Member Reviews

This is the latest in SA Dunphy's Irish based series, featuring ex-military Detective Tessa Burns who heads a unit geared solely towards the protection of children, aided by the huge and bulky DS Danny Murphy, and the now newly promoted DI Maggie Doolan, and whilst she might be confined to a wheelchair, it would be a mistake to underestimate her abilities to defend herself and to fight, particularly with the help of her feisty dog, Pavlov. This is a light, entertaining, and fast paced read, but to enjoy it you are going to need to suspend your sense of disbelief, and jump on this thrill ride of a mystery. 12 year old Ellie O'Farrell is a super bright young girl, who walks into a police station with her parents, distressed, claiming she can forsee murder victims and the precise manner of their deaths.

It seems unlikely that Ellie is psychic, so where is she getting her disturbing information from? This throws suspicion on Ellie's parents, but they appear to have a loving relationship with their daughter, but who else could it be? Tessa and her team make their way to Cork, a journey in which a scary attack is made on Maggie. Sergeant William O'Mahoney is far from happy to see the team turn up in his police station and jurisdiction, and unwilling to accept any advice. To their consternation, he has Ellie taken into the care system and all the challenges and troubles that it will bring her. Ellie is going to have to dig deep to find the inner resources and resilence that she will need here and beyond the care system to survive the grave dangers that come her way.

Tessa and her team have a case that will push them to their very limits as they are warned off in no uncertain terms, followed, and are having to go rogue in trying to protect Ellie at all cost. There is plenty of suspense and tension, twists and turns, deadly threats, whilst Tessa and Danny have to resort to the use of heavy arms. Fans of the author and series are likely to enjoy this, but I would suggest new readers start at the beginning to really understand Tessa, her traumatic background, and the nature of the unit she manages. Many thanks to the publisher for an ARC.

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Ellie O’ Farrell comes into the station in Cork with her parents to report a crime. That a man with some importance is dead. When she is asked how she has come to get the information she doesn’t know as the death hasn’t happened yet. She thinks that she may be Psychic.
The Parents are sent home but the Burns team Tessa, Danny and Margaret and Pavlov the dog are sent to investigate. Mean while Ellie is sent to a secure unit for her safety.
S. A Dunphy Has done it again with ‘Her Lonely soul’. The third book in the Detective Tessa Burns series. I have read several books from this author and his books are full of intrigue, action packed and unputdownable thrillers that never disappoint. This story is original and different to others in the genre, and I like the camaraderie in the team, they all look out for each other, I enjoyed this so much I virtually read it in one sitting. Can’t wait for book four. 5 stars from me

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First off a big thanks to the publisher, as well as to the author and NetGalley for once again introducing me to geat series , some how I didn't even notice this was book 3 ,even though I have all 3 of the books,which means there's going to be a re read of this one sometime down the road so I can read the first 2 books,even though I had no trouble understanding what was going on. Plus this is the second time I've read from this author and once again I'm hooked on his written. I loved how Mr.Dunphy brings to life his characters, as well as the places he writes about ,and how he uses Ireland as his setting and made it feel like I was actually there. His pacing of the book kept me up all night and most of the day reading because of twist and turns, and the characters as well as the crime scene.

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Man, oh man this was good! It was book 3 and just as good as the others. I could not put it down and I loved how the author wrote it. It was fast paced with twist and turns and all the excitement I love with a mystery thriller. If you haven’t read anything by this author you need to! The main characters (the team) are brilliantly done and the dog. I hugged this when I finished and can’t wait to read the next one. This can be read as a stand-alone if you want but I think you should start at the beginning.
Thank you Bookouture via NetGalley.

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Tessa Burns heads a task force helping children along with her team Danny Maggie & Pavlov the dog they are becoming firm favourites of mine, I love the dynamics between them all, Tessa with her dogged determination to get justice, Danny who wears his heart on his sleeve and acts on instinct which sometimes lands him into trouble & Maggie is an excellent character, although in a wheelchair she can kick ass with the best of them and Pav the dog steels the show whenever he’s mentioned. Together they try to fight corruption within and bring to justice to the vulnerable. Although you could read the stories as standalones you would miss the previous underlying story that runs through all three. It’s a series definitely worth reading.

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Somehow I managed to miss book 2 in this series, but that didn't seem to matter. The relevant background was briefly supplied so it didn't mean wondering what was going on. Starting with a girl somehow dreaming of murders before they happened, it developed into a full on investigation for Tessa and her team. There was plenty of action and the plot had twists to try to keep up the guesswork. There's an underlying plot thread in the series with the faceless men, but not one requiring all the books to be read, though I will be finding book 2 when I get a chance. A good read in my opinion

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Her Lonely Soul is the latest novel featuring the Burns Team whose focus is crimes featuring children. It is fast paced, full of action and has a lot of twists. As usual Mr. Dunphy adds a bit of the supernatural into the mix. The scenes at the childcare center are chilling and violent. The fight scenes there and in the rest of the novel were a bit too realistic for my taste. I am looking forward to the next in the series.

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I only discovered S.A. Dunphy's writing earlier this year, but his detective thrillers are quickly turning into a new favorite. I really enjoyed my time with the first two books of this Irish crime series, as they are exactly my kind of story: action-packed, extremely engaging and highly suspenseful. Her Lonely Soul is already book number three, and while I ended up enjoying it slightly less than the first two books, it was still a more than solid and without doubt very eventful sequel.

I personally wouldn't recommend reading Her Lonely Soul as a stand-alone, because you won't be able to fully appreciate the dynamics between Tessa and the rest of her team otherwise. I definitely got so much more out of this sequel by already knowing everyone well! One of the things I enjoy about this series is the Irish setting, which really comes alive thanks to the descriptions. I love how the team isn't fixed to just one location, but instead gets sent to wherever their help is needed. It really gives us the opportunity to get to know different parts of Ireland along the way!

Things can definitely be said about the credibility of certain aspects of the plot and you definitely have to be able to suspend your disbelief in able to enjoy this story. This is not your typical detective thriller and there are a lot more intense and dangerous situations incorporated than usual. Things definitely get a bit over the top and there are a LOT of fighting and shooting scenes included... I personally didn't mind as I like this type of story, and if you like high octane crime thrillers you will find Her Lonely Soul very much entertaining. The plot gets quite dark though with the organized crime angle, child abuse, kidnapping and violence in general... The banter helps balancing out things considerably.

I think part of the reason I'm enjoying this series so much has a lot to do with the main characters. Both Tessa, Danny, Maggie and her dog Pavlov are SO easy to warm up to, and I always love spending time with them. Especially Pavlov, who is the bravest and best little dog and I love how present he is in the plot. The team truly fights for the children in the cases that come to their attention, and they aren't afraid to go rogue along the way. The writing itself makes it really easy to keep turning those pages, and I literally flew through this third book.

That said, there were a couple minor things that didn't work as well this time around. It's hard to explain without giving away spoilers, but let's just say that certain aspects of the plot were a bit too convenient and the way things were wrapped up just wasn't credible. Especially concerning Ellie's parents... A bit too much like judging with double standards if you ask me. Anyhow, Her Lonely Soul was still a very engaging Irish crime thriller sequel, and I already can't wait to discover what the author has in store for Tessa and the rest of the team in the next book.

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I love these characters and this had a great plot! So unique and creative. I did not expect how this played out at all. It kept me guessing and shocked at every twist and turn. This team is one of my favourite literary groups. Including Pav! This was a real page turner and you just have keep reading it’s unputdownable!

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Book 3 in the Tessa Burns series, set in Ireland is another excellent read. I struggled to put it down once I started reading, even though parts were a bit unbelievable! I like the quirkiness of the characters and their team bond but young Ellie is the star of the show. I do hope she reappears in future books. The plotting is different, it is full of tension and is definitely worth reading. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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A child dreams about a murder…secrets and red herrings…Tessa Burns…the recipe for a mystery that is difficult to solve. Realistic characters keep the story moving quickly. This talented author has once again written a novel of intrigue. Enjoy. Thanks Netgalley.

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I thought this was an interesting read with some quirky characters ,and a good plot. I thought it was well worth a read, I wish I had read earlier books because I loved the police team and wish I had got to know them sooner, but I still enjoyed reading this book. Cracking read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my copy of Her Lonely Soul by S A Dunphy
The third book in the Detective Tessa Burns Series.
I love these books centering on Tessa and her team of Danny, Maggie and of course Pavlov.
they specialise in crimes involving children, and their latest case is mind boggling.
Young Ellie walked into a police station in Cork and informed them of a murder that was going to happen soon, she knew all the details except the victims name.
Details were taken and Ellie and her parents sent home disbelieved until it happened.
Has Ellie got special powers or is something truly sinister going on?
A really great read that keeps you glued to the pages.
The only downside for me is the fight scenes, they do seem a little over the top.

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Part of a series but works as a standalone. For background however best to have read the series Fast paced and exciting,not for the faint hearted.

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Her Lonely Soul (Detective Tessa Burns Book 3) is a crime novel by S.A. Dunphy that is really good. I loved the storyline as it was different from other books I've read and it was interesting. The story had lots of action and intrigue. There were some sad moments and some shocking moments. The story had a satisfying ending and I am looking forward to more in this series.

Her Lonely Soul brings Tessa and her team to Cork after young Ellie O’Farrell walks into a rural Irish police station to report she’s dreamed a murder that hasn’t happened yet, she is gently, but firmly, sent on her way. But the very next night, a beloved local grandfather is found dead, lethal knife wounds showing a struggle exactly as she’d described. How did innocent Ellie know what was going to happen?

Ellie was my hero in this book. She showed strength and resolve and rose above what happened to her. Her parents were something else!

This was quite a rollercoaster of a story packed with tension, red herrings, and well-developed characters.

I would recommend this book.

#HerLonelySoul #NetGalley @Bookouture

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Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read "Her Lonely Soul" in exchange for my honest opinion.

This is the third book in the Detective Tessa Burns series. As the previous books were, this one is filled tense scenes, shocking revelations, action that puts out favourite characters in danger once again.

We first meet Ellie O'Farrell as she "sees" a man in an office at a hotel and "feels" him get killed. Ellie has had these dreams before where something horrible happens after she dreams it. We learn that hotelier Domenic Wilde is killed exactly as Ellie described. When her parents Philip and Cynthia take her to Cork City police station instead of believing her Sergeant O'Mahoney sends her to a juvenile detention centre where she will be watched 24/7 because he thinks she's a criminal. He gains a Full Care Order under the Child Care Act and only an emergency case review could get her released.

DI Tessa Burns, Danny Murphy, Maggie Doolan and her black & white terrier mix Pavlov head to Cork as part of their child protection team. They don't even make it as far as Cork when Maggie and Pav are attacked by a faceless man. We learned that Tessa's parents were killed by a man with no face and both previous books they encountered these faceless men belonging to the Guild of the Unattested.

The team soon learns that there are links between Dominic Wilde having his throat cut and 2 previous cases that Ellie predicted. Dave Merrill supposedly drowned while out fishing and Miles McGuinness was a victim of a hit and run when he went to pick up his take-away.

Philip O'Farrell's company HuTec might be involved in what has been happening. His lawyer Conor Stokes has a very shady past. He along with Wilde, Merrill and McGuinness served on the board of the company in fund raising.

A number of the police at the Cork station appear to be corrupt. They attack Danny and Maggie - they are promptly arrested and Pav is threatened to be euthanized. While all this is happening Ellie is released to go home but doesn't arrive. She is taken to a tattoo parlour where she is tattooed and injected with something.

This book will keep you turning the pages because of all the exciting situations that the team gets involved. Once the reason for everything is pieced together Tessa and her team set about to bring justice to the victims and help Ellie and her family.

There are several threads left loose - hopefully meaning that there will be future stories with the team. Tessa and Coastguard Captain Jim Sheils is something that is left up in the air. And there is still the murder of Tessa's parents to solve.

As with all of Mr. Dunphy's books, he has woven in real situations that he has first hand experience with, he writes of places that he himself has been to. He has created characters that the reader has come to care about - especially Pav!

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A twelve year old girl, Ellie, reports a murder that hasn't happened yet. She also knows details of other murders that took place.
Detective Tessa Burns has never investigated anything like this. She has to make sure that the girl is safe, as there are people after her.

Action packed, unputdownable, emotional and puzzling.
Tessa is an ace detective, but we see that while she keeps her word, she does not entirely stick to the rules of the force.
I really felt bad for this twelve year old, having to go through what she did, and I could see why Tessa was hellbent on trying to keep the family together.

I really enjoyed the previous Tessa Burns books and hope that there will be a fourth soon.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book.

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An absolutely unputdownable Irish crime novel with an unforgettable twist. Perfect… Addictive, page turning… I LOVED it Completely unputdownable… Oh my word so many twists… Had me actually gasping out loud…

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I have previously read book one and two of the Tessa Burns series and I really enjoyed this book

Couldn't put it down. Thank you for the opportunity to review

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The third in the DI Burns series sees Tessa and her team heading for Cork. A young girl reports three murders to the Garda - one of which has yet to happen. And she's right on the money with all three, but how?

Tessa, Danny, Maggie and Pavlov find a hostile welcome in the local police station. Working alone, they find there is far more to the crimes than first meets the eye. Local gangsters are involved, along with some well known adversaries.

Her Lonely Soul is fast paced and full of action, perhaps a few too many gunfights for my taste. Bu the characters we've come to know all face new challenges as they seek the truth. It's another very good addition to an excellent series.

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