Member Reviews

Thank you so much to BookOuture and NetGalley for the ARC for The Perfect Nurse.

This is my first read by Daniel Hurst, and now I know why everyone loves his books! This book was a quick read for me-- fast paced, so many twists and turns, and written very well. I love a book that I can breeze through and want to keep reading to find out what happens next, and this book was just that. I was totally sucked it at the first twist and it just kept getting better. The ending twist really was the cherry on top. I will definitely be adding more Daniel Hurst books to my TBR list! This book was also listed as #1, so I can't wait to see what #2 has in store!

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Daniel has knocked it out of the park again! I've enjoyed everything I've read by him so far, and this book was no exception. Filled with twists and turns, I had no idea how everything would play out for Darcy. I was gripped from the first chapter, and read the entire book very quickly. It was really hard to put down! I highly recommend this book (and others) from this author!

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Another brilliant book from one of my favourite authors who never disappoints

The storyline was excellent with good characters and it was a fast paced thriller with a great ending.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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Interesting premise but slow to build the story line. Chapters are short so it felt like a quick read. Predictable twist I figured out early on. While the first 60% or so was slow, the last 40% was fast and filled with so much twists. I feel like maybe an epilogue a little in the future would have answered some questions and gave an update as to what everyone has been up to.

Thank you to Netgalley, Bookouture, and Daniel Hurst for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Publication date for The Perfect Nurse is July 1, 2024.

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I will say, though the book had a bit of a slow start, it easily engaging enough to read in one sitting.

Darcy, a nurse with a sordid past, takes a private gig with a rich and retired doctor, caring for his wife. She feels something is off from the start, but can’t quite spark the memory to put her finger on it.

I can’t say much as it was a pretty short read and I don’t want to spoil the plot or any twists. It was a bit cluttered and predictable, but overall, good. The book really picked up around 50% with the first plot twist and was gripping there after.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing me an ARC to read and review.

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As always, Daniel Hurst had me hooked immediately! I’ve never been disappointed with any of his books and this is no exception - absolutely fantastic! Left me wondering what was going on right up until the end. Constant twists and turns. I just didn’t want to put this down until I knew how it ended. Daniel is definitely my favourite author at the moment! Thanks so much Net Galley / Daniel for the ARC! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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4 stars out of 5.

This book started off a little slow but really picked up towards the middle. I was not expecting the twist at all but wow! It changed everything for me. Daniel Hurst is a go to author and this book did not disappoint. If you are looking for a psychological thriller, look no further!

Without giving too much away, in the book we meet Darcy, who is a nurse. She finds herself questioning what is really going on with one of her patients. Darcy keeps getting weird feelings around the couple and can't pinpoint it until her world is turned upside down one night.

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is my first book from this author. It was a fast read and predictable. I enjoy it though for how crazy the ending was.

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This book was slow to start and did pick up at the last 70%.
I feel like there’s still a lot of pieces missing.
The twist was good! The ending was good.
Don’t know if I’ll continue to read the series.

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The Perfect Nurse by Daniel Hurst is a good psychological thriller. I never saw the twist coming and wouldn't have thought of the plotline as it was revealed.

The book reminded me of a Freida McFadden book. However, this one got a little slow in the middle. I like the author's writing style, as it kept me engaged. None of the characters were likable, but I think that might have been the point to keep readers off balance and on their toes.

Overall, I would recommend this book and this author.

#ThePerfectNurse #NetGalley @Bookouture

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The prologue to this story finds a nurse burning her blood stained uniform and ID card. Skip ahead to the present time and find that Darcy is an anxious person who suffers from sleep deprivation. Her fellow nurse, Pippa, takes her under her wing, offering support, encouragement, and strong coffee as they have been hired to assist a married couple, Adrian and Scarlett. Scarlett has brain damage from a fall suffered in her kitchen which has resulted in some type of memory loss/dementia. Darcy is very uncomfortable in the situation and suspects Adrian may be harming his wife. When a strange man follows her and then someone seems to have broken into her house, her life begins spinning out of control.

Hurst has written a number of psychological thrillers, including the popular The Doctor’s Wife series. I like to call them “popcorn thrillers.” This is a clever plot, a bit over the top, and, for me, required suspension of belief. There are twists, turns, deceits, murder. It was a quick, easy, dare I say, fun read.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

If you like Freida McFadden books, you’ll like this one.

The story is great and I can 100% see this being a movie. There’s some things about it I just didn’t like, but others might!

- Writing and short chapters make it very easy to read.
- Multiple twists you don’t see coming.
- Original storyline.

- Longer than it needs to be
- Too many twists jammed into the last 40%, while the first 60% is painfully slow.
- Not a single likable character. Darcy was so infuriating and the other characters just had zero personality.

Overall, I do recommend it. It’s unique and still held my interest.

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Wow! So many secrets and and drama packed into this novel that I read it quickly- like in a day!
As a nurse myself- I couldn't imagine where the story was heading and then OMG it was crazy!
Read it for yourself and just wait and see!
I never expected the ending and though this was my first book by this author, it will not be my last.

Thank you to @NetGalley and to @Bookouture for this ARC and allowing me to provide my own review.

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Yet again, this author delivers a book all of suspense, great character building and an ending that will leave you speechless. Highly recommend.

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I love, Daniel Hurst books, and this one did not disappoint! Once again, I thought I had everything figured out and then boom he throws a twist! I have already recommended this book to some of my friends and told them to add it to their TBR list!

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for ARC!

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Let me preface this review by saying I love Daniel Hurst’s writing style and his books. He has become an automatic read for me when he releases a new book. Unfortunately this book was a miss.

Darcy, the main character. is a nurse in Chicago. Right away I was excited because 1-I am a nurse and 2- living near Chicago and visiting frequently I was looking for some familiarity. Unfortunately none of this happened. I’m aware the author is from the UK but it seems he didn’t do much research into the Chicago area or US based nurses because much of the story and just general verbiage were really more UK specific and not at all what would be seen here. So the first half of the book was almost too painful to read.

The second half of the book definitely got more interesting once you learned what the twist was and what was actually happening. That was well done as always with Hurst’s books. But the rest of it was such a letdown it was hard for me to recover. My suggestion would be for the author to keep writing what he knows about because he does it so well.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Bookoutoure for the advance reader copy. This is my honest review. Publication date July 1, 2024

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I'm normally a massive fan of Daniel Hurst's books, I love the storylines and the quick chapters that make them an easy read. However, unfortunately this latest novel fell short for me. I found it quite repetitive and Darcy the main character annoying. Once the reason became clear for her behaviour it was slightly more understandable but her decision making left a lot to be desired. I found the ending rather rushed and a bit ridiculous. However I appreciate I'm in the minority for my views and I'm sure the book will still be a success.

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I always enjoy a new Daniel Hurst book and this was no exception! I went in knowing little to none about the plot, and I think it's the best way to jump into the book. I liked the main character and loved the twist half way through, was definitely surprised. I'd thought things were going in one direction but I was so wrong! I wish the ending had a little bit more of a punch, but I founds the last twist good as well. Overall, a great binge able read, and I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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The Perfect Nurse by Daniel Hurst
Release Date: 1 July 2024

Darcy, dedicated nurse extraordinaire in the private sector, epitomises selflessness, always prioritising her patients' well-being above her own. Yet beneath her outward perfection, a complexity brews over time.

Working alongside her colleague Pippa, Darcy finds herself drawn into a delicate situation when Scarlett's husband, Adrian, enlists their aid in caring for Scarlett, who suffers from amnesia. Their workplace: an opulent abode where neighbours trust one another enough to leave curtains parted and doors unlocked.

But within this seemingly serene setting, a web of secrets entangles Scarlett, Adrian, and Darcy, each guarding their own truths closely.

The tranquility shatters when an intruder breaches Darcy's sanctuary, leaving her unnerved and paranoid. Despite her assurances of locking up before bed, the lack of forced entry perplexes both her and the indifferent police. A creeping sense of being watched dogs her every step, even on a simple evening stroll.

I was absolutely enamoured with this book. While the first 40% was engaging, it truly hit its stride later on, captivating me to the point where I couldn't bear to set it down, reading well into the night. Every time I thought I had the story figured out, it took a new twist that left me utterly astonished. As a seasoned reader of psychological thrillers, I often struggle to find fresh and innovative plot twists, but Daniel Hurst executed them flawlessly in this novel.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Bookouture, and the author, Daniel Hurst, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Name of Book: The Perfect Nurse
Author: Daniel Hurst
Genre: Psychological/Thriller
Publisher: Bookouture
Pub Date: July 1, 2024
My Rating: 4.2 Stars
Pages: 262

Story starts when Darcy Miller and Pippa Simpson who are nurses employed by Crestbrook Nursing and are assigned a private home care patient - Scarlett Hoffman who has a traumatic brain injury following a fall. Scarlett and her husband Adrian live in Winnetka an exclusive neighborhood in Chicago. Adrian is a Medical Director; he and Scarlett had met working at the same hospital - she was a Nurse and he a Doctor.
Darcy can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to the story. She actually sneaks back at night and sees Adrian and Scarlett watching TV together like any normal couple.
Darcy takes out her phone to video the scene as it confirms her suspicions.

This is without a doubt Hurst’s wildest ride!!

. The Prologue was a hint into something bad that Darcy did~
My name is Darcy, I’m your nurse and I’m here to help you.’ I repeat the words I’ve said so many times. Except this time, I don’t mean it…

I stare at the reflection in the mirror – dark smudges under my eyes and blood on my hands – listening for the sound of police
sirens. I did something terrible; I wanted someone gone - Now they are dead because of me.

This is my eighteenth Daniel Hurst ] thriller. Yep I am a fan.
Hurst is an entertaining writer who doesn’t disappoint.
I always look forward to his stories and yes I was sure Darcy wasn’t going to be ‘perfect’ also sure it would be exciting.

As always Hurst and his psycho characters (I have used this term before but seems to cover most of his characters) had me reading as fast as I could focus. Yes! It was a quick read.
I thought I knew what was going on - nope wasn't even close!

Want to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for this great early e-Galley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for July 1, 2024.

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