Member Reviews

Firstly I’d like to thank the publishers for the opportunity to read the e-arc of this wonderful book! In return for an honest review.
I’ll be honest when I first began reading this book I wasn’t 100% sure that it was going to be for me. However I fell in love with not only the characters (who all had very strong personalities, and certainly knew how to stand up for what they want/need), but the story (I won’t give anything away!) it was certainly a strong story and took in my opinion the right directions (whether that was right or wrong it was all done for all the right reasons).
The authors writing style was easy to get on with, Posy has a way on letting the sentences flow easily and has enough suspense to keep you gripped and wanting to read on.
To me this is a fantastic book and I will highly recommend it to family members, friends and anyone who will listen.
Happy reading!

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This is a quite lovely dig into the lives of a group of women left behind when the men of the area go off to fight in the war. There is a wife worried for her husband, women missing loved ones, and those waiting to start their life and seeing the war as in the way. The women form a tight community based around a second hand clothing store and those who wish to work at the munitions factory. War, and the roles that the women are forced to take on, changes their look on life and how they act, making some cruel and harsh whilst others flourish and pull a community together. The book also has a focus on women’s football team and how this brings out the best in people and the spirit that is typically associated with the war and pulling together, the book explores the animosity towards those who play and who it is seen as unseemly. The factory plays a major part in the life of the area and strikes, illness, poisoning and explosions are all feared and play into the plot.
A lovely read.

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This book was a gripping tale of strength and at the same time, what women are capable of. The grief and the pain was insane but it didn't hold these women back. Ellen has my heart and soul, so do all other characters. Reading this book was uplifting of sorts, a way of broadening your perspectives. It was a journey I would treasure as a reader and I can't wait to read more from the author.

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this book is set in WW1 and is full of women's story of strength, resiliance and and amazing daily and friends loyalty.
beautifully written and I recomend

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Great story line. Ups and down of family and friendship happy and tears along the way totally loved this
Thank you for choosing me to review and read this book

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This is a beautiful book and it is so amazing, the story is so lovely and very enjoyable to read. i loved everything about this book and i would recommend to anyone who loves reading to give this book a go. it is a lovely book and i will read other books from this author.

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I loved this book! It was a real story of women power and overcoming challenging circumstances. I'm no fan of football, but the story about the women's football team made me feel, weirdly, proud of those women, who were part of the team in the book. This book had several gasp out loud moments, and many tears along the way! I thought it was charming but also very honest! I can't wait to read more from Posy!

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A beautifully written novel set in the middle of WW1 in Clydebank. I enjoyed the characters stories intertwining with one another as well as demonstrating determination during a really scary time! Plus the football subplot was great, big fan of promoting women in sport. Thanks to Net Galley for the advanced copy

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Historical drama set in Clydeside during the War. A fascinating bunch of women/sisters each with their own problems. A look at women's football and the dangers of missile making. A good read.

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Returning to Clydebank with families and friendship keeping everyone going during the war, but what to do when this protection starts to crumble. The Wentworth factory is now making things for the war effort, stretchers, shells which involves the use of TNT, could this have an effect on those working closely with it?
It was lovely to join familiar names Ellen, Sadie & Rachel, Ida and Bridget (or as Annie calls them Tida & Biscuit).

Had to laugh at the use of local words, names. (crabbit , Piece & jam, when I first moved to north Scotland no one knew what I meant when I said that.. Enjoyed the football storyline.

Look forward to next book by this author.

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Victory for the sewing factory girls, the 2nd book in the series, and a great follow up. The book catches up with Ellen, Sadie and Bridget 5 years after the strike at wentworth. Now the factory is making municians for the war..There’s still a lot of tension from the strike, and a lot of hard feelings about the factory, with arguments between them. The women make a football team, raising money to help people and that brings everyone together, a great read with great characters, already waiting for a 3rd book in this series.

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If I could give more than five stars I would, what a fab read loved the characters and the setting, the storyline was great I honestly could not put this book down I was gripped and I hope we have more to come from these ladies

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Firstly thank you Netgalley for this Arc

What a brilliant second book in this series love family saga based in the war this is definitely one for you

Can’t wait to read more

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