Member Reviews

First off let me tell you how I screamed in excitement when I saw I was approved for this book!! This is my first Jeneva Rose book but I have followed her on TikTok for a long time and I love her. So thank you NetGalley and Jeneva Rose and Orion for the opportunity to read this ARC.

Beth is the eldest sibling of three who has been caring for her dying mother while her younger brother, Michael, lives his rich life far away and her younger sister Nicole is a junkie and hasn't been to see her mother in years. Their father disappeared years ago and no one can get in touch with him. So after their mums death the three siblings reconnect and Michael and Nicole come back to their childhood home to lay their mother to rest. While clearing out their belongings they happen upon a VHS home video which starts off at a fair but ends in a murder. Now they have to figure out if this is why their father disappeared and how did they not know or realise what had happened.

I really enjoyed this story. I did manage to figure out the killer before the end but I was a good bit in before I was certain. I enjoyed the different viewpoint chapters and how the characters were written and overall would recommend this to anyone looking to read a whodunnit.

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Home Is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose is an engaging and fast-paced domestic thriller about family secrets and sibling dynamics.
In general, I liked the book and storyline and it kept my interest all the way through but I wasn't excited. I wanted to love this book because I love the cover (US one) but something was missing.
I had a strong suspicion about the final twist. I didn't know how but I knew who.

I loved the sibling relationships! It felt so realistic! Good dynamics between good and bad, right and wrong, rich and poor.

Beth, Michael and Nicole, three estranged siblings, get together for mothers funeral. All supposed to be straightforward but it's not as mysterious actions pop up in one of the childhood VHS. This raises a lot of questions and they are ready to find out what happened in the summer of 1999 but are they ready to deal with the truth?

Thanks to NetGalley and Orion Publishing Group for this copy!

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Fabulous domestic drama. Great writing style.
Three siblings who each have there problems discovering there parents secrets.
I really didn't guess the outcome.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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Read in under 24 hours! Could not put it down! This book has everything you could ever want in a book! Well written characters, an engrossing storyline, twist, turns and a jaw dropping ending. I've not read any other books by this author yet but I certainly will in the future.

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Beth has been looking after her terminally ill mother and when she passes, her siblings return to their family home. Michael has moved away and made it in the tech world but Nicole has suffered a drug addiction. All of them remain affected by their fathers disappearance 7 years earlier. In clearing out the house, they stumble upon a home video and towards the end, they see something that will change their future forever and leave them questioning everything.

The secrets and lies and past betrayals were many in this one and it was just action from the beginning! While I did have some sense as to part of the mystery that was uncovered, so much remained a surprise until the very end. What a sensational novel! 4.5*
Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for this gifted copy.

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Home is where the bodies are
By Jeneva Rose

5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
(I would give a million stars if that was possible! Miss Jeneva Rose, you are something special!)

My goodness where do I even start!?…

This book was chefs kiss from start to finish!! It had absolutely everything and more that you could possible want in a thriller book; unique storyline, a mystery in the first chapter, plot twist after plot twist, multiple POVs, dual timeline, mixed media, even a cheeky little second chance romance sprinkled in there just for good measure!

After reading a countless amount of thrillers over the years, usually I’m pretty good at guessing plots and can call things before they happen but there was not one bit of this book that I saw coming! It has officially taken the top spot for my favourite ever book!!

This is the first book I have read by Jeneva and I fell in love with her writing style right from chapter 1 and have since added all the rest of her books to my TBR. I will be living in a Jeneva Rose bubble for the foreseeable!

I would recommend this book to everyone and anyone. Even if you don’t like thrillers you will still love this book. There’s just something about it. I never re-read books as I don’t see the point but I already know I’m going to be re-reading this one very shortly, it’s just that good.

Thank you to NetGalley, Orion Publishing Group and the fabulously talented Jeneva Rose for this ARC in return for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review

I loved this book! Even though I successfully predicted one of the twists, there were still more that genuinely surprised me. I enjoyed having multiple POVs, which added more layers to the story and pumped up the intrigue. Around the central plot - three siblings discovering a terrible secret about their parents - there were also themes of grief, strained familial relationships and the regret of lost love.

Overall a very easy read, entertaining and mysterious enough to keep me turning the pages.

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this was my first jeneva rose book and it did NOT disappoint!! i was hooked from start to finish and binged this in one night. i did not see the ending coming at all!!

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What would you do if you discovered a dark family secret? This is the dilemma facing estranged siblings Beth, Michael and Nicole. Of the three, Beth is the only one who remains close to the family home in Wisconsin and she’s the one that hears their dying mothers incomplete deathbed confession. Michael arrives first from San Jose, having stayed away for years, whilst addict Nicole is in a mess in more ways than one. Later, when the will is read they’re all in for a number of surprises. Not only that but in a desperate attempt to recapture some nostalgia from happier times, they watch some videotapes. They choose one from 1999 which shockingly shows their father covered in blood and there’s even worse to come. Does this have anything to do with the disappearance of their father seven years ago? Whatever will the three of them do?? The story is told in dual timelines and in four narratives.

I’ve been curious about Jeneva Roses’ novels for a while and I’m impressed, especially with the quality of the characterisation. All of them are flawed to a greater or less a degree and therefore not necessarily likeable but that does add another dimension to the tone of the novel.

There are several layers to the story telling such as the relationship between the siblings and the family dysfunction as well as the mystery of the confession and what’s on the tape. This family are the very epitome of dysfunction and this is a very effective part of the plot.

The storytelling is lively and visual, in fact, this would make a great movie or miniseries. The four points of view and the dual timelines work really well allowing secrets to bubble to the surface organically, deepening the intrigue. It’s all told at a quick pace, it’s easy to read with plenty of dramatic tension. There are some twists which pull you up sharply and which I don’t foresee. The conclusion is good, perhaps a tad overdramatic but it is exciting and that’s what counts.

Overall, my curiosity is more than satisfied and I’ll happily read other books by this author.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Orion Publishing Group for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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I'm not a fan of domestic thriller but something in the blurb attracted me and I wanted to read this book.
It's fast pace, not very long and I think it's more the portrait of a family and how secrets broke the relationships and the member.
A sister who acted as care-giver to her dying mother, a sister who's addicted, a brother who's very proud of having left and being a wealthy techno-guru.
There's secrets, there's murders in the past. It starts with a bang and it closes with a bang even I guessed the culprit quite early in the story.
Well plotted, I liked the description of the relationships amongst the family member and I think it's the strongest part. The mystery was a bit weak but the excellent storytelling kept me reading.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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