Member Reviews

Thank you to Jenna Levine, Random House, and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for a review.

Back in February I reviewed My Roommate is a Vampire and surprisingly I enjoyed what I read. I don't tend to go for romances, but I'm a sucker (get it) for anything with vampires in it. Levine's vampires are eccentric and silly with enough sincerity to have you falling for them yourself. So when I found out that there was going to be a sequel, I was 100% on board.

My Vampire Plus One features characters from the first book, centring on Frederick's friend Reginald and Cassie's brother's friend, Amelia. It was a good choice to choose Reginald for a sequel, instead of it being new characters completely. I would have been less likely to read it had it been a completely new character.

It's a quick read, thanks in part to the many text exchanges and bullet journal entries throughout. Both Reginald and Amelia have POV chapters, which I liked. It did much to demystify Reginald as we don't often get to read the thoughts of the vampires in the human-vampire romance. We had to wait 15 years to find out just how much of a simp Edward was for Bella.

The plot was predictable and the villains weren't exactly threatening, but you don't read fake dating stories hoping they don't get together in the end. I don't think it would stand out in the romance space without the vampires. I certainly wouldn't read a fake dating story if it was just about humans. Nevertheless, it was an entertaining book that did have me laughing out loud at points.

As with most vampire romances, this one included, the question of turning is an inevitable one. What choice do you have when you fall in love with someone who will not only outlive you by hundreds of years, but won't age while you grow more grey and decrepit with every passing year? I think I'll stick to human boyfriends, unless vampire Henry Cavil or vampire Oscar Isaac come knocking, then it's bye bye mortality.

A good sequel to to the first book with plenty of built up tension and excellent payoff. Levine sure knows exactly what the vampire girlies want.

A fun and quick read for all the girls who would choose Spike over Angel.

I give My Vampire Plus One by Jenna Levine 3 stars.

My review will be posted on clearly reads on 15th September 2024 and on Instagram @clearlyyyyy

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This was fun, quick read. I really enjoyed the fake dating element because it’s one of my favourite tropes and I also liked both the fmc and mmc and that it was dual pov. I also enjoyed seeing snippets of Frederick and Cassie in this book as well!

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This was fun and super quick to read. I enjoyed seeing the characters from the previous book in this as well, though I didn't enjoy this as much as the first one. It was very predictable, I didn't feel like there was any twists I didn't see coming hence why in my opinion, it was a 3 star read.

My review will be posted on goodreads and my bookstagram @hanreadingjournal

Thank you to Net Galley and Cornerstone for the eARC.

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My Vampire Plus One
Jenna Levine
Penguin Books UK
Following a ridiculous meet-cute in the Chicago slush, with Amelia Collins, accountant and Reginald Cleaves - the best friend and frequent annoyance to Frederick from book one, who dresses like a ‘stolen car’ – we have the start of a fake dating scheme.
Amelia has a family wedding coming up and is sick of hints from her mom about dating people or attempts to set her up, so in a rush of sudden inspiration, she asks Reggie to be her plus one for the wedding.
The ‘stolen car’ comment isn’t far off the mark when we discover ‘Old Fuzzy’ is his favourite coat.
Reggie has been wanted by The Collective, who offer “vigilante justice for wrongs that many in the vampire community consider trifles,” for over a century. He’s the prime suspect for a fire that killed the original board members, mostly because he did threaten to set them on fire. But it wasn’t him, really.
He was just a notorious practical joker back in the day.
‘Minutes from March board meeting of The Collective’ are, shall we say, informative, when it comes to understanding their modus operandi. It’s these pieces of epistolary content or ‘extras’ that imbue the novel with a wonderful sense of the ridiculous.

The bullet journal notes are great fun, and very much Reginald. Especially as they progress and he ends up joining an online forum for journalers.
Reggie’s texting to Amelia is hilarious but even more so, is when he’s texting Frederick. They remind me of Statler and Waldorf from The Muppets with the bickering and snark, but hidden affection for each other. Well, hidden very deep that is.
More of this epistolary style help to fill in back story or current events whilst adding lots of humour to the novel.
“What to Expect When You Become a Vampire, Fifteenth Edition
Page 97: The Vampire’s Glamour” is particularly enlightening in terms of story arc and plot movement. However, I think my favourite piece, is the security report near the end of the book.
We get to see how Frederick and Cassie are getting on too, and learn about enigmatic witch Zelda.
This is another rom com masterpiece with swoons, laughter, steam, affection and just the right hint of danger.
It’s also proof that nothing is as constant as dead men and taxes.

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Just read this book!

It’s funny cosy well written and a great distraction from the real world. I read this in one afternoon whilst in hospital and it really cheered me up. I’ve already preordered a copy as I need this to read again.

If you enjoy vampires and humour get yourself this book it is a treat to read.

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Just like book 1, this book so so cute, cosy and a joy to read. Jenna hits the camp cosy vibes on the head and has you itching for more.

I'm not usually a romance reader but the sprinkle of vamp definitely makes it all the better for me!
Jenna is one of those authors that I'll read ANYTHING she writes now!

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If he isn’t like Reginald, I don’t want to know!!

Jenna has surpassed herself with this cosy vampire romance.
I absolutely adored her first book. So much so that it put me in a 3 month long reading slump afterwards because no other book could compare, and I couldn’t find any similar ones.

As a result I was looking forward to this release so much that when I received the ARC I put off reading it as I was worried she couldn’t top the first book.

Jenna sprinkles something addictive in between her pages which makes it impossible to put down. Despite being about the occult, there is something so real about her characters. If I could bundle Reginald and Frederick and run away with them, I would!
Her writing elicits real laughter, something I find rare with books.

I also loved how we had more development of Cassie and Frederick.

This book only solidifies that I would read anything jenna writes. I feel unable to let the two couples go just yet. I would love to hear how both continue to navigate the complexities of their relationships.
I think it would also be nice to hear of Reggie and Frederick’s human lives/ the early days of their vampirism.
Tbh if Jenna decided to write a full on history nerd-off between Reggie and Amelia’s dad, I would be just as excited😂

Literally anything Jenna wants to write, I will be ready to devour!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this masterpiece early

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Vampire-obssessed? Moi? Why, yes, yes I am!

This book started-off a little slow for me because I had a hard time with the miscommunication that Reggie had told Amelia that he was a vampire but she had thought it was just joking. Whilst I could understand the logic, it felt a little frustrating to see scenes play-out where Reggie was like “..y’know, ‘cause I’m a vampire” and Amelia’s internal monologue was something along the lines of “oh, that Reggie, he’s just so quirky”. Thankfully, the resolution for this was relatively drama-free and didn’t feel over-exaggerated. I found the rest of the book read a lot smoother after Amelia and Reggie got on the same page.

This was a pretty fun read and easily held my attention. I really enjoyed that it did not take itself too seriously and seemed to just be having fun. I particularly liked the way that Amelia genuinely enjoyed her job as an accountant and the ways that her seriousness about her job added an element of humour without it feeling like Amelia or accountants were being made to butt of a joke.

I hadn’t read My Roommate is a Vampire so this book can definitely be read first but I do plan to return to read Frederick and Cassie’s story as I enjoyed the little glimpses of their life that we saw. I am not sure if there is the scope for more vampire stories left in this world but I would love it if these weren’t the last we saw of Reggie and Amelia… maybe we will get a Grizzelda the Terrible story next?

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A fun easy read about Amelia an overworked CPA workaholic who desperately needs a plus for yet another family wedding that she just can’t go to allow to as she has to some of the previous ones but she is running out of time!
Her mother is make making waves about who her plus one is.
Amelia meets Reggie as he virtually mows her down as leaves her office late one evening. Amelia agrees to meet her bff Sophie at the local coffee shop to discuss how Amelia finds an urgent plus on whilst there Sophie spot a good looking eligible candidate there who Amelia recognised as Reggie who owes her a a favour against her better judgment she approaches him and he agrees to be her plus one & the fun begins!
A funny read but a very slow start - some readers will lose
Interest. I found disappointing but ok read . 3/5

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I was so happy to receive an advanced copy of My Vampire Plus-One as I loved Jenna's first novel, My Roommate is a Vampire.

This was an easy, fun read that kept me laughing throughout. The MMC - Reggie was funny and sweet (considering he is a vampire) and I really enjoyed learning more about his character after his appearance in Jenna's first novel. The chemistry between him and the FMC, Amelia was super cute but spicy as well! I also loved how the main characters from the first novel were tied into the storyline and enjoyed getting updates on Cassie's and Frederick's lives as well.

I didn't enjoy this as much as Jenna's first novel as I didn't seem to connect with the characters as much, and felt like the storyline jumped around quite quickly at times. However, it was the perfect palette cleanser after getting into a bit of a reading slump this month and ideal for the Halloween season!

Thank you to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Initially when I started to read this book, I was sad that it was not Cassie and Frederick, because I loved them and the first book has consistently stayed in my mind, the more I think about them, the more I have a fond memory of the book. I was super excited to receive the ARC of book two and it didn’t disappoint!

When I realised who the book was about and started to see their personalities developing, I was chuffed to pieces. I love the characters, found the book hilarious, it made me laugh a lot, smile plenty and consistently chuckle throughout. They are such a sweet couple and I was on their team, rooting for them with all my heart!

I absolutely love Reginald’s journalling/mission statements. Go Reggie!!

If you want a fun, sweet and laugh out loud read, that’s lighthearted, then this is the one for you!

I give this book 4.25 stars.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and all involved in allowing me an ARC copy for an honest review. It was fun!

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After reading the ARC for My Roommate is a Vampire, I was really looking forward to this one but had no idea how Jenna Levine was going to turn Reggie into a romantic hero but boy did she.

Amelia is self-proclaimed boring and tired of her entire family on her back about her being single when she’s just trying to get through tax season (she’s an accountant). In the most bizarre meet cute ever she meets Reginald - a very strange vampire that offers his services as Amelia’s fake boyfriend…

I found this so funny and I have never once in my life enjoyed a miscommunication trope apart from in this. I loved hearing more of Cassie and Frederick’s stories in this. It was lighthearted, funny, and I really enjoyed the writing style.

This book is dual POV but I don’t think it was really necessary. There really wasn’t much of Reggie’s POV and the chapter starters (which I loved) gave enough of a POV for me.

My Vampire Plus-One was entirely ridiculous but in the absolute best way. Where else is a ‘boring’ accountant going to save the day and not only that but save the day with tax laws than in a Jenna Levine book? The answer is nowhere. I really enjoyed this and I think I even liked it more than the first one.

💗 Vampire x Human
💗 Fake Dating
💗 Forced Proximity

🌟 4 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4 ⭐️

If there’s one word to describe this novel it’d be hilarious!

This book follows Amelia, who wants to stop their family from asking questions about her love life so she brings a fake date to a family wedding. As she gets to know Reginald, she realises there's more to him than she first thought and that he's not that bad.

Oh Reginald, how I adore you! I loved his character so much and I think him and Amelia were the perfect match. I’m glad this book was much better than the first one— the storyline was streets ahead and the ending was perfect.

Read if you like:
🧛 paranormal romance.
🧛 fake dating.
🧛 golden retriever mmc.
🧛 forced proximity.
🧛 dual pov.

Thank you to Random House UK and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. My Vampire Plus-One by Jenna Levine will be coming out on September 26th.

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Thank you to NetGalley and RandomHouse UK, Cornerstone for the ARC

Yay! I was so excited when I received this ARC. I really enjoyed My Roommate Is a Vampire and have looked forward to the sequel ever since, Let me tell you, it did not disappoint! It had all the humor and sass and great characters as the first one, I loved Reginald and his sass. His relationship was really cute and I enjoyed the story. A great palate-cleanser and a great book. I'm looking forward to more of Jenna Levine's writing

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Thank you Random House UK, Cornerstone and NetGalley for giving me this ARC to review.

For lovers of Frederick J. Fitzwilliam within My Roommate is a Vampire, get ready to sink your teeth into Reginald’s story in Jenna Levine’s brand new romantasy My Vampire Plus One.

Amelia Collins is happy with her stable accountant career, moody feline roommate and single life, but it seems as though her family is not so ready to agree. To get her family off her back, Amelia hatches a plan to ask someone to be her fake date, and Reginald Cleaves (the literal definition of a fashion eyesore) could be the perfect weird remedy so that her family never hound her again. But as the pair spend more time together and secrets come to light, Amelia soon realises she may have bitten off more than she can chew…

I really enjoyed My Roommate is a Vampire but I grew tired as I got towards the end of My Vampire Plus One. This may be me however, as I can see the effort that Jenna is putting into creating a universe of characters that you’ll love and become invested into following their stories. That is not to say that I would not recommend this book, as it truly is a quick and easy, light-hearted read where you can switch off and lose yourself within Reggie’s and Amelia’s story. I’d even say it is a great book for if you need a pallet cleanser in between some heavy reads. But it was just too easy for me and I hoped for more within the plot to keep me gripped.

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I hadn’t read the first book in this universe and so it took me a moment to fully get into the swing of the word and the characters and dynamics but once I got into it I did really enjoy this book.

I thought it was funny and I loved the fake dating aspect of it and how Reggie and Amelia navigated that and their blossoming feelings. I also quite liked the whole vampire reveal of it and although it led to some crossed wires they were so crossed that it was frustrating.

Overall, thought this was a good, fun read. Perfect for the spooky season.

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Similar to book one, this book is a fun palate cleanser between books. It's silly and lighthearted with humorous moments scattered throughout. Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy it as much as book one but it definitely was a fun read! I love the slightly clueless vamp alongside a human that has no idea vampires exist!

The romance is a slow burn with some steamy moments (and maybe some blood drinking). I did find the fate dating plot to be slightly pointless after a while.but overall, this was a super fun read. Definitely not one to take too seriously and would definitely recommend if you're looking for something easy to read.

Tropes Included:
- Human x vampire
- Fake Dating
- Cinnamon roll MMC
- Forced proximity.

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This book was very enjoyable and easy to read. It gripped me right from the start just like the first one did. I loved Reggie in this book and so glad he's found love and had his own book. I highly recommend this author.

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🦇 ARC Review: My Vampire Plus-One by Jenna Levine 🦇

Thank you to both @netgalley and @penguinrandomhouse, @cornerstone_press for approving my request and sending me a digital copy of My Vampire Plus-One by Jenna Levine 💕

Here is my ARC Review!


Rating: ⭐ 4.5

This book was a lot of fun. Having read the first one and thoroughly enjoyed it, I can safely say I loved this one too. This was a very cute romance that follows on from, but not necessarily directly, My Roommate is a Vampire. And, if I'm honest, I liked the sequel more!

Now normally, I'm not a romance reader, especially if it's set in modern day, but Jenna Levine has certainly been hooking me in with her quirky vampires. Her writing is fun, easy-going and has some great laugh out loud moments. It's certainly a book that helps introduce readers to the romance genre whilst also adding a splash of the supernatural. This book does have a couple tablespoons of spice but it is nicely balanced throughout the story and definitely keeps you wanting more!

I hope there will be a next installment in the 'My Vampire' AU, as I honestly need more! Whether it goes back to Frederick and Cassie or continues with Reggie and Amelia. Either way, I will read whatever comes next!


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Really enjoyed this book. It was an easy read, and pulled me right out of a reading slump. Love Reginald and Amelia. What more could you want than a 300-year-old vampire with outrageous fashion sense? Would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a lighthearted paranormal romance!

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