Member Reviews

omg, i absolutely loved this book! I loved the shadow between us, I couldn’t put it down! So I was absolutely ecstatic to be accepted for an arc of this one which is the sequel.

This follows Chrysantha story who we met in the first book. It follows on from the first book so well, it truly reads as though you’ve a film in your head. Chrysantha was a character to say the least! I think we could all agree she wasn’t the most likely but the character development 👏🏻 incredible. She is a very fierce & fiery woman, ruthless to a T but is also so caring & kind and actually quite lovable.

I absolutely loved the enemies to lovers trope in this book, I think it was done so well! Eryx was similar to Kallias in some ways, but out of the two I think I prefer Eryx 🫣 they fmc and mmc have so much tension, the way they grate on each other causes so much perfect banter!

All in all, an incredible book written incredible well! What I love about this authors writing is she always ALWAYS grips you from the first line of the book. If I had had the time I would have binged this book in a day it was that good! The series as a whole gives off badass - monster - bridgeton vibes!

Thank you NetGalley, Pushkin Press & Tricia Levenseller for the ARC of this wonderful book!

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“The Darkness Within Us” is a ya fantasy romance written by Tricia Levenseller, companion novel to “The Shadows Between Us.”

A strong, cunning, proud and independent girl. A mysterious, cocky, sly and rude guy. A splendid country estate. A heated dispute for the inheritance. A sizzling enemies to lovers. A hilarious forced proximity. A slow burn rather slooow. A captivating, effervescent, engaging prose. A fast, brisk pace accompanied by short chapters. A dark, beguiling and funny story. Intrigues, manipulations, deceptions, lies, secrets and power plays. A nebulous world building, reduced to the bare minimum so as not to get lost. A fantasy component that, except for a couple of characters with magical powers, is limited to the setting. These are just some of the elements that constitute “The Darkness Within Us,” a novel that completely won me over! While reading, I found myself laughing, smiling and swooning repeatedly, absorbed in the vortex of the narration! Seriously, I adored “The Shadows Between Us,” but I admit that I loved “The Darkness Within Us” even more!

Chrysantha and Eryx made me swoon so much! Chrysantha, protagonist with her only first person pov, is a strong, determined, intelligent, patient and independent girl. A skilled liar, an incredible actress and an excellent manipulator, she longs for a life of freedom, riches and security. Forced into an arranged marriage, thanks to her deceptions she married an old, slimy, ill, extremely rich and heirless duke and obtained the title of duchess. Yes, she had to endure his wickedness, but now that he is dead she has finally inherited everything and achieved her goals. Or at least she thought so, until Eryx, the duke's alleged grandson, enters the picture. A man as handsome as mysterious, cocky and rude, whom Chrysantha does not trust in the slightest. Eryx claims the title of duke, the estate and the entire inheritance for himself, pushing for Chrysantha to leave. Chrysantha, on her part, has no intention of leaving and giving up everything she has obtained at great cost. And so begins an intense battle of spite, biting banter, ironic remarks, lies, subterfuges and treacherous attacks, which soon becomes incandescent. I liked Chrysantha and Eryx so much! They are two morally gray characters, portrayed in a fantastic way. I loved the development of their relationship and found myself giggling and swooning in a powerful way! There are no detailed spicy scenes, but that didn't bother me, also because their sexual tension is really tasty!

Ah I almost forgot! Alessandra and Kallias, the protagonists of “The Shadows Between Us,” make their reappearance in this book, which I appreciated a lot!

All in all, “The Darkness Within Us” is a ya fantasy romance that I absolutely loved and can't help but recommend to lovers of the genre!

Thank you to the Publisher and NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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wow, i didn’t expect to enjoy this as much as i did. i was hooked. the plot was very engaging (although nothing much happened). i love reading about a woman seeking her place in a male-dominated society and love seeing her succeed.

i really really loved Chrysantha's character. fierce yet kind. usually, writers show a fierce female character as rude or aloof but Chrysantha was a good example of how one can be fierce and brave yet kind and sweet 🥺 i was rooting for her throughout the book.

however, i didn’t like the romance. it kept popping into my head that they were grandmother-grandson which ruined the whole romance for me 😂 and i wanted her to stay single honestly. that would have been a better ending but since the book’s genre was fantasy romance, it couldn’t have ended without a happily ever after.

thanks to publishers and netgalley for the copy.

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Wow oh wow this book was so much fun!! I love the dynamic and the tension between the MMC and FMC. They both have a lot of secrets and the way they grate on each other throughout creates perfect banter. The FMC truly made me cry which was unexpected, how she just wanted to be free and was sick of living up to unfair expectations - I just felt that in my soul to be quite honest. Literally couldnt have laughed or enjoyed this more.

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I enjoyed reading more about this world and the sisters that could take over the world.

I've read The Shadows Between Us, so I was not expecting this amazing fiery FMC because of how the sister was portrayed previously. But Chrysantha is strong willed and a delight to read.

Eryx and Chrysantha's relationship made me smile with pure joy at multiple times throughout the book. I enjoyed reading about them getting to know each other, the scheming, and all the twists and turns along the way.

There are similarities with this and the first book in the series and even though you could read this as a standalone, I think it is better if you read book one first. As you will know the King and Queens story, therefore enjoy hearing about what they do afterwards, and also make the sisters relationship more endearing.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an eARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I am now entering my Regency Era!

This book is an easy, fast paced read. Think Bridgerton, with a pinch of Cruel Prince vibes, a smattering of enemies to lovers, add two Morally Grey, downright villainous main characters and you've got a Regency Romantasy to kill for.

The book follows Chrysantha who after years of scheming and manipulating men by pretending to be a simpleton, nearly has her hearts desire within reach. Her arranged marriage to a Duke on his deathbed is coming close to its end, her only goal is to avoid his lecherous hands until she can inherit everything and finally be free. She'll never be a man's property again. Her female rage is raw and real and utterly unapologetic. She is cunning, ambitious and won't hesitate to kill to get what she wants. What's not to love about an introverted book loving murderess.

Until it all begins to unravel when a mysterious stranger arrives to claim everything that is hers including her fortune and freedom.
What follows is a string of schemes, secrets, sexual tension and attempted murder, and it's glorious!

The Darkness Within Us is a companion/spin off novel and is set in the same world as The Shadows Between Us. It's was advertised that you could read this without having read the first book. So I did. While I do agree that you can 100% read this and enjoy it, I feel like I should have read the previous book. There are characters, relationships and world building elements already established from that book that I lacked context of, having not read it, which left me in the dark. I've added The Shadows Between Us to my TBR to enjoy next.

Thank you Netgalley and Pushkin Press for a copy of the eARC. The Darkness Within Us is out July 2024.

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A thrilling sequel to The Shadows Between Us, we follow the sister and her fight to keep the dukedom she murdered for, from the half-demon grandson and their subsequent love story. A brilliant YA fantasy romance standalone.

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*Thank you to NetGalley + publisher for an ARC copy in exchange for a review*

This spinoff novel to the much loved The Shadows Between Us follows Alessandra's older sister, Chrysantha. Whislt the pair are definitely different with their hobbies and patience, Chrysantha is just as cunning and ambitious as her sister. The book has a similar iconic first page like the previous, and hooks you right away.

Like always, Levenseller's writing is comfortable to read. There's enough description for reader's to immerse themselves within the book without getting overwhelmed by the world building. That being said, I do feel like this book skimmed over things that could have had more build up.

I really felt for Chrysantha, at first I didn't like her due to her appearances in TSBTU, however hearing her side of the story and watching as she grows and fixes her mistakes is nice to see, and I ended up really relating to her with her introverted ways and bookish personality. Her kindness can gp unnoticed due to her need for control and power, but deep down she only wants to be free. She's very sex positive which I liked, and I adored her friendships with her staff at the manor, as well as her rekindled relationship with Alessandra.

The romance was sizzling as always, with a true enemies to lovers relationship with Eryx, a mysterious man who charges into the story and disrupts the peace. They had some amazing banter and bickering, and the way he's actually impressed when Chrysantha tries to unalive him? Classic. There's shadow powers in this one too, for those who loved Kallias' shadow daddy abilities, Chrysantha and Eryx's story kind of reminded me of Beauty and the Beast.

The story is fairly simple, even predicable at times, and I do have to say that the pacing was a little slow at times, however it's still enjoyable and fun, and we get to see more of Alessandra and Kallias being the power couple they are. The ending didn't feel rushed but got resolved quickly which I was happy about, and the book had a sweet HEA too.

4/5 🌟

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Thank you to Netgalley and Pushkin Press for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I never thought we would get a novel from Chrysantha, and I can’t say I was clamoring for one, but I am beyond happy that we got one. This book absolutely hooked me. Fantasy Romance and enemies to lovers is already an easy sell for me. Regency era is always fun but especially when there’s a new season of Bridgerton out. And I just happened to watch part 1 of Season 3 right before starting this book. And it gave me everything I needed to help hold me over until part 2 drops.

I absolutely loved Chrysantha. It’s so interesting to get inside the head of a character that was absolutely despised by our FMC in the first book of this Companion Series, her sister Alessandra. Chrysantha is cunning and witty and such a force to be reckoned with. She’s also for sure crazy but I love that for her. This was absolutely a case of “I support women’s rights, but more importantly I support women’s wrongs”.

I also appreciate the discussion around women’s sexuality. If a man has many lovers he’s just a man. If a woman has more than one lover she’s a whore. But Chrysantha is having none of that. She wants what she wants, when she wants, how she wants, and is absolutely sick of societal norms and, frankly, anyone else’s opinion. My only slight issue with the sexual content is that this book is marketed as YA and I feel as though at some point it teetered from upper YA to maybe being more NA, but those lines have become more and more blurred these days. And not having NA exist as a recognized genre within publishing has made it difficult for books to be properly shelved. Alas, as an adult who thoroughly enjoys both sexual content and sexual tension, this book hit every beat I wanted from it. On my scale it was about 1/2 a chili pepper to 1 chili pepper when it came to the actual spice, but it definitely fell heavily on the side of thick tension, which I loved.

Chrysantha is the definition of a strong independent woman. I loved how she took no shit and fought for what she wanted. Following along with her tricks, her whims, and yes, her attempted murders, was an absolute joy. We also got multiple moments with the couple from the first book, which was fun.

This book is technically a companion novel, so you don’t have to read the first book in the series, but I’m glad that I did. I think it adds a fair amount of context that would benefit you in your read of this novel. However, it is definitely not necessary and I know that many people were divided when it came to their enjoyment of The Shadows Between Us but I think it’s evident that the author writing only continues to improve. I read The Shadows Between Us a few years ago and gave it a 4 stars, but I think on a re-read it could possibly be more of a 3.5 star read. I don’t really do quarter stars anymore but this book, The Darkness Within Us, is definitely at least a 4.5 star read, if not a 4.75 star.

I absolutely recommend that people pick this book up, even if they didn’t particularly love the first one. This book was an absolute joy of a read and will be perfect to pick up when it releases July 9th, after all of Bridgerton season 3 is out and you’re desperate for something to satiate you.

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I was hoping that "The Darkness Within Us" would be better than the first installment, "The Shadows Between Us". Honestly, I don't know if that's the case, but I still enjoyed this book a lot more than the first one.

"The Darkness Within Us" tells the story of Chrysantha Stathos, who is the sister of Alessandra, the heroine from the first book. Even though this novel is promoted as a companion book and not a sequel, I still think it’s better to read "The Shadows Between Us" before diving into this one. The worldbuilding is quite poor in this novel, and without knowing what you know from Alessandra's book, you are left in the dark about how this kingdom functions, who rules it, and how.

The storyline in the book is not particularly complicated, but it's still very engaging. Yet, there were moments when the characters behaved absurdly and made illogical decisions, all to push the plot forward. The weaker part of this book is definitely the main characters. The MFC, Chrysantha, is absolutely unaware that she is a bad person, and the feminist rage does not serve as an excuse. Too bad that the plot does not acknowledge that fact. The MMC, Eryx, is slightly more complex, but he is extremely rude at the beginning, and I am probably too old to appreciate an enemies-to-lovers dynamic built on such contempt and disrespect. It is not rewarding at all.

For me, the best thing about this book is that it is extremely fast-paced. You can literally run through it. It's an easy read, and I didn't have to push myself to finish it (which was the case with the first book, which I found extremely lackluster). If a book is not particularly good, it is important that it is at least not boring.

All in all, I believe this book won’t work for those who did not like the first installment. Yet, if you liked the first book, there is a good chance that you will enjoy this one as well.

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there’s nothing I love more than villainous main characters who know what they want and are willing to do anything to get it. it was a complete delight to read about Chrysantha and her endless scheming. there couldn’t have been a better match for her than Eryx.

there is no shortage of great characters in this book, and the brief cameos of Alessandra and Kallias were very, very enjoyable (to be honest, the only thing I remember about the first book when I read it 4 years ago is that I really loved it). Nico was such an adorable addition to the story and I appreciated how him and the staff softened Chrysantha and showed another, gentler, side of her.

in terms of plot, I have to admit that I found it lacking. there’s not enough here to warrant a novel, other than provide another glimpse, although brief, into this world for the readers who loved the first book. the motivation is not strong enough, which was disappointing because the characters were fleshed out enough to carry a stronger plot. although the book is short for a fantasy, it could have been even shorter for the amount of events that take place. it’s also not a good look when the main driving force of the plot is revealed at approximately 65%.

all in all, it’s a decent story but it could have been a lot better.

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4.5 stars

Read if you like:
💪 Strong FMC
❤️‍🔥Female rage
🗽Oppression being challenged
🔮Magical abilities
🤐A life-changing secret
🛏️Forced proximity
😍Enemies to lovers

✅ The writing is very simple, easy to read at a fast pace and nods to modern day trends eg mood reading

❓Not much world building vs Fourth Wing/ACOTAR/Belladonna but probably because it’s still fairly short compared to those books and is aimed at a younger audience

❓MC does do some infuriating and inexplicably dumb things that don’t seem to align with her character which is a frustrating lack of character development

❓Some parts felt very rushed and glossed over eg the friendship with her sister is formed in three letters and some tea?

❓The author also spent so much time building up one relationship at the start only for it to just be ¯\(ツ)/¯

🌟 Picks up and becomes unputdownable around halfway which earned it the 4.5 - the second I can’t put a book down, the stars go up

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Honestly, Tricia Levenseller NEVER MISSES!!! I absolutely loved reading Chrysantha’s story, and once again two morally grey characters won me all the way over. I loved the romance in this, but Chrysantha’s journey, her relationship with her staff, and her relationship with her sister stole the show for me. I love the way Tricia Levenseller writes fantasy about women - it is so thoughtful and sensitive to the potentially misogynistic pitfalls of the genre, without ever feeling heavy handed or overly didactic. These are strong, fierce women trying to find their way in a world where all the rules are written by men, and these books are angry and funny and messy and joyful all at once.

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Thank you so very much to netgalley and teh publisher/author for accepting my request to read and review this book before its release date.

I recently read The Shadows Between Us and I really really enjoyed it, so much so that I was thrilled to see this on netgalley and read from Chrysantha's perspective.

Let me start by saying this.... Eryx Demos.... ERYX DEMOS..... YES. I did not expect his.... afflcition, to be aprt of this series. My monster romance loving self was SHOOK.

Took me a hot minute to warm up to him but when I did... I DID.

I have relasied that Tricia Levenseller is the BEST and writing morally gray characters that, while you find them truly horrible, you are rooting for them fiercly. Chrysantha was a total badass, doesnt take anyone crap and challenges EVERYONE around her. I found her perspective to be even more interesting than her sisters.

I also love how Tricia Levenseller SEAMLESSLY leads us through so many twists and turns wthout giving the reader whiplash, but enough to be constantly engaged. Her books are short but very very sweet, I zoom through them so fast every time.

Overall, really enjoyed it, I have a few nit pick things like the sisters drama and constant competition being a bit frustrating, and some of the dialogue being a little questionable ever now and then, but on a whole highly enjoyable.

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The Darkness Within Us by Tricia Levenseller
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 18 July 2024

Chrysantha Stathos has won.

By hiding her intelligence and ambition behind the mask of a beautiful air-headed girl, Chrysantha Stathos has become a wealthy duchess. And, once her elderly husband dies, she will have all the freedom, money, and safety she's ever wanted.

However, a man claiming to be the estranged grandson of Chrysantha's lecherous late husband has turned up to steal her inheritance. To make matters worse, her little sister is going to be queen and is rubbing it in her face.

Chrysantha decides that the only thing to do is upstage Alessandra at her own wedding. And as for this grandson, he has to go. Never mind that he's extremely handsome and secretive with mysterious powers... No, Chrysantha wants Eryx Demos dead, and in the end, a Stathos girl always gets what she wants.

I was a huge fan of “The Shadows Between Us,” so when I saw this ARC available, I was thrilled. I devoured it in one sitting, just like the previous instalment. It was a fun and easy read, with seamless writing and a spot-on narrative. The characters were well-crafted and provided non-stop entertainment.

If you enjoyed the first in the series, then you will not be disappointed with this instalment.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Pushkin Press , and the author, Tricia Levenseller, for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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3.5⭐. Thank you NetGalley and Pushkin Press for the ARC.

I loved The Shadows Between Us, and so was eager to try out this spin-off. Disappointingly, this didn't quite reach the charm and fun of the first novel. A large part of my struggle to enjoy this as much as Shadows is that I didn't quite like the male love interest Eryx all that much. He starts off insufferable and borderline sexist just from his first interaction with Chrysantha the protagonist. Fortunately, he does learn the error of his ways and went through sufficient character growth to become a believable and even likeable romantic partner for her. Overall, the romance isn't terrible, but it took a long while for me to actually care about them as a couple.

The absolute gem of the book is rightfully Chrysantha. Unapologetic, delightfully scheming, and cleverly snarky with her comebacks, she was the best part to read, much like her younger sister Alessandra from Shadows. Darkness gave me a satisfying portrayal of feminine rage; of women who do whatever it takes to survive in a patriarchal society that values them only as property. While female friendships weren't as centered in Darkness as Shadows, it did acknowledge the complicated relationship between the sisters, with Chrysantha working to make amends to the woman she hurt the most through her prior manipulations. Author Tricia Levenseller continues to handle her antiheroines with decent complexity rather than making them one-note Bad Bitches.

Owing to the fact that this series is YA, the ages of the main characters are 18-19, though it would have made more sense if they were all in their early 20s at the very least. The usage of the term "prostitute" is also outdated, given that sex workers have campaigned against it due to the stigma attached to it and prefer to be referred to as sex workers instead.

Overall, a decent edition this universe. Personally, as much as Darkness is marketed as a standalone that can be read on it own, I would still highly encourage reading Shadows first, given how much Alessandra ends up being mentioned in here.

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Title: The Darkness Within Us by Tricia Levenseller
Release Date: July, 18th, 2024


Chrysantha Stathos has carefully crafted her image to hide her intelligence and ambition, earning herself wealth and status by age nineteen.

However, her plans are disrupted when her sister Alessandra marries the powerful Shadow King, and a man claiming to be the duke's grandson threatens her inheritance.
Determined to maintain her control, Chrysantha sets her sights on eliminating Eryx Demos, despite his allure and mysterious powers. She's determined to assert her dominance and ensure that she gets what she desires, no matter the cost.

"The Darkness Within Us" was a delightful surprise, offering a deeper look into Chrysantha's character, Alessandra's sister from "The Shadows Between Us." Despite initial doubts, Chrysantha proved to be a multifaceted and intriguing protagonist, blending fierceness with unexpected warmth. The enemies-to-lovers dynamic between Chrysantha and the enigmatic MMC kept me thoroughly engaged

Tricia Levenseller's adept world-building and engaging prose whisked me away into a thrilling adventure. Chrysantha's defiance of societal norms added layers to the narrative, creating a compelling story overall. With its captivating characters, enchanting romance, and compelling plot, "The Darkness Within Us" emerges as a standout fantasy read that I highly recommend.

Thank you to The Publisher Pushkin Press | Pushkin Children's Books ,The Author Tricia Levenseller & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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I read this in one sitting- much like all of Tricia Levensellers books!

I freaking loved this so much!!! Chrysantha is just incredible - she has fought so hard for her freedom and she is an iconic FMC. Eryx is swoon-worthy. He's delicious from the moment we meet him in his leather coat!!
Levensellers characters are just always fantastic and I cant not enjoy every book she writes.

I'm obsessed and can't wait for my physical Copy to arrive!!

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It was a fun, quick and easy read. Even though it’s been years since I read the first book, I had no problem going back in the universe once again. The writing is still very enjoyable and the story’s pace was fine. The main characters were well thought out but I did not particularly like Eryx, he was unbearable at the beginning. I would still recommend this book to someone looking for an entertaining read.

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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I have been dying for this new release, I loved The Shadows Between Us, however, am always a bit wary of companion sequels where I loved the original characters so much, incase the new ones don't live up

Instead of joining Alessandra, this time we join her sister Chrysantha. Chrysantha has maneuvered herself into a marriage of convenience, waiting on her ailing husband to die, but sadly he isn't going quick enough and she is suffering through the time

However, after his inevitable death, she is now ready to be who she always should have been and enjoy her life without being told what to do. When along comes Eryx, who claims to be the grandson of her late husband and rightful Heir to the fortune

Chrysantha and Eryx must learn to live at the Manor, with neither backing down on what they want, which is currently to see the other gone. But along the way, this may change for one (or both) of them.... and what secrets will they learn about each other along the way

I loved this story! I generally don't start one of Tricias books unless I know I have a free night as I have always ended up binging them, and this was no exception.

If you loved the first book, I have no doubt you'll love this too. Can't wait for you all to meet Chrysantha and Eryx in July!

Thank you to NetGalley and Pushkin Press for the early review copy, all opinions are my own

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