Member Reviews

I absolutely LOVED this book. It's incredibly captivating. I was more and more enthralled the more I read. This was so beautifully written, so magical, and such a great read!

I didn't know how this was gonna end until the last minute, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this as well as listening to the audiobook.

I see myself reading this again, that's how much I loved it.

You really feel the emotions and predicaments of Fiona as if you're in the same situations. Her emotions and her traumas are incredibly relatable. I love how descriptive the writing was, you are able to truly picture the scenes as if you're in them. Such incredible writing!

Beyond grateful to have been given this ARC (advanced reader copy) of this book in both eBook and Audiobook versions to read & listen to for a review. I look forward to reading more by Sarah.

Thank you so much to Net Galley, Sarah Ready, Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) and Members' Audiobooks.

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I really enjoyed this book! This was such a unique storyline and I felt that it was done so well! The pacing was perfect, and even though Fiona is only seeing Aaron in her dreams, the author made it feel SO real! Overall, I had such a good time with this story.

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3.5 stars = I liked it. I have really been enjoying author Ready's Ghosted series with paranormal/magical realism elements. Even though this is book 3, Fated is set before the other two books (Ghosted and Switched). The lead in this book is Fiona (she's the sister to the lead in the 1st book) a eoman who has thrownh herself into her work and left no room in her life for dating and love. And after a scary incident in which she is shot by a mysterious stranger, she comes into possession of a magical watch which allows her to dream of a perfect man. Fiona believes that the watch is teaching her how to open herself up to love again in the dream world, so that she can find love in the real world.

I found this a bit confusing, since she's dreaming and developing a relationship with the man of her dreams, while trying to give the friend who loves her in the real world a chance to be more. I wasn't sure who I was supposed to be hope for as her HEA. Still when she finally figures out what is going on the story had some surprises and a very nice ending. And since there's going to be one more book there's hope for the guy she didn't pick to get his HEA too.

ARC courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley. This is an unpaid review.

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In Sarah Ready’s enchanting romance novel “Fated,” Fiona Abry finds herself caught between the allure of dreams and the reality of her hectic life running her family’s Swiss watch company. The story unfolds when Fiona inherits a family heirloom rumored to allow the dreamer to experience their deepest desires. What ensues is a poignant exploration of love, longing, and the boundaries between fantasy and reality.

Fiona’s character is compellingly portrayed as a driven and practical woman whose life revolves around her responsibilities. Her introduction to the dream world offers an escape to a tropical island paradise, where she lives an idyllic life with a loving husband and two children. This dream life contrasts sharply with her bustling urban existence, presenting Fiona with a dilemma: should she continue to pursue her dreams at the expense of her real-life commitments?

Ready deftly navigates Fiona’s emotional journey as she navigates the complexities of falling for a man who exists only in her dreams. The slow-building romance between Fiona and her dream husband is tenderly crafted, drawing readers into the intensity of their connection despite its ephemeral nature. The author skillfully explores themes of self-discovery, the pursuit of happiness, and the risks inherent in letting oneself fully embrace love.

The novel’s setting on a tropical island adds to its allure, providing a picturesque backdrop against which Fiona’s emotional turmoil unfolds. The descriptions of turquoise seas, palm-lined beaches, and starlit skies enhance the dreamlike quality of Fiona’s experiences, immersing readers in a world where reality blurs with fantasy.

“Fated” is a captivating blend of romance and introspection, exploring how the pursuit of one’s dreams can intersect with the search for true love. Ready’s prose is engaging and heartfelt, capturing Fiona’s internal conflicts with sensitivity and depth. The novel’s conclusion delivers a satisfying resolution that balances the allure of dreams with the realities of life, leaving readers with a sense of hope and fulfillment.

For fans of contemporary romance that delves into the complexities of relationships and the power of dreams, “Fated” is a delightful read that will resonate long after the final page is turned.

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I received an advanced review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Net Galley for this ARC.

This novel was brilliantly written. I requested this as an ARC from NetGalley since I had previously read and appreciated Sarah Ready's works. This book's premise was fresh and captured my interest. I don't want to say too much in the review because it's so easy to give away information.

I'll mention that the major characters were very well written and developed. I normally enjoy banter, but this book had a different air, and I didn't miss it. The supporting characters contributed to the tale and were well-developed. Certain scenes were described in such depth that I could readily visualise them and feel as if I were present. This novel kept me guessing where we were going for quite some time, which I love. I generally figure it out very early on. This was a little spicy, but not too much. This novel is primarily about the love story, and it was well worth the read for me!


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This book was a lot of fun to read. Jumping between Geneva and a tropical island was a lot of fun. My heart ached for Aaron and the life he had been leading on the island. I’m still trying to wrap my head around pieces of it (I think a novella featuring Becca and what happens with her would be good) but I enjoyed it.

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I was so excited to read this after finishing “switched” unfortunately this one fell a little flat for me.
The book follows Fiona, she’s a mother and runs her family’s watch company with her friend Max. A traumatic event happens leaving Fiona questioning her life’s path.
Fiona’s mother shows up with a gift of a family heirloom watch said to make dreams come true. Fiona falls asleep with the watch and is transported to an island where she is a different person, marred and has children.

The story is told through alternating chapters of her dream world and her real life. However the dream sequences don’t always pick up where they left off leaving you to try to figure out what’s going on. This book was a little too descriptive for me and I found it to be a little boring.
Overall the premise of the story is good and it has some funny moments but it just wasn’t for me.

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The idea behind this book made me want to read it but the story fell flat for me. I really did not start to enjoy it until the end. Max deserved so much better....but I understand why the story went the way it did. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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after several attempts at trying to read the digital copy of books from this author i requested the audio but it still did not resonate with me. I just do not like the writing style that the author uses. I believe that the books will and mostly likely are well loved but unfortunately i just cannot get through a book by this author.

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3.5 stars Fated by Sarah Ready is book 3 in a series and I haven’t read the first two books. It seems like it can be read as a stand-alone novel though. In any event, I had a really hard time getting through the first 75-80% of the story. It’s slow and is very confusing in the beginning. As the story progresses, it seems to drag on but you do get a bit invested in Fiona’s life. Then you make it to about 78% and you can’t put this book down! I really don’t want to give any spoilers here, but it is worth it if you stick with it. I almost DNF’d a couple of times but am soooo happy that I read on.

A big Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for the opportunity to read and review an ARC. Now, I’m off to read the first two books in this series.

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I have enjoyed all of this series so far with each having a different type of magicalism in the story. This one is almost like sliding door with Fiona living as a single mom in Geneva and Becca on a small island with her family. The story is told in both state and her relationships in these places. I liked how Fiona gets to know herself better in both places. All the characters were well developed and I enjoyed how the story ended. The only thing I missed was why Becca/Aaron married and stayed together. I sort of wished we got to see a bit of Becca - she seemed like a self centered person and we really don't know anything about her.

Shakira Shute did a great job with the narration and bringing Fiona to life.

Thank you the publisher for a copy of the book.

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ARC Review ✨ Thanks NetGalley!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I loved this book! It’s my first Sarah Ready book, and I think it makes a great standalone book (although it is part of a series). It’s such an interesting premise, and it really pulls you into the world, and by the end you get so invested 💘 my right brain and left brain were at odds the whole time, which is why it wasn’t a full five stars, but would definitely recommend! I wanted more answers and explanations about the last 10%, but it was still so beautiful. So many raw emotions, can’t wait to read the next one.

🗣️ “I always quipped, ‘I don’t want my dreams to come true. I’d rather stay in real life, thank you very much.’ But that was before I had dreams that were worth fighting for.”

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What a book! I truly went into this blind, and it was my first experience with Sarah Ready's work. Now, I can't wait to explore her backlist. The immersive writing and unique storyline made this a captivating read. The author paints a deep and vivid picture of dreaming, love, and loss, leaving a lasting impact.

Fiona's past has left her wary of relationships, content with her roles as a mother, sister, and friend. However, everything changes on Christmas Eve when she's shot, and upon waking, discovers she's stopped dreaming. Her mother presents her with the family's antique watch, rumored to help people dream. Skeptical at first, Fiona gives it a try, only to find herself transported to a parallel world that feels astonishingly real. There, she meets Aaron, her fated lover, but it still feels like a dream until she realizes it isn't. She discovers a greater purpose and understands why the watch led her to that island, those people, and Aaron.

The book carries a strong message of never ceasing to dream and the belief that love will inevitably find you. It reminds us that tears of regret hurt more than tears of sorrow. This heartfelt and achingly beautiful story stands out as one of my top reads this year. Thanks to Netgalley and Author Sarah Ready for the ARC. Preorder this book now—it's a true gem!

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I love this Author, every book I have read by her has been totally amazing and I always look forward to her next new release. This latest book was no different, as always it was an amazing story which you can tell has had some serious thought and research going into the content. The main characters are fabulous and very engaging with a great story arc and character development. Such a great fun story. Definitely a must read. Five well deserved stars.

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This is the third book in the Ghosted series by Sarah Ready. I really loved the first book, but didn't love the second one, so I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked this one up.

This supernatural romance introduces us to Fi, who lives in Geneva with her daughter and her brother living a bit of a half life. On Christmas Eve a series of events occur that catapult Fi into a dream world where she lives the life of a completely different person.

She is married to a man named Aaron who is literally the man of her dreams but also the person who could be the key to her happiness.

This is an impossible love story, and there are times that the reader has no idea how these two are going to sort it out. Fi's options are varied and, as she works through her dilemma, she also finds her heart.

It took me a while to get into this book but I did enjoy the story and the characterisation.

I am looking forward to reading the next instalment.

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I almost decided to DNF the first few chapters but Fated is one of my favourite Sarah Ready novels by far (followed by The Space Between)!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher.

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This book was an enjoyable read with an ending that I didn’t expect. The pacing was good, and the characters were well developed. I really got a sense of who the characters were and the range of emotions that were experiencing throughout the story. The settings were well described and I could easily envision the world in which they were living. I appreciate watches, and the protagonist’s backstory is intriguing without being overly drawn out. Would definitely recommend this book. Thank you to the author and publisher for the chance to read and give my unbiased opinion on the book.

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ARC Book Review: *Fated* by Sarah Ready

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5 stars)

Sarah Ready's *Fated* is an enchanting tale that blurs the line between dreams and reality, love and longing, making it a must-read for anyone who believes in the magic of fate and the power of dreams.

Fiona Abry is a driven woman, dedicated to running her family’s prestigious Swiss watch company. Her life is a whirlwind of responsibilities, leaving no room for personal indulgence, let alone a vacation or a romantic relationship. However, everything changes when she receives a family heirloom—a watch rumored to let the wearer dream their greatest desire.

Suddenly, Fiona finds herself transported nightly to a tiny tropical island where she lives a completely different life. In these vivid dreams, she is married, has two children, and resides in a charming cottage by the beach. This dream life, with its turquoise seas and serene picnics under the palms, offers a stark contrast to her bustling city existence.

Themes and Elements:
1. **Dreams vs. Reality:** The novel beautifully explores the concept of dreams as an escape and a realm where our deepest desires are fulfilled. Fiona's nightly adventures raise thought-provoking questions about the nature of reality and the possibilities within our dreams.
2. **Romance and Longing:** Fiona's relationship with her dream husband is deeply romantic and poignant. The emotional depth of their connection is palpable, making readers root for a love that transcends the boundaries of reality.
3. **Self-Discovery and Fulfillment:** Through her dream life, Fiona discovers aspects of herself and desires she had long buried under the weight of her responsibilities. The story is a journey of self-discovery and understanding what truly matters in life.
4. **Mystical Elements:** The family heirloom adds a mystical charm to the narrative, creating a seamless blend of magical realism that enhances the overall allure of the story.

Character Development:
Fiona is a well-rounded character whose evolution is beautifully portrayed. Her initial skepticism and eventual surrender to the allure of her dream life are both believable and compelling. The supporting characters, especially her dream family, are crafted with warmth and authenticity, adding depth to Fiona’s dream world.

Writing Style:
Sarah Ready’s writing is lyrical and evocative, painting vivid pictures of the tropical paradise that Fiona visits in her dreams. The narrative flows effortlessly, capturing the reader’s imagination and heart. The dialogue is natural and often infused with a gentle humor that adds to the charm of the story.

Final Thoughts:
*Fated* is a captivating read that transports you to a world where dreams offer solace and the possibility of true love. It's a story that resonates with anyone who has ever dreamed of a life different from their own, and it leaves you pondering the thin veil between dreams and reality.

Highly recommended for fans of romantic fantasy and magical realism. *Fated* will make you believe in the magic of dreams and the possibility of finding love in the most unexpected places.

**Thank you to NetGalley and Swift and Lewis Publications LLC for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.**

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Synopsis: Fiona Abry excels at keeping busy, running her family’s Swiss watch company, and guarding her heart. She’s so busy she doesn’t have time for a vacation much less a love life.

But then she’s given a family heirloom rumored to let you dream your greatest desire.

Suddenly, Fiona is spending her nights on a tiny tropical island in a completely different life.

She’s married. She has two kids. She lives in a colorful cottage on the beach.

This dream life is so different from her hectic, busy life in the city that Fiona decides to live her dreams to the fullest.

Swimming in the turquoise sea. Picnics under palms. Star-gazing on the beach. It’s a slow, seductive dream life that conveniently stays in her dreams.

But after kisses and confessions and long nights on the beach, Fiona starts to fall hard for her dream husband and her dream life.

But what happens when opening yourself to love means falling for a life that isn’t real and a man who doesn’t exist?

Because in the end, it’s not fate, it’s just a dream.

Review: I'll be honest, this one took me longer to get into than the other ones, but once. I was in it, I was IN IT. I'm not sure what it is about this series by Sarah Ready, but I have just loved all of these characters. The magical realism of it, the fun, I just love it so so so much. These books should be talked about more. Way more. They just make my heart so happy and I just never want this series to end.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for the ARC

Aww, this novel was so, so good! I found the concept really intriguing and the execution passed all my expectations. It was a wonderful read and I encourage everyone to pick it up. A great romance novel with hints of magical realism for fans of Ashley Poston

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