Member Reviews

As a fake dating lover, I ate this book up. However I would say I enjoyed the first book more than this one.

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In My Roommate Is a Vampire, the side character of Reginald Cleaves was my favourite, so I was really excited when the author announced his own story and I wasn’t disappointed, especially because the text message exchanges between Reginald and Frederick still made me laugh out loud. For me, My Vampire Plus-One is even better than the first book and I read it in two days, unable to put it down.

I always enjoy the fake dating trope and here it is made very well. Amelia Collins is used to her family meddling in her love life, but with yet another relative’s wedding coming up and she is still single, she makes up a fake boyfriend to get her family off her back, especially her mother. All she needs to do is find a man who would be willing to go to a party and a wedding with her and pretend to be in love with her. And who better than the weird and handsome stranger she bumped into a few nights earlier? Reggie, who has taken up bullet journaling and has a group of angry vampires after him looking for revenge for something that he may have done a couple of centuries earlier, is happy to help Amelia, even going as far as exchanging his extravagant clothes for something more sober, especially after she seems to take very well his confession of being a vampire.

My Vampire Plus-One is such a fun read. The romance is slow-burn and steamy, the characters are engaging, quirky, and hilarious, and the dialogue is witty and brilliantly-written. If you are looking for a fantastic and immersive paranormal romance, then My Vampire Plus-One is the perfect read!

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Reggie has to be the most cinnamon roll vampire ever! I mean this man rocks his feminine side, knows how to put on makeup, journals like a whizz AND takes responsibility for stuff he does (and doesn't) do!

Reggie is on the run from the Collective who would really like his head on a pike for something he has taken the blame for for over a century! Amelia is a quiet, logical accountant who just wants her family off her back and for once to be the centre of someone's life.

Reggie may be a few centuries older but he is not wiser! He hasn't met a disaster he could not walk straight into the middle of but with Amelia around, he kind of grows up and feels responsible for her safety. There are a lot of tropes in this book, you're sure to find a few you will love.

There are a few cameo appearances from Freddie and Cassie from book 1 and if I'm not mistaken we may have even met our FMC for book 3!

Plenty of laughs, tender moments and low level spice.

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Amelia is an Accountant, an Accountant who has attended one too many family weddings alone and is sick of the questions as to why she is still single

A chance couple of encounters with Reginald, and a mispoken lie to her family about having a plus one for her cousins wedding, leads her to ask Reggie to be her fake plus one

Reggie has his own issues, he is being hunted by the vampire authority, The Collective, and thinks this ruse will help him blend in more

But neither of them can't deny there is an attraction there, but what can go wrong when you are fake dating a vampire fugitive....

I really enjoyed this book, and loved seeing Cassie and Fredrick from book one again albeit they were not the focus of the story, and it could be enjoyed as a standalone (however, I would highly recommend the first book too)

Out 26 September and thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Randomhouse for the review copy, all opinions my own

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Vampire romances are one of my favourites, the book completely captivated me and I loved Reggie and Amelia, such a great read.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read a copy of My Vampire Plus-One before publication on Sept 26th.

Great story of Amelia a single brilliant accountant working her socks off during TAX season and is literally ran off her feet by a beautiful blonde excentric man. Due to the mishap of him running her down he owes her, which as he is a complete stranger and will never see again she doesn't think she will ever be able to redeem this favour. But by chance they meet again and she needs a ‘fake’ date to her cousin’s wedding which he agrees to do.

Reggie isn’t just a stranger anymore and turns out he is a vampire who has been on the run from The Collective (Vampire illuminati) for over 150years for something he didn't do! Amelia makes it her mission to clear his name and fight down The Collective so they don’t pester him again.

Cute little rom-com with a little bit of blood and spice. Defo worth a read.

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This is a light-hearted, fun romp of a book with brilliant characters.

The fake-dating plotline is just as sweet, irresistible and delightfully infuriating as you might expect and when they finally give in to it, oh boy is it worth the wait.

I found the sub-plot with The Collective a little disconnected but overall an inoffensive addition.

Packed full of classic romance tropes - miscommunication, there's only one bed, fake dating to name a few - Jenna Levine takes them all on in a refreshing new way.

A lovely palate cleanser of a book.

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*3.75/ 5 stars”

Amelia Collins is tired of constant questions about her non-existent dating life, so she decides to get everyone off her back once and for all by finding someone – anyone – to pose as her date to a family wedding. If he's annoying, or embarrassing, so much the better.

Coincidentally, Reginald Cleaves has centuries of experience at being rude, infuriatingly arrogant and a fashion eyesore, making him perfect for her purposes.

But as Amelia and Reggie practice their fauxmance and more of Reggie's secrets come to light, Amelia is surprised to find her first impressions could not have been more wrong, and that Reggie’s bark might be worse than his bite . . .

My thoughts are mixed on this book to be honest. I had a great time overall with this book and it was funny and entertaining in a slapstick comedy way. There were some of my favourite tropes like fake dating, one bed ! And I really enjoyed Reginald as a main character. He was different and eccentric and unapologetically himself which was refreshing.

However I feel as tho if h the plot fell a little flat for me with this book, I preferred my roommate is a vampire more than this one. I found myself losing focus and it lacking that grip of attention at times throughout the book and I think the pacing was slightly off. However the collective plot line, the mixed media and the romance were all top tier.

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DNF'd at page 232.

I really wanted to like this but unfortunately I just couldn't get into it. The book was okay and the plot was promising but Reginald was so cringey he just put me off and The Collective were just as bad. I did like Amelia but I just couldn't justify finishing a story only liking one character. I'm sure others will love this, it just wasn't for me.

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I really enjoyed the first one, so I’m grateful to Netgalley and publishers to read the second one! It was fun and included one of my favourite romance tropes, fake dating, and it was slow burn which I love too. This is also the only time the miscommunication trope was used where it didn’t annoy me, it was instead entertaining (Reggie tells Amelia he’s a vampire, Amelia thinks he’s joking, Reggie thinks Amelia took the news really well).

This is a silly book that I’m not taking too seriously (otherwise, I’d be bringing up things like the massive age gap and the not-at-all threatening The Collective, etc). I went in it to have a good time, and a good time is what I had!

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DNF’d at 20%

Thank you to the publisher for giving me an e-arc to review!

Unfortunately this book I feel isn’t for me personally, I think that the writing style just didn’t gel with me and I didn’t feel a connection to these characters.

This book does have everything in it to be a great romance book that I know so many will love. This book features a popular romance trope: Fake Dating which leads our FMC onto meet Reginald, a mysterious man with quite the secret. Both characters seem to have great personalities and are written well and I think would work well together had I have read more.

I really think this book would be perfect for people who love lighthearted romance books with a paranormal twist.

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I loved My Roommate is a Vampire when I read it last year, so I was excited to get an ARC of My Vampire Plus-One. It is / has:
🩸 F/M Paranormal romcom
🧾 Fake dating
🩸 Opposites attract
🧾 He falls first (and hard)

I’ll start by saying I loved this book even more than the first, it was an incredibly fun read. I think Levine is one of the best at writing in this genre (paranormal romance meets romcom), and she has a distinct style I enjoy to read. I described book one as pure escapism, and I’m glad to say this holds for the second.
Why I liked it so much:
•The epistolary chapter openings returned; messages, emails, book extracts and Reginald’s bullet journal entries! These were hilarious, but also add extra dimension to characters and the overall story. I could read an entire book of just these.
•Reginald in all his chaotic, endearing, a teeny bit lonely, smitten glory. He is perfect! But it was how both he and Amelia want neither to change that sealed my obsession with them as a couple.
•Paranormal worlds don’t need much world building, but I find the stories and backstories in this world great. Vampires that just struggle with the current times and human laws / rules as well as the petty vendettas.

This is a great spooky season option, if you want something light. But I’d recommend reading the first book before diving into this.

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I picked this book up when I was in a book slump and it was perfect to get me out of it!
I loved the comedy aspects and all the characters.

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my vampire plus one by jenna levine🦇🍂🩸🧸🍁🕯️🥮💍☁️💫

i haven’t read my roommates a vampire, but after reading this one now i really really really want to🤭

fake dating
vampire x human romance
only one bed

reggie’s odd personality and questionable fashion sense was just iconic, i was imagining him as i was reading and honestly, that’s who you want in your life…EVEN if he is a vampire!!🦇 his actions towards amelia were so sweet and thoughtful, i was rooting for him from day 1 of the fake dating agreement🥹

amelia’s family were on her back for being single, and she needed an out - *incoming reggie!!* - and ofc he agrees to help her by being her fake boyfriend to a few family events AND a wedding💍🤭

i just LOVE a fake dating romance, and reading reggie’s and amelia’s relationship grow and their chemistry was just uncharted😍

the other side of the plot was reggie’s past creeping up on him, which ended up being mixed in with amelia’s accounting job - and even though i had no idea on the math related words she said, i was here for it as she acted like a bad ass b*tch to save reggie’s life🥹

i loved frederick and cassie’s characters too!! another reason why i neeeeddd to read the first book - because i love a little cameo from book to book😍

anyway…the ending?! tell me book 3🙏🏼

overall reggie was my favourite character!!🫶🏼 (maybe even of 2024)

this was such a fun and quick read for me, giving the fact i read it in 2 days👀 honestly i couldn’t put it down if i tried!! such a way to start my autumn/halloween vibe tbr - thank you netgalley and jenna levine🫡

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3.5 stars! Reggie is delightfully quirky and a total highlight of this book. He’s endearing and strange, with questionable fashion sense at times and a deep (and fitting) appreciation of accountants. I enjoy a fake dating romance and loved to see how the relationship between these two quickly became more entangled than they, or at least Amelia, were expecting. She’s soon being won over by Reggie’s odd charm, though fighting her feelings like a pro. The story is comical and fun, making it an easy read and an enjoyable one. Plus I expect anyone who’s read My Roommate’s a Vampire (it’s still on my tbr!) will see some familiar characters here.

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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This was my first time reading a book from this author and I really enjoyed it. Amelia is a well fleshed out female character and Reginald’s eccentricities are hilarious to read. I did feel that the story took a while to get going as we didn’t reach the main plot reveal until over halfway into the story. Nonetheless I had a great time reading and would recommend to friends.
Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to have an advanced copy.

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Didn't fully grab my attention and then at 26% the formatting changed so it looked 'lllliiiikkkkeeee ttthhhiisss ffoorr eevveerryy wwoorrdd', so ultimately I've had to dnf because it's unreadable and reading on the NetGalley app gives me a headache.

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I don't think that this book was really the one for me. I enjoyed it to an extent, but i also struggled quite a bit to get into it fully. There was just something stopping me from loving it 100%. I also had no idea going into this one that the author had wrote another book, and feel like i should have maybe read that one first. It's my understanding that they don't have to be read together, but i might have been more invested in the world and the story if i already had something else to go on.

I did really enjoy every aspect of this book from the romance (which was quite adorable to see evolve, and hella spicy/delicious when things really picked up) and also how different the plot was too. It felt quite refreshing that it didn't focus solely on what was happening plot wise (which can end up being quite a drag) and didn't just focus on the romance, which can sometimes take the depth away from a book and almost make it pointless.

Overall i think that this was a fun little book, great for Halloween and autumn. Was interesting enough and had some really funny moments too. I can definitely see this being some peoples favourite cosy vampire book too!

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If you loved My Vampire is a Roommate you must read this sequel, it is just as fun as book #1 and I absolutely LOVED time spent reading this.
I'm completely won over by both Reggie and Amelia and the chemistry between them (and the spice!), it felt so natural. Reggie's character has developed so much from book #1. The humour in this book was my perfect match. Aside from the romance, there was also an interesting plotline throughout the story, I never thought I would enjoy the accountancy side but I was really invested in it. I also am a sucker for a wedding scene in a romance.
I can see the development in Jenna Levine's writing with this book in comparison to her debut, and there are lots of cameos of Frederick and Cassie throughout.

Thank you to NetGalley, Cornerstone and Jenna Levine for the opportunity to read this advanced reader copy.

Review posted to NetGalley and The StoryGraph. Review to be posted on Amazon and Instagram on release date.

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Okay, I started this before reading the first book and I LOOOOVED Reginalds character. I realised the story would hit even better if i picked up the first so I did and I was right. I love the small interactions between all the characters from the first & second book. The romance was very cute and hilarious at times. It made me laugh and was very easy to read.

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