Member Reviews

I received an ARC from Ylva Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Lee Winter is a fan favorite in the sapphic world and “The Red Files” started it all. It’s a rivals-to-lovers, political intrigue romance that kept me up late reading.

Lauren King is busy writing gossip stories when she stumbles her way into a life-changing story. Not only is life-changing for her career, but her personal life gets a change-up when she’s stuck working with her arch nemesis, Catherine Ayers.

The banter between Lauren and Catherine is entertaining and enjoyable. They love to rile each other up and do it well. Truthfully, all of the dialogue is fun between all the characters. It’s one of my Lee Winter favorite things, how well she does dialogue.

The political intrigue/mystery part was well done and obvious Winter put a lot of thought into it. There were many times I had no idea where it was going. Having read “Chaos Agent” and “The Fixer” earlier in the year I’m even more impressed. There were ties that started with this book that are tied up in those.

The only thing I wasn’t completely sold on was the romance. This felt like the romance took more of a backseat. I don’t know if it’s because Lauren and Catherine already knew each other when we meet them or what; but I just feel like their emotional connection wasn’t quite there. While they have great chemistry, I wasn’t sure why they actually liked each other. So, I would’ve loved more scenes that showed that side more.

Also, I don’t love Lauren, she’s not terrible and I don’t know if it’s because she’s a “country girl” but I found her a little off-putting. Catherine, on the other hand, was my favorite and I had a hard time seeing why she’d give a second look to Lauren.

Luckily, there’s a sequel that helps out on the romance front…I’m still not sure where I stand with Lauren but alas…

Overall, this is one I’d definitely recommend.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!! I actually finished this forever ago but I did a reread and it still hits for me!! I love Lee Winters!!

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Gripping political intrigue and two very feisty journalists that get the sparks to catapult of the pages. More than rightfully, The Red Files is a classic!

I received an advance copy from Netgalley for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Lauren King is not where she thought she would be. She dreamed of being a hard hitting political journalist by now, instead she withers away writing fluff stories about Hollywood parties at the L.A. Daily Sentinel. To make matters worse, her office life is made worse by the former Queen of political journalism Catherine Ayers. Ayers, once at the top of her game, has been demoted to a role as Hollywood columnist after one of her breakthrough stories turned out to be a sham. Spat out and stepped on by Washington D.C., Catherine now seems to get the most satisfaction in belittling Lauren with snide remarks. But Lauren, wouldn’t be Lauren, if she didn’t give as good as she gets, Ayers doesn’t seem impressed though. That is until they stumble onto a new story of political corruption while both attending a party. The two women end up working together to reveal a scheme so terrifying, it makes them the targets of those who don’t want their dirty laundry aired. All the while Lauren gets to see more and more of Catherine Ayers than the cold hearted front she always puts up. Lauren is in danger of falling under Catherine’s spell. That would be inconceivable. Right?

Now I know, I know. I should have read this book ages ago, but somehow life and other books kept getting in the way. I could not be more hyped that I finally dove into this classic. So if you’re like me and haven’t actually read it yet, set aside every other task on your to do list and dive in head first.

Lee Winter is the queen of ice queens. She has proven to be worthy of that title with every one of her books that I’ve read so far and The Red Files surely delivers on that front. Catherine Ayers is a terrific ice queen: bold, cold and uncompromising but also hiding a vulnerable heart that longs to be loved. Although she is presented as a bitch in the beginning, Catherine shows her humanness more and more, especially with Lauren. Lauren is the one component Catherine didn’t count on. Lauren breaks through her walls, most of the time unknowingly, while working close together with Catherine. Lauren’s ability to don’t take crap from the ‘Caustic Queen’ is unmatched. Yes, she has no experience in her field to match Catherine’s and yes, she didn’t grow up with family money, but her eagerness, talent and feistiness make more than up for all that. Lauren proves she is Catherine’s match in more way than one.

The interactions between Lauren and Catherine are hilarious. They are pros in getting under each other’s skin with biting remarks and withering retorts. It’s so much fun to watch and it’s even more fun to see Catherine slowly accept the hold Lauren has over her. Of course Catherine wouldn’t be an ice queen if she made it easy for Lauren, now would she?

I promise you, once you pick up this story you won’t be able to put it down. The intrigue is exceptional, the dialogue devilishly witty and the fire burning between these two heroins will surely leave a mark on your heart. In this case, do as I say, not as I do. And by that I mean, don’t wait another second to read this story!

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Lauren King and Catherine Ayers work in the LA-based newspaper, Daily Sentinel, reporting about parties and gossip. Since they met, Lauren and Catherine dislike each other. After a suspicious situation that they both observe at a party, they attend to write about, they join forces to investigate what could be a first-page political scandal that could make Lauren be taken seriously at her job for the first time and give Catherine a chance to show that one failed story in her past doesn't mean she lost her touch. As they travel together and investigate the mystery involving the government of Nevada and a new business, they slowly get to know each other. The Red Files is a page-turner novel. The mystery is well-developed, each new step in the story makes you more curious to understand what is happening. The relationship between Lauren and Catherine develops at a great pace. There are great supporting characters as well. Winter's writing is superb as always. This book is for anyone who enjoys a great mystery and sizzling romance.

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Lauren King is a young journalist in LA who's been relegated to covering galas and parties. She often attends the same functions as Catherine Ayers, the gossip columnist, who was demoted from DC bureau chief by the son of the paper's original publisher who is now in charge. Lauren and Catherine have a combative relationship, continually sniping at one another (with great and fun dialogue!). Then at one function, Lauren discovers some irregularities that leads her to start investigating and ultimately she and Catherine begin working together, taking a road trip to Nevada to follow leads.

This enemies to lovers book braided with political intrigue is a highly engaging read, the debut novel of the author who's become known for her ice queen characters. As a debut, it's outstanding and highly recommended.

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Ambitious Daily Sentinel journalist Lauren King is chafing on LA’s vapid social circuit, reporting on glam, A-list parties while sparring with her rival—the formidable, icy Catherine Ayers. Ayers is an ex-Washington DC political correspondent who suffered a humiliating fall from grace, and her acerbic tongue keeps everyone at bay. Everyone, that is, except knockabout Iowa girl King, who is undaunted, unimpressed and gives as good as she gets.One night a curious story unfolds before their eyes: One business launch, 34 prostitutes and a pallet of missing pink champagne. What on earth does it mean? King and Ayers join forces but they might find a lot more than just a passion for news on the dusty road to Nevada.

Excellent writing, brilliant story. I loved these two characters. Lee Winter writes THE BEST ice queens. The chemistry between King and Ayers is so much fun to watch. I'm not sure if it was the plot or the romance that kept me flipping the pages, but I flew through this one in two days. Highly recommend this, and looking forward to reading more from this author!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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I found this to be suspencefull. it was a ok read. i thought that there were a lot of writing errors through out the book, like use doubble words.

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This author does not disappoint!

I've read some of Winter's prior works and I love that she has mastered the ice queen trope. I loved the characters and the story and wanted it to keep going! Will be looking for more from this author.

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After reading The Villains series, I planned to eventually read this one but never got around to it. I'm glad I finally did. I really enjoyed this investigative journalism, enemies to lovers mystery. I especially loved the quick witted dialogue tinged with humor between the characters. The main and supporting characters were all fully fleshed and that made this a joy to read.

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The Red Files by Lee Winter is a mystery jam packed with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing until the end. Add a spirited dash of romance as two unlikely characters, down to earth Lauren and ice queen Catherine, develop feelings for each other and you have a recipe for a story that keeps you glued to the pages.
In true Winter's form, there is lots of humor as the characters reveal their true selves, serving to add a level of realism and authenticity to the story. The supporting characters are truly unique and each one adds value to the story and depth to the MC's.
Well written and enjoyable!

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Lee Winter… Everybody told me that I simply had to read her. And I’d added a number of books onto my TBR pile. Goodness knows why I waited so long to get to any of them. As it happens, I just started an audio of another of Ms. Winter’s books when I bumped into The Red Files on NetGalley. Well, yes please, I’d love a peek at those!

An earlier novel in Lee Winter’s career, The Red Files didn’t hit with me immediately in the way one of her more recent books, the one I first read (listened to) did. This features the common tropes of opposites attract and ice queen, but for me, in the opening chapters, I felt the two girls were too far apart in their stories and scenes together.

Of course this is Lee Winter, and I quickly learned that I should have no fear about how the story will progress and pull me into it. Even if you feel similarly to me (tho you likely won’t cos I was probably comparing one Lee Winter book I loved with this one, but too early) and it feels like you need a few chapters to get into it, then hang in there because the journalistic investigative mystery on its own sustains the story. Within the plot the romance is weaved within, this is a slow-burn romance, and I promise you that you’ll enjoy it all the more for that. That’s not always the case for me, but most definitely was here.

Lee Winter, I’ve found, writes flowing prose and inter-character narrative and dialogue that fully sparkles. By the end of the story, I was utterly in love with both girls and their journey to each other, and I immediately procured a copy of the sequel, which I think is recommendation enough, right?

4.5 stars bumped up to 5 because it climbs higher and higher the more you progress through the pages, and by the end, Lee Winter leaves you panting for more!

Thank you to the author, to Ylva Publishing, and to NetGalley for the chance to read this and give my honest opinion.

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Ode to the ice queen and boy does Lee Winter write a caustic one. Lauren King, aspiring political columnist, currently an entertainment journalist attending parties and writing about glam. Catherine Ayers, ex-Washington DC political correspondent, waiting out her contract and possesses a biting tongue. There is a mystery and Helen works with Lauren to solve it. The interaction between the two is interesting as well as funny. It is their dialogue which makes the read intriguing and having the reader wondering what is going to happen next.

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Lee Winter's back catalog is such a hit machine. Can't wait for the 2nd book to come in the mail. I want more of this dynamic duo.

Thank you to Ylva Publishing and NetGalley for providing an eARC for an honest review.

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This novel: SO good! This is book one of a two-book duology, and also a 4-book series (made up of two, 2-book duologies; almost confusing!). I recommend reading all 4 (and the short story that follows this novel) because they are all amazing! This novel also works just fine as a standalone, so a reader could start here and if they decide they don’t want to read the next 1-3 novels they wont be left on a cliffhanger.

There is a lot to hype up about this novel. A lot of things I loved. In “short” form:
-The writing of course, was incredible. Lee Winter is rapidly becoming one of my favorites and I was happy to take this opportunity to read some of their older work. The quality of the writing is an independent element from the plot, and both are a huge success in this novel.
-The romance plotline was very well done. It took great advantage of the very slow-burn and allowed the relationship between the characters to build slowly, organically, and believably. Add in a year of history between the characters and the romance development was very satisfying. The characters worked very well together once it happened, which was surprising and satisfying!
-The trope usage! So much packed into these pages, without anything feeling forced or cliché. I saw slow-burn, ice queen, opposites attract, enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, hurt/comfort, forced proximity, and a road trip!
-The characters felt REAL. The amount of backstory for the characters that was packed into the novel (particularly Ayers) was very satisfying and resulted in deep and complex characters that were satisfying to read. The character development throughout the novel was excellent and worked with their backstory to great results.
-The spicy content was on-point and very well done!
-The mystery was well done and kept me engaged the entire time. I’m not sure if this was supposed to be a romance, mystery, or thriller, and I don’t care because they succeeded on all fronts.
-There was the perfect amount of action. More plot and action components than a standard romance novel, but it wasn’t over the top. The action elements were utilized very well to add to the romance and other story elements, instead of just existing for their own sake.
-I loved the side characters. They were very well done and contributed in a significant way to the plot while also working to advance the development of the main characters. I loved how Winter appeared to use cliché stereotype (which is bad) but then gave them more depth and made them feel like real people (which is good!). In reality I suppose some people do have sassy gay BFF’s after all!

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I am still fairly new to Lee Winter’s as an author and am making my way through her catalog of books. The Red Files is a top notch story about two investigative journalists. Laurel King is the newish reporter from the midwest. She is paying her dues at the Daily Sentinel covering the LA social scene. A rival reporter for the same newspaper is Catherine Ayers. She once was a star Washington DC political correspondent and bureau chief. After a story goes wrong she is demoted and is riding out her contract covering A-list parties. The pair are often at the same gatherings.

At a launch for a new startup they both catch a whiff of a possible story. Thirty-four prostitutes are brought in for eye candy at the event from Nevada as is a pallet of very cheap pink champagne. The two agree to work on the story together which has them following leads to Carson City. A lot of the story is investigative work as trails slowly lead places, people go missing and someone is on their tail. Ayers is a typical ice queen that Lee Winter’s loves to write. She has tough walls she keeps up to not get hurt. I like that Lauren is not an ingenue. She is talented, only not as experienced. The pair have a hard time reading each other and trusting.

I love the chemistry of this slow burn, age gap, ice queen, mystery romance. The story was originally released in August 2015. I received a digital copy from Ylva Publishing via NetGalley but was surprised when I realized I recently purchased the book at my local queer book store on a discount table. The cover is different and I didn’t make the connection. Now I’m going to have to get my hands on the sequel.

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I read this book in a day - I could not put it down. It had everything I love: ice queen, a midwest transplant to LA (hi, it's me), mystery, and heart. I will say, I'm a sucker for romance and would have like to seen it more explicitly in this book. This is a true slow burn book, I have to admit I like a little less slow burn but it worked for these characters.

I do truly think this is some of the best ice-queen writing I've ever read. I haven't read another Lee Winter book yet, but you can bet I'll be reading all of them now.

Instead of a crazy long review, all I can say is read this book. If you appreciate amazing characters, romance, and mystery you will not be disappointed.

Thank you for the ARC via NetGalley for review.

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Catherine Ayers has become one of my favorite ice queens of all time. She's caustic, witty, intelligent, and unapologetic. Lauren King is honest, charming, quirky, and the perfect person to melt Catherine's ice. Their journey is so much fun to be a part of. The dialogue is sharp, the descriptions are detailed, and the characters are multidimensional. Catherine's character arc is phenomenal. What an amazing book! I can’t recommend it highly enough!

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This story evoked every emotion imaginable from me. As I delved into its pages, I found myself on a a crazy ride of mystery, intrigue, romance, and betrayal. The intricate world of reporters and the gritty landscape of journalism come alive, immersing you in a web of deceit and ambition. Each twist and turn of the plot is expertly written, keeping you on the edge of your seat with anticipation. Winter's storytelling ensures that every moment is filled with tension and excitement, making it impossible to put the book down. From the adrenaline-fueled chase for the truth to the tender moments of connection between characters, every aspect of the story is meticulously detailed, drawing you deeper into its spell. It's a journey that will stay with you long after you've turned the final page, leaving you craving more. If you're looking for a gripping and immersive read that will captivate your imagination, look no further.

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Five stars for this one!
I cannot wait to read more of Lee Winter’s work! She is an extraordinary talent and to say that she spins a good yarn is an understatement to be sure.
I loved this book and will definitely be re-reading it to catch all the breadcrumbs of clues to the mystery that I missed this time around along with other details I may have overlooked. I’ll be glad to re-read the antics of the characters and to laugh, snicker and snort in every chapter again; this was great fun to read!
The relationship between King and Ayers makes for entertaining reading. Acerbic Ayers and sassy King make a wonderful pair (like oil and water or gasoline and a blowtorch) as they collaborate in investigating the bizarre goings on at a Hollywood party they attend along with a colourful group of Hollywood celebrities, wannabes and politicians. Banter between King and Ayers is snarky and caustic, the kind that can have beverages burning their way out your nose so use caution if you’re prone to this happening while reading something hilarious or outrageous.
The mystery is complex and intriguing, often unpredictable, but the pieces gradually come into view ready for assembly by King and Ayers. Supporting cast are easy to imagine and often eccentric characters, dialogue is frequently laugh out loud funny, and the depiction of politicians and Hollywood stars and wannabes makes for a superbly fun read.
There are hints in the writing that the author has a background in journalism, from setting the story in part in a newsroom and having several characters work in that field down to the headline style chapter titles that pique interest and curiosity in the reader, as if to say ‘what does this have to do with the story?’ and having the answer come in a totally unexpected way. The intersections of celebrity, journalism and politics make for an explosive mix with plenty of intrigue, suspense and hilarity; Lee Winter clearly knows how to balance all the elements masterfully.
I highly recommend this book to those who love a good mystery, the quirky world of celebrities and their relationship to the press, or anyone who just loves a good laugh. If the best elements of a movie of television show were combined in book form, it would look something like this I think. I would love it if these characters were featured in another story at some point in the future.
(Reviewed January 28, 2017)

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