Member Reviews

It's not Camp Crystal Lake it's Camp Castaway! A camp for adults where one can get away, turn off the outside world, work on oneself, and get in touch with nature. That is the plan at least, but little do the campers know that danger awaits! Woohoo! I love 80's horror movies and this one had all the vibes. Heads Will Roll is shocking, gripping, entertaining, horrific and full of pulse pounding danger!!!!!! This book is oozing with atmosphere, dripping with blood, and hard to put down!!

Willow found herself cancelled after making a tweet. Everyone in Hollywood turned their back on her and her agent sent her off to Camp Castaway to get out of the public eye and off social media. The Camp has a no technology and no smartphone rules. Participants are anonymous and use fake names. It is meant to be a safe place for everyone looking to get away for a while.

All is rustic, soothing, and cozy, at camp. While hoping that she won’t be recognized, Willow is shocked to see her favorite actress is also at the camp! This isn't going to be so bad after all. NOT SO FAST WILLOW!!!! A story about Knock-Knock Nancy is told around the campfire (reminiscent of Friday the 13th, part 2 when campers tell a scary story) and serves to make campers uncomfortable. When a fellow camper goes missing, everyone is concerned and begins to be on edge!

This book is heavy on thrills, chills, tension, and atmosphere. Plus, that cover! I enjoyed the mixing of cancel culture, secretes, relationships, LGBTQ, and horror. This book had characters I questioned, one that I cheered for, and there were a few characters that had me changing my mind about them constantly.

I found this book to be both fun, riveting, atmospheric, a little OTT, and full of dread. All were so well done! Although, this is a horror book and there are some scary scenes, I didn't find it to be too gory or scary (although there were some scary scenes). There were also some scenes that reminded me of scenes from some horror films I have enjoyed. Which I found to be a nice touch!

There are some twists and turns and a few jaw dropping revels that I did not see coming at all!!! I love it when that happens. I loved the mounting dread, tension, sense of danger and pulse pounding scenes. I found myself wanting to yell at the characters to be careful, to not split up, to be aware, to not trust anyone.

I had a lot of fun reading this book. This book is for horror fans and a nod to slasher horror films.

Don't lose your head while reading this bloody good book

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I really enjoyed this and read it in one day. I predicted the ending, but I think that's my own love of horror rather than a fault of the writing. A thrilling read

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Heads Will Roll is a perfect summer slasher read. Willow is a sitcom star who has just been cancelled and needs an escape. Camp Castaway—a technology-free and adults-only camp located deep in the woods—is just the ticket. While gathered around the campfire on the first night, the campers are told the spooky story of “knock knock Nancy,” and just a few hours later the creepiness kicks off.

A remote camp in the woods is a classic horror setting and Josh Winning paints a very evocative picture. The story itself is compulsively readable. All of the campers have secrets so that mystery element sustains a high level of intrigue right until the very end. The climax is chaotically fun and it definitely lives up to the title. I wish there was slightly more gore, but that's a minor thing!

This book absolutely needs to be turned into a film!

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Heads will roll follows Willow who is a former sitcom star after being cancelled. She ends up cancelled after tweeting something inappropriate. Willow decides to check into Camp Castaway which doesn’t allow any technology. the campers end up telling ghost stories and the tale of Knock Knock Nancy comes up which is about a girl who was beheaded. The next night a camper disappears and Willow hears knock knock knock.

This was my second chance with Josh Winning’s work and I didn’t love this to be honest. The whole reason for Willow being cancelled was just ridiculous and so unbelievable. She made one silly comment and her whole career was apparently over. People get cancelled all the time in real life and I can name a number of people who have said some truly horrendous things but they still have careers. Plus the scary element just did nothing for me. This story just wasn’t for me and I don’t think I’ll read from this author again.

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A retreat for those who have fallen from grace or just wish to get away from it all, the setting of Camp Castaway is a horror writer’s dream! In the middle of a forest, miles from anywhere, the only power is electric lights, no phones, no internet, nothing. Each camp inmate has an alias, no real names given, and each one has a secret, some bigger than others 😉. A bunch of mixed up folk who really should know better, have they never seen a slasher movie?

Well this book has it all, from odd bod camp leaders and spooky cabins to myths and axes!

If you like a 90’s style horror, tongue in cheek read, this is perfect. Nothing at all to worry the masters of the genre, but a manic plot with little finesse that serves its purpose. A quick read with few surprises but plenty of gore.

Thank you NetGalley and Michael Joseph.

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Everything you want in horror book!

I cant find the words to explain how much I loved this. It's a face paced, nostalgic thrill ride and I didn't want it to end. It has everything, isolated camp in the woods, a group of strangers all with secrets they are trying to escape from, creepy urban legend, deranged psychopath. All ticked.

If you are a fan of 80's slasher horror immediately read this book! Actually even if you're not, immediately read this book!

Quick synopsis:
Our protagonist, made famous by a netflix show finds herself cancelled. She loses her job, her fiance and her friends and the public hate her. To escape she books herself into Camp Castaway.: a relaxing retreat for people that need to escape reality. No phones/electronics allowed. Completely back to nature. As you can imagine it doesn't stay relaxing for long and heads will roll (literally).
This is a homage to the 80s classic slasher, filled with references to horror films and nostalgia,
Theres more to this than just a slasher, other themes are explored, the trend of cancel culture, online trolls, treatment of LGBTQ+ and family.

This book is so much fun, I loved every second of it. I advise you make sure you have a spare couple of hours when you start it as you won't want to put it down. I'm off to go and read Joshua Winnings other books immediately.
Thanks so much to Netgalley, Michael Joseph, penguin random house for letting me read this ARC.

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Cancel culture meets camp slasher in a fun jumpy read that screams 90s horror movie
( if you take away the internet/ phones- which is exactly what the camp does)

Heads literally roll, lots.

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A quick read of a slasher. Our MC, willow, an ex-TV person, goes to a mindfulness camp (a camp where no one uses smart phones or goes on social media) to reclaim her life back. The book has great momentum, though the themes and the writing style of those themes in the subplots (not the horror elements, those I liked a lot) did not appeal to me as much as I liked.

If you like slashers and the setting in Silver Coin #2 (the comic book), you will find this enjoyable,

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Thank you to Michael Joseph and NetGalley for the digital ARC!

Here we've got a good, old fashioned camp slasher story. If you love the 80s horror flicks, then this is definitely one for you to pick up and read!

Our main character is an actress, who stars as Willow on the Netflix sitcom We Love Willow. Or she did, until a single event caused her to be cancelled by the masses, and in turn lead to her show being cancelled, her being jobless, homeless and newly single. Understandably, she needs a break and opts for a digital detox at Camp Castaway, a summer camp for adults who want to reset.

There's a small number of other campers, all of whom have their own reasons for being there. One of the things they all do is lock away their phones and choose a new name for the duration- our character opts for Willow, after her sitcom. The others are a diverse range of people, from old school Hollywood actors to unknown authors, and all have something they're running from.

It all seems great, until campers start to disappear in unusual situations. Not only that, but strange things start to happen...a woman no one knows being seen around camp, body less doll heads appearing and someone stealing things. And that's all before the heads truly start rolling!

This was such a fun read, and I enjoyed all the horror aspects of it. It'd make a fantastic film, or even a short series or something.

Our main character is queer, and there are other LGBTQ+ characters both mentioned and seen. It deals with religion, and the negative effects it can have on the LGBTQ+ society, as well as how it can end up twisted to suit someone's needs. Obviously, it deals with cancel culture, and how someone's life can be ruined over the tiniest thing - whether it's intended, something said in jest or something they didn't even say at all.

I really enjoyed this, and hope others pick it up to read!

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Head Will Roll by Josh Winning
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 8 August 2024

Willow desperately needs an escape.Once a beloved sitcom star, she's now the target of online shaming after a regrettable post.
Seeking solace, she checks into Camp Castaway, an adults-only retreat set in an old woodland campground.

On the first night, campers gather around the fire to share ghost stories. Willow hears about Knock Knock Nancy, a local legend of a witch who was brutally beheaded in these very woods. According to the tale, Nancy’s restless spirit knocks on doors late at night, and if you answer, she takes your head. Willow scoffs at the ghost stories. But the next day, a camper mysteriously vanishes.

While “Heads Will Roll” started off a bit sluggish, it soon gained momentum, taking us on a thrilling journey infused with dark humour and gore as well as exploring current day topics such as cancel culture and LGBTQ+ rights. Winning skilfully crafted characters and a narrative that kept us eagerly perched on the edge of our seats.

This horror narrative promises to leave readers thoroughly satisfied. It's a must-read for fans of slashers, summer camp atmospheres, and intellectually stimulating horror tales.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House | Michael Joseph, and the author, Josh Winnings, for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Title: Heads Will Roll by Josh Winning

Release Date: August, 8th, 2024


Willow, a sitcom star who spiralled into infamy after a disastrous tweet, finds herself sent to Camp Castaway in upstate New York, a retreat for adults seeking anonymity and escape from their pasts. Initially relieved by the peaceful atmosphere and the company of fellow campers, including her favourite actress and a flirtatious writer, Willow's relief turns to fear when a terrifying woman emerges from her wardrobe and a camper goes missing. As paranoia and terror escalate, the group realises they're being hunted, and their attempt to escape their pasts might lead to a deadly fate.

In my opinion, this novel delves into LGBTQ+ rights and cancel culture in a compelling way, drawing readers in with its well-crafted characters and captivating plot. The vivid imagery creates a cinematic experience, particularly enjoyable for those who love slashers and summer camp settings. The diverse cast and fast-paced storyline, complete with gore and dark humour, ensure readers stay engaged from start to finish.

While the beginning may feel a bit rough, the narrative smooths out as secrets unravel and twists emerge, reminiscent of classic horror films. Despite some moments that may seem unrealistic, the overall storytelling is skilful, making it a recommended read for fans of camp slasher tales.

Thank you to The Publisher Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House | Michael Joseph ,The Author Josh Winning & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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