Member Reviews

This was such a delightful and hilarious book from start to finish. The quirky characters were so much fun and I enjoyed being a part of their adventures! A great summer read for all ages.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Old Girls On Deck by Maddie Please is the most delightfully fun contemporary novel that warmed my heart.
Maddie Please has created a wonderful set of characters who meet up and interact on a cruise ship. The leading ladies are sisters and both in their sixties. They make friends with an octogenarian who shows them how to have fun.
Growing older does not have to mean settling. Whilst we still have breath, life is for living.
The sisters re-evaluate their lives. One has been a captain’s widow for five years. She has spent her life in the shadow of her husband. Now it is time to stop hiding behind his memory and start to live and find herself again. Her opinions and knowledge are worth listening to.
The other sister is thankful for her steadfast husband of thirty five years. Now that he is newly retired, she realizes there is a whole world out there to explore. Life is much more than pottering in the garden and television dinners.
The reader is treated to the sights and sounds, the smells and flavours of the Mediterranean. We can almost ‘feel’ the heat and ‘taste’ the delicacies.
All the novel is wonderfully written with some very witty dialogue – I now have Barry Manilow’s (my favourite singer) Bermuda Triangle on my mind! In fact, I am singing it as I type this up! Grab yourself a copy and read, in order to understand this rather bizarre reference!
As I am a sixty year old, like one of the sisters, I totally understood most of the cultural references. I was treated to a step back in time for my memories!
Old Girls On Deck is a really charming and fun read that I can absolutely recommend. Maddie Please’s novels never disappoint and always entertain.
I received a free copy via Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

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Jill is retired and has just won a radio competition to go on a cruise. Her husband would rather potter at home so she takes her sister Diana, who’s deceased husband used to be the captain on a cruise liner- so she knows a thing or two about it. When word gets around about Diana’s husband, the women are upgraded and treated like royalty. Despite this they find that the time together brings out more than a suntan.
I love Maddie's books, they are always that bit more than a story, they make you think about your own life in many ways. Both Jill and Diana find that being away from the norm makes them think about life and making the most of every opportunity. There are some cracking lines and some that will stay with me- “ the barge of normality sailed without me long ago” and “ I’m lucky to have had something so good that it's hard to say goodbye to”. It's a heart-warming story of life and relationships and moving forward written in Maddie's easy going style. A fun filled, uplifting read with a smile

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I LOVED this book! I enjoyed the cruise, the sisters' relationship, and the LOL moments that happened throughout the book. This was a reminder that it's never too late for anything good in life.

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I have never read anything by this author before but the subject of the book appealed to me as I’m an avid cruiser. I am so glad I chose this book as it was absolutely brilliant.
It’s all about two sisters who go on a cruise around the Mediterranean after Jill wins the holiday in a radio competition. The story was great fun and i enjoyed the descriptions of the different ports they visited and the ship and other passengers. There were real laugh out loud moments at what the sisters got up to and also the tales about their fellow passengers.
An excellent fun filled book which I would definitely recommend and I can’t wait to read more from Maddie Please.
Thanks to NetGalley, Maddie Please and Boldwood Books for an advance copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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