Member Reviews

Another wonderful addition to the series ‘Ghosted’ with Fiona Abry, finding love with a man in her dreams. Fiona is consumed with keeping herself busy by running her family’s Swiss watch company and taking care of her young daughter. Keeping busy means that her heart will be protected. However, in her dreams, she lives on an island, married to Aaron and they have two kids. The more time she spends in her dreams with Aaron, the more she does not want to leave her dreams.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story, as Sarah Ready explores the romance between Aaron and Fi. When Fi enters Aaron’s life, life is not quite as perfect as it seems and gradually Fi uncovers the true story of their life. This paranormal story worked even though it is so very far-fetched from reality. The relationship between Fiona and her brother, Daniel and her best friend Max, made this a more rounded story. Whilst this is part of a series, it can be read as a stand-alone but I encourage any reader who has not read the earlier books, to do so. They are amazing reads, particularly book 1. I so look forward to reading the fourth book in this series.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Contemporary romance with magical realism. This is a standalone book in an interconnected series. Poetic writing and interesting premise but a bit slow for my taste. I will definitely give the first two books a try as the reviews on those look positive.

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Fated (Ghosted Book#3)-Fiona the heroine is Daniel's sister from book 1, but it can be read as a standalone

By Sarah Ready-I've read Ghosted & Switched 4 & 5 ⭐ reads

Setting: Geneva, Switzerland

Publication date: 7/16/24, Read 7/12/24

Format: 437 pgs. & Audio length ~ 13 hours 36 minutes

🗣️Narrator: Shakira Shute

I thought Shute did a great job of bringing a voice to each character. They fit the characters with standouts from Fiona, Buttercup, and Daniel. Their voices were the most distinct, but I could easily tell the difference between all characters. The reading style brought the story to life and the pacing flowed easily with the story. The narration and the author were in sync. The narrator paused and announced every time a new chapter came. The book had a table of contents which helped me follow along with the e-book and audio.

POV: 1st person h

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Fantasy, Magical Realism, Paranormal

Tropes: Christmas, magical dreams, time travel, cheating, right person/wrong time

🙏🏾Thanks to NetGalley & Swift and Lewis Publishing LLC for the E-ARC and ALC🩷! I voluntarily give my honest review and all opinions expressed are my own.

💭Summary: Fiona Abry is a single mother who works for the family's Swiss watch business. She's given a pocket watch family heirloom that transports her into a dream world where she's married with two children living on a tropical island.

I loved the idea of a magical watch that makes dreams feel like a reality. The description of the island was an Internet- free utopia. Fiona/Becca's husband Aaron McCormick was a loving father and husband that didn't deserve what Becca and Robert did to him.

I enjoyed Fiona and Daniel's sibling bond. They worked together and helped raise Mila. They also held each other accountable trying to have a life outside of work.

Maximillian "Max" Barone was Fiona's BFF in the present while McCormick and Robert were in her dream. He was in love with Fiona, but was willing to marry her without love. I hope the next book gives him a HEA.

Rating : 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I have read some other books from Sarah Ready and enjoyed them. This was a fun beach read for me. The cover is very eye catching!

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This book had such a great premise. Very fresh and sweet and wish fulfillment.
Definitely paranormal. Fiona is a busy working person but when she dreams, she gets lost in her dreams with Aaron and kids and a beachy life very different from her waking one.
There's a twist, of course. I really liked Aaron and thought he was the perfect foil for Fiona.

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I loved reading this, the plot felt new to me and this kept me reading especially when I was going through so many emotions,

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Fated is book 3 in the Ghosted series by Sarah Ready.
This book was unputdownable! The main characters were certainly quirky and fun.
I love a paranormal romance, and this one certainly didn’t disappoint.
Charming, delightful, sweet, and simply wonderful.
I loved reading her Josh and Gemma series. And this series is just as great.
I can't wait for book 4 Wished!

Thank you NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I am completely speechless. I adored the first two books in the series, but somehow, this one managed to surprise me even more. First off, Daniel makes an appearance in this book since he's Fiona's brother, and honestly, I've been weak for him since "Ghosted." I just love him so much.

I'm a huge fan of paranormal romance novels, and this one hit all the right notes. There's something about the full circle in these stories that makes you feel so complete. I was absolutely captivated by Fiona's character. Her resilience and logical mindset were so strong that she didn't believe her dreams could be real until the very end.

If I loved Fiona, I was absolutely feral for Aaron. His character is the epitome of strength and selflessness. His love for his children and the sense of peace he exudes despite the immense grief he's endured is truly inspiring. He felt like a calm anchor in the midst of a storm.

Watching Fiona decide to love Aaron with all her heart, thinking it's just a dream, was absolutely beautiful. But Aaron's pain at losing her when she wakes up, and his confusion dealing with the two personalities inhabiting his soon-to-be ex-wife, was so raw and heartbreaking.

The children in this book were incredibly cute and relatable, adding so much to the story instead of detracting from it. They made everything so much better.

And that plot twist? It made me gasp out loud! I cried so much, but I'm so happy with the happy ending. I absolutely can't wait to read book four in the series because I really loved Max in this book.

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This was such a sweet, heartwarming, emotional rollercoaster of a book. The writing was superb, the story was original, and I loved the magical realism. I loved the elements of family, the nod to poetry, and the overall theme of the book. I highly recommend!

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A gigantic THANK YOU to the author, Sarah Ready, the publisher, Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, and NetGalley for giving me the chance to post my honest opinion of this book.

Emotional, dreamy, fated...
Three words to describe this wonderful book!

From the first sentence of the book, I was hooked!
I obviously wanted to read the previous two in the series, to really engage with the author's writing style which is easy-flowing and charming.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis for the eARC. Honestly, this book was so hard to get into and it was hard to finish. I think it just wasn’t my genre and that’s okay. It was just a hard premise to wrap my head around and the HEA was difficult to see actually happen.

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4.5 stars

”I’m in love with a dream, with a man who isn’t real, and there isn’t any coming back from it.”

as I delve into each successive novel by Sarah Ready, I am invariably in awe of her brain and her brilliant writing prowess. she always insufflates a breath of fresh air to her crafts. her unorthodox narrative approach and innovative plotting are a true tour de force, defying the tired conventions of the romance genre and instead conjuring up the warm, fuzzy feelings reminiscent of classic 2000s romantic comedies. her penmanship is simply magical; distilling the essence of nostalgia while still infusing her stories with invigorating, original perspectives.

“McCormick.” “what does it mean?”
“some say it means an almost, a never-was, a dream that didn’t happen, but I say it means an always, a dream that still goes on.”

Fiona, the heiress to a long line of Swiss watchmakers, is the personification of the high-powered businesswoman who is perpetually juggling her professional obligations with her personal life. as she strives to balance her responsibilities to her daughter Mila, brother Daniel, and close friend Max, Fiona's hectic schedule leaves little time for self-reflection. however, after a traumatic incident her nomadic mother makes an impromptu visit, gifting Fiona a lost, antique family watch. her mother believes this timepiece holds the key to unlocking Fiona's happiness and realizing her long-dormant dreams.

”it feels like I’ve lost a love I’ve never had.”

but Fiona hasn't experienced the thrill of dreaming in a long while. that is, until she falls asleep with the watch on and finds herself transported to a life of marriage with a handsome husband-Aaron McCormick , parenthood with awesome children, and life filled with soap-opera drama. as she indulges by day the life as the CEO of a luxury brand in Geneva, she lives this nocturnal fantasy in an exotic life on a tropical island. but it feels too real to be a dream…

”he’s invaded my world. even when he’s not real, not here, I still feel him next to me.”

I was completely enthralled by the love story, the heartwarming found family plot, and the masterful narrative trajectory. the chemistry between the characters, the unexpected plot twists, and the expertly orchestrated storytelling all combined to create a reading experience that was nothing short of addictive. I devoured every chapter, thoroughly enamored with every aspect of the novel.

”sometimes you’ll remember a flash. sometimes you’ll remember a feeling. But mostly, you forget everything. you forget your dreams. you don’t take them with you into real life.”

without revealing too much, I can say the narrative was emotionally resonant and intriguing. the surprises were cleverly timed, keeping me on the edge of my seat as I eagerly turned each page.
I implore you: do not miss this masterpiece. I won’t spoil any more details, in case I deprive you of the pleasure of experiencing this exceptional story firsthand.

”It’s not as if dreams are reality. It’s not as if dreams come true.”

many thanks to netgalley and the publisher for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review

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I’m generally a major fan and supporter of Sarah Ready, and the first two books in the Ghosted series were both incredible! However, this one, Fated, left me scratching my head and wondering if it really came from the same imagination. It felt different than all her other books (I’ve read many, but not all), and just didn’t live up to my hopes and expectations, based on the previous two and the blurb.

I was left wanting so much more or maybe just something else out of this story - it was OK but I really didn’t enjoy the dreaming scenario and wondering how everything would play out, and if Fiona would wind up with her best friend in reality, Max (sort of a love triangle bit there, which I don’t like), or with the dream sequence guy McCormick and the other life she seems to fall into, and his friend Robert... When the twist is revealed I was really disappointed - plus, the multiple love triangle aspect really turned me off (as it always does)…

I’m sure there will be many who enjoy this one, but even though I’m mostly a Ready fan, she still has a title or two in her catalogue that I don’t jive with (and that’s ok). She has others that are my fave books, so I’m sure that the next release (Wished, in October) will be one of those new faves! Still - you should give this one a try, even though it didn’t work for me.

I received an advance copy from NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing (IBPA), and this is my honest feedback.

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I usually don’t pick up stuff with kids but this was written so well! Although the audiobook was fantastic, I felt like the book itself was a little bit slow in the middle. The beginning was great although I was a bit confused for a little while, and the ending was great. I teared up at certain points. It was a really good read!

I would definitely recommend the audiobook more than the ebook but both were excellent reads with extremely loveable characters!

I received a free copy of this book and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Amazing book! Very detailed world building. I enjoyed the characters and how everything came together in the end. I kind of predicted what might happen, but the 3rd act “breakup” had me wondering for a minute. I would definitely recommend this work and I look forward to other by this author.

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The emotional tension in this story stays so high from the beginning. I don't know how the author does it, but I feel everything the characters feel. I absolutely did not guess the twist that was coming, not even a little bit. I cried my way through several chapters, and I totally rearranged my schedule so I could finish and get to the happy parts. I really loved this.

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Gosh, I got so emotional reading this story! I related to so many passages and situations that the characters went through and I absolutely adored Amy! I was so curious as to how the story was going to end happily, but the way the author got around the dream hurdle was very creative and I loved it! I also enjoyed the island and Geneva atmosphere, the Christmas descriptions made me wish it was Christmas time already. My only gripe with it is that it could have been a little more fast paced, but that's a very small detail. It was still a good pace and I just loved most of the characters so much. And I'm so glad we get to read about Max in the next one!!! I loved હો loyalty and friendship with Fi!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Man. I love Sarah Ready books. We’re back in the Ghosted series, and once again, I’m thrilled to be here.

In this book, we follow Fiona Abry, single mother, workaholic, and someone who refuses to fall in love again. When her mother shows up on her non-birthday with a special gift, Fiona is thrilled. A precious family heirloom, and according to her mother and crazy distant uncle, it will allow you to dream of what you truly want. And soon, Fiona is doing just that. And what she dreams of is a beautiful island with a hunky husband and two beautiful kids. Although her husband’s best friend trying to kiss her doesn’t feel like a dream. And why would her husband believe she can’t swim? Are these metaphors? Fiona isn’t sure, but every night she falls asleep, dreaming of her dream man, and every morning she wakes up wishing it could be real. But falling for McCormick doesn’t make sense – how can you fall in love with a man who doesn’t exist in the real world? Which, side note, is exactly what romance readers experience every day!

Anywho, another smash hit from Sarah Ready, and I’m already giddy to get my hands on Wished!

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When I started this book I had a hard time connecting with Fiona and wasn't sure how I would feel about her moving forward. However, once she starts using the watch and wakes up on the island with a gorgeous husband and two children I began to get sucked into the story.

I loved the secondary characters minus one, who we don't really meet but hear an awful lot about And the settings of the island and Geneva were beautiful and I felt like I was there. I loved Fiona's journey to opening herself to love and what she was willing to do to get it once she found it. Fated takes you through all the emotions, with laughter and sadness and some beautiful heartfelt moments.

This is the first book in the series that I've read, and it can absolutely be read as a standalone, and I will be putting the others on my TBR.

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“ in dreaming we do all the the magical, wondrous things we are afraid of in real life “ 💕💜

I was so happy to receive this as an ARC! Thank you so much @NetGalley !

This was such a beautiful written story of being in love in a dream, and finding love in real life. Will she be able to separate the two? You must read to find out!

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