Member Reviews

An enjoyable, warm and humorous novel of two sixty something sisters who embark on a Mediterranean. Ideal beach read especially for avid cruisers.

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When Jo, who is enjoying retired life with her husband Eddie, wins a free cruise she invites him. Eddie encourages her to invite her recently widowed sister along on the cruise. Her sister has been depressed and lonely since her husband, who was a cruise captain, passed away. Once on the cruise, they meet new friends, enjoy new adventures and all documented by the handsome French photographer who has taken a shine to her sister Diane.

This was a fun read. I enjoyed their adventures on the cruise and all the fun they got up to during the cruise. It also spurred them on to make changes to their lives.
Thanks to @boldwoodbooks, @rachelsrandomresources, @netgally and the author for this ARC

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Great premise but the writing is awful and the characters are one dimensional at best. I do not recommend this book.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I enjoyed this book.

Jill wins a 10 day cruise, all expenses paid, and her husband, who doesn’t want to go, but stay at home and build something in the garden, advises her to invite Diana instead.

Whilst on the cruise, the two sisters think about the way they’re living their lives now, and about the changes they want to make.

The story was funny, touching and warm.

I loved the characters, you throughout their story make it clear that you’re never too old for fun and to learn new things.

I highly recommend this book.

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Maddie Please's "Old Girls On Deck" is a delightful, feel-good read that delivers laughter and warmth in equal measure. The story follows two sisters in their sixties who, after winning a cruise in a competition, embark on a journey that proves retirement and widowhood are far from being the end of their stories.

The novel shines with its humorous and uplifting narrative, showcasing that life after sixty can be filled with adventure and joy. The sisters' escapades on the cruise are both exciting and engaging, making it easy for readers to root for them from start to finish.

Please's writing is refreshing, offering a much-needed representation of older women as vibrant and adventurous. "Old Girls On Deck" is a testament to the idea that age is just a number, and it wonderfully captures the essence of living life to the fullest, no matter your stage in life. A solid four-star read, this book is perfect for anyone looking for a heartwarming and hilarious escape.

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I’d been genuinely looking forward to reading this book and was delighted to dive right in. Jill’s lacklustre marriage sounded rather depressing, and I wanted to see her find her spark. What better place to look than on a cruise? However, her husband is not on the same page, so she turns to her sister Diana, whose late husband was a cruise ship captain.
Jill is full of life but weighed down by the failing connection between her and her husband, Eddy. Clinging on to the memories of their relationship, she is determined not to see all those years go to waste. Eddy is comfortable in his ways and sees no harm in staying close to home and completing a project that he’s been talking about but never started. It seems to be a familiar theme amongst retired people.
Diana had withdrawn from life since the death of her husband, Casper, and my heart went out to her. Her life had revolved around his work, and we soon learned the extent of that. Joining the cruise is the catalyst for the siblings finally opening up to each other and being totally honest about their lives.
As the story progressed, I genuinely had no clue which way the character’s stories would arc, but I knew that their futures were in safe hands with this author. The two siblings’ characters were beautifully developed, and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing their metamorphosis along the way. There are plenty of supporting characters who introduce a wealth of material to the main story, and I think that Lady Evelyn provides the perfect balance for the comedic moments.
With plenty of laughs and moments for reflection, this fabulous book restored my faith in life after work. I’m certainly looking forward to what my retirement may look like, but not yet.

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I adored this humorous yet incredibly real tale about two sixties sisters traveling on a cruise together. Several ideas came to me as I was reading the narrative. Why are women beyond, say, sixty years old becoming virtually invisible? Given that I was born "in the second half of the last century," I find it understandable why books featuring "older women" are so well-liked these days. For example, I adore Joanna Nell's works, and I believe I've discovered a new favorite writer in Maddie Please. writers who just craft humorous, engrossing novels with a surprising depth and fantastic older female characters.
Despite being sisters, Jill and Diana believe they no longer have much in common. Jill is contentedly wed to Eddy, a dependable but somewhat dull husband, and Diana is a captain's widow. a cruise ship captain. She has therefore traveled throughout the globe multiple times with her spouse, taking in the experience and the landscape. There's more to that, too, as Diana discovers when she travels alone that traveling with her spouse has never been more labor than pleasure. Jill gradually comes to see that although Eddy isn't particularly daring, he is kind, dependable, and diligent, and they genuinely love each other.
In any case, Maddie Please excels at characterizing travelers of all stripes. The people that just take cruises in order to boast about them to their friends, the ones that truly want to travel to as many fascinating locations as they can, and some who simply want to live a peaceful life free from the burden of housework and grocery shopping. I occasionally had to put down the book to wipe away tears of laughing. If Maddie will continue to write. Kindly make reservations for me.
Thank you for providing this review copy, Bold wood Books and Netgalley.

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I loved this funny but also very true story about two sisters in their sixties, going on a cruise together. While enjoying the story, a few things sprang to mind. Why is it that women over say, 60 years of age, are becoming more or less invisible? Being born ‘in the second half of the last century’ myself, I think it’s no wonder books with ‘older women’ are so popular nowadays. I just love Joanna Nell’s books for instance and I think a found a new author to love in Maddie Please. Authors who simply write engaging and funny stories with some unexpected layers and wonderful female OLDER characters.
Jill and Diana may be sisters, they think they have not much in common anymore. Jill is happily married to Eddy, a reliable but slightly boring husband, and Diana is the widow of a captain. A captain on a cruise ship. So she’s been around the world several times, enjoying the voyage and the scenery with her husband. Well… we learn that there is more to that, because Diana realizes, now she’s on her own, that travelling with her husband was always more work than pleasure. Jill slowly realizes that Eddy may be not very adventurous, he’s sweet, hardworking and reliable – and they love each other a lot.
Anyway, Maddie Please is a master in describing travellers of all kinds. The ones that only go on a cruise because they want to brag about it to their friends, the ones that really want to see as much interesting places as possible, and the ones that just want to lead a quiet life without having to bother anymore about cleaning house and doing the shopping. Every now and then I had to stop reading to wipe tears of laughter from my face. I’ve never been on a cruise and I don’t really want to, but you know what? I see the same type of travellers when I take the ferry to Hull to go and visit one of my favourite cities: York. So it’s very cleverly done – and since I’m going to York at the end of this year, I fear I will have to try and keep a straight face because I will be thinking of this lovely book.
This will not be the last Maddie Please book for me.
Thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for this review copy.

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I really enjoyed this book. It’s a delightful, heartwarming read relating the escapes of Jill and her widowed sister Diana. Jill wins an all expenses paid 10 day cruise and her husband Eddy suggest she invites Diana to go with her because he wants to stay home and build a patio. Warm, funny and poignant with engaging characters, it reminds us that you’re never too old for fun, romance and to learn new things. It also made me want to go on another cruise!

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Old Girls On Deck by Maddie Please Focus is on Jill and her sister Diane both retired and in their 60s, Diane still mourns the loss of her sea captain husband five years on. This is why when Jill wins a 10 day cruis she invite Diane to go with her. Diane is no stranger to cruises after all her husband used to captain them but at first she is reluctant to go until Jill finally convinces her. on this cruise magical things happen and before it’s over both women especially Diane will feel like a new her. At first Diane is admired because of her husband Casper who was a captain for many years and respected by many people and it seems they all want to meet Diane especially after she is on Dix cruise line show but not everyone is interested and Diane because of him or at least not when it comes to the French photographer Rafeal he’s even there when the ladies missed the boat and have a little adventure in Italy. I loved that Jill started missing her husband there was so much a great nurse to this book it was so nice reading about women who had fun and didn’t have to sleep around with every Tom Dick and Harry to have a great vacation. I love MaddiePlease‘s books and although this wasn’t as good as some of her others it is still so worth reading. For some reason I am having a hard time describing what this book is about just know they go on a cruise and learn new things about their self and each other the sisters become closer they meet great friends learn to line dance and it is just an awesome way to pass an afternoon.#BoldwoodBooks, #NetGalley, #MaddiePlease, #OldGirlsOnDeck,

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"Old Girls On Deck" by Maddie Please is a delightful contemporary novel centered on two sisters in their sixties who embark on a cruise, where they meet an octogenarian who shows them how to enjoy life. The story emphasizes that aging doesn't mean settling and encourages living life to the fullest. One sister, a widow of five years, learns to step out of her late husband's shadow and embrace her own identity, while the other sister, with her newly retired husband, discovers the joys of exploration beyond domestic routines. Set against the vibrant backdrop of the Mediterranean, the novel is filled with witty dialogue and vivid sensory descriptions.

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The book tells the story of two sisters in their 60ies going on a cruise. While on this journey they make new friends, have some adventures and learn new things about themselves.
I liked reading the book, it was entertaining and had relatable main characters and quirky supporting characters. It took me a while to get into the story but when I did I found it very charming.

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A heartfelt story about not giving up and making the most of life.
I found the antics on board both hilarious,and realistic, full of ageless fun. A warm tale to be enjoyed from the first page.

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The main characters in this excellent book are women I would love to meet. I love the theme of older women taking a new turn in their life, it seems life can begin at sixty! The book is filled with warmth, empathy and humour. It has also made me want to go on a cruise! I love all books by Maddie Please and I hope there are many more to come.

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Jill is surprised to win an all-expenses paid cruise for two, but when her husband, Eddy, makes it clear he’d rather stay home and do some home improvements, she invites her sister to go along instead. Diana has been retreating into herself more and more since her husband died, and Jill thinks this trip might be just the thing to shake things up a bit – in both of their lives.

I’ve read and enjoyed other books by this author, so I had great expectations when I started reading this one... and, to be honest, a few preconceived notions too.

I liked the relationship between the two sisters and the way Jill gently pushed Diana to get more involved in activities onboard the ship. Hubby and I have cruised a good number of times, so it was easy to imagine some of them, which may have made Jill’s misadventures even more entertaining. I loved their relationship with Evelyn and the guidance she provided to both sisters, but I’m glad we’ve never encountered a couple like Ken and Thelma :)

The story wasn’t quite as predictable as I’d expected, and I appreciated that. I was happy to see personal growth in both of the sisters, especially Diana. I would love to read more about these two ladies, so I’ll keep my eye out for another book featuring them, but Ms. Please doesn’t seem to do series, so it’s unlikely to happen.

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This is only the second book I have read by this author and look forward to reading more. I love how to is author writes positively about the older generation and shows that there is still a lot of life and new adventures to be had as we get older and that life is for living.

Loved the storyline and the characters were wonderful and engaging and the story had lots of humorous moments as well as serious ones and the more I keep reading and watching programmes about cruises it is making me want to embrace going on one.

I enjoyed how the characters re evaluated their lives during the cruise and how it was the start of a new beginning for them and also finding themselves again now they have started the retirement chapter of their lives.

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Such a fun and heartwarming read. Makes me want to save up and book a cruise! I’ll be putting this read forward next month in my book club as it’s perfect for a summer weekend ☀️💫

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I have greatly enjoyed Maddie Please’s previous books before, so looked forward to reading this one. This entry is a light story about two sisters, Jill Parker and widowed Diana Wedderburn, both in their early 60’s, who embark on a cruise which Jill has unexpectedly won from something called “Radio Wonderful.” Both sisters are at a bit of a standstill in life, Jill’s husband Eddy having recently retired and she not engaged in enjoyable activities, just house chores; and Diana having lost her loved-but-domineering, ship’s captain-husband, Casper. Once aboard they encounter Evelyn, a lady in her 80’s with plenty of life and fun left, and Raphael, handsome ship’s photographer, both of whom modify the sisters’ life outlook

There are other quirky characters aboard, such as cruise director Dick Dainty, who persuades Diana to overcome her reticence and give a well-received talk on the Bermuda Triangle, and the sisters broaden their perspectives on how to make the most of their remaining lives. Nevertheless, I didn’t enjoy this book as much as others I have loved by Maddie Please. Such as The Old Ducks Hen Do and Old Friends Reunited. I would evaluate this book as 3 1/2 stars, upgraded to 4.

Thanks to #NetGalley and #Boldwood Books for an advance copy of this book.

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I’ve never been on a cruise but would love to having now read this with Jill and Diana’s adventures on board. I loved that there was so much to do. Not just the trips in various countries off board but the activities that take place on board, like line dancing and food art. It really sold the whole cruising package to me.
The trip gives the sisters some much needed bonding time as well as both time to think about their lives in general. Jill and her husband Eddy are retired and neither seem to know what to do with their lives and are just plodding on. Diana is still coming to terms with the death of her husband and finding her own identity after living under his shadow for so long. It was lovely to get to know them both and see how they grow in themselves throughout the story.

There are some wonderful characters we get to meet who are also on board. Some made me cringe in a good way as well as others making me laugh. There is such a feel good vibe all the way through and I felt like I was on the cruise liner with them. The descriptions of food and cocktails also sold it to me and had me wanting to book my next holiday already!

Old Girls On Deck was such a lovely story that shows we can have fun at any age. Getting to retirement age will no doubt be a new chapter in our lives and its remembering to have a purpose and do what makes us happy. The story is filled with fun and endearing moments and the ending left me with a huge lump in my throat. A lovely read to escape into that leaves you on a high!

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What a funny story! It’s a very insightful book. It’s an excellent reminder that we all need to enjoy life and take time for ourselves. Diana makes a lot of changes in herself to chase happiness. Jill gains a new appreciation for her husband. Evelyn was adorable and very wise. This is an up,if ting and happy book. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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