Member Reviews

I have liked some of this author's previous books but this one didn't quite work for me. It starts out with Darcy, a nurse, groggy after taking several sleeping pills and stumbling out of bed when someone is pounding on her door. The person at the door is Pippa, a nurse that Darcy is partnered with on. job to be a home health care nurse for a wealthy woman. We find out the woman has sustained a head injury after a fall and has shown signs of brain damage. Her husband, a retired health care administrator has hired the nurses to help out with the daily care of his wife. Only Darcy suspects something else is going on and she thinks this couple are not what they seem.

There are some huge plot twists in this book and usually they are fun and unexpected but they just don't work for me. Introducing Darcy as addicted to pills and unable to take care of herself gives it away that something is wrong with her. The story is set in Chicago but it is obvious the author is British as the conversations and details don't seem American beginning with Darcy starting almost every sentence with "erm". I was intrigued enough to see where this was going but the story never made sense to me and I doubt if I would read further installments in this series.

Some lingering questions: Why was Darcy told to lock her bedroom door from the inside? That just doesn't make sense. Why wasn't she under some kind of guardianship? She obviously could not take care of herself. How could she support herself if she just drove off? She would likely be putting herself in harm's way again with the pills and drinking. Pippa was supposed to have a husband and son but spent all her time with Darcy. Why wouldn't she want to see her child? How was Darcy paying for taxis and online purchases? Was she getting fake checks from the nursing agency? If she couldn't remember any details from her past, why wasn't she on medication and in therapy? It seems like it would be difficult to live on your own in that condition. Thank you from NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this ARC for review.

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This book was really gripping and kept me at the edge of my seat! It had me questioning if the lies and deceit were going to keep coming. These twists went places I would’ve never expected. The only thing I wish was different was that we found out a tad more throughout the middle of the book and not just the end. Otherwise, great thriller that makes you think!

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

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I love this authors work. So when I seen this book I was so excited to read it. I thought it was very twisty and kept me hooked from the beginning. Loved this book and cant wait to read more by this author.

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What can I say about this book? First off, it was my first time reading this author, and I loved it! Once it picked up, I couldn’t put it down. The unexpected twists kept me engaged, and I found myself reading until 3:00 am. Was it worth it? Absolutely. Am I tired? Definitely.

The writing style was fast-paced, and the thriller aspect was spot-on. I felt genuine concern and fear for the characters, which is a rare reaction for me when reading thrillers. Kudos to the author! Additionally, the dialogue out weighed the description a bit which worked well; I appreciate stories where dialogue drives the flow.

However, the slow start at the beginning served a purpose—it helped build anticipation for the climax. Trust me. It was worth pushing through!

The characters were both interesting and enjoyable. I appreciated the contrast between Pippa and Darcy’s personalities—it added depth to their interactions. As a former CNA on the path to becoming a nurse, I connected with their profession. The portrayal of both the joys and burnout resonated with me. However, Darcy’s impulsive actions raised questions; she often put herself in risky and hasty situations.

Overall, the story, characters, and unexpected twists held my attention throughout. Staying up until 3:00 am was worth it—I needed to know how it would end! While there were lingering questions due to the cliffhanger, I eagerly await the next book in the series by Daniel Hurst. Many thanks to him and Bookouture for providing the ARC in exchange for my opinion.

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"The Perfect Nurse" by Daniel Hurst is a solid 3-star read and the first book in The Perfect Nurse series. The story follows Darcy, who is starting her first day on a new assignment alongside her partner, Pippa. Their task is to care for Scarlett, who has suffered memory loss after a fall in her home. Scarlett's husband, Adrian, immediately raises Darcy's suspicions. As Darcy delves deeper, she begins to suspect that things are not as they seem and becomes determined to uncover the truth.

As a big fan of Daniel Hurst, I've enjoyed everything I've read by him so far. However, this one didn't work as well for me. The beginning was quite slow and didn't really capture my interest. The pace picked up in the second half after the first twist was revealed, but it slowed down again afterwards. Additionally, if the book hadn't mentioned Chicago, I wouldn't have believed it was set in the US based on the writing style. Despite this, I'm looking forward to the second book to see where the story goes.

Thanks to Bookouture, Daniel Hurst, and NetGalley for providing me with the opportunity to read this ARC and share my honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for the Arc of The Perfect Nurse by Daniel Hurst

5 stars 🌟
Such a thrilling gut wrenching book from start to finish so addictive and compelling made me want more and more I loved the plot twists and the twists unexpected!! Highly recommend I loved this book!! I binged in one day! So shocking and the cliffhanger twist at the END!!!! You need to read this!!!!

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Another excellent story from Daniel Hurst. The style is a little different from previous stories but again it is a compelling, consuming story which has you guessing right up until the end. The characters leap out from the page and you are quickly caught up in their world. Not all is as it seems in the world of the Perfect Nurse. I thoroughly recommend this book to anyone who likes a good psychological thriller. With thanks to the author Bookouture and Netgally for this advanced copy for an unbiased review.

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Thank you to Bookouture, Daniel Hurst and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book in the series. We are met with Darcy who lives alone and is a home health nurse. Darcy & Pippa, her coworker, has a new client to go and look after for, Scarlett, who has brain injury due to an accident in her kitchen. His husband has been looking after her but it’s got to a point where he needs extra help for her.

I just found some of the things that Darcy did quite questionable considering her job like hugging your client a few days in? It jusy wasn’t making sense for me

I did find the start of the book to be really slow for the first half of the book, the second half was a little bit more interesting but with figuring out the twists so early on, it just fell a bit flat for me. I won’t lie when the first twist happened I literally guessed at the beginning of the book and with the second twist it was just so predictable which then made me just read for the sake of it after knowing for so long.

This books comes out July 1st and will be available on Kindle Unlimited.

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I'm a sucker for any book that has the word "nurse" in the title, and this did not disappoint. To learn that this is the first of a series makes me even more excited! This book had me hooked from the first page and held on tight for all the twists and turns.

I personally dislike reviews that summarize the the story so I won't go into it; I'm very much the "judge a book by it's cover" gal and in this case I feel I picked a winner.

4 Stars as I felt the pace of the two thirds of the book could have been a bit faster but overall, a great read.

Thanks to NetGalley and the Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book started off a little slow, but picked up a little before halfway, with some of the seemingly mundane details all coming together and adding to the story. I thought I knew how things were going to play out, but I was so wrong. The twists were shocking and unpredictable and left you hooked, wanting to find out what happens. The ending definitely leaves you wanting to know more. Will absolutely read the next book of this series! Thank you to Daniel Hurst, Bookouture, and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for an early copy of The Perfect Nurse. When a Daniel Hurst book comes out, my heart starts to pitter patter. This was a good read, a totally different turn of events that you won’t see coming. Unfortunately it wasn’t a gripping book, the characters were nothing that stood out. I hope the second book in the series is better.

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As always when reading a Daniel Hurst I was hooked right away. The twists and turns were so well done!

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This was a quick light weight thriller. You did not suspect what was truly going on with Darcy until the half way mark of the book and then it pulled you in and you wanted to learn what happened and if there was going to be a solution. This made since how Pippa was so familiar with Darcy and her house. The story was not repeat I’ve at all and was a truly enjoyable book.

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What a great story! I loved this.
The synopsis may throw you off a bit, but the plot and how quickly it progresses makes up for it. It has great twists, none of which I predicted! The only thing I’d like to point out is it feels like two different stories, The first half is about a nurse suspecting something is wrong with the couple she’s attending. And the second half is a mystery thriller, slightly disconnected in characters and plot, only slightly relating to the synopsis. It disappointed me a bit, I found the first half much more interesting,
However, I love how simplistic Hurst’s writing style is, and it was a quick fun read.

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Is the nurse the victim? Or is she the criminal? I was an ARC Reader for this book, and I could not put it down! This psychological thriller made brain spin! Just when I thought I knew what was going on, I was completely blind sided, AGAIN! I really felt as if I was right there with Darcy experiencing her every emotion. What a great story!

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As a private nurse, Darcy has seen a lot. Maybe too much. Her latest gig gives her the willies. Should she trust her instincts or just get on with the job? As we follow Darcy in this adventure, she ends up with more than any of us bargained for. The pages flew by as I wanted to find out what happened next. Will you be the next person to follow Darcy?

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Darcy works as a nurse in the Private sector, she is employed with her colleague Pippa to care for Scarlett who is a retired nurse suffering from brain damage following an accident at home.
Darcy immediately sense their is more to the story, she is sure that the husband Aiden has caused the accident and starts to dig for more information.
While trying to uncover the truth her own life seems to be falling apart. She’s often late for work, Pippa covers for her frantic behaviour like the good friend she is. She also gets followed home and then disturbs someone breaking into her home……are there any links to her new job and her personal life.
The build up to the plot twist was so good, I was constantly questioning what could possibly be going on. The twists and turns were totally unexpected and it all made so much sense but then more twists which I could never have seen coming.
I really enjoyed this and would highly recommend.
Thank you NetGalley, the Daniel Hurst and the Bookouture for this ARC, all opinions expressed are my own.

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My favorite of any roller coaster is the slow climb right before the big drop. There’s that moment of hesitation as the car reaches the apex when you know something is about to happen, so you hold on tight and prepare for the thrill. In THE PERFECT NURSE, Daniel Hurst uses that technique to build the tension before surprising the reader with the unexpected.

There are a couple of major plot twists and plenty of reveals throughout the story. After a tension-filled slow start, the pace quickens and the action moves quickly.

One minor quibble - The book is set in Chicago, yet the writing does not seem to match. It has a distinctly British feel which I found inauthentic to the storyline.

Overall, this was a quick, entertaining read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the chance to read this advance copy in exchange for my unbiased review.

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Daniel Hurst weaves a tale of unease and intrigue in The Perfect Nurse. Our narrator is unreliable and unstable, which is always entertaining in a mystery novel.

It took me a few chapters but I really got into the novel! The first half built up to a certain twist that I didn't see coming but made sense. I had so many theories, but it genuinely shocked me.
But that sense of unease remained in the second half due to the dreaded prologue. And it built up to an interesting conclusion. It concluded quite well and did leave the door open for a potential sequel.

I admit, I enjoyed the first half better than the second half. The second half's twist didn't seem as impactful.
But overall, it was a pretty solid read. Thank you so much, to Bookouture, Daniel Hurst and NetGallery for the ARC, these are my honest thoughts

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Darcy takes a job with Pippa. They are to care for a woman who has memory problems due to an injury. Darcy feels like something is off about the house and the husband right away.

I surely did not see the twist coming. It made some previous behavior make much more sense. and changed how I viewed one of the characters.

I loved this one from start to finish. A little slow getting started but oh boy that was made up for.

I can't say much without giving away a lot of the story.

Can't wait for the sequel.

Thanks to netgalley and Bookouture for the arc.

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