Member Reviews

If you're a fan of historical mystery novels then this is for you. I loved the story, the characters, the setting and the pace was just right. I really enjoyed this one. I highly recommend it.
❤️ Thank you to storm publishing, netgalley and the author for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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historical-novel, historical-places-events, historical-research, historical-setting, history-and-culture, cozy-mystery, winter, Scotland Yard, murder-investigation, grieving, mutilation, murders, amulet, due-diligence, working-partners*****

The war in the Crimea damaged everyone who lived through it, including Scotland Yard Inspector Sebastian Bell and nurse Gemma Tate. They were associated in the first book in series and she turns out to be in danger in this one as well. The story opens with the gruesome murder of a reporter who maintains a lifestyle by blackmailing an assortment of people. Another victim is claimed by the same killer about halfway through the investigation. The characters are all very engaging and the background of a class of people who are just barely keeping body and soul together adds to the realism. The plot has some slow spots but is excellent.
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from Storm Publishing via NetGalley. Thank you!
Available Jun 24 2024
#TateAndBellMysteryBk2 #MurderatTraitorsGate #NetGalley #HistoricalMystery

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I enjoyed the sequel to The Highgate Cemetery Murder and the historical setting of 19th Century London. All of the information about the Crimean War and Florence Nightingale and other nurse's work (and the barriers faced) is fascinating and skillfully interspersed in discussion of Gemma's (one of the main character) life. Without going into so many details as to give spoilers, the investigation of this murder revealed lots of details that were scandalous (at least at the time) and the drama of the twists and turns of the investigation is really well done. I was not completely surprised at the solution to the mystery, but also didn't predict it from the beginning.

While this is a series, there is enough background information that it could be read as a stand alone book. However, I enjoyed reading the series in order especially noting how the characters' relationships develop. Looking forward to the next installment!

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Historical drama set after the Crimean War. Gamma and Sebastian team up to solve some gruesome murders.

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Irina Shapiro’s Murder at Traitors’ Gate, the second installment in the Tate and Bell Mystery series, transports readers to a wintery, Victorian London where suspense and intrigue are as pervasive as the fog. This historical mystery offers a compelling blend of richly drawn characters, intricate plotting, and atmospheric detail that is sure to enthrall fans of the genre.

The plot revolves around Gemma Tate and Sebastian Bell, whose paths cross once more amid the chilling backdrop of a London winter. Gemma, a former nurse with a new job and address, is eager to leave her past behind. However, the brutal murder of journalist Jacob Harrow, who has ties to the Crimean War, drags her back into a world she hoped to forget. The investigation takes a personal turn when Gemma's friend and fellow nurse from Crimea is also found murdered. As the body count rises, Inspector Sebastian Bell, typically a solitary investigator, realizes he needs Gemma's insights to solve the case.

Shapiro weaves a masterful plot filled with twists and dark secrets. Each clue unearthed by Gemma and Sebastian leads them deeper into a web of betrayal and danger. The investigation is compelling, with historical nuances adding depth and authenticity to the narrative. Shapiro’s meticulous attention to period detail enhances the story, making Victorian London come alive with its atmospheric settings and societal norms.

Character development is a notable strength of Murder at Traitors’ Gate. Gemma Tate is a formidable heroine, her experiences in the Crimean War providing her with resilience and a unique perspective on the unfolding mystery. Her determination and courage make her a relatable and inspiring protagonist. Sebastian Bell, with his methodical approach and inherent loneliness, complements Gemma's character, and their partnership is one of mutual respect and burgeoning trust. The supporting cast, from journalists to fellow nurses, is well-crafted, each character adding layers of complexity and intrigue to the story.

Fans of historical mysteries will find much to appreciate in this novel. Shapiro’s writing is vivid and evocative, capturing the essence of Victorian London in all its grim beauty. The cold, wintry setting enhances the sense of foreboding and urgency that permeates the book. The historical backdrop, particularly the references to the Crimean War, adds a rich layer of context and makes the stakes feel both personal and significant.

Moreover, Murder at Traitors’ Gate explores themes of trauma, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of justice. The emotional scars borne by Gemma and her fellow veterans are handled with sensitivity and depth, adding a poignant dimension to the mystery. The interplay between past and present is deftly handled, with each revelation bringing the characters closer to the truth and to each other.

Murder at Traitors’ Gate is a standout entry in the Tate and Bell Mystery series, showcasing Irina Shapiro's talent for blending historical detail with riveting suspense. With its well-drawn characters, intricate plot, and evocative setting, this novel is sure to captivate readers and leave them eagerly awaiting the next installment. Shapiro has crafted a mystery that is both intellectually engaging and emotionally resonant, making it a must-read for fans of the genre.

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I love a nice, gritty historical mystery and this series is shaping up to be a favorite. Can’t wait for the next installment!

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This second installment in Irina Shapiro’s Bell and Tate mysteries has me solidly in the fan camp. I enjoyed it even more than the first book.

Sebastian and Gemma’s relationship, both professional and personal, developed nicely over the course of the story. Drawing in a character or two from the previous book, it weaves together Gemma’s experiences as a nurse in the Crimean War with the repercussions of secrets shared in the face of death, and the betrayals that followed.

It was twisty enough to be almost unputdownable, and while I did figure out the conclusion a bit in advance, it didn’t spoil the reveal for me. I did knock off one star for the grisly aspects to the killings. While not overly graphic, they’re not for the squeamish.

I look forward to the next in the series.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This books was amazing! It loved it. A cute romance intertwined with some suspense. I definitely would recommend it.

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It's great to catch up with Gemma and Sebastian. Shapiro’s latest entry in the Tate and Bell murder mystery series is a compelling read. The author does an outstanding job of weaving in plenty of clues and red herrings that will leave you guessing until the final reveal. Highly recommend. I hope this will be a long running series.

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Shapiro’s latest entry in the Tate and Bell murder mystery series doesn’t fail in its promise to be a compelling read. Inspector Bell is called to a grizzly scene where a well-known and well-disliked journalist has been stabbed and hung on a meat hook, at the Tower of London’s Traitor’s Gate. Further, his tongue has been cut out, sending a clear message that he must be silenced. A second murder shows indications of similar treatment and all clues seem to lead back to ties with the Crimean War and the nursing and surgical staff of Scutari hospital. Nurse Gemma Tate is desperately trying to put those dreadful memories behind her, but agrees to help Bell, and even does some investigating of her own. This is Shapiro’s second book in the series and is a terrific read. I would recommend it to lovers of historical mysteries, especially those set in London, and wait eagerly for a third book, which I, for one, hope is in the works.

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Historical Mystery set in London 1858 about a nurse and a police inspector team up to investigate the murders of a journalist and a fellow nurse with ties the Crimean War.

5/5 stars: This is the second entry in Shapiro's Tate and Bell Mystery series, which is a Historical Mystery set in 1858 England and is written in dual POVs featuring an unconventional nurse and a troubled police inspector who wind up working together to investigate the murders of a journalist and a fellow nurse who both have ties to the Crimean War. With plenty of twists and turns, Shapiro has crafted a mystery that deftly balances the suspects and weaves in plenty of clues and red herrings that will leave you pondering the whodunit until the final reveal. Additionally, Shapiro's writing and character work are excellent; the characters are well-rounded and complex while remaining incredibly likable. It's great to catch up with Gemma and Sebastian. Gemma's tough and trying to put her experiences in the war behind her and Sebastian's relatable with his grief over his wife and child's deaths. Additionally, the secondary characters are engaging and well-rounded. I really appreciate Shapiro's exploration of the aftereffects of the Crimean war on the men and woman of the time. Shapiro tackles some sensitive topics, so take care and the CWs. While you could read this as a stand-alone, you'll gain so much more by reading the series from the beginning; so be sure to pick up book one, The Highgate Cemetery Murder.

I received this eARC thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing in exchange for an honest review. Publishing dates are subject to change.

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A great weaving of narrative and time periods which worked excellently. Sebastian and the male view and the male privilege is an interesting view point of the murders and how to get through life and make the most of the role. It isn't necessarily easy but it is easier. Gemma, is nicely contrasted, the areas she cannot go, the doors that are closed to her and the harder steps to move forward are showcased. All of this runs through and under the murder investigation which is itself is a fascinating look at the impact of war and the links that are made overseas and at times of great peril.

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Irina Shapiro's Murder at Traitor's Gate is the second volume in the Tate and Bell historical mystery series, which are definitely past "cozy," but not thrillers in terms of the blood and the psychological horror.

Tate is Gemma Tate, forced to settle in to a new life after the death of her brother with whom she lived. She's now renting a room in a strict and none-too-inviting boarding house. She's also begun work at an orphanage where she is not too get too close to the children because they shouldn't get used affection because there will probably be very little of it in their lives. Emma is uncomfortably wavering between remaining distant and offering the children the kind of affection they're desperate for. Geem is recently back from Scutari, where she worked as one of Florence Nightingale's nurses, so she has seen far more suffering and lives lost for no purpose than most women of her time.

Bell is Detective Inspector Sebastian Bell of Scotland Yard. His pregnant wife was killed in an incident connected to a prior case, and Sebastian's sense of justice and his depth of despair are both in evidence. At the Yard, his direct supervisor runs hot and cold, more concerned in public appearance than in taking the necessary investigative steps to find the perp, wherever, wherever those steps may lead. Sometimes he's the golden boy (man, really) other times he fears losing his job—and perhaps being forced to return to the U.S. to join his estranged brother on the family farm.

Sebastian and Gemma crossed paths in the first volume in this series, and she helped him solve an important case. Now there's a new case that appears to involve a number of people who served Scutari during the Crimean War, so once again he's turning to Gemma.

The case begins with the murder of a newspaperman and branches out from there with a growing cast of villains and victims. The situation, as it does in such novels, is growing more and more dangerous for Gemma and Sebastian by the day. And there seems to be a bit of a romance developing between the two, though neither is fully honest about their feelings.

This is one of those books that gets more involving as it approaches the end, and I found myself doing the "just one more chapter" thing far later into the night than I should have. If you're looking for a good summer read that is more-than-cozy, you'll want to check out Murder at Traitor's Gate.

I received a free electronic review copy of this title from the publisher via NetGalley; the opinions are my own.

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This was even better than the first one, I couldn’t put it down!

Sebastian is investigating the murder of Jacob Harrow, a journalist and an acquaintance of the late Victor Tate. His reasons to speak to Gemma about the case are flimsy at first (he just wants to see her🤭) but it quickly turns out that she really can help.

Maybe it’s because I knew what to expect in terms of the dark setting or maybe the slow-burn romance balanced out the heavy details, but this book seemed somewhat lighter than the previous one. It still was dark, but there was also a touch of hope.

The mystery was exquisite, the story flew seamlessly and was easy to follow despite its complexity. Trying to put together the clues and solve the puzzle was a lot of fun and it was incredibly satisfying that I actually got it right. 🎉

As in the first book the working class of the Victorian London and the city itself were depicted in a very realistic way. It provided a captivating historical background which didn’t overshadow the story and this is what I love about historical fiction.

I can’t wait for the next book!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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A gritty Victorian mystery with a dogged detective with his own burdens. It’s nice to find a historical mystery that’s neither gruesome nor cozy but nicely in between. I thought there was too much telling, but I was entertained overall.

This is second in a series and I found it easy to get caught up. The description and series title mention Gemma first and as an equal partner, but she doesn’t even appear until nearly %20. She’s not an equal POV character and is essentially a plot device. I’d rather her not be a POV character at all if we only get a few scenes from her. It’s called Tate and Bell, but it’s definitely Bell’s story. Fortunately, despite the odd narrative choice, I liked Bell and I’ll read the one teased at the end of this book.

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When I saw that this book was coming out, I was really excited to read it! I went back and edited my review of the first one to let people know how much I must have liked it.

I have very similar thoughts on this one, which is a very similar book. It opens with a prologue that gives readers some inside information on the murder before it gets to Detective Sebastian Bell, and then the story begins with the finding of the victim. This murder wasn't quite as disturbing as in the first book.

The rest of the book is Bell figuring out the case along with some help from new friend Gemma Tate.

The novel reads well, with excellent detailing about London in the 1850's. It's well-paced with strong dialogue. I love the main characters, Bell and Tate, and the rest of the characters are fleshed out and round out the story well. The author gives you all of the information so this can read as a standalone, but it's worthwhile to read the first one before this. It provides a much clearer picture about the main characters, what they have dealt with, and why they might be drawn to each other.

As in the first book, I can't say I was surprised at who the murderer was. I can only say it was surprisingly mundane, in my opinion. For most of the book, I was left guessing. Toward the end, it became fairly obvious. I don't want to give any spoilers, but the clues, as they came out, all pointed in that direction.

I still enjoyed it immensely and look forward to the next installment.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for an advanced copy for review.

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"Murder at Traitors’ Gate" is the second installment in Irina Shapiro’s Bell and Tate series. Inspector Sebastian Bell and nurse Gemma Tate are in London in 1858, combining their skills to bring a murderer to justice. The crime happens early, and we spend the rest of the book immersed in Victorian London: loud and smelly, with massive inequality, no respect for the police, and very rigid rules for women. Bell and Tate work well together, and his regard for her shines through. It’s an excellent, taut, atmospheric mystery that drew me in right from the start.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Inspector Sebastian Bell and nurse Gemma Tate return and in another mystery every bit as compelling as the first book. Journalist Jacob Harrow (antagonist from 'The Highgate Cemetery Murder') is found dead outside Traitor's Gate with his tongue cut out. Sebastian delves into Harrow's past, including his stint in the Crimea War, which puts him back in contact with Gemma, who also served in the war.

Set in 1858 London, I found myself so immersed I could almost smell the stench. This is a where there are rigidly narrow rules for women. Gemma and her nursing colleagues are considered immoral. Now living on the precipice of poverty in a boarding house and working in a hosptial for orphans, the toll of loneliness and grief weighs heavily. Delightfully, the chemistry between Sebastian and Gemma is developed. Both of them are nursing grief and trauma, but, importantly, Sebastian views and treats Gemma as his equal. If I had any complaint it would be that there was not enough Gemma., I'd like to see more of Sebastian and Gemma working together as crime-solving partners

The mystery had me glued and I am eager for the next book already.

Thanks to Storm and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Having thoroughly enjoyed the first book in this series, I was eager to read the next one. And it was just as good. After a particularly gruesome murder, it is clear to Sebastian that there are links to events in the Crimean War, hence , the need to consult Gemma. I love the old fashioned sleuthing in this, no DNA or mobile phones. There are a few twists and turns as more information comes to light, until finally an attack on Sebastian clears the air, and gives Gustav the cat a starring role. The depiction of the plight of women at the time is sensitive and honest. The burgeoning relationship between Sebastian and Gemma is a treat, and I am keen to read the next book in the series. Many thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an ARC, this is my freely given review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC of Murder at Traitor's Gate in exchange for an honest and independent review.

Irina Shapiro has done it again in her second Tate and Bell Mystery series! I was so excited for the second installment of this one and was shocked (and excited) when it came out shortly after the release of her first book, which was a favorite of mine and quite outside of the realm of what I normally read in the best way possible.

A short time after the conclusion of the first novel, Gemma Tate and Sebastian Bell have found their way into each others atmospheres a second time in order to solve another murder that has roots going all the way back to Gemma's days in the Crimean war where she served as a nurse. When Jacob Harrow, a journalist with a history rooted deeply in Crimea as well, is brutally murdered and put on display at Traitor's Gait as a message to all, Sebastian has no choice but to seek out Gemma and enlist her help in weaving their way through a complicated list of suspects all shielding their own secrets and wrongdoings from the light of day.

Things escalate quickly when Gemma's friend and long time nursing acquaintance from the war is also brutally murder in a similar fashion. Suddenly, time is of the essence in tracking this killer before Gemma too finds herself in harms way with her ties back to Crimea and her association to those who have been murdered thus far.

I don't want to give too much away on this one, BUT I can declare that this second installment is headed exactly where I had hoped it would after the conclusion of the first novel. Sebastian and Gemma's characters are just impossible to not love and their play off each other just draws you in and keeps you wanting more. Gemma is a strong, intellectual and independent woman in mid 1800 London and I'm loving it. Sebastian has his demons, and he's working through them with the help of Gemma and the companionship they've built with each other. The end of the second book has the perfect set up to the start of the third installment, which will be out later this year and I AM SO EXCITED! I continue to be such a fan of these and I cannot wait to see what Shapiro comes up with for the next one. Make sure to pick this one up June 24th (and the first one as well if you have yet to read it)!

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