Member Reviews

My favourite author on the planet Robert Bryndza has done it again! What an entertaining heart in your mouth read The Last Victim turned out to be. In case you have read the Kate Marshall series, this is book five. Yes, you can read it as a standalone, but I would urge you to read the books in order just because they are all so good. The Lost Victim adds a stellar addition to this unmissable series. As always, Robert Bryndza writes with razor-sharp precision, authentic narrative, great characterisation, and a fascinating plot.

Kate’s past comes back to haunt her when Peter Conway The Nine Elms killer’s name is linked to the cold case of School girl Janey Macklin who vanished in 1988. Kate and her partner Tristan are hired to investigate the case. It’s clear from the opening chapter that Janey’s disappearance is unlikely to have a happy ending. I found this added to the tension tenfold as I raced to the story’s conclusion, hoping for a positive conclusion.

Kate and Tristan are intricate and engaging as the crimes they unravel. They are both interesting characters with strengths and weaknesses. With no body, little evidence, and unreliable witnesses, there’s little to go on. But Kate and Tristan are determined to solve the case. Throughout the complex plot, they meet various witnesses. All of them appear to be hiding something with their half truths and lies. With well hidden clues peppered throughout and just as many red herrings, The Last Victim is one that I will guarantee will keep you guessing.

What I particularly like about this series is how original each book has been. The author thankfully has a very vivid imagination, and each story offers something unique, which is why Robert Bryndza continues to be one of my all-time favourite authors. The Last Victim is dark, disturbing and most definitely a gripping read. Highly recommended.

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The Lost Victim is the fifth of Robert Bryndza's series of stories about Kate and Tristan and their private detective agency. In this book they are asked to investigate a cold case from 1988 in London's Kings Cross with a view to making a podcast. They soon suspect she may have been another victim of Kate's nemesis and erstwhile lover Peter Conway as this was his hunting ground as the Nine Elms Cannibal. They spend most of the book travelling up and down from the South West to London and Wakefield but the pace of the book doesn't suffer and the twists come thick and fast. I always enjoy Robert Bryndza's books and this was no exception. The story was fresh and interesting. The characters realistic and relatable. Another winner I'm happy to recommend. Can't wait for Kate and Tristan's next outing.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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Kate Marshall and her partner, Tristan are back in the addictive, riveting, and thrilling fifth book in the Kate Marshall series!!! Kate's son, Jake also has a part to play in The Lost Victim. I was so happy when I saw Bryndza had a new book in this wonderful series coming out and this book did not disappoint! The past and present collide as Kate and Tristan are hired by a true crime podcaster to investigate a cold case in which Peter Conway, the Nine Elms Cannibal is a possible suspect. This brings back an avalanche of feelings, emotions, and press as Peter Conway is Kate’s ex-boyfriend and partner and Jake's biological father. Talk about having a lot to deal with. Whew! I could not help but feel for Kate during this book.

As Kate and Tristan begin their investigation, they find they are up against time, aging suspects, secret after secret, and those with things to hide. I enjoyed the mounting tension, suspense, and danger that grew as the book progressed. Plus, this book evokes emotion as readers watch both Kate and Jake reunite, cope with having Peter Conway back in their lives.

Bryndza never disappoints and has a knack for writing book series where each book in the series can be read as a stand-alone. He is also a gifted author who has me on the edge of my seat, turning the pages at warp speed, while trying to do my own super sleuthing to determine whodunit! I also enjoyed spending time again with Kate and Tristan. Both are likeable characters who have a wonderful working relationship and lovely supportive friendship. Their banter and interactions have been a joy to read as has been their character's development over the course of this series. I can't wait to read what comes next for them!

If you have not read a book by Robert Bryndza, you are seriously missing out. His books are brilliant, wonderfully written, well thought out, and feature strong female characters.

Gripping, well written, well thought out, shocking, and suspenseful.

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This is the 5th book in the Kate Marshall series and it’s an absolute belter of a 5 star read. Due to some personal issues I have been struggling with my concentration when reading but this was just the book I needed to pull me right out of my reading slump and get me back on track and a massive thank you to Robert Bryndza for that and long may this series continue.
As with all the previous books the writing was perfection and with a gripping plot line that kept me guessing till the very end this was murder/mystery writing at its very best in my opinion. I love the characters of Kate and Tristan and their backstory also and am really looking forward to what is next in store for them both.
So all in all I cannot fault this book it has everything I love in a read, superb storytelling, wonderful characters and a book I couldn’t put down what more can you ask for…. Well the next book please Mr Bryndza!!
My thanks to NetGalley and Raven Street Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Kate has become a favorite protagonist since I first discovered her in Nine Elms. She’s no longer a detective in London, she and partner Tristan have set up a private detective agency in a small seaside village. She has experienced many personal traumatic events, the most life changing involves her son, Jake, and serial killer Peter Conway. Her demons are mostly kept at bay but a new opportunity could dredge up the past.
Kate and Tristan have to decide whether to accept an offer to participate in research for a possible podcast by a creative agency that involves a cold case. Janey disappeared, her body never found, however a suspect was convicted for her murder. He was later released. Taking the case would help pay for mounting expenses for their business. As they proceed new developments raise questions and involve incarcerated inmates. The more they study previous police investigations and interview those involved, the more confusing the facts become. They ruffle feathers and stir up raw emotions. Can they find Janey once and for all or should they heed warnings to leave it alone? Did the cops get it right the first time or is there more to be uncovered? I sped through the pages to get the answers. There were many surprising turns in the case and it had me hooked til the end.
An Advance Reader Copy of “The Lost Victim” Private Investigator Kate Marshall #5, by Robert Bryndza, Raven Street Publishing, anticipated publication 07/11/2024, was provided by NetGalley. These honest thoughts and opinions are given voluntarily without compensation and are all my own.

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I have loved every book so far in the Kate Marshall series and was so glad to get book 5!

Private Investigators Kate and Tristan travel to London to work on a cold case of a young girl who went missing many years ago. They believe she could be a victim of the Nine Elms Cannibal, Kate’s old boss who she captured, and her son Jake’s father. I felt like was a lot of closure for Kate, her son, and us readers on the drama with Peter Conway.

This book wrapped up a little of what has happened previously, but I will be happy to see Kate and Tristan in more books in the future. I recommend this book, the whole series, and really anything by Robert Bryndza!!

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Another fab story in the Kate Marshall series. They get better with everyone. Bryndzas books always draw you into investment in the.characters. and with this story it linked back to Kates early past in the 1st in the series. It would be nice for something good to happen on the love front for either Kate or Tristan. Can't wait for the next one in the erika Foster series. Somebody please make these into a tv series

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I absolutely love the Kate Marshall series and this new addition is a wonderful addition to it. This book kept me guessing right until the last minute and kept me turning the pages even when I was too tired to read! Recommend to anyone who likes to get lost in a mystery solving puzzle where you think you know but you are proven wrong! Thank you for my advanced copy to read!

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I adored this book. This was one where I kept second guessing myself every time I thought I knew what happened. This book took me for a wild ride. The writing was excellent, the suspense kept you hanging, and the characters were all believable. I would absolutely recommend this book and will be looking forward to reading more books from this author.

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Thank you to NetGalley‎ and Raven Street Publishing for my copy of The Lost Victim by Robert Bryndza.

You know when a new Robert Bryndza book lands you are in for a treat.
This is the fifth book in the Kate Marshall Private Investigator series, and Kate along with her partner Tristan have been invited to London by a podcast producer to look into the disappearance of schoolgirl Janey Macklin back in 1988.
They are offering a lucrative contract, but there is always a price to pay. In this case it means the man Kate put away for murder, her ex lover and father of her son will be involved.
Can Kate cut through all the rubbish and falsehoods and find the truth for Janey's family.
A gripping read that I devoured.

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4.5 stars
Having read all of Robert Bryndza's books up until now, I couldn't wait to get my hands on his latest release.
The Lost Victim was another great read.
It kept me in suspense the whole way through, right until the very end.
There were plenty of twists and turns to keep you engaged along the way, as well.
I'm definitely looking forward to Kate and Erika crossing paths in the future, as was teased in this.
Robert Bryndza will always be a must-read for me and you will not be disappointed with this story, especially if you're a fan of his work.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I do love Robert Bryndza and the Kate Marshall saga, however this fifth novel left me wanting unfortunately. The characters and podcast people were painfully unlikable this time. I'm glad the Peter Conway story has come to an end.

Thank you to the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Firstly I would like to thank netgalley and raven street publishing and the brilliant author Robert Bryndza for an early copy of his book to read.

This is book five in this fabulous series,another brilliant read.kate and Tristan on a murder investigation into Janey Mackin in 1988.the finger points to the killer peter Conway whos in prison doing time,did he do the crime no body was found so theres no evidence..Kate and Tristan seeking the answers...recommend this series and author...looking forward to reading more of his books...

This book will be reviewed on goodreads and Amazon uk and waterstone's.

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I was issued this book by NetGalley for my unbiased review.

I had a little trouble starting this book. I had to adjust to the British lingo!

Once I did I found this to be a very good read. It was a cold case with possibly a strong connection with the PI working to solve the case.

It had a bunch of twists and turns. While I had some ideas on "who did it", I kept being dissuaded and taken in other directions. That is good!

I will happily read more from Robert Bryndza.

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First and foremost, a large thank you to NetGalley, Robert Bryndza, and Raven Street Publishing for providing me with a copy of this publication, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review.

Returning for another Kate Marshall cold case thriller, I was once more impressed with the writing of Robert Bryndza. In a story that takes the reader back three decades, Bryndza provides all the elements for a great piece and provides some chilling personal development regarding the protagonist. A quick read, but also thoroughly enjoyable!

It was just before Christmas 1988 that Janey Macklin disappeared without a trace. She was last seen in the sketchy part of London, but when no body was ever found. While there was an arrest and conviction, the courts eventually overturned the result and the accused whet free. With no other leads, the case went cold.

Three decades later, Kate Marshall and her investigative partner, Tristan Harper, are called on to help reopen the investigation. A literary group is eager to launch a review and potentially turn it into a podcast or tell-all book. They utilises Kate and Tristan to explore old leads and turn over anything they might discover. Some wonder if Janey could have been an early victim of the Nine Elms Cannibal, a killer with whom Kate is unfortunately well versed.

While Kate and Tristan agree to the contract, it will open up old wounds and many issues for Kate. Still, she is determined to get it the bottom of things and help bring some closure for Janey’s family. While the man once convicted of her murder says that he dropped her off inside a pub, others are sure they saw Janey outside in the cold. This same pub was a known hangout of the man, Peter Conway, who would become the Nine Elms Cannibal. His enjoyment of young girls and sadistic means of self-pleasure do not go unnoticed by Kate, who wonders if there is more to the story.

Exploring all angles, Kate and Tristan come up with a potential theory that could solve the case, but also jeopardise the contract they recently signed. If it means discovering the truth, it may be worth it. A chilling story with a few surprises, Robert Bryndza keeps the reader highly entertained.

I have long enjoyed the work of Robert Bryndza and his various thriller series. There is something about them that is both impactful and easy to read. The narrative flows well ask keeps the reader hooked as they try to discover all that is going on, never letting things wane. Strong characters and their backstories provide wonderful sub-plots that add depth to an already strong series.

The plot is strong and provides the reader with a few key surprises, peppered throughout this strong narrative. Using both past and present, as well as Kate’s own experiences, help enrich an already strong story, leaving the reader hooked as they race to discover the truth. Add in a few red herrings and the story has it all! I am eager to see what Bryndza has next and how he will breathe life into all that is Kate Marshall, while hinting that there may be an Erika Foster crossover eventually!

Kudos, Mr. Bryndza, for another chilling read.

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Kate Marshall is back with a bang, I love this series and always look forward to what case Kate and Tristan are going to investigate next,

This book id no exception when a girl who disappeared 30 years ago is the case that needs solving, was the nine elms killer involved or is that just a distraction to the real reason she went missing.

A great red, fast paced

4 stars

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Thank you to NetGalley and Raven Street Publishing for letting me read the fifth book in the Kate Marshall series by Robert Bryndza. Like all his books you are gripped from the first page which carries through until the last. Highly recommend this five star read and looking forward to book 6.

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One of the things I enjoy most about reading Robert Bryndza's books is that the story takes off right on the first page and does not slow down. You are instantly hooked and want to keep reading. The Lost Victim is no different. We get a glimpse into the investigation to find, not only the lost victim, but the truth behind her disappearance. Though it's part of a series, you won't be confused or anything by reading it out of order. This will appeal to the true crime enthusiast!

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Another suspenseful novel by the author.

Private Detective Kate Marshall is back with her partner, Tristan and they have been engaged to look into the disappearance of Janey Macklin, back in 1988. Her case went cold and with no body and no witnesses, the police have given up. The contract would be the most lucrative of Kate's career and with a potential link to Peter Conway, she is invested.

Another intriguing novel and it is so nice to see Kate and her partner back again. While this is part of a series, it could easily be read as a stand alone, as the author provides enough backstory for you to catch up.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Raven Street Publishing for this gifted review copy.

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The Lost Victim is a fast paced read with twists and turns that make it just one more chapter book.

Kate Marshall and her partner Tristan Harper have been hired by a podcast company to look into the disappearance and Janey Macklin in 1988,

Janey is thought to perhaps be one of Peter Conway's victims but he is not talking and his life expectancy is low.

Kate is facing her own demons with her history with Peter and worries for her son but together her and Tristan are determined to follow the clues and bring some closure to her family.

There is never closure but to bring Janey home would be beyond words for the family.

Robert Bryndza has written a taut thriller that leads the reader down a twisted path that keeps the pages turning.

The Lost VIctim can certainly be read as a stand alone but the entire series is captivating.

I hope one day that Kate Marshall meets up with Erika Foster ( another great series by Mr. Bryndza).

I cant wait to see what befalls Kate and Tristan in the next book of the series.

Thanks to NetGalley and Raven Street Publishing for a pulse pounding read.

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