Member Reviews

I enjoyed the compelling nature of this book and definitely found it so entertaining- I enjoyed just taking it a page at a time and not trying to predict what would happen next or what direction it might go in- I think in this book that approach is required as it definitely seems like the more I think about it the more questions I find.

I really liked Darcy's character and it definitely made me feel more connected to the story. Once you are passed the initial scene setting you honestly cannot put this one down.

This is my first Daniel Hurst book but definitely won't be my last! Really entertaining and enjoyable.

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Wow, I don’t really know how to explain this without completely giving away the book. The synopsis on the back of the book had nothing to do with the story … it is qute misleading and truly does not represent the story well. It was the opening chapter of the book, but literally had nothing to do with the story, and that made me sad. I’m not sure how to give a review without spoiling this actual story. Here are the facts that do align; It is about a nurse, she did do home healthcare, at the end of the book you find out she did burn her uniform and badge … those are the only things are the the same. It’s a bit slow, as I was anxiously awaiting the storyline from the synopsis to come into play (which it didn’t), around 55% in, the book improved, with a twist being interesting, and I certainly got to a point where I wanted to know what happened. Then I found the ending quite unsatisfying. Had the synopsis been written to reflect what the story was actually about this review would probably, NO, most certainly be different …. If you like the author please read it, just know that it’s not actually about what it says it’s about.

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The Perfect Nurse by Daniel Hurst is the first book in the new The perfect nurse series and what an excellent book this was. I loved it and was gripped from the beginning till the end.

Within this new series we meet Darcy, she is a nurse and she is here to help!.......

If you ever see Darcy walking down the street, you would think she was just pretty ordinary – she wears the typical crisp, white nursing uniform, her hands are always scrubbed clean and you would have no reason to believe she was anything other than a good citizen and just a good nurse Who just cares about others and does the best she can for others!

But looks can be so deceiving.

Now, Darcy is in the garden burning her creased nurses uniform and no longer wanting to be a nurse. Plus, you shouldn’t trust her – because Darcy doesn't even know if she can trust herself.

Now she stares at her reflection in the mirror – dark smudges under her eyes and she looks at her hands, she has blood on them! She is now waiting to hear the sound of police sirens.

Darcy has done something terrible! Because the truth is she had to do something terrible.
She broke all the rules a nurse should follow. She wanted someone gone so badly. And now they’re dead because of her!!!!

WoW.....This books is soo good and a great start to a new superb new series. Looking for to book two now.

Big thank you to Netgalley and especially Bookouture for my ARC.

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WOW! This book was executed so well! I love Daniel Hurst, and I must say this might be my favorite book by him yet! There were twists and turns that had my jaw on the floor and made me gasp out loud. I could not put this book down. When a major twist dropped midway through, I flipped the pages even faster. I just HAD to know what was going to happen. This book is a must read. The last 25% of the book completely blew my mind.

Darcy and Pippa are nurses who visit patient's in their homes. They take on a new patient, Scarlett, who had an accident in the home and has lost her memory. Darby is convinced there is more going on than meets the eye. From her first moment of Darby's speculation, we are taken on a WILD ride in typical Daniel Hurst fashion. He delivers drama, suspense, thrill, lies & deceit, and twists in his own epic way. I thought this book was headed in one direction, and when a big twist occurred midway through, we were taken in a direction that had me engrossed in what was happening. Such a great read! I'm so eager to start book 2 in this series.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book surprised me. It was a little slow starting out and seemed like it was going to be like one of those who'd units on television. Then all kind of twists and turns are thrown at you. Needless to say it became much more interesting. I was glad that the bad guy was dealt with effectively but would have liked to find out more about what happened with the main character. It felt a little unfinished

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I’m thrilled to read the start of another series by Daniel Hurst!
I always love a good #DanielHurst thriller. As usual, he steered this plot in a totally different direction than I suspected. I was highly entertained with the twists of this wild ride of a book.
I’ve already started book 2!

Thank you, Daniel Hurst, Bookouture, & Netgalley for my early copy! All opinions are my own.

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Another brilliant book by Daniel Hurst. I definitely didn’t expect this book to go the way it did around the halfway mark and after that, the twists kept on coming. I felt quite angry for Darcy and sympathised for her at certain points and I felt like there was a good connection made with the main character throughout the story. I did predict one of the twists further into the story, however it still kept its shock factor despite me being able to guess it before reading it.

I have rated this story a 4 star rather than 5, as I did feel like the end was missing something although I’m not sure what. I just felt a little underwhelmed at the end, however I’m excited to read the second book and see how it carries on and if that could be the solution to what seemed to be missing from the ending.

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Well this started quite slowly and I did consider putting it down, but I'm so pleased I didn't, gripped me halfway through and kept me up all night reading, love Daniels books and another one that didn't disappoint

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2.5 stars.
I was looking forward to reading this book but sadly I was quite disappointed. The synopis is qute misleading and truly does not represent the story well.
There were features of the writing I found a bit juvenile and annoying. For example, the book was repetitive and the author used the same words over and over. I lost count how many times one of the characters was referred to as "her colleague".
The author is British but the story was supposedly set in Chicago. That made the story seem inauthentic because the dialogue and some of the words chosen were clearly not written by an American.
I have a pet peeve about authors who I feel don't do research into their setting and that's what I think happened here - both the physical location and the medical setting being utilized.
The book improved as it went along with the twist being interesting and I certainly got to a point where I wanted to know what happened. Then I found the ending quite unsatisfying.
Overall, this book felt rushed and I was left very disappointed in the execution.

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This was my first book by Daniel Hurst. Several reviewers have said that it’s not among his best. I thought the book was okay, but the plot was far fetched in my opinion.

Darcy goes to the home of a wealthy couple on a home nursing assignment with her fellow nurse Pippa. The wife has sustained a head injury, and her husband needs help from them.

The couple is puzzling to Darcy, and this begins the mystery. Her investigation and all that happens thereafter are the part that I found hard to believe.

The author seems very popular and I’m certainly willing to read another of his works. I’m rating the book as 3 stars.

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Darcy is a nurse, coming into people's homes and privately caring for them. But when she has to look after a new couple, whose wife has had a head injury causing her to have severe memory loss, things aren't as they seem and she becomes suspicious.

Soon Darcy decides to investigate what is really happening with this strange couple, but when the truth comes out it won't be what she expects. 

This novel was told from the point of view of Darcy which was tense, suspenseful and atmospheric. At one point I had to stop reading as I got scared. 

This storyline seemed to take two narratives, which I did prefer the first but I understand why it had to move forward. 

Hurst gives us great characters who you won't know who to trust and a novel you won't want to put down.

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This was a slow start for me.. usually Daniel’s books suck me in from the start and I can’t put them down but this took me 6 days to read and only on day 5 (28% of the way through on Kindle) did I think ohh I can’t wait to read more! However… once I got there, this was a great read! Darcy’s character has good depth, we get to know her more and more throughout, and the storyline did shock me. I won’t say too much more as I don’t want to give any spoilers. Definitely worth a read if you’re a Daniel Hurst fan!

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I was lucky enough to receive an arc of this book for my honest, and true opinion.

I enjoyed the characters and beginning and ending plot. The middle left something to be desired and the twist led to events I wasn’t a huge fan of. Hurst did an amazing job with descriptions and pacing was really decent throughout the novel.

I just didn’t really like the huge middle twist because the story took off in a different direction that I wasn’t fond of necessarily. All in all, a solid read that had me at the edge of my seat and the end

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I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book. If you're looking for an addictive thriller than this is a book for you! The plot instantly drew me in, and I started to predict where the story was going but it definitely gave me some very unexpected twists. I had a hard time putting this one down. I have read a few other books by this author and it absolutely won't be the last one that I read! Daniel Hurst sure knows how to provide an entertaining plot, that keeps you wanting to come back for more.

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How can summer be complete without a thriller to add an edge to it?

We are introduced to Darcy, a young professional nurse who has been roped into a new job by her colleague/friend Pippa; although both work for a local hospital, Pippa has been contacted directly to provide private care to Scarlett Hoffman. Scarlett suffered a slip in the kitchen a couple of years earlier which has caused her to suffer memory loss - her husband, Adrian, has been the sole carer for her as the children are adults who have flown the nest and so Adrian requests Pippa and Darcy to tend to Scarlett at their family home as part of their treatment. From the moment Darcy steps foot into their house, things are amiss - why does Scarlett go quiet when Adrian walks into the room? Does she lack confidence since her fall...or is this fear? Did Scarlett really suffer her injuries due to an accident or was she pushed deliberately? The more Darcy tries to unravel the truth, the further caught up she becomes into a dark secret of her own...

The Perfect Nurse is a psychological thriller and is book 1 in the Perfect Nurse series. I have not read a book by Daniel Hurst before and was keen to get into this straight off the blurb! After a slow start, there is promise in the premise which develops around a third of the way into the book. The writing is strong in parts and I definitely had moments where I couldn't put this one down, keen to find out what happens next. Unfortunately, there is quite a lot of repetition in the book and, despite having short chapters, this really drags the plot out without adding any real value to the narrative which often became purely descriptive and predictable. The protagonist also is not likeable and there was not enough character development/layering of the supporting characters which meant their connection to the protagonist was left unexplored and so any big reveal/emotions the protagonist had towards them seemed random and was felt unexplained. The first half and second half of the book felt disjointed, as if I was reading two different books and the ending felt rushed. There was some brilliant plot twists and turns which makes it a recipe for a great thriller - sadly it was not one for me, but I know the book has been received successfully by many other readers so I know it is still worth checking out.

Thank you to Bookouture and Netgalley for an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest unedited review.

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Thanks for the chance to read this ARC! Daniel Hurst books always entertain me, and this one was no exception. So many twists in this one!

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✨ Surprises
✨ Secret and Family Drama
✨ Cliffhanger

✨ It started very well since the start of the chapter.
It focus on the tired nurse name Darcy. Her friend pippa always cheers her up in the morning. Both of them are nurse in a private home to home service.
This time they got a new client / wealthy client that they were excited for. They met them with no problems until Darcy felt like there is something wrong.
The end actually a surprisingly had a twist and more lies . It was written very well but mind you it’s a big cliffhanger at the end and I couldn’t wait the second book on this series .

✨ Thankyou bookcouture for the opportunity to review this arc for a honest review.


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My first comment to make about this is that I recommend going in blind and not reading the synopsis. It threw me off quite a bit because it felt like it was talking about a different book and wasn’t tallying up.

Despite this it was really good fast paced thriller, from the very first chapter you pick up that something bad has happened but it isn’t clear what. We are introduced to Darcy and Pippa, both private care nurses who are sent to a flashy house to care for a woman who has suffered memory loss and brain damage after a fall in her kitchen.

Almost immediately Darcy gets the sense that something isn’t right and this soon passes on to you as the reader. Was the fall really a fall or is something more sinister going on.

When we got the first little reveal I was surprised, hadn’t seen that coming at all but also a little disappointed for a couple of chapters. Then it started ramping up again, the high tensions and more drama to come. I didn’t see the final twists coming either despite guessing some of the run up.

Overall this was a really good read but I’m not going to say anymore about what happens as I think it’s one you just need to pick up and read!

This was my first Daniel Hurst but I have a feeling I’ll be reading a lot more!

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4.5 ⭐️ rounded up. I recommend going into this one blind, as the synopsis is somewhat misleading. Just know that Darcy is given a new patient assignment that makes her question everything.

As a nurse, I love reading books that take place in the medical field and this one delivered. It was such a fast paced, addictive thriller. I was hooked from the start and I couldn’t wait to figure out what was going on with the MC. Is she the perfect nurse, or is there more to the story? There were so many twists and turns that I could not have guessed where this story was heading. This was such a wild ride and I highly recommend it. I cannot wait to read book # 2, The Nurse’s Lie.

Thank you @bookouture, @danielhurstbooks, and NetGalley for the ARC!

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The Perfect Nurse
by Daniel Hurst
Pub Date: Jul 01 2024

The Perfect Nurse is the first in a new series by author, Daniel Hurst. It is a fabulous read. Each chapter just kept getting better and better. I couldn't put it down until I reached the final page. I highly recommend this book. I'm so looking forward to the next book in the series!

‘My name is Darcy, I’m your nurse and I’m here to help you.’ I repeat the words I’ve said so many times. Except this time, I don’t mean it…
If you saw me walking down the street, you’d think I was pretty ordinary – I wear the typical crisp, white nursing uniform, my hands are scrubbed clean and you’d have no reason to believe I was anything other than a good citizen. A good nurse. But looks can be deceiving. You shouldn’t trust me – because I don’t even know if I can trust myself. Now I stare at the reflection in the mirror – dark smudges under my eyes and blood on my hands – listening for the sound of police sirens.

Many thanks to #ThePerfectNurse #NetGalley and #Bookouture for providing me with an E-ARC of this book.

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