet love story about middle-aged best friends becoming lovers in the very entertaining world from The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy. I thought the third-act break-up felt a little bit forced, but I must say I enjoyed myself enormously all the same.

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I absolutely loved Megan Bannen's first book in this series and was thrilled to return to the beautifully thought out world she has invented, with its carefully constucted customs and religions. This book picks up around a year after the first, and the Marshalls who patrol the world of Tanria, the prison where the New Gods had imprisoned the Old Gods, are finding their work a ittle, well, dull now the drudges, body stealing zombie souls, have been vanquished. With the danger in Tanria now reduced to the odd smuggler, there is even some consideration being given to whether Marshalls are needed at all.

Twyla just needs two more years of the lucrative work to finish putting her youngest child through medical school, and then she and her professional partner and best friend Frank can retire and set up the ranch they have been planning. But the discovery that dragons might not be the myth everyone thought they were and the interest an eminent dragon scholar shows Twyla changes everything in her comfortable if predictable life. Widowed after a long and often unsatisfactory marriage, Twyla has no interest in romance, but she can't deny it's nice to be wanted. Only she can't work out why Frank is being so odd about it.

A gorgeous When Harry Met Sally crossed with Shirley Valentine about a middle aged grandmother finding herself again alongside a slow burn friends to lovers with added dragons. Clever, inventive and highly enjoyable. Highly recommended.

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Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to Netgalley, Megan, and their publishing team for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for a review.

I was thrilled to return to the worlds of Eternity and Tanria to see where the story would lead. The book chronicles the escapades of Twyla and Frank, two marshals from Tanria in their fifties nearing retirement, whose routine jobs take a dramatic twist. Not only do they stumble upon the corpse of a fellow marshal, but they also unearth a concealed Tanrian treasure: dragons that emit glitter, no less.

In parallel, there is a simmering friends-to-lovers storyline between Twyla and Frank. In summary, I award this book a resounding five stars and eagerly anticipate its release to make a purchase.

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I loved the first book but the second just didn't hit the spot the same! The main characters just didn't hit the spot.

This is inspired by When Harry Met Sally. Although it doesn't particularly follow the same plot,

The dragons! Throwing up glitter was a hilarious choice. But there was just so much that didn't work for me. Twyla complains a LOT about being "old/average".

The book was honestly less about the relationship between Frank and Twyla and more so about Twyla coming into her own as an individual person rather than being "just" a mom/wife/ widow. it definitely felt like a book about a middle-aged woman coming into her own again after having children and being relegated to being seen only as a mother/motherly figure. Which is great if that's the story you want to tell! But it wasn't what I expected/wanted

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Such a good, heartwarming read in an interesting world that pulls you in. An easy read that I would definitely recommend, especially if you enjoyed The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy. Refreshing character ages and stories.

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I had so much fun reading this. I loved the first book in the series and when I found out there was a sequel - with an older couple as the main focus I requested it immediately. It is so refreshing to read a romance story about a couple in a fantasy novel that are not either a) a young woman and 1000 year old person/God/other generic fantasy creature or b) two young people. I really enjoyed the way this book tackles a lot of important topics such as sexism and gender roles, family, the conflict of work/life and also with a unique take on dragons as well. There were also MULTIPLE scenes that had me gasping with laughter. Those of you who have read it will know what I mean when I say the pillow case scene. While there were certain things in the novel that did get a bit annoying as a reader e.g the amount Twyla says "ope!" Is quite noticeable - the relationships between the characters more than make up for it.
I will definitely be rereading this!

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Gosh, I absolutely loved this book and I don't even know where to start with this review.

This book was magical, hilarious, and incredibly romantic. It had me grinning like a dork while reading because it was just so swoon-worthy.

The story is set in the town of Eternity, where widowed, middle-aged Twyla Banneker and her neighbor Frank Ellis join the Tanrian Marshals. Eight years later, they are still patrolling the dangerous lands of Tanria, despite the misgivings of Twyla's grown children. Twyla, who seems like a small-town mom, finds her career in law enforcement a refreshing change from domestic life. Their job takes an unexpected turn when they discover a fellow marshal's body covered in liquid glitter and Frank ends up fostering a baby dragon. As they delve into a deep and dangerous plot, Twyla realizes that her true soul mate might have been her best friend and neighbor all along.

I found it refreshing to see a story about two 53 year old best friends, and their slow-burning romance had me on the edge of my seat.

I love how the author, Megan, delves into the societal expectations on women, particularly their "place" inside a marriage and the pressures to fit society's standards of beauty. It felt like she was speaking to every married woman who has learned to love their new body and is trying to stop fitting into everyone else's expectations.

I seriously loved Frank and Twyla's story, which was based on trust, companionship, and friendship that turned into the most beautiful love ever.

A big thank you to Little, Brown Book Group UK and Megan Bannen for sending this book my way in exchange for my honest review.

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I love Megan Bannen and all her books.

You can't not love the characters and the world she has built... another 5 start read!

I can't wait to see what else she releases in the future :)

I just reviewed The Undermining of Twyla and Frank by Megan Bannen. #TheUnderminingofTwylaandFrank #NetGalley

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Twyla and Frank have my whole heart.

It was so, so, soooo refreshing to have a couple that weren't either teenagers or one teenager/one thousand year old perpetually single dude. I loved Twyla and Frank's dynamic. I loved their chemistry, their banter, their completely judgement free way of looking at one and other. I loved how organic and natural their relationship was, how it went from friends to more in such a wholesome way.

I also just loved being back in Tanria. I love the odd but interesting world Bannen has created. I loved it in book one, and with book two having dragons, I knew I was going to love it just as much.

I'll keep it mostly spoiler free since it's an ARC but if you enjoyed book one, I'm convinced you'll enjoy this book more. I had more fun with this one.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Publisher for providing the eARC in exchange for an honest review.
Twyla has been solely taking care of her family since her husband's death and 8 years ago she joined Tanrian Marshals partnering with her dear friend/neighbour Frank Ellis. During one of regular patrols, they find one of their Marshals killed and investigating that puts them both in danger but also pulls them closer than they ever thought they could be. While trying to solve the murder, Twyla has to face some harsh realities of life and make some life altering decisions that could affect everybody's future.
Like the first book, the world building is on the go. This is better read after Hart and Mercy since the characters from the first book make appearance here. All the characters show depth and growth which even in a fantasy world is very much relatable. This second chance at love is cosy, adorable with dragons, handles relationships and has a HEA. There's one couple that I wish to see as main characters in the next book and I really really wish the author grants that wish.

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Following on perfectly from The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy, this next book in the series follows a pair of Tanrian Marshalls in the aftermath of the clearing of the drudges by Hart Ralston. Having lost the majority of their day to day work with the loss of the soulless undead, Frank and Twyla are doing community outreach work and generally trying to stay busy when sightings of a dragon are suspected and things develop from there! Duckers, Hart's partner from book one is back and more involved in this instalment and there are cameo appearances from the rest of the main cast. If you liked Undertaking I think you'll enjoy Undermining. There are still a lot of world building bits that are just sort of shoved into the main story - how the days are named/ordered, how the technology or lack thereof works, is this set on Earth or a other planet entirely? etc, but if you're happy to go with the flow regarding these questions (I was!) then the actual plot is great - it had more funny scenes than it's predecessor which I absolutely loved. I'd love there to be more from this world but I think this was an unexpected bonus - it could be read as a standalone if you've not read book 1, but large parts of that story would be spoiled.

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Thank you so much to Little, Brown Book Group and Netgalley for this eARC!

I thoroughly enjoyed exploring this quirky world in the Undertaking of Hart and Mercy, and it was so nice to jump back in from a different perspective with Twyla and Frank.

The book starts some time after the events of Hart and Mercy’s story. I must admit that I don’t normally read books regarding older romance, however their relationship is so cute and the friends to lovers trope really worked for these characters. Frank was just adorable.

I’m not a huge fan of the miscommunication trope, but it was handled in a neat way in this book and didn’t drag out for tooooo long.

Also the dragons were a lovely addition!

All in all a lovely read, and I really loved the cameos. I’d love a book about Duckers please Megan 🙏🏻

Review to be posted to Goodreads on 25.6.24 :)

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Absolutely adorable and ridiculous and heartwarming. I loved Hart and Mercy and I also love Frank and Twyla.

Such an interesting world that I still don’t fully understand, but the story has a lot of heart and I was fully invested.

It made me laugh out loud at the absurdity at the end, but also gave me the warm and fuzzies.

I’m excited to read more in this world, assuming duckers will be next to get his own book?! I hope so anyway.

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A fun, second chance love involving an older main couple (fifties), dragons and our beloved Penrose Duckers.

Sequel to The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy, this follows the events quite nicely after, with ample time to allow the folks of Eternity to have a breather before the next big thing happens. While like the first book, with the aim of a dual POV, there is more of a definite focus on Twyla rather than Frank. We get to know Twyla and her hardships more than we do Frank, and when he does get a turn, it comes through what Twyla knows.

There's a strong 'mom' vibe this time round, most likely because of Twyla's age. There's less action (apart from the end) despite it starting off with purple riding boots and glitter puke. This is definitely more of a coming-to-maturity book than the previous.

However, it was still an enjoyable read and the plot was more focused. The culprit reveal was a little surprising and, well, stupid honestly, but that's more to do with who it was than how it was presented.

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The Undermining of Twyla and Frank is a gorgeous cosy fantasy with a cute friends to lovers romance, dragons, slow burn, small town, two well written middle aged characters and a lot more!!

The entire town of Eternity was shocked when widowed, middle-aged Twyla Banneker partnered up with her neighbor and best friend, Frank Ellis, to join the Tarian Marshals. Eight years later, Twyla and Frank are still patrolling the dangerous land of Tanria, the former prison of the Old Gods. Fortunately (or unfortunately) a recent decrease in on-the-job peril has made Twyla and Frank’s job a lot safer ... and a lot less exciting. So when they discover the body of one of their fellow marshals covered in liquid glitter—and Frank finds himself the inadvertent foster dad to a baby dragon—they are more than happy to be back on the beat. As soon as the danger closes in and Twyla and Frank’s investigation becomes more complicated, so does their easy friendship. And Twyla starts to realize that her true soul mate might just be the person who has lived next door all along…

I loved everything about this book!! Last month I read The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy (and I loved it) and when the ARC of this book was approved to me I abandoned my TBR and read it right away!!
The vibes are immaculate, and as a true lover of rom-come and cosy fantasy I felt at home!
The book contains a mystery, fantasy elements, a very cute romance and a cast of characters characterized in the best way!
Twyla and Frank are two really cute protagonists and I loved the fact that this book focused on a middle-aged couple and not on the usual Romantasy characters in their twenties.
Everything was truly perfect!

Thanks to Netgalley, Orbit Books UK and the author for providing me with this ARC!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. I really enjoyed this one, even more so than the first. It was refreshing to see older more mature characters with established relationships in a romantasy setting. Even though I usually really dislike the miscommunication and love triangle troupes, I think this is a really good example for where it feels natural within the story. I laughed out loud at least once while reading this, loved the pop culture reference from the villain at the end. Also, Dragons. Adorable dragons. Go read it.

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4.5 stars Frank and Twyla have been in each others lives for decades, first as neighbours then as friends then as co-workers. There is nothing romantic going on. Nothing. Really. They are just friends. But then! Just as they are getting bored with being Tanrian Marshals they stumble across a dead Marshall covered in glittery gloop. Why is he dead? Why is he covered in glitter? Dragons man! It’s always dragons. The story is told form Twyla’s perspective and we see her struggle through middle age, dealing with her grown up kids, reflecting on her marriage and what she wants from the next chapter of her life. Frank is a joy throughout and my minus half a star is for Twyla totally treating him like a chair. She does! Frank is right. This book might be more about middle age than dragons but I didn’t mind. Frank and Twyla are adorable and a special f*ck yeah for Duckers who really goes through it in the sub plot. I loved it all.

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*Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK | Orbit for providing me this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Oh boi. What can I say about The Undermining of Twyla and Frank without sounding mean?

I was SO excited to pick this book after I DEVOURED The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy. Now, look, I'm in my late thirties, okay? Even though my preference yields more to upper YA and NA I don't mind a much older audience. This book had a middle aged couple. I prefer to go blind to a book, so I didn't know that.

I knew from the references in Hart and Mercy's book, where Twyla and Frank make their first appearance that they were older than Hart and Mercy, but again I was surprised when early on Frank exclaims he's 53 and Twyla answering that she's a few months younger than he is. So, I said to myself, okay. They're a little bit older, the one a widower, the other one divorced and both of them had kids and grandchildren.

Having loved my favorite couple -Jamie and Claire- who at the latest books they also had grandchildren, I thought okay.. The Undermining -if the comparison is suited- might be even better because guess what? It has dragons in them. Yes? No.

I mean, yeah it did had dragons but for the 10% of the book. The other 90%? Let me tell you. I'm all up for second chances romance tropes -even though my favorite one is enemies to lovers [Hello Merciless, Hi Heart-ache] - but that was not the case.

I could overlook the love triangle and the middle age and even the grand-kids. But I couldn't overlook that Twyla and Frank were fifty three acting like 15years old. I couldn't overlook how immature Twyla and even Frank sounded.

Their banter wasn't even a banter. I hated the way Frank talked to her and the romance was forced to say the least. If they remained friends -because the friendship dynamic was a *chef's kiss* - and we'd get a glimpse from their lives, it would be a GREAT book.
All Twyla did was complain about menopause and okay, let me tell you. I KNOW that menopause is a real bitch and I'm feeling all of you menopausal women out there. BUT, how can a menopausal woman, feeling her hormones go nuts on her, can overcome this and be, I don't know? Happy? Content?

The two MC's didn't progressed at all through the book. There weren't ANY stakes to overcome and after a while I was plain bored with the EXCESSIVE dialog that didn't lead anywhere.

Overall this wasn't a good experience for me but if Bannen wrote a book about Duckers, I'd love to read it, but after this book I'm kind of afraid.

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In the whimsical world of Tanria, widowed Twyla Banneker and her longtime best friend Frank Ellis, both Tanrian Marshals, embark on a thrilling investigation after discovering a fellow marshal's body and unexpectedly becoming foster parents to a baby dragon. As they delve into a conspiracy, their close friendship evolves, leading Twyla to question if her true soul mate has been by her side all along.

This book is cuteness overload - a friends-to-lovers romance AND they're looking after a baby dragon? It was just adorable. I loved the fact that Twyla and Frank are both in their 50s. Seeing main characters in their 30s in romance books is becoming a bit more prevalent these days, but characters in their 50s is practically unheard of. I loved these two, their sweet friendship and the realistic portrayal of love and sex later in life. Normally, I hate a love triangle (they usually feel really forced) but I didn't here - I think things might never have changed for Twyla without the new love interest and it wasn't played (or over overplayed) just for drama's sake. Honestly, it was just a really heartwarming story and I loved the whole thing.

This book is the second one in the series but I think it could definitely work as a standalone or as an entry point to the series if a reader hadn't read The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy. I think they'd lose some of the emotional impact of one or two scenes in The Undermining of Twyla and Frank but it would still all make sense because the world is really well explained, and the reader gets the core information from book one explained quite naturally as part of the story. But for ultimate emotional impact, reading them both in order is probably best.

Everything in this book just hit more for me than it did in The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy - I loved the plot more (it has dragons!), I understood more about the world and the Gods, I felt more of a connection to the main characters and I was completely invested in their relationship. I am so hoping that there's further books in this series (I'm personally holding out hope for Rosie Fox!) because it's such an interesting world with an amazing cast of characters.

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from NetGalley but this is my voluntary and honest review.

Note to Publisher: I will post this review on Goodreads within two weeks of the release date, and not before. I will update this feedback at that point to include the link to my Goodreads review.

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Title: The Undermining of Twyla and Frank by Megan Bannen
Release Date: July, 4th, 2024


In the town of Eternity, Twyla Banneker and her neighbour, Frank Ellis, surprised everyone when they joined the Tanrian Marshals eight years ago. Despite their unconventional career choice, Twyla finds fulfilment in law enforcement, even as her grown children express doubts. When their routine patrols turn into a thrilling investigation after discovering a fellow marshal's body covered in liquid glitter and Frank ends up fostering a baby dragon, Twyla and Frank are eager to delve back into the excitement.

Their investigation leads them into a complex and dangerous plot, testing their friendship and bringing them closer together. Twyla begins to realise that her true soulmate might have been by her side all along, living right next door.

"The Undermining of Twyla and Frank" is like a whimsical mix of "When Harry Met Sally" and dragon-filled fantasy. Megan Bannen spins a charming tale where Twyla and Frank, both in their mid-fifties, navigate the twists and turns of romance alongside menopause and retirement plans. Their slow-burn journey from friends to lovers adds depth and keeps readers smiling throughout.

While the fantasy elements and dragons add an extra layer of excitement, it's the love story that truly shines. Bannen's characters are endearing and add to the story's enchanting charm. Overall, "The Undermining of Twyla and Frank" is a delightful read that promises satisfaction from start to finish.

Thank you to The Publisher Little, Brown Book Group UK | Orbit ,The Author Megan Bannen & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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