Member Reviews

Thanks netgalley for an advanced ARC of this graphic novel

Reading this was very interesting and hit on the crazy that was a thing back long ago called the satanic panic which lastest a while, making this story around that has been an interesting read and I could of read more because I was glued from page to page... the story ending I did see coming a mile away but I still found it a enjoyable and Engrossing read (I think insaw the ending coming because I have read to many books and watched to many movies haha 😄). It was relatively fast Paced with learning about the main female character and how she has been running most her life not just from living in the world but from her past, her self and also what she was afaird she would become if she let go into any of it.

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Houses of the Unholy is a chilling crime thriller from the creative duo behind Reckless, Criminal and Night Fever, writer Ed Brubaker and artist Sean Phillips, that had us hooked from the very first page.

An FBI agent from the cult crime beat and a woman with a past linked to the Satanic Panic are drawn into a terrifying hunt for an insane killer hiding in the shadows of the underworld. Can you ever escape your past, or are all your bad decisions just more ghosts to haunt you, wherever you go?

Before we even opened Houses of the Unholy we knew we were in for a ride. The combination of the creative team and the stunning cover art gave us hope for another smash-hit from Brubaker and Phillips. Within the first few pages we were captivated by stunning artwork. Brubaker and Phillips once again have proven why they are considered one of the best creative teams in the industry. Brubaker's creative writing are perfectly paired with dark and gritty illustrations from Phillips.

In addition to the stellar artwork, the panels were perfectly laid out along with wonderful design. From the use of orange tones to tell different parts of the story to the use of flashbacks to delve into Natalie's complicated past brought the entire graphic novel together for a truly top-notch reading experience.

Houses of the Unholy's combination of Satanic elements along with a FBI investigation made for a truly suspenseful crime thriller. While not a rollercoaster ride, there is just enough twists and turns to keep us guessing while not taking away from the flow of the story.

Fans of Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips will have no choice but to experience Houses of the Unholy, but even if you have never had the chance to read comics by this creative duo this one is worth taking a chance on for sure. Houses of the Unholy has a gripping storyline, breathtaking artwork, and unforgettable characters that will haunt you long after the last page is turned.

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Loved this graphic novel. Anything Satanic Panic is super interesting to me so this seemed right up my alley from just the description.
The art is great and the colour palate of reds really worked with the story.

The writing was enjoyable, I liked the flashback elements of the story, seeing how the past and present are intertwined. It was interesting to see the focus on how the Satanic Panic might influence the children involved in their later lives.

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Not sure if the art was compressed in it, but it looked off.

There is a lot of telling in this book, and I can't tell if the things I didn't like about it I was supposed to equate to the weed. The end was abrupt and almost everything was guessable. Yet I got wrapped up in it anyway? I dunno.

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Very fun graphic novel with a horror underlines. Character development is good and dialogue flows nicely. Fun and engaging graphics. The ending leaves you wanting more.

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While I appreciated the take on Satanic cults, I cant' say this was my absolute FAVORITE story pertaining them. I loved the artwork and the flow of the story.

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Thank you NetGalley and Image Comics for the early access to this book! This was my first graphic novel and I loved it! I was hooked into the story from the start. My only wish is that it was longer! I feel like a lot was left unsaid, hopefully there's more parts to this.

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When I saw Brian K. Vaughn and Joe Hill giving this one praise I obliviously needed to pick it up right away! This one did not disappoint! The art style was fantastic - moving from full color to more of just reds/blacks/yellows when talking about the present and past was amazing. The entire story reminded me heavily of a modern Salem Witch Trials. The Satanic Six were just like the group of young girls that started to point fingers at fellow villagers accusing them of witchcraft. I wonder if the authors drew that parallel as well. I highly recommend adding this one to your TBR!

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Mysterious, bloody, religious horror!
The story follows Natalie Burns, a child victim of the Satanic Panic in adulthood
During a bounty hunt she is stopped by FBI Agent West on a secret mission to track down whose murdering the Satanic Six. Six children who accused a school/church daycare of practicing cult like rituals on the children.
With only 3 of the 6 left and Natalie convinced it was all made up to begin with, she must work Agent West to find the true killer and solve the mysterys of her past

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Houses of the Unholy is a graphic novel by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. It tells the story of a woman who, as a child, was involved in a Satanic Panic trial. She now makes her living retrieving lost children. When her friends from childhood start dying, she’s contacted by an FBI agent to help track them down.
I wasn’t really sure what I was getting into with this one, but I am an Ed Brubaker fan, so I’ll give anything he writes a try. Surprisingly, it was an easy story to fall into. If you like Brubaker, you should have no problem getting into this.
The artwork by Phillips suited the story perfectly. It was dark and moody.
If there was any downside to this book, it was the ending. Not that it was bad or out of place, it just seemed to be abrupt.

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I love how easy it is to sink into that luscious Brubaker style, it's like the start of an old noir movie with a sexy-voiced narrator. And the art is always reliable. This story just wasn't that great though, and what is it with Jacob Phillips and his obsession with pink. I just don't quite feel right about his colour palette.
Somehow the pacing felt off on this, like it should have been longer or shorter. And the end was a bit meh. But I still always enjoy this partnership, even if the colouring isn't my favourite.

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Devoured this, such good shocking twists.

I didn’t quite understand the ending, and feels that it lets it down a little. Overall a 4 star read for me though, as I was hooked.

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I'm a big fan of Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips collaborations - I honestly feel they are what Riley Sager aspires to be, but their execution is always on point. Even when it's not top tier great, like in the case of Houses of the Unholy, you still get a terrific story.

Houses of the Unholy doesn't hit as hard as their more recent collabs, Where the Body Was and Night Fever (the latter being a top fave of mine). Brubaker likes leaving the audience questioning but I felt in the case of this newest book, that's all it was, question after question. I loved Night Fever for the surrealism and dream-like quality of the story, which is also present here, but just doesn't satisfy in quite the same way.

But I still loved my time with it. It reminded me of an episode of The X-Files, where you're left wondering just what is real and what is fiction. There is no happy ending, just a continuation of what already was.

I don't imagine this book ending up on a many Best of Brubaker+Phillips lists, but I can see a small but strong fanbase for it. It feels like something Hulu would turn into a film haha

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Another knockout by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips! I'm not surprised that this was as great as it was. This two are killer together. Natalie was one of the poster children during the era of Satanic Panic and we watch as her adult life unravels. Everything she knows is called in to question. She can trust nothing and no one. This was deliciously dark and full of sarcasm. I would be very interested to read a second installment!

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For years now, Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips have been putting out amazing graphic novels that blur the line between different genres, and in Houses of the Unholy, they turn their gaze to the aftermath of false childhood Satanic Panic accusations and see our now grown-up heroine teaming up with an FBI agent to save the surviving members of her "Satanic Six". I wish it had been a little bit longer as the conclusion came really fast and hard and I would have liked a little more. Nevertheless, a four-star Brubaker/Phillips book is still better than most five-star graphic novels out there.

Special thanks to Image Comics and NetGalley for the digital ARC. This was given to me for an honest review.

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When I first read the description for this, I was really excited. The team behind Reckless taking on the Satanic Panic of the 1980s? Seemed like a can't miss idea. And this isn't bad. But it is kind of a disappointment. Natalie Burns was one of the "Satanic Six," a group of children who got mixed up in the whole Satanic scare/implanted false memories thing that happened in the mid 80s. Some people lost their jobs, at least one committed suicide, and eventually the authorities came to their senses, with proof that the whole thing was imagined. But now, many years later and working as a cult deprogrammer, Nat is tracked down by a rogue FBI agent who tells her that at least 3 of the six have been killed in the past couple of years, with one definitely a Satanic-inspired murder (the others could have just been accidents--or were they?). The two of them set out to find the remaining 3 members of the group and...(no pun intended) all hell breaks loose. Brubaker is a great writer and Phillips an excellent artist and when the two of them are working together and the project is firing on all cylinders, I don't think there's a better creative team in comics. Unfortunately, the way things go here, this story just didn't work for me. I was disappointed in how things wrapped up. I will still be looking forward to whatever they do next (hopefully, more Reckless?).

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There’s nothing like a good old fashioned cultist horror story, and this was that: GOOD. I could have happily spent another 150 (300, 500, 1000…) pages with Natalie Burns and her quest to figure out just what the hell is going on. The structure of present day and flashback sequences are timed perfectly and so much fun. The art is extraordinary, I’m in awe of the lettering, the inking makes for exciting shadow play, and the coloring lends perfection to the atmosphere. Every aspect of the book is fantastic. *Chef’s Kiss* I’ll be getting myself (and a few friends) a physical copy as soon as this terrific terror is released!

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First I would like to thank Image Comics for allowing me early access to this book.

I've said it before, but I'm a huge fan of the Brubaker - Phillips tea, and this new standalone confirms it.

Here they operate in a new setting, 80's horror. The story is centered around the satanic panic and conspiracy theories in general.
I found the tone and the art style particularly adapted to this subject.
I also found here all I love about their previous work, the tragic characters, the gritty world, the twists and turns of the story, the almost open ending.

It was a short but great read and I definitely would recommend.

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I love it that the veteran Deans, the veritable GOATS, of Crime Comics, Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, wit colorist Jacob Phillips, having established their niche in comics history, have decided to try something different, eighties horror, in their stand-alone graphic novel, Houses of the Unholy. Okay, their Fatale can be characterized as horror, with its femme fatale and monsters and mystery, and one volume of the series, subtitled The Devil’s Business, actually dealsin part with Satanic Cults. And To Kill or Be Killed just may feature a demon, depending on your reading of the story. But this is a full frontal dark (to match our even darker times?) forway into the world of Satanic Cults, and a departure from their ongoing Criminal series.

The work is still recognizably Brubaker and Phillips x2: The writing is terrific, with twists and turns, the story proceeding out of text boxes throughout. And it does still involve crime. The art is obviously the father-son Phillips team, and yet they are trying a different tone, a different style, different colors, to fit the different genre, and the crazier story.

Natalie Burns was one of six kids in her community acusing adults of satanic rituals and abuse--there were actually something like 12,000 cases against adults, ruining many lives, so it really was a kind of panic--when she was little. Now she makes up for it by working as a PI rescuing kids from cults. But an ex-FBI agent comes to her to tell her that of the 6 original accusers, two are dead, and she is in now in danger. The plot involves her brother, too, and it all goes crazy, turning in on itself. Maybe a little too crazy for me, but hey, this is the genre, too!

This book looks to the past with reference to The Salem Witch Trials with its focus on the conspiracy theory of 1692-3 that led to the murder of many good people in a small community. All dismissed as lies afterwards. See, too, Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, for a story of the trials, written as an analogy to the early 1950’s commie “witch hunt” led in part by Senator Joseph McCarthy. It also makes reference to eighties and nineties cults and their insane leaders drawing victims into their hysterical muck and mire.

It also looks to the present, as all good horror does, in referencing the damaging effects of conspiracy theories in 2024 society.
Of course the Satanic Panic is not an original theme, with lots of folks writing about it, from Grady Hendrix to Stranger Things to you name it. But this is a fine addition to the bunch, so no big complaint here. It has a kind of hysterical over-the-top-ness to the conclusion that is both dark and a tribute to the horror genre, so it was both scary and fun. I get it that tastes will differ.
*The title, kids, is a reference to Led Zeppelin’s 1973 album, Houses of the Holy.

Thank you to NetGalley and Image Comics and the authors (who are not my personal friends but I nevertheless want to have a beer with them; sure, I’ll buy!) for an advanced copy of Houses of the Unholy in exchange for an honest review. It hits the shelves on August 27, 2024.

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Dark subject matter abounds in Houses of the Unholy, a brisk graphic novel that tackles trauma surrounding the Satanic Panic of the 1980s. When a woman whose childhood was caught up in the collective psychosis is confronted violently with her past, she and a rogue FBI agent are forced to track down the sinister forces behind the plot.

This is a quick read, and many elements of the story (and ending) are left purposefully vague which may be offputting. However it is overall an intriguing and page turning mystery that offers plenty of dread.

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