Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley, Sarah Ready, and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC/Independent Book Publishing Association for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

OH MY DREAMY STARS✨ ✨✨✨✨!!! I absolutely loved this book so much!! Sarah Ready ALWAYS delivers for me and this is no exception! After reading the first two books in the "Ghosted" series and having both top my favorites list for the year, I knew this one would be just as amazing! What a magical, emotional, and beautifully written paranormal romance that will stay with me forever!! Additionally, the book covers for this series are unequivocally stunning!! Fated delves into the discovery of love through a path that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, presenting an eccentric journey. Alongside, it explores the intricate themes of family, friendships, and the complexities of motherhood. Another romance book to add to my favorites list for 2024🩵🩷🩵🩷🩵

Fiona meets the man of her dreams in her dreams. She excels at keeping busy, running her family's prestigious Swiss watch company, and guarding her heart. She's so consumed with work that she doesn't have time for a vacation, much less a love life. But then she's given a family heirloom rumored to make your greatest desire come alive in your dreams. Suddenly, Fiona spends her nights on a tiny tropical island, living a completely different life. She's married, with two children, residing in a colorful cottage on the beach. This dream life is a stark contrast to her hectic, busy existence in the city. Fiona decides to live her dreams to the fullest! But what happens when she begins to fall hard for her dream husband and the life they share? What happens, though, when opening yourself to love means falling for a life that isn't real and a man who doesn't exist? Because in the end, it's not fate, it's just a dream!?!

Overall, it was a heartwarming romance that I wholeheartedly recommend!! Be prepared to suspend belief to fully appreciate this wonderful love story. It truly deserves all the dreamy stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5!!!

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Fiona is a businesswoman running her family's Swiss watch company. One day, her mother stops by to give her a lost family heirloom that she stole; and the watch has magical powers. So at night, in her dreams, she gets to spend time to the life she has on a tropical island..
This magical realism romance is book 3 in the Ghosted series. And as with the first 2 books, this was a tad too long for a romance. Also, I was lost through most of the book. I started following a ***little*** better past the halfway mark (which was way too late for me to really enjoy this). As many other reviewers, I found the last 15-20% of the book very interesting, fast paced, and I wish, that tension came sooner. The twists thrown at us in this part were predictable, but still fun. I prefered the first two books to this one. I liked that we got to see Daniel a bit in this one too (he's the MMC in the first book of the series, and this book happens before book 1). I also like that even if all of her books contain magical realism, the element of magic is very different from one to the other.
I received an advance review copy of this book for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was so relatable it hurt.

The description pulled me in, I haven't read the previous instalments. This was so tender and wistful, and unfortunately at times a little confusing (sometimes it was hard to discern the reality we were in) but the final quarter is so absorbing and high intensity I nearly forgot where I was and that I had to get off my train. Simply lovely

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Thank you NetGalley and Sarah Ready for the eARC of Fated. What I wouldn't give to back and re-read this book for the first time. It was the absolute perfect novel. I will definitely be recommending not only this book but the entire series.
**side note- I am confused though about Daniel, does this book technically take place before Ghosted?

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I loved this book! Sarah Ready has become one of my top favorite autobuy authors. Fated did not disappoint, and far exceeded my expectations. It was such a beautiful story. It broke my heart and put it back together again in the end. I was ugly crying at one point. I didn’t want it to end. I have a full Bookstagram review post linked below.

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rd instalment in the ghosted series, however they are all complete standalone. This is the best one yet.
Fiona is a watchmaker from Geneva and after a very traumatic incident and having been given her uncles 'very special watch' starts having very vivid dreams of an island paradise where the literal man of her dreams thinks she is his wife.
As Fiona tries to live her real life whilst pining for her dream life can she reconcile the feeling she has for Aaron her dream hunk vs her real life best friend who wants nothing more than to make her happy.
With a bit a time travel and a last ditch effort to save an island from impending doom. This is a romance for magical realism lovers.
This book was just the type of magical realism I've had in my head for a long time, whilst it's not the exact execution I would have chosen it is still a good story having tandem read and listened to this and I can easily recommend either version as an intriguing read or a well narrated audio.
Thanks NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for granting me copies of the book and audio in exchange for an honest review.

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Fated took place before Daniel met Jillian in Ghosted. Fiona is a workaholic single mother. She’s CEO of Abry Watch, which she and her brother, Daniel, inherited after their father’s death. She has no time for romantic relationships; one day her mother gave her a watch that can show your desires through dreams. She dreamt of a tropical island where she’s living with her husband, Aaron, and has two kids. The more she dreams about it and spends time with her dream husband, the more she falls in love with him.

I loved Fiona’s character; she is a loving, caring character, and her character development throughout the book was remarkable. Aaron is a loving and understanding character. Both Fiona and Aaron are mature characters with vulnerable moments in the book. I love Daniel’s reappearance in this book. We really get to see the bond between Fiona and Daniel; they love and support each other. I loved Max’s character also, and I’m excited to read his story as well.

I love the concept of finding love in your dream. I love the magical realism element and the premises; the execution is done so well. The writing was descriptive. I loved reading this book.

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Thank you NetGalley and Sarah Ready for giving me a copy of this book for an honest review. This is the second book of Sarah’s I have read. She is quickly becoming an auto buy author for me. I switched between the ebook and audiobook. The narrator was so good that I preferred to listen to the book versus read it. The plot of this story was super unique. I will admit, I struggled with the beginning of the book. I kept waiting for Fiona to start dreaming so we could get a look at her island family. Once that started, the story really picked up. I loved every second she was on the island meeting new people and getting to know her new “family”. I will say even though the beginning was a little slow, it was so necessary for the story. I don’t want to give too much away but this was a beautiful story about a woman not being afraid to dream. Plus, the vibes were vibing and you can’t really ask for more than that. I’m so excited to read Sarah’s other books.

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I absolutely loved this book! It was such a cute romance and it had me smiling so much! I would highly recommend this book!

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This is a fun, quirky trilogy of books sure to put a smile on your face!
Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy. It is due out next month!

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When I saw this book was coming out I was excited. I loved Sarah’s other book Switched. I enjoyed Fated. Fi’s dreams felt so real. The book did take awhile to get really good but once it did the outcome was fantastic. Thank you Net Galley and Smith & Lewis Publishing for the advanced copy of the book

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Sarah Ready's "Fated" is a delightful escape into a world where dreams and reality collide. Our workaholic heroine, Fiona, finds herself living a double life thanks to a magical family heirloom. By day, she's running a Swiss watch company, but at night, she's whisked away to a tropical paradise with the man of her dreams, Aaron.

The chemistry between Fiona and Aaron is off the charts! Their slow-burn romance had me swooning with every stolen glance and tender moment. From picnics under swaying palms to stargazing on the beach, their connection feels so real that you'll forget it's all just a dream.

Ready weaves a tale that's part fantasy, part romance, and all heart. It's the perfect read for anyone who's ever wondered what their dream life might look like. Just be prepared to fall in love with a fictional couple and maybe start believing in a little bit of magic!

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I'm not going to lie I was skeptical of this one. I wasn't sure how Sarah was going to weave this story together considering that Fi dreams most of it. HOWEVER, I was not expecting the emotional rollercoaster that was given to me! Fi was one of those characters who loved so deeply it bled off the page. AARON is a sweetie pie that I could just gobble up. He is so kindhearted and dedicated to his friends and family that it makes my heart ache. It has twists and turns that left me on the edge of my seat and wanting to weep at how amazing it was! It is a perfect read if you want to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life!

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I was excited to read it based on the description, and thought it was only going to be a 3 star book in the beginning. It felt like information was just being thrown at me so it took a while to catch on. Also, the main character seemed to be pretty oblivious to what was obviously happening in her life. But, after the first few chapters I became absolutely enthralled by the book. The ending was predictable, but it still had me on the edge of my seat waiting to see how she was going to tie it together. I swear my heart was racing from anticipation during the final 15% of the book. I highly recommend and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

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I felt like this book started a bit slow, but once it got started it was so good. I sat down with it this morning and my Kindle said I had 7 hours to read. However, 4 hours later, and I had read the whole book. Once it got started I couldn't put it down. I was dragged into the story. I was drawn into the story and it no longer felt like I was reading. This whole series has been magnificent. I have been reading for the author for a couple of years, and I really think this series is the best. I loved the connection between Aaron and Fi and how they kept connecting in dreams. I can't wait for the next one!

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Fiona is a busy woman who runs her family's Swiss watch company. But time is not one thing that she has and wishes she had more of. When her mother stops in for a visit, Fiona (Fi) is given a missing family heirloom that her mother stole to get back. What's more is that the timepiece is rumored to have magical abilities.

When Fi wakes up on a tropical island, beside a man she does not recognize, she is freaks out. Where is she? Why is he calling her by another name? Once she calms, she realizes that she has been transported into her dreams where she is a married woman with two children.

This is a book that screams "believe in the power of your dreams". By day, Fi is a businesswoman running a watch company. She spends time with those in her life while at night, she is transported to the island and the life she has there.

When I started this book, I had my doubts. I love Sarah Ready's books and devoured the first two books in this series, and found that I was not instantly in love with this book as I had been with Ghosted and Switched. My advice is to stick with this book because there is a nice payoff that comes toward the end. I went from enjoying it, to not being able to put it down.

With the other books in this series, this book touches on finding love in unconventional ways. There is that magical/paranormal touch that comes into play. Suspending disbelief is necessary. With romance it is all about the journey and Fi goes on quite the journey in this book.

I enjoyed how Fated touches on family, friendship, romance, time, motherhood, and vulnerability. The characters are likeable, quirky, endearing and well-drawn. I also enjoyed the vivid descriptions of the tropical island. I felt as if I were swept away and right there with them as a silent observer.

As with Sarah Ready's other books, this book was beautifully written, well thought out, had fun parts, parts that pull on the heartstrings, and great banter.

I had the pleasure of having both the book and audiobook versions of Fated. Fans of this series, will be happy to see Daniel (Fi's brother) from Ghosted.

I look forward to the next book in the series.

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Just finished this and OMG it's nothing like what I was expecting. It really reminded me of The Space Between, the way the love story panned out, but it definitely fits so well into the Ghosted series. I gotta say it's been a while since I read the previous two books but love that we get glimpses of those MCs as side characters in the other books. We had a ghost, we had an exchange of bodies in a particle collision, we have a dream fulfilling watch, and I'm so excited for the next book (Wished). Sarah has seriously outdone herself, crafting these gorgeous books with the best kind of magical realism.

I adore the idea behind this book and parts of it were so brilliantly executed. This one chapter was such a rollercoaster- I was listening to it while cooking and just froze in anticipation, thankfully didn't burn my food. I wish I could say this was a perfect read, but I know it could've been executed better. See, i love the planning and plotting with the detailed characters (and there are a ton of them), the descriptions of the setting, and the pure, raw emotion poured into the story. But there were a couple of times I was super confused about the world building and took a me a good while for everything to click in place, so maybe a little bit of a pacing issue too.

Apart from this tiny hiccup, I loved this novel and hope this series never ends. I'll be sad if Wished is the last, but super happy for Max getting his HEA too.

PS: This is probably weird to add into a review, but the story reminded me of the story from the Hindu epics of Dushyanta and Shakuntala. I don't want to give away the plot of this book to those who haven't read it yet, but you can search "Shakuntala lost ring" if you're interested!

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As I like others have realized this is book 3 in a series. While It didnt completely throw me off and I did read it anyway some parts kinda of tossed me because I felt like maybe I was missing pieces because I didnt read the first two books in the series. I enjoyed the book and it was definitely a nice change of pace from my usual reads! Thanks so much for letting me ARC :)

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. I didn't realize this was the 3rd book in this series and I read it as a stand alone. The plot of this book sounded interesting to me, however I couldn't get into it. Lots of other readers really this book though!

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<strong>I cried from chapter 43 to 58 (the end). This is by far my favorite romance of 2024.</strong>

This is Sarah Ready's best novel yet! I have been a fan since Ghosted, and thought Switch was deliciously quirky. But in Fated, she taps into a whole new dimension of romance and mysticism. In fact, I think this perfectly captures the idea of Magical Surrealism - instead of accepting magic as a part of flat reality, this book marvels and glitters with the surreal experience of living in your dreams.

Fiona is the elder sister of Book 1's male lead, but you don't need to read the others to start this. It's set several years before the events in the other books. Fiona is a single mom and CEO of her family's Watch empire, burning all the midnight oil to save the company after her father's death. It's a task that has stolen all of her energy and focus until a stranger bursts into her life and shoots her. Six months later, she's drowning in PTSD. Her mom gifts her a magical pocket-watch - the first timepiece that her ancestor ever built - said to grant you the ability to live your dreams.

And it works! In her dreams, Fiona is transported far from cold Geneva, into a different reality where she married to the (hottest) most supportive husband, with two kids and a simple island life. She spends the summer finding an escape and a safe place to practice opening her heart up to love. But when her dreams bleed into her waking life, she has to decide which reality to live in.

THE ANGST! THE ROMANCE! THE LONGING! There's so many questions that ultimately wrap up into a dramatic ending that will thoroughly impress fans of 'The Timetraveller's Wife' and maybe "Howl's Moving Castle' (I haven't seen it but there's a tiktok quote that kept repeating in my head). It's time to find love yall! I believe that this will remain my #1 romance for 2024.

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