Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this one as it's fast-paced and clever with several twists I didn't see coming! Darcy and Pippa are nurses who take care of Pippa--wife of Adrian--as she slipped and fell in her kitchen and has brain damage so can't remember most things. But Darcy senses things are "off" and vows to discover what's really going on. But soon a strange man begins following her and she believes her house has been broken into at night, but the cops find nothing out of the ordinary and Darcy becomes even more paranoid as she can't make sense of any of this. I haven't read Hurst before but really enjoyed this one as it's so unusual...but I may not be excited to go to a hospital any time soon!

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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The Perfect Nurse
by Daniel Hurst
Pub Date: July 1, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Darcy and Pippa are home care nurses charged with the care of Scarlett who has a traumatic brain injury following a fall. Darcy can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to the story and begins to doubt that Scarlett is truly ill. At the same time, Darcy has herself a stalker and even had her home broken into. Her life is in shambles as she struggles with insomnia and panic attacks but feels strongly that she must protect her patient from whatever is going on.
I did not like this as much as others I have read by this author, but it was suspenseful and a quick read. This is book one of two books in this series so I am looking forward to the next one!

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Wow. What a great fast paced thriller. I enjoyed reading this book so much.
There was twist after twist that just kept me hooked. I read this book within a day.
The main character Darcy was so intriguing - she was wonderfully thought out and written. A lot of thrillers written today seem to have the same or similar story lines, so it was great to read something different, something I hadn't quite read before.
I am excited to read the next book.

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I absolutely loved this story!
It's written so well, and it keeps you completely captivated in it's suspenseful mystery.
I'm so hopeful for a 2nd book to be out soon because I connected to the main MC and I'd love to know where she goes from the end of this book.

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I did not love this book as much as I have the others I have read by this author. It took a bit for the story to pick up, and then when it did, I predicted early on one of the twists. The ending, for me, was just so-so. It was a quick read, and had some suspense, but overall, I would rate it 3 stars.

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I do not like to give negative reviews, but for the sake of being honest this was kind of appalling. I almost never DNF a book but I couldn’t finish this. I feel like every book deserves a chance because most of the time, in the second half it turns around, but in this case I could not do it.
It was repetitive (an example… the complaining about her “uniform” .. we get it, they’re scrubs and for the sake of cleanliness most nurses don’t care). Although it is fiction, it seemed like the author is very unaware of what nurses actually do within their role. Darcy was not therapeutic at all in which how she spoke to her patient, if anything she was distressing. On her first day, when the patient recognized her as a family member, Darcy immediately acted like she was stressed out and a “victim” like she had such a hard day, when that is something that occurs often. She should be well equipped with the tools to handle that situation and let it roll off, that would not ruin her day or “take it home with her” by any means. She also acted like she was owed an apology or deserved it by the husband.. for what? Because her disoriented patient was confused? No. She also lacked any sort of empathy for the husband and immediately went towards accusation, which is alarming and you can’t do because people fall legitimately all the time. Likely there would be a police investigation if suspicious so even more so, it doesn’t even make sense that this nurse would be questioning it on day 1. Even if he was 100% guilty, she would be questioning it later on not the day she met him.
The frequency in which she was “popping pills” to go to sleep was alarming, and the way it was written, puts disgrace on the profession. She would have been fired long before a co-worker was coming to her house daily to bring her lunch, drag her out of bed, bring her to work and hold her hand while she can’t even perform a complete assessment. Her behavior was incompetent and juvenile the entire time. Thank you for the opportunity to read the book.

Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the DRC in exchange for my honest review.

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Lots of unexpected twists and turns in this one. Thank you @netgalley for the opportunity to review this book before publishing.

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My name is Darcy, I’m your nurse and I’m here to help you.’ I repeat the words I’ve said so many times. Except this time, I don’t mean it…’

There will never come a time when I don’t immediately jump on the chance to read anything written by Daniel Hurst. I really enjoyed this book, but it’s hard to talk about each character because some of the plot line involves twists that we don’t learn about until we make our way through the book. Some of the main characters include Darcy, Pippa, Scarlett, and Adrian as well as two other very important people, who will remain unnamed, as they are vital to the climax and conclusion of the book.

Darcy and Pippa are home care nurses and are hired by Adrian to take care of his wife, Scarlett, who suffered a traumatic brain injury, from a fall in the kitchen. Sounds pretty harmless right?! If you know Daniel Hurst, you know nothing is as it seems.

After I finished the book, the cover made much more sense to me. “ She can save your life, but do you trust her.” Since there are several nurses that present themselves throughout the story, it really made me ponder which one the tagline was actually referencing.

One thing I loved about the storyline of Darcy, is that she reminded me a bit of Fern Devlin, my favorite character from Hurst’s “The Doctor’s” series. When push comes to shove, she’ll do whatever it takes to survive and pull herself out of a situation, that she, herself, had ultimately caused. That makes for one twisty tale! Another 5 star, fast paced thrilling read.

Thank you to Daniel Hurst, Bookouture, and NetGalley for an arc of this novel in exchange for my honest opinion. It publishes July 1, 2024. And don't miss the sequel, The Nurse's Lie, set to release on August 1, 2024.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC. This is the first Daniel Hurst book I've read and I'm a fan. It was not at all what I expect but I really liked the characters and it kept me interested right from the start. I flew this this book wanting to know what was going to happen next. I definitely didn't see that twist coming! I will be checking out some of his other books in the near future.

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Daniel Hurst never let’s me down when it comes to twists, turns, plots and secrets. This was yet another greats read from an author whose work I ❤️.

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Darcy and her coworker are in home nurses who have been hired by a couple to care for the wife after a brain injury. Darcy has a feeling that there is something not quite right. Her feelings are justified. There is something off about the whole situation. I enjoyed this fast paced read.

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As a nurse, I was really excited to read this. It started off slow, picking up around the 70% mark. We follow Darcey and Pippa as nurses on a new job in a mansion.
Some of the things mentioned in beginning of the book did n really work for me being a nurse, but I continued reading :)
The end picked up alot. It was a fast read

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The Perfect Nurse is a fast pace read that has you wondering where the story is going.

Darcy and Pippa are home care nurses that have been hired to look after a wealthy woman who sadly had a life altering fall at home.

Her husband seems pleasant enough but from the beginning Darcy thinks there is something off with the whole situatiion.

Pippa does not.

Twists and turns that you wont see coming will have you reading the book in one sitting.

I thought I knew where Daniel Hurst was going with this but I was oh so wrong.

I will be first in line for Book 2 of The Perfect Nurse Series.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for a thrilling read.

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I really liked Daniel Hurst's writing. It makes for a quick and easy read. The story line kept me guessing. There were many twists and turns! The amount of characters was good. It can be hard if the author uses too many characters and you have trouble keeping track of them. Daniel had just the right amount. The story hooked me from the beginning and then I did not want to put it down!

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I really enjoyed this and flew through it. The twists and turns blew my mind!! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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The Perfect Nurse by Daniel Hurst is a pretty quick read that draws you in within the first few pages.

The Good: The characters! The likeable characters were indeed likeable, and the antagonists were vile (we LIKE vile villains-this is good!) The twists were twisty, and I love a good twisty twist!

The Bad: While not bad, the ending came in like a giant rollercoaster drop that was not a drop at all, it rolls fast and then kind of fell flat. We had all the buildup and then SPLAT-the end.

The Ugly: no ugly here!

4/5 stars for The Perfect Nurse. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for this e-ARC!

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This isn’t my first book by this author, but it may be my favorite. We follow Darcy, a in-home nurse, who struggles with sleep deprivation and it requires her co-worker to come to her house daily to make sure she arrives to work on time.
They are presented with a new case and something about it makes Darcy question things from the get go. Is her new patient being harmed by her husband, or was the cause of her injury truly an accident?

What follows next is mind bending twists and turns and you are taken on a WILD ride. This book did begin a little slow for me, but once I got into the story, I couldn’t read fast enough. I would definitely recommend this book to others!

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The Perfect Nurse by Daniel Hurst

Published: July 1, 2024
Genre: Domestic Thriller
KKECReads Rating: 5/5
I received a copy of this book for free and leave my review voluntarily.

Do we need another series from this brilliant author? Yes. I devoured this book; it was impossible to stop reading as the plot unraveled.

I figured out a part of this thriller before the big reveal, which never happens with a Daniel Hurst thriller. But I was utterly wrong about the second half of that twist. And wowza- did it slap me in the face!

I enjoyed that this story took place in America, and I love that the characters still had several British isims. It’s always interesting to see that representation through someone else’s lens.

This story starts with a bang and doesn’t slow down until the end. The plot continues to build at a rapidly terrifying pace- and then comes the free-fall plot twist that will leave you speechless!

I am ready for the second book to be available. I need to know what happens!

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What a great read. Twists and turns every where. I saw none of them coming. Darcy is a nurse and goes to work with her partner Pippa for a couple and Darcyis sure something is wrong with them. People start breaking into her house and the police aren’t any help. What is she going to do! Read this book. Very good!

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This was a great read. The book was very fast paced. It follows a nurse named Darcy who goes into patient’s homes to care for them. She ends up being assigned a woman with memory loss at a young age as a result of a fall. Darcy becomes suspicious of the woman’s husband and feels as though things are not as they seem. I did not guess the plot twist at all in this book and I loved every second of it. I love how it portrayed how difficulty brain injuries and memory loss is on both the individual suffering from it and their loved ones. Great quick and easy read!

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