Member Reviews

I new I'd love this book. The author tick. The cover style tick. A love story, food and Italy tick tick tick.
This is one of my favorite style of story and so I'm glad that once again my anticipation lived up to the reading of it.
I always look out for Nicky's new books. She's a constant on my goodreads searches.
The descriptions of the food and the scenes had me whisked away, wanting to go and find these alleyways of creme stone myself.
I loved Ana's side of the story but feel a little bad saying that. Because at some points i needed Ana to get off her fixation woth jer weight and how this reflected on her state of mind. But I was still behind her finding her little spot of future. She'd been done a great disservice at the beginning of the book. I was cheerleading Italy all the way. Plus the character there were fab.
And the reason isn't actually because I liked one side of the story or the characters better. It was because everytime it switched to Skye I was anxiously awaiting the Tim aspect of it. And how frustrated I was with all involved that this had gone on for so many years. But this sadly is often the way. People do what they can for those they love to be OK. Even if sometimes(often with mental illness) it means just not confronting it. It's such a complex thing the mind. To confront is a huge fear that one can make that already poorly mind worse.
Now, having worked and personally been around mental illness Tim's clear mental illness was extremely evident to me. And the nervous energy, his highs and lows and what the illness causes a person to do in those highs and lows, were so perfectly written it put me on high alert. Concern for him mostly. Because although it never actually went in to how he felt I know it is hell on earth living inside that mind. And of course for Skye. Nicky wrote the storyline so well that each time her chapter came about my whole body was tense, and my fear and empathy went into overdrive. I was worried for them both! Yep the writing was such that I really did care for the characters. And it hit me deeply. So yes. From that I think we can pretty much see Nicky ie one he'll of a talent.

And I want to add it's not a dark book, or to deep and unnerving. We are all effected by differing things and mental and emotional health is one for me. And I still enjoyed this book massively without needing therapy myself after. It was light and lovely in all the right places too. Just a really good,brilliantly written book.

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As I'm Italian born and bread I often consider romance/rom-coms set in Italy as a type of fantasy.
This is an enjoyable and entertaining read that made me travel to a lovely place and meet lovely people
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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"Marry Me in Italy" follows Skye, a cake maker, and Ana, an editor, on journeys of self-discovery in the charming town of Montenello, Italy. As both face personal and professional upheavals—Ana losing her job and Skye reconsidering her engagement—their paths intertwine amid stunning scenery, delicious food, and engaging characters. The novel's descriptive writing brings the Italian countryside to life, making for a delightful and immersive holiday read. Despite mixed feelings about the ending, I feel that story remains enjoyable, with likable protagonists and vivid imagery throughout.

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A wonderful heartwarming book filled with hope, food and love.
Skye and Anna are both at difficult times in their lives but both take a leap of faith which leads them to Mon……. in Italy. Will Skye marry Tim and will Ana be brave enough to leave her London life behind for good.
Some of the side characters are wonderful, Skye’s assistant Meera is strong and feisty. Augustus is glorious, what I wouldn’t give to meet him in the piazza and chat over a coffee or spritz. Finally I loved Rocco, he was clearly sexy and mysterious along with it, lucky Ana!
I thought this was such a beautifully written story by Nicky, her descriptions of Italy and food made me crave to visit, job well done on her I think ☺️
Thank you NetGalley, Nicky Pellegrino and Orion Publishing for this ARC, all opinions expressed are my own.

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marry me in italy💍🇮🇹🍷🥖🍝🍕

i must say i loved this book from start to finish!! do i want to find a small town in italy and live there for the rest of my life?? yes, yes i absolutely do!!

for both the fmc’s, skye the baker and ana the magazine editor (yes this book was a third person dual pov!!) even though they led different and separate lives from each other…they both found their way to the same small town of italy🥹

i loved both their stories and reading how their world turned upside down, and how italy was the answer (no spoilers here) but i was obsessed!! like i said, we all just need to move to italy🍝

for skye it was about building her relationship back with her partner and her family, and i will say as much as i was rooting for her happy ending, i was not a fan of skye’s partner tim - even at the end!! (again no spoilers here but)👀

i was intimately invested in the fact ana was on a journey of self discovery after some very bad news and began living spontaneously, i was eating it up!! good bye london hello italy!! AND she got her unexpected happy ending!! i was happy crying for sure!!💫

from the descriptions of the italian land to the delicious italian food, i am obsessed!!🤤😍

thank you so much to netgalley and the pubslishers for an advanced copy!! i loved it and will be keeping my eye out for nicky’s other books!!

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Marry Me in Italy was a divine holiday read! Skye and Ana seem like they have nothing in common - Skye is a cake maker in the Cotswolds and Ana is a successful editor of a best selling food magazine. But then the bottom falls out of both of their worlds where Ana loses her job and Skye is pulled into a wedding competition her partner Tim has fraudulently entered them in. The other big problem is she isn't sure she wants to marry him anymore,
They both begin a journey which will take them to Italy and the beautiful town of Montenello. Both Ana and Skye are great leading ladies in the novel and I really enjoyed both their storylines.

I loved all the descriptions of the Italian countryside and the mouthwatering food and gorgeous interiors, Pellegrino writes as if she has lived in the town herself and the supporting characters are hugely likeable. I wasn't sure about the ending and how they crossed over (no spoilers) but it didn't ruin the enjoyment of the book.

Many thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for an advanced release copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Yet another excellent read from Nicky Pellegrino... my go to author to escape from the humdrum of life

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This book was a great quick read for me but i didnt love it as much as the last one by Nicky that i read

Characters are well written but i just couldnt connect

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Not my favourite book by Pellegrino. There's a subdued tone to this story. I enjoyed Ana's story much more than Skye's. Both stories however were realistic and I'm glad older protagonists featured in this book. Loved the setting. I wasn't keen on Skye's story so much though. She always seemed to have such a downer on her partner. Everything was his fault, yet she wasn't perfect. All in all a good read. With thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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At the heart of "Marry Me in Italy" there are two women, Skye and Ana, with a connection via food. Skye is a self-made baker who runs her own business and supports her partner and two children. Ana is the editor of a glossy culinary magazine, printed monthly and also with a web-site. Both women find themselves at crossroads in their lives, and end up in Montenello, a small hilltop town in southern Italy.

The atmosphere and location are wonderfully conveyed and there are some great characters. This is a book about friendship, family and love, set in sunny Italy. A great holiday read.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This is told by two characters. Set in Uk and Italy. I will admit I was not sure at first . I was not. keen on at first Skye as a main character but she grew on me. I loved her baking and her cake company and her side kick. Ana was the other main character and her world was blown a part but she re built her life. Some good twists and a very neat ending . Read it.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author for this eARC.

Nicky Pellegrino is a new author to me so I began reading not knowing quite what to expect. I really enjoyed Marry Me in Italy and think it is an uplifting read that would be a perfect holiday read. I love Italy and the title piqued my interest. The two main characters Skye and Ana are so likeable, as are Becky, Josh and Augusto. I wasn't too keen on Tim initially although he did grow on me slowly as the book progressed. The authors writing is beautifully descriptive and very engaging and I was drawn into the story quickly. The characters jumped out from the pages and I could picture them, the scenery and places in my mind when reading. Ana is on a journey of self discovery and Skye is questioning her relationship with her partner. I think this is a lovely, heartwarming and feel good read that I'd recommend and I'll definitely be looking to read more from this author when I can.

4 stars

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It seems like ages since I had a new Nicky Pellegrino novel to get lost in but I can report that it was absolutely worth the wait. Not only was I transported to my beloved Italy but the main character was of a similar age with issues I could relate to. It’s a complete gem of a book. Don’t be put off by the title. This is has much more substance than that would suggest. Highly recommended.

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There is always so much comfort to be found within the pages of a Nicky Pellegrino book, and her latest one, Marry me in Italy, is no exception. As always she vividly describes the setting so that you feel you’re right there, walking the cobbled streets and smelling the delicious food, with the sunshine on your skin, Food, Italy and characters with real depth and relatable issues...what’s not to love. Well done Nicky on another bestseller I’m sure! Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this.

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Who does want to win their dream wedding in Italy? The latest book from Nicky tells the story of Skye (who's fiance actually wants to win an all expense paid trip) and Ana who's romance is the last thing on her mind. This is a rollercoaster, summer pool side worthy book set in Italy. Who doesn't want to escape to that beautiful country and have the time of their lives?

Fab first book I've read from Nicky and will be looking out for more.

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This features two very different women who are having serious thoughts about their lives due to events beyond their control. Ana has worked at Culinaire magazine for many years, eventually working herself up to be editor and when the decision is made to end the print editions she finds herself out of work and with no idea what to do with her life. Meanwhile Skye is finding her long time partners erratic behaviour increasingly challenging and when he enters them into a competition to win a wedding in Italy without even asking if she actually wants to get married she finds herself questioning the whole relationship.

I loved the strength of both these women as well as their stories, Ana decides to make a big change to her life rather than stay with reminders of her past and Skye works so hard to keep her family supported even though it limits the fun in her life. I did feel frustration that Skye tolerated her husbands behaviour, to me he seriously needed to see a doctor frankly and I could see why her employee felt so annoyed Skye put up with him, this is actually one of those storylines where I wasn’t sure if I wanted her to marry him or break up in honesty but I do appreciate her thinking behind her final choice. I loved the way Augusto interfered in Ana’s life when she went to Italy and the Italian setting was lovely. Overall this is a thoughtful but very uplifting character read in a fabulous Italian village and definitely offers great escapism.

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So in the mood for a beautiful love story to transport me! I’ve been having some quite severe health issues and unable to travel at the moment. This is the perfect escapist read set in beautiful Italy that I cannot wait to sink my teeth into .i will be sharing a full review and thoughts very soon.

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