Member Reviews

Robert does it again. I tried to make this book last but I read it in a couple of days (work and life getting in the way as usual!). The next book in the Kate Marshall series about a cold case from the 80s with a missing girl in London. I loved this book, so fast paced and a real page turner. I also really like learning more about Kate, her son Jake and Tristan (Kate's assistant and friend) but that the main thread in the book is about the case they are investigating. As always loved it! Would highly recommend and will continue to recommend to everyone I know!

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Robert Bryndza writes both the Erika Foster and Kate Marshall series. Both series have strong female protagonists, and I highly recommend each series. This is book 5 in the Kate Marshall series. She is a former detective, turned college professor, turned private investigator and her police background makes this a quasi police procedural novel. Although it can be read as a stand alone, I highly recommend starting with book 1, "Nine Elms," and reading them in order. If you read them out of order, there will be significant spoilers for the earlier books. Highly recommended

Thanks to NetGalley and Raven Street Publishing for an advanced reader copy.

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Christmas 1988 was the last time anyone saw Janey Macklin. Sent to the corner shop by her mum she never returned. Thirty years later, with true crime podcasts fast becoming a thing, private detectives Kate Marshall and her partner, Tristan Harper, have been asked to try and discover what actually happened.

Although they are eager to accept the new case they both know Kate’s past will be pushed back into the spotlight if they are successful. With a main suspect to investigate as well as Kate’s ex-lover and convicted serial killer Peter Conway, it's not an easy assignment but gradually, after relocating temporarily to London, they begin to make progress but after three decades and without a body will justice ever truly be served?

Book 5 in Robert Bryndza's excellent series is as full throttle as his readers have come to expect with the two main protagonists doing what they do best! Once again Kate has to acknowledge her tragic and traumatic past if she is to succeed but her reactions never feel contrived and the current case isn't overshadowed by what has gone before.

I was able to read an advanced copy of this thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, Raven Street, but the opinions expressed are my own. This was an excellent read which I can highly recommend.

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Thank you NetGalley and Raven Street Publishing for the copy of The Lost Victim by Robert Byrndza. I have been waiting for a new Kate Marshall book so I was excited to read this! The cold case was linked to the Nine Elms Cannibal so it became personal for Kate and kept me wondering where it would lead for their relationship that has unfolded over the past four books in the series. Don’t worry though because you can read this as a standalone but I recommend you read the whole series because it’s so good! If you want a fast-paced book that is so well written you won’t want to put it down, pick up this one and you won’t be disappointed!

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This series featuring Kate and Tristan goes from strength the strength. This time they are called by a creative agency to investigate the disappearance of Janey Macklin a teenager who went missing 30 years previously. Letters have been sent from a prisoner who suggested that Kates ex, the convicted detective Peter Conway, had some connection to the crime. This brings Peter back into Kates life just as she's getting herself back on track.
I raced through this book, I read the entire book whilst on a plane journey, I just couldn't put it down. I love Kate and Tristan's relationship they really work well together. Some previous characters also make a welcome return

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The Lost Victim is book number 5 in the Kate Marshall series by Robert Bryndza and it is another well written book with lots of twists and turns that keeps the pages turning.

Definitely recommended.

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I’d like to thank netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. I have been a huge fan of Robert’s and this series since I found it so I couldn’t wait to dive into this one. This time we follow Kate and Tristan to London where they try to solve a cold case from 1988, and how is the Nine Elms killer connected if it all. I couldn’t put this one down and can’t wait for the next one.

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Private Detectives Kate and Tristan have a new case, the disappearance of a young girl 30 years ago. A man was convicted of the murder but released on appeal as there was no body. The case could hit close to home for Kate. There are all sorts of twists in the story, no one is who they seem and a lot of them are lying. This one will keep you guessing. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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This was such an enjoyable book. No matter what series (or standalones) Bryndza writes, he always delivers an amazing novel.

The Kate Marshall series is actually my favourite and I am so keen to see where this goes next.

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The Lost Victim, the fifth book in the Private Investigator Kate Marshall Series by Robert Bryndza is a gripping, suspenseful, and twisty thriller that builds brilliantly on the books that have gone before.
The combination of a cold case involving a missing 15-year-old girl, a man convicted and then absolved of her murder, a trio of podcasters who clearly are hiding something, and not one but two serial killers who frequented the area where she disappeared at the time - one of whom has an intricate history with main character private detective Kate Marshall - makes for an intriguing and complex book.
Brilliantly written, The Lost Victim sweeps the reader away and keeps them turning the pages to the very end.
The author proves yet again that you simply can not go wrong with a Robert Bryndza book! He is one author I never need to read the synopsis of a book, I just grab it!
I was thrilled to get an ARC of #TheLostVictim from #NetGalley.

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Poor Kate can’t escape the notorious killer Peter Conway. He’s like a bad penny that just keeps turning up. The new case that her and Tristan are working on, raises the question of whether the disappearance of teenager Janey was one of Peter’s last murders before he was sent down. This opens up a lot of old wounds for Kate.

There is a melancholy feel throughout as Kate has to battle not only with her demons but with the dreaded press who never seem to give her a break. Their quest into a cold case is both sad and surprising. I really felt for Janey’s mum and sister and it’s a reminder of how families are left to cope with the loss of a loved one, more so when they have been left years with no answers.

The storyline had me well and truly hooked. The duo make great progress in a short amount of time which for some reason doesn’t seem to go down to well with the clients who hired them. Everyone seems to be keeping things close to their chests and I was dying to find out just what they were.

The Lost Victim was full of cleverly crafted twists that had me pointing my finger at quite a few of the characters. With so many red herrings, you would need to be Columbo to have any hope of solving this one! At times it makes for some uncomfortable reading as the author knows how to create some seriously sick killers and the prison scenes made my blood boil. Grippingly brilliant and highly addictive, I can’t get enough of this serious!

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The Lost Victim by Robert Bryndza is a Kate Marshall private investigator series book 5. The book can be read as a standalone. The setting is in London and involves a cold case. As stated in the synopsis, when schoolgirl Janey Macklin disappeared from the seedy side of London in 1988, her case went cold, with no body and no witnesses. Now, 30 years later, private detective Kate Marshall has been approached by a true crime podcast producer with an intriguing question they need her help answering: What if Janey was killed by Peter Conway, the notorious Nine Elms Cannibal?

The Lost Victim is a good mystery with lots of twists and red herrings to keep the reader wondering what will happen and who is involved.

The plot was interesting, the writing style engaging as always with this author, and the characters continued to be well-developed and realistic. The Lost Victim has a clever plot with page-turning action.

I would recommend this book, this series, and this author.

#TheLostVictim #NetGalley

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I do love a Kate Marshall thriller and this one, The Lost Victim, is an absolute belter. Faced with a large repair bill at the holiday park that she runs alongside her partner in Crime Fighting, Tristan, Kate agrees, on behalf of a team of True Crime Podcasters, to take up the cold case relating to missing London teenager, Janey Macklin, who had gone to the shops for her mother back in the late eighties and was never seen again. Despite the lack of a body, a local man was convicted of her murder but was later acquitted, leaving Janey's as just another of the many unsolved missing persons cases the Met Police face every year. The only thing that makes this particular case so special is that the podcasters have evidence that may link Janey to the notorious 'Nine Elms Cannibal', the man who made Kate infamous whilst also ending her police career. This case is personal, for both Kate and her son, but is it also a chance to right a decades old wrong and bring closure to the Macklin family, once and for all?

Now, unless you have been living under a rock, or haven't read any of the Kate Marshall books, the Nine Elms Cannibal needs no introduction. If you do need an intro, I would recommend you start at the beginning of the series and work your way back to here. The story is completely standalone, with Robert Bryndza giving just enough of a situational recap to make Kate and the Cannibal's history make sense. But, even though I am far from being a reading purist, I read out of order all the time, I do think that having the full backstory really makes this particular story work brilliantly, especially certain twists and tribulations along the way. This does feel like a bit of a turning point for Kate, so that missing history will help you to understand why. That said, if you want to just get stuck straight in and enjoy a brilliant mystery, packed with edginess, unease and tension, that's all good too. Mr B has completely catered for that.

This book had me feeling uneasy right from the start. As soon as you read that opening chapter you will understand why. Without even thinking that this might link to Kate's past, there is a certain element of the book which will have you wanting to take young Janey to one side and give her a really stern talking to. Looked at with a post millenium perspective, the kind of risks we willingly took as youngsters back in the 80's really does make you wonder how any of our generation is still alive. That's not to say that Janey is completely naive and trusting, but even without reading the blurb you will get those prickles on the skin that tell you nothing here is going to end well. it kept me on edge and had me completely invested in Janey's story from the off. I was on board with this investigation and did not want to put the book down.

There is plenty of misdirection and misinformation in this book. Sadly, due to the time that had passed since Janey's disappearance, access to witnesses and investigating officers was tricky, but what I love about Tristan and Kate is their determination and their ability to get people to open up, as well as the ability to get under people's skin, a skill that proved crucial in solving this case. There are so many angles in play, including people who want to misdirect for personal gain, and in this case it's not just the killer. There is a real emotional resonance in this case as well, both for Janey's mother and sister, and also for Kate where a change in personal circumstances leaves her a little adrift. I liked how the author explored this element of the story, of how it is not as black and white as it maybe should have been.

Did I have my suspicions about certain characters in this story? Absolutely - it is hard not to, to be honest. Did it stop me leaping to conclusions, or give away the full whys and wherefores of the plot? Not at all, and the clues are perfectly placed, and the story perfectly paced, to keep the key reveal to just the right moment. It is tense, without being too intense, the characters confusing and infuriating in equal measure, and laced with emotion and a kind of inevitable ending that sadly feels all too contemporary and authentic. But most of all, it's another totally absorbing case with characters I love to while away the hours with and I cannot wait for more. Definitely recommended.

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I love Robert Bryndza books and know when I start one there will be very little work done. This was no exception I couldn’t put it down. The characters are very believable and he portrays the menace of the serial killers in a way that gives the reader a chilly shudder.

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Another amazing book by this thrilling author. The return of Peter Conway into Kate life is fascinating and I could not put this book down. Outstanding from this author please continue with this series

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I’m getting to like Kate more and more I did miss Erica I have to say but like Kate just as much. Janey Macklin went missing in 1988 a crime producer asked Kate and Tristan to find the real truth as to what happened to Janey it’s a complex case and they have their work cut out as it happened such a long time ago. The evidence points to Peter Conway the Nine Elms killer who is now in prison for all the other murders he did but there is uncertainty Kate and Tristan are determined to find out the truth.

The twists and turns will keep you on the edge of your seat thank you Robert for another great thriller.

Thank you to Netgalley and Raven Street Publishing for an ARC

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I think this was my favorite Kate Marshall book.

It was very well balanced, more Peter, more Jake, amazing suspects, amazing witnesses, the setting, the agencies, I could go on and on. I would have really loved if the book was about 500 pages longer.

Also I really liked the open end where we know what COULD happen but it might also go in another direction.

Really excited for the next one!

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I have read all of Robert Bryndza’s books and each one is better than the last. This is definitely the best Kate Marshall story so far.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the arc.

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I've been an avid reader of Robert Bryndza since the Coco Pinchard days!, so I'm happy to see him go from strength to strength.

Loved this book, I have read the other 4 in the Kate Marshall series also, but this could easily be read as a stand-alone (would recommend reading them all though!).
The book was fast paced and kept my interest throughout, I couldn't put it down!. Kate is a very likeable character and love the relationship between her and Tristan.

I would love to see a Kate Marshall/ Erika Foster mash up book in future or even a tv series (hint hint Netflix!)

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to read this book before release

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author for this eARC.

Wow, wow, wow - The Lost Victim exceeded all my expectations and is a very, VERY good read, and one of my top reads so far this year. I am a big fan of Rob Bryndza and he certainly grabbed my attention and interest right from the start and held it all the way through to the end. I've always liked Kate and Tristan, and here they look into a 30 year old police cold case of Janey Macklin, who went missing in London. I really enjoyed following their investigation as they revisit the case searching for new leads. Peter Conway returns and is believed to know something about Janeys disappearance. He is one of the most loathsome characters who just makes my skin crawl. The authors writing is, as always, very engaging and I think he really connects with his readers and knows what they want. The plot line is very intricate and well thought out and has lots of separate threads that slowly begin to come together and tie up towards the end. I felt like I was unwrapping layer after layer of secrets due to Kate and Tristan's tenacity and determination to find out what happened to Janey. This quickly became a very moreish read where I needed to know what would happen next, and that good it was hard to put down. The pacing is perfect and the writing is full of suspense, thrills and atmosphere. I honestly can't fault anything about this read, I loved it. If you like books with mystery and suspense then is for you, yes, it can be read on its own although I'd recommend you read the series in order to know the characters from the beginning.

5 stars

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