Member Reviews

I do love a good psychological triller and the premise for this one was intriguing. A teenage girl goes missing from the posh Westford Park housing estate in July 2024.
After a newspaper article reporting on the disappearance, we go back to 2023, where families are moving into Westford Park. They are all looking for a new start for their own reasons.
The main families are -
Avril Jones (a part-time teacher) and her family - husband Stuart, son Tom (12) and daughter Bethany (15).
Sandy Delahaye (an artist), her son Micky (16), her wife Clare and their daughter Isla (4).
Lily Sanderson (a housewife) and her husband Eric and daughter Poppy (15).
The story draws you in straight away. You want to know what happened to the missing girl and what are all the secrets the residents of Westford Park hold. As you get to meet the characters, there is something a bit dark about each family. They are paranoid and overreact to things. What has happened in their pasts, for them to feel this way?
Westford Park seems idyllic with its clubhouse, swimming pool and gorgeous houses. It looks like the kind of place most of us would dream of living. Yet the continual dark undercurrent throughout the story means we always look out for bad things coming up. It’s an unnerving book to read – in a good way – as you are always waiting for things to change, a threat to appear…
Avril, Sandy and Lily become friends as do their teenage children Poppy, Bethany and Micky. Things seem to be going well for everyone. But there are threats and secrets coming out and a constant undercurrent of paranoia. Can their friendships hold up, when the cracks appear?
A really good read that I enjoyed from start to finish.

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Thank you Netgalley, Boldwood Books and Natasha Boydell for the eArc of The Perfect Home.

Ive read several of Natasha's books and I have enjoyed all of them so far. This one is no exception. The premise of the book surrounds a new gated estate and 3 families that has moved within a few weeks of each other., Each POV is from the mother of each family. All 3 very different lifestyles and personalities but manage to strike up a friendship, and so do their kids. This leads into a twisty, medium paced thriller when one of the teens go missing. Someone is holding a secret, and other got expelled from their previous school because of a rumour.

The first 1/2 of the book is quick a slow burn. You get a really good idea of what both the teen and adults are like, the life and personalities. You see the friendships getting stronger and then the threads fray once doubt starts to set in after one of them goes missing.. The second half picks up pace, being more plot driven and even though the ending isn't a slap in the face, it makes for a very real and relatable ending.

3.75 stars rounded to 4

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I honestly think this was my first novel by this author. It was definetly a treat. This book got 5 stars from the very first few pages! I enjoyed this book a whole lot! This should be a must read for all thriller lovers!

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An enjoyable read. It took me a while to get my head around three different families and who belonged to who, in terms of spouse and kids though!

The three families have moved into a luxury development with security and a community feel (think Stepford Wives), but they all have backstories and secrets, that come out with twisty consequences and some of the twists were fabulous! I totally related to the fears of the mothers, Avril, Lily and Sandy, when it came to their teenagers - I've been there - and their loyalty to their own children created a slightly sinister tension in the women's otherwise close friendship.

The pace was great and the ending was pretty explosive!

3 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, Natasha Boydell and Boldwood for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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I first discovered Natasha and her superb books when I was invited to read and review 'The Fortune Teller' in April 2024. Since then I have been rather impatiently waiting for her second book to be released. Well ladies and gents the wait is over because Natasha's new book is here! Her new book is called 'The Perfect Home' and it was released on 21st June 2024. I thought that her previous book was good but for me, 'The Perfect Home' was even better! I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'The Perfect Home' but more about that in a bit.

I have to be honest and say that I wasn't keen on any of the characters but that's not such a bad thing because at least it meant that I didn't favour one character over the other. I didn't warm to any of them because I got the impression that they were all rather two faced and that the side of their personality that they presented in public was different to the side that they were presenting at home. In that sense, they were a bit like Jekyll and Hyde. I also got the impression that each of the main characters were keeping something hidden and that they would do anything to keep it that way. Maybe that's just my suspicious nature and I have read too much crime fiction where I believe nobody and suspect everybody.

It's no word of a lie when I say that I was drawn into the story from the very first word on the very first page. From then on it was almost as if the book had developed a hold over me and it was a hold that I wasn't going to break. I found it nigh on impossible to put the book down for any length of time. My Kindle was well travelled that day because it went everywhere with me. I couldn't bear to miss a single second of the story. Besides I had developed my own theories as to what was going to happen so of course I had to keep reading to see if I was on the right track or if I had wandered off in the opposite direction. This was one of those books that proved to be rather addictive in the sense that the story stayed with me whether I had the book in my hand or not - if I wasn't reading the book, then I was thinking about it. If I had to put the book down for any length of time then I would immediately look forward to being able to pick the book up again. I was so wrapped up in the story and in the lives of the characters themselves that I didn't realise just how quickly the time was passing and how quickly I was getting through the book. All too quickly I reached the end of 'The Perfect Home'. I found 'The Perfect Home' to be a gripping, tense and dramatic psychological thriller that certainly kept me guessing.

'The Perfect Home' is extremely well written and then some. Natasha certainly knows how to grab the reader's attention and draw them into what proved to be one hell of a story. For me, 'The Perfect Home' was more of a slow burn type of story and as the story continued, the pace of the action gathered momentum. Natasha certainly cares about her characters and this shines through in the very vivid and realistic was in which she describes them. She describes them so well that they seem just as real as you and I. Natasha's characters also have several different layers to their personalities. Reading 'The Perfect Home' felt like being on an at times rather scary and unpredictable rollercoaster ride with several twists and turns along the way. I love the way in which the author makes the reader feel as though they are part of the story and at the heart of the action. That's how I felt anyway.

In short, I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'The Perfect Home' and I would recommend it to other readers. I will certainly be reading more of Natasha's work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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Three families move into the prestigious new development at Westford Park. This new housing estate with its high level security, lively club house, pretty boating lake and secluded woodland offers a new start for all of them as each family is hiding secrets which, if exposed, could ruin everything. Gradually, the ladies, Lily, Avril and Sandy form a close knit bond whilst at the same time their teenage children, Poppy, Bethany and Micky become firm friends. All should be well in this paradise but soon cracks start to appear and when one of the teenagers goes missing tempers start to flare, with disturbing consequences.

I’ve really enjoyed reading this domestic thriller, which looks at the dynamics of a small group of people who each have something to hide. There is much to discover, lots of loose ends which need tying up and more than enough teenage angst to make you ponder just what is going to happen next. The characters are well thought out, some of them I liked more than others but collectively they gel together well, making each of their stories entirely plausible.

The Perfect Home is a great example of showing that despite outside appearances seemingly perfect there are often secrets bubbling under the surface thus making the perfect home something of an enigma. I read the book in one sitting and can well imagine this as an ideal story to take on holiday to read poolside, or when you have an easy afternoon planned in the garden, as once started you won’t be able to stop until the story is told.

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It’s a gated community, surely you’re safe there, but are you? This novel focuses on three families as they move to the exclusivist Westford Park development. Pricy homes, with a swimming pool, boating lake and country club on site. They quickly make friends but it appears that each family has its own secrets and they may soon be exposed. This is a gripping thriller that drew me in from the start. It’s pacy and progresses at speed with a few twists to keep you guessing. Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and the author for the chance to review.

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A wonderful psychological thriller, fast paced, brimming with suspense and mystery. All is not what is seems in the perfect neighbourhood. Three families become fast friends all bringing their own demons with them. The ending was unexpected, but very cleverly executed. A very good book.

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I loved that this book was a tame, domestic thriller. I enjoyed on it switched between the 3 main characters. There were a few red herrings that were a little obvious

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Today it is my turn on the blog tour for The Perfect Home by Natasha Boydell

📚 Book Review 📚

The Perfect Home by Natasha Boydell

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Until the girl went missing, we thought it was the perfect place to live… When we move into the exclusive Westford Park housing estate, we feel safe at last. More like a country club, it has everything we might need – beautiful houses with big gardens, a pool, a boating lake, extensive grounds. It’s also got 24/7 security.

Our new neighbours are lovely too. We start to make friendships that feel like they could last a lifetime.

It feels like nothing could possibly go wrong here.

It’s like our secrets haven’t followed us here.

Or that’s what we think at first…

My Opinion

The Perfect Home is an interesting psychological thriller, that was easy to read. Westford Park has been sold as the ideal place to live but it soon becomes clear that not everything is as it seems. Natasha Boydell drip feeds the reader information to just add to the suspense. For me The Perfect Home did get off to a slow start but it was definitely worth the wait.

Rating 4/5

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I received an E-ARC with a request for my honest review.

This tense crime thriller is set in a new exclusive housing estate called Westford Park, and follows three women who have recently moved in with their families.

The women soon begin a new friendship and start to disclose secrets from their past which have led to them moving to Westford Park.

Westford Park is meant to be a safe place to bring up families, however when a teenager is found to be missing, it results in apprehension and tension arises between the women’s friendship as they try to find her.

What secrets are the women hiding? Will the missing teenager be found?

This crime thriller is tense throughout with the pasts of some of the women causing them to be on edge even though they have moved for a fresh start.

The friendship built between the women was lovely to see, as they wouldn’t be likely to become friends in different circumstances. The same with their children, as they all have their normal teenage insecurities and secrets they are working through.

There are a few light moments too as the women get to know each other and start to have a laugh with each other.

Overall, a tense crime thriller, where a teenager goes missing in new estate meant to be an exclusive and safe place for families.

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3.5 stars rounded up. This is an interesting psychological thriller. It is well written and easy to read. For me, it started interesting but didn’t completely pull me in at first. However, I did hit a point where I wanted to know what happened and didn’t stop reading.

There are quite a few characters and they are mostly well developed. I think we could have learned more about the teenagers since they do play a large role in the unfolding of the story.

Though I found the story engaging and there were definitely twists I didn’t see coming I do not think this book fully delivers as a thriller. I’m not sure I would classify it as such. It was much more character driven than plot driven I think. I found it interesting to see how the many different relationships grew and sometimes fell apart as the story progressed.

Overall, The Perfect Home is a quick, engaging read with some thought provoking elements for discussion. It would make a very good book club pick.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A new neighborhood sells the dream of being absolutely safe and secure.
Lily, Sandy, and Averil become close as do their kids: Poppy, Bethany, and Mick.
Boydell does a good job of slowly revealing the paranoia and secrets of all of them.
Some are insipid and some are egregious.
Personally, I thought all the characters were not very Likable, especially Poppy. Her stunt toward the end was reprehensible.
A place is what you make of it. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t.

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Three families have moved into an upscale neighborhood, each hoping for a fresh start.
Sandy is Mickey’s mom and was able to free them from her abusive ex before meeting and marrying Clare. The two used a donor to have Isla together. But Sandy is always looking over her shoulder, wondering when and where her ex will pop up again.
Lily likes to think her marriage to Eric is one that all her friends envy. But their daughter Poppy knows that outside appearances can be faked.
Avril is anxious to move forward, with her husband Stuart and their son Tom, after being ostracized due to their daughter Bethany being expelled for an apparent bullying incident.
The new upscale neighborhood is advertised as safe and the perfect place to raise a family which is what drew each family in. But when bad things start to happen, each believes it’s their past coming for them. As the women get to know one another better, they also wonder how trustworthy their neighbors really are.
This was a suspenseful and fun read! I always enjoy a story that takes place in neighborhoods where the dirty laundry of the residents is aired. If you enjoy thrillers and other books from Natasha Boydell, you won’t want to miss this four star read!

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The Perfect Home by Natasha Boydle A new neighborhood in an isolated location surrounding a lake called Westford Park has recently opened up as people start moving in the book focuses on three families Avril Stewart their daughter Bethany and son Tom, Lily, Eric and their daughter Poppy and last but not least is Sandy her wife Claire and children Mickey and Easley. Lily and Eric are the best host and the perfect couple, Avril and Stewart are going through a rough patch and have moved to run from their daughter Bethany‘s past and want to make a new start. As far as Claire and Sandy go they’re just there due to the 24 hour security because her son Micky‘s father is a stalker and has recently been released from prison. The first night there Avril is woken up in here sounds like young children being tortured and despite Stewart telling her it was probably wild life her new friend Lillys husband heard it as well. It isn’t long before Sandy Avril and Lily become close friends as well as their teenagers Micky Bethany and poppy Lily is very overprotective and despite Avril’s happiness at their daughters close friendship Lily doesn’t know how far she should let it go especially after Avril shares a private confidence with her and Sandy about Bethany but to keep the peace Lily says nothing. Sandy starts to question the 24 hour security when she feels her husband is stalking them again and when Claire hires a private investigator she learns he lives close by with the ruins their whole reason for moving there and when she sees a guy who seems to always be around poppy that looks familiar to her she starts to worry and wonder if she should tell Lily that soon Poppy goes missing and because Lily uses confidences as ammunition when angry their friendship goes up in flames most importantly however what happened to Poppy? Even though Poppy doesn’t go missing until like the last 20% of the book there’s a lots of drama in the interim that kept me glued to the pages even when they find out what happened to her in my opinion isn’t really the big wow moment of the book and they have many OMG moments, especially the epilogue. This was a really awesome book in the few things I have put in this very long review isn’t even half the story I don’t know if I’ve read a book by Natasha Boydle before but I am definitely a fan now and will remedy that problem immediately. This is a great book with hardly no eye rolling moments I thought Avril was a great mom as well as Sandy I thought Lily was overprotective and I don’t trust anyone that uses private intimate secrets as ammunition whenever things don’t go their way and that’s exactly what she does Avril and Sandy are better woman than I am because I would not have excused her behavior nor wanted to be her friend again. Having said that this is a great book that I definitely definitely recommend. I want to thank Boldwood books for my free arc copy via NetGalley. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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3 women have moved their families into gated community Westford Park in a quest to feel safe. When they meet each other and form a friendship group, each one has her own reasons for needing this acceptance - her own secrets. When the daughter of one of the women goes missing, everyone’s secrets are threatened.

The Perfect Home was full of twists and had great pacing and characterisation. I was kept guessing right to the end, even after the situation had (allegedly) been resolved. The POVs of Avril, Lily and Sandy were easily distinguishable from each other but I would have liked a bit more insight into the children’s mindsets, given that. In fact, the conclusion was the one aspect of the story that seemed slightly too far fetched for me to give a full 4 stars - I was really rooting for it up to that point!

3.75 stars rounded up

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'The Perfect Home' captivated me from beginning to end. It was a fast-paced read, brimming with unexpected twists and turns. I highly recommend it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my ARC.

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Welcome to Westford Park. An exclusive new gated housing development, with a pool, a clubhouse, a boat house, round the clock security, and newly moved in residents who all have secrets they are hiding. When one of the teenage residents goes missing, the secrets start to unravel. What has happened to Poppy, and who is really to blame?

This is the first novel by Natasha Boydell that I have had the pleasure of reading. From the very start we know who has gone missing. It then goes back in time and we get to meet all the characters, and slowly find out what secrets they are all hiding. The main characters, and there individual family dynamics, are well developed. It's a well thought out and captivating read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for providing me with an advanced digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Perfect Home by Natasha Boydell focuses on three different families that have just moved to the exclusive Westford Park housing estate, The community has beautiful houses with big gardens, a pool, a boating lake, extensive grounds. It also has 24/7 security, which is why most of the families have moved there. The mothers of the three families quickly form a close friendship, and their children do as well.

As time goes on, the security is more lax than expected and weird things start happening, concerning the families that their secrets are not as hidden as they think.

Natasha Boydell does a great job of quickly establishing the different characters and each family dynamic is unique, making it easy to determine which POV you are reading.

The friendships felt a bit forced, with the author telling us they were close without showing us that they are close. The ending also seemed a bit rushed, trying to tie together all the loose ends. However, overall the story was well done. It was fast paced, an easy read, and does all the things a good domestic thriller should do.

Thank you to NetGalley, Natasha Boydell, and Boldwood Books for the ARC.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC! This book was pretty enjoyable. It hooked me right away and it was easy to follow what was happening. I did find the ending a bit anticlimactic, though.

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