Member Reviews

Do not get me wrong, I did enjoy this book, especially as there was an unexpected plot line straight from the get go. However, I just feel as though reading a book set in World War Two straight after reading another book set in World War Two (The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas) was not a particularly good idea on my end…

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Beverly Hills, California and Christie's auction house is about to sell the belongings of Hollywood star Vivian Snow and her great-granddaughter is there and looking for answers. Included are a collection of postcards sent to the actress over sixty years and drawn by Antonio Trombello, he was an Italian soldier, POW, catholic priest, and Vivian’s best friend.

When We Were Enemies is the author's previous book and if you have read it you would know how Vivian knew Antonio, and they shared a special connection and he saved her life and unborn child.

Vivian Santini grew up in Edinburgh, Indiana, she sings at the local USO club and here she meets her first husband Tom Highward. When he goes either missing or AWOL, Vivian has to support her family, she travels performing with the Music Corporation of America and entertaining American troops and uses the stage name Vivian Snow and eventually becomes a famous actress. Vivian life becomes complicated and busy, and she's embroiled in romances and scandals and while juggling motherhood and paying the bills for her mother, father and younger sister Aria.

I received a copy of When We Chased the Light from NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing in exchange for an honest review and author Emily Bleeker and I feel she's achieved what she set out to do in her second book, and that's fuse Vivian's life all together and create a page turning narrative. A historical saga about fame and fortune, being ambitious and how it influenced Vivian's choices, image and having to stay beautiful, motherhood and guilt, mystery and secrets, unconventional friendship and relationships and the reason behind those hand-drawn postcards which are featured at the beginning of each chapter of the novel and listed as lot numbers at the auction.

Five stars from me, I highly recommend When We Chased the Light and Ms. Bleeker’s first book When We Were Enemies and it would be a great idea to read one after the other and the narrative will be less confusing and perfectly entwined and despite being classed as standalone novels.

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It would of been nice if there was a book 2 next to the title but nonetheless When We Chased the Light was a beautiful and emotional story.

I was captivated from beginning to end. Vivians story It's story about love, friendship, family, self worth, guilt, and so much more. Usually after reading the same book for a week, I start getting antsy and looking at the progress percentage in my kindle...this was never the case.

I was so enthralled in Vivian's life story. Her story. The Ups and Downs and everything in between. It's a Definite recommend.

Thanks lake union and Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own and isn't influenced by anyone else

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When We Chased the Light follows Vivian Snow’s rise to fame in Hollywood. The story starts in 1943 during World War II where Vivian is a USO showgirl traveling the world. As the stories moves on from the war into the following decades we travel along with Vivian as she falls in love, begins acting in movies with some of the most famous actors of the time and carves out a life that most would dream of. Every other chapter also features a postcard from Antonio Trombello, an Italian priest, who’s been Vivian’s confidant and friend for many years, and maybe even more than that…

Vivian wasn’t always the most likable character with some of the decisions she made. She wasn’t very active in her daughter’s early life because she had to travel a lot for her job, leaned a little too much on her younger sister for support and had a habit of picking bad men to be in her life. But these flaws also made her character very much human. I did feel bad for her at times, especially with all the loss she had to go throughout the book.

It was also my first book by Emily Bleeker and from what I gathered her book When We Were Enemies is supposed to read first but without having read it myself yet I think When We Chased the Light works perfectly as a standalone too. I don’t think there was much I missed, if anything, though I would like to read When We Were Enemies too at some point.

When We Chased the Light was a beautiful, emotional and at times very heartwrenching story. Emily Bleeker’s storytelling and prose shone throughout the book and made it quite the page-turner. I know historical fiction fans, especially those who enjoy WWII fiction as well as the decades that followed it, will devour this novel.

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When I requested this book I didn't realize it was a continuation of a previous novel. Nonetheless, I was overly thrilled with it...didn't care for the characters or particularly the story line. Not every book is possible to like even when reading the "summary." Yet, thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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What a lovely was captivating from beginning to end. It's story about love, friendship, family, self worth, guilt, and so much more. Usually after reading the same book for a week, I start getting antsy and looking at the progress percentage in my kindle...this was never the case. I was so enthralled in Vivian's life story.

I'm so very thankful for this ARC.
Thank you and well done Emily Bleeker

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I struggled to connect with this book and found myself rushing through it. I wasn't able to fully invest in the characters and as a result I kept forcing myself to pick it up. I found themes around the human condition relatable and enjoyed much of the narrative, however it just felt like the spark was missing :-(

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“The little girl processes grief like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower, taking sips of the sadness but mostly remaining in flight away from the loss. I worry what will happen when her wings are tired and she has to sit in the heartache she’s running from.“

Whoops - didn’t realize this was a sequel or addition to WHEN WE WERE ENEMIES, which I haven’t read, and read it anyway! However, I wouldn’t say it is essential to understand WHEN WE CHASED THE LIGHT by Emily Bleeker. {Thank you to Lake Union Publishing for an eARC to read and review!}

This WWII-based story reminded me of Evelyn Hugo - you get a Hollywood star and her rise to fame, her multiple love interests and troubles, motherhood, etc. I will say it took me awhile to get into this book - but once it picked up, I really enjoyed this more domestic drama, set within a historical context. Additionally, I didn’t every really root for our heroine - I mostly wanted to shake some sense into her, but then had to remember she was certainly a product of the time.

WHEN WE CHASED THE LIGHT is out on October 22 - so plenty of time for you to pick up WHEN WE WERE ENEMIES first!

CW // infidelity; interpersonal violence; war; captivity; sexism; assault; mental health and institutionalization; death of child; pregnancy and miscarriage; poison

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I love to read anything about Old Hollywood. The glitz and the glamour. But as I read more, I realize there’s a dark side too. The story is told from Vivian’s POV and from letters from her friend, the priest, Father Trombello. It details Vivian’s rise to fame, the things she does and endures to be famous and to care for her family. The letters from Father Trombello are part of an estate auction after Vivian has died. The epic story follows the decades of Vivians life. Ups, Downs. Love. Secrets. Living and dying. Definitely recommend!!

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Emily Bleeker’s *When We Chased the Light* is a captivating love story that unfolds over a lifetime, weaving together the threads of passion, ambition, and the complexities of human relationships. This novel is not just a tale of romance; it is a profound exploration of how love can shape our lives, influence our choices, and endure through the trials of time.

The story centers around Vivian Snow, a Hollywood icon whose life is marked by both dazzling success and personal struggles. From her early days in the limelight to her later years of reflection, Vivian’s journey is one of resilience and self-discovery. The narrative beautifully captures the essence of her character, allowing readers to witness her evolution as she grapples with fame, family expectations, and the weight of her past.

Whether you are a longtime fan of Bleeker’s work or a newcomer to her writing, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression. Prepare to be swept away by a tale that is as addictive as it is profound—one that will linger in your heart long after you turn the final page.


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Vivian Snow is the daughter of Italian immigrants who goes on tour with the USO during WWII. She using her brains, beauty, and talent to turn her stage presence into post-war opportunities with the Hollywood studio system so that she can send money home to take care of her institutionalized mother, disabled father, younger sister, and Vivian’s daughter who is being housed and taken care of back in her childhood home. The pressure of taking care of her family factors into all of the decisions she makes.

The story follows Vivian through her rise in Hollywood. Interspersed between the chapters are postcards she’s received from her dear friend, a priest she met in her hometown when he was being held in an Italian internment camp and before she leaves on her USO tour. Together, they share a secret that could ruin both their lives, and this bond forges a friendship and love between the two of them that transcends almost every other relationship they have throughout their lives.

Vivian’s story is one of triumph and hardship, success and sacrifice. I didn’t always relate to Vivian and her choices, but I did like the glimpse into old Hollywood and what it was like for actresses both heralded and trapped in the old studio system.

When We Chased the Light picks up Vivian’s story where When We Were Enemies leaves off. I did not know there was a related first book before reading this one. I think it can work as a stand-alone story but in hindsight wished I had the chance to read the book that came before to get a better sense of Vivian’s development as a character.

Thank you to Lake Union and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Picking up where When We Were Enemies left off, this brings us back to Vivian Snow’s story.

The pacing here is slower; it brings you where it wants you to be but takes its time getting there. I found it to be an engaging sequel, and one that reads easily.


Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the DRC

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Coming into this story blind (I wasn’t aware that it was a sequel until I read the acknowledgements!), I found myself immediately enchanted by Viviana Santini. Her narration is clear, heartfelt, intense and at times heart wrenching. A story that spans a lifetime is never an easy one to tell, but Emily Bleeker achieved it with grace and empathy for her protagonist, while confronting some of the hard truths about Old Hollywood that real movie stars faced, many of which still plague Hollywood today. Vivian Snow sparkled on the stage and on the silver screen, but it was her real name, Viviana Santini, that captured my attention and who I cared about fiercely while reading her story. I’m excited to go back to read the first book in her story, to see where it all began.

If you’re a lover of historical fiction, Old Hollywood, romance, or drama, this book is for you. My only regret with this reading experience is that I wasn’t on a California beach or in the Italian countryside to enjoy the vivid beauty of those places that Emily painted with her words.

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Emily Bleeker's When We Chased the Light tells the story of Vivian Snow, a Hollywood actress who comes to fame during World War II, and the tragedies that darken her life. It is a moving tale of love, friendship, and the lengths we go to protect those that we love. I didn't realize until I read the author's note at the end of the book that the main characters were originally introduced in Bleeker's earlier book When We Were Enemies. I wish I had read that book first, because I had a hard time understanding how Vivian Snow became an actress. Perhaps the first book would have helped with the character development? However, I don't think it's necessary to have read the first book to enjoy this one.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review; all opinions are my own.

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I didn’t realise before I started this that there is another book featuring these characters (when we were enemies) which I think might supply some of the detail I felt was missing from Vivian’s story. But I was fascinated by Vivian herself as a character and her response to the various situations she finds herself in. The glimpse behind the glamour of life as a Hollywood actress, how women were treated by men in that era was thought provoking and well handled. I definitely want to go back to read the previous book and see more of these characters.

I was given this copy by Netgalley to review.

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Thank you to NetGalley, author Emily Bleeker, and publisher Lake Union for providing me with a digital ARC of in exchange for my review.

I started reading this book without knowing that 'When We Chased the Light' continues Vivian Snow's journey from 'When We Were Enemies.’ The narrative begins and ends in modern times, but the core of the story delves into the past, focusing on the enduring friendship between Vivian Snow, a former USO performer turned Hollywood star, and Antonio Trombello, a Catholic priest who supported her through her darkest moments and remained her steadfast friend, confidant, and advisor.
The book traces Vivian's personal and professional highs and lows, portraying her moments of joy and success alongside periods of hardship and difficult choices. Antonio, observing all facets of Vivian—her flaws, strengths, and aspirations—strives to guide her towards her best self. However, his proximity to her challenges his role as a devoted priest serving God.
Set against the backdrop of cutthroat Hollywood in the 1940s, the narrative also explores societal expectations for women and touches on themes of grief, mental illness, and the profound and enduring nature of their lifelong friendship and love. Overall, I found their story engaging. 3/5

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I received a complimentary copy of this book "When We Chased the Light" and all opinions expressed are my own. I didn't realize that this was a part of the book When We Were Enemies. I gave that one a 2 star. This one was along the same lines. Overall okay.

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A hauntingly beautiful story about a young Italian, American girl, and an Italian POW priest. Yes, that’s right and on the face one might be prone to shock. What we learn throughout this story is that Vivian, a Hollywood Star, and Father Trombello share trust and forgiveness as well as deep love. Their unconditional friendship as well as their accepting each other fuels their attachment.

We follow the relationship from WWII to 1998 and witness the trials Vivian must endure. The death of her first husband, Tom, and the part in which fatherTrombello played begins their connection. Throughout her personal life and career his advise was there to bolster her resolve.

The last chapter is a heartbreaker and made me think of The Gift of the Magi.

I learned in the acknowledgments that this is a sequel to another one of Emily Bleeker’s novels, When We Were Enemies. Looking forward to reading more about Vivian and her family.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union for the advance copy.

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A lovely story about Hollywood, secrets, fame, and the unconditional acceptance of our loved ones. I loved the characters and their development in this story. I loved getting to know them and root for their successes.

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I received this from Netgalley for an honest review. This book transported me back to regal Hollywood when stars could be untouchable and full of secrets. Vivian's life is tragic, complicated and sometimes the biggest highs for her. This takes us a journey of love, determination and strength. A great read!

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