Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of The Perfect Nurse by Daniel Hurst due to be published July 1, 2024.
I have read 35 of Daniel Hurst's books, so I was thrilled to be able to review this one – he is one of my favorite authors!
Darcy and Pippa are nurses who go to work for Adrian and Scarlett – Scarlett is incapacitated and needs help – more help than Adrian can provide. But when Darcy and Pippa start working there, Darcy notices little things that do not seem right. Are they there to help, or should they be in fear for their life?
The Perfect Nurse is a typical Daniel Hurst book – starts out and you wonder where it is going and why everyone seems so “normal”. Oh. My. Gosh. About halfway through the reveals start and they don’t stop. You will never see them coming! I couldn’t get through this one fast enough to see what happened to Darcy, Pippa, Adrian, and Scarlett.
Daniel Hurst came through again – it’s why he is one of my favorite authors!
#NetGalley #Daniel Hurst #Bookouture #ThePerfectNurse

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Another brilliant thriller from Daniel Hurst, full.of twists, shocks and surprises. I couldn't put it down, loved it!

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Another quick afternoon read from the master of popcorn psychological thrillers. Bizarre confusing plot that is hard to keep up with what is happening; complete with a naive main character who constantly puts herself in danger. The perfect ingredients for an entertaining story that keeps you guessing!

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I really enjoyed this one as it's fast-paced and clever with several twists I didn't see coming! Darcy and Pippa are nurses who take care of Pippa--wife of Adrian--as she slipped and fell in her kitchen and has brain damage so can't remember most things. But Darcy senses things are "off" and vows to discover what's really going on. But soon a strange man begins following her and she believes her house has been broken into at night, but the cops find nothing out of the ordinary and Darcy becomes even more paranoid as she can't make sense of any of this. I haven't read Hurst before but really enjoyed this one as it's so unusual...but I may not be excited to go to a hospital any time soon!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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I always get super excited when I see a new book by Hurst pop up on NG. I know I can count on him to deliver a fast and twisty read and this one did not disappoint. What a crazy ride!! I did NOT expect things to go the way that they did. I love the element of surprise and Hurst brilliantly laid me out with one big sucker punch to the face. Well played my friend! I loved every minute of this book and look forward to reading what he comes out with next. I HIGHLY recommend it!

Thank you to the author, Bookouture, and NetGalley for granting me digital access in exchange for my honest review!

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Daniel Hurst has done it once again. His books are like being on a roller coaster ride. Read this one I promise you will not regret it.

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This is my first Daniel Hurst book, I’m an RN and spent many years as a visiting nurse - so I was excited to receive an advanced copy.
The plot and FMC were quite predictable from the start. Darcy’s thought processes were all over the place and often inconsistent. The story dragged on relentlessly for me. There were also multiple inconsistencies that made it difficult to be fully engaged. The portrayal of nurses was deplorable. This book was extremely disappointing, poorly researched and I struggled to complete it for my review.
Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This talented popular author has written a story that while fiction, reads like nonfiction. It could be real life...Secrets and red herrings...realistic characters keep the story moving quickly. It is truly a quick read...mystery and intrigue. Enjoy. Thanks Netgalley.

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I have no words for this. I wrote a lengthy review on Goodreads. The book made me so mad in many ways, I’ve never wrote a rant review and here we have a first.

I am done with Daniel Hursts books now. They’re all the same basically. The same stereotype with a different cover.

How an author can do so little research and call it a book, no idea. There was no thrill, no suspense , no twist. It was expected because I have read his books before. So I am officially done with wasting my time. Partially I am mad because I used to enjoy his earlier works. Part of me is tired of the quantity over quality aspect. So yeah I am really sorry, I never gave one star on NetGalley before but here we have it.

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