Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

If I'm being honest here, I was actually a bit disappointed with this. I really enjoyed the first one and Reggie was my favourite character so I was really excited to read his story. I just feel like something was missing here. I didn't find it as funny as the first one either. Amelia is too much of a serious character, she's also very intelligent so it wasn't believable that she took so long to connect the dots. I also think the 'Vampires are so old' route is worn now.

I did enjoy the Taylor Swift and Twilight references in this though.

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If you read and enjoyed my roommate's a vampire, your going to love this aswell!

It's a nice quick palette cleanser. I love how the author puts a new take on vampires, normally they are all morally grey, brooding creature, but our MMC is a golden retriever with a filthy mouth kinda guy and I live for it!

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC

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truly an incredible book that i won’t be forgetting for a very long time!! i loved the characters snd the chemistry between them was insanee

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I think i loved this one more than the first one.
Reginald was so cute i absolutely adored him
Amelia and him had such great chemistry, the vibes, the combination between comedy and spice was to die for.
I can’t express enough that we need more golden retriever mmc in books they are everything
Loved seeing back the cassie and frederick and the vibes the brought
The perfect book for fall
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the arc

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Another great romcom from Jenna! Really enjoyed the first one so was more than happy to read about Reggie and Amelia. A perfect escapism read with the right amount of spice and vampiric action!

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Such a brilliant second book from Jenna Levine. I absolutely loved getting more Reginald time getting to know him better, and his whims and all the secrets of the vampires. Amelia is such a lovable character. I love that she was unsure about her feelings. She had a hard time expressing herself, except when she did her accounting job she was hilarious in that.
If you love fake dating as a trope, this book is going to exceed your expectations, because fake dating a vampire who tells you the truth all the time is just so much more better. Miscommunication troops are usually an egg for me, but Janna Levin did wonderfully with humor and unexpected timing! I was laughing my way through the book!

I don’t have other versus other than this book is a gem, a highlight of romantic comedy with supernatural creatures a brilliant twist of a well-known series of tropes, and it gives a new perspective. it is brimming with wonderful representation, best word, expectation, towards females without any prospects in the dating life, and very interesting parallels between a vampiric life, and just struggles of life in general.

I wholeheartedly recommend picking this book up, and if you haven’t read the book one in this series, My roommate is a Vampire, please I urge you to pick it up. It is just as funny, wholesome steamy, spicy and well balanced with humor, just as this one.

Thank you so much, for the publisher deals are in that goalie for providing me an advance, reader copy an exchange of my unbiased review.

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I was absolutely thrilled when I was accepted to read the ARC for this book. Having enjoyed My Roommate is Vampire, I was excited to once again delve into this world, and learn more about Reggie in the process.

Reggie and Amelia are both such likeable characters that you just can’t help rooting for them! Their fake dating ploy acts as a mask for the both of them. Amelia needs her family to stop interrogating her on her singledom, and Reggie is in hiding from a vampire society who are convinced he’s to blame for a sinister event that took place over 100 years ago.

I really enjoyed following their story, and spent a lot of time hoping there’d be a happy ending. I was also a fan of how Jenna managed to make taxes sound interesting!

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I really enjoyed reading my Roommate is a Vampire so, I was so excited when I got approved for this. Fake dating I mean that is my favourite trope so I had high hopes. Frederick is so cute and adorable while being spicy 🌶️ . One thing I really enjoyed was the use of messages, emails within the book. I thought this was a really cute, funny story. This was the perfect palette cleanser. I just fell in love with these series even more. Thank you for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I was lucky enough to receive an arc of this book. The first thing that drew me to it was its cover, it’s really fun and colorful. Now that I've read the book, it’s actually the perfect cover for it. It’s as eccentric and bright as Reggie.

It’s been a while since Iv read a vampire book set in every day life and I must say I low key loved it!!

This book is lighthearted and has its laugh out loud moments. Its an easy read, that requires little to no brain power, which is exactly what we need every now and then.

Reggie was such a goof ball, so un-vampire like , which is what made him unique. Vampires are usually written as smart and all knowing, educated and otherworldly while Reggie was clueless half the time, which made me giggle.

Amelia was definitely the brains in this operation and I love me a smart and capable woman 👏🏼

-Fake Dating
- He Falls First
- LOL moments
- Age Gap

If you are wanting a lol and a HEA, then give this book a read❤️

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I absolutely loved my roommate is a vampire so when I received the ARC for my vampire plus one I was so excited!
This is so cute and fun and it’s Fake dating! Frederick is such a good MMC, adorable, quirky but with a dirty mouth.
If your looking for a fun cute easy read please pick this up you will not be disappointed

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Thank you to Netgalley, Penguin UK Cornerstone and the author for providing me with this ARC ❤️

As someone who didn’t fall in love with the first book, this one took me massively by surprise. I loved Reggie’s character in the first book, so when I found out this book was based on his story, I was immediately sold!

Amelia, a hard working accountant, helps Reggie as he’s pursued by some less-than-friendly mobsters. He offers her a favour should she ever need one from him, and she has the perfect one to ask: her fake wedding date.

This story is funny and the main characters are so crude with so much chemistry, I just love them! Such an enjoyable read!

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Thank you NetGalley, Jenna Levine, and Cornerstone for a galley of this in exchange for an honest review.

I read the first book in this series and thought it was a kooky, but undeniably fun romance. I have much the same feelings about My Vampire Plus-One! If you enjoy an off-beat, fun, and funny romance, with memorable characters, and a whole lot of 200+-year-old-vampire-men-learning-how-the-world-works, you will adore this book.

Unlike Freddie, lead man of the previous book who spent a lot of time out of the loop, Reggie is a vampire much more in the know, and has embraced the freedoms of modernity. For CPA Amelia, who is maybe a little up-tight, he is more than a breath of fresh air: Reggie is also the perfect way to get her family off her back in the lead up to (yet another) family wedding. In this opposites attract, fake-dating, friends?-to-lovers romance, Amelia and Reggie prove that your differences can be what make you a great match, and your girlfriend knowing a whole bunch about tax-law might just save your life.

I loved this, it was funny, bright, exuberant, very much like our leading man himself! Of the two books I've read so far in this series, this might be my favourite. I would love to read the next, I'm curious to see if Levine will keep going with these. Maybe next time we'll even get a female vamp??? I live in hope.

I give this 3.5 stars, rounded up. I love these books but the kook factor can impede understanding a little sometimes. Still a genuinely delightful read.

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In My Vampire Plus-One we follow Frederick's eccentric friend Reggie when he literally bumps into accountant Amelia outside her office. She needs a fake date for a wedding and off we go! Just as much fun as My Roommate is a Vampire. It was great to see Reggie have his own story and, yet again, this was the perfect book to let my worries melt away.

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While I enjoyed this a lot more than My Roommate is a Vampire I still feel as though there was something missing. This one had all of the fun tropes that I adore seeing but at some points I felt as though they were unfulfilled in the way the circumstances came about.

Saying that I enjoyed Amelia and Reggie as characters as well as their relationship while delving into their own quirks! I also enjoyed the dry humour used throughout the book with the characters as well as about the characters.

Overall I enjoyed it and the vibes and will be recommending for sure!

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This was a fun lighthearted read that also had some spice! Reggie was such a great character and I really enjoyed his personality. Overall the book lacked something for me, the plot wasn’t overly engaging and felt a little disjointed for me personally.

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Amelia Collins is dreading the monthly family dinner. She knows talk will turn to her cousins' wedding, and in turn, to her own single status.
Finally, Amelia has had enough and blurts out that she does in fact have a boyfriend. Now all she has to do is find one in time for the wedding.
Reginald Cleeves is exceptionally good looking, even if he does have a strange taste in clothes. Amelia decides to take the plunge and ask him to be her pretend boyfriend.
Reggie agrees but as they spend more time together they find they are growing closer, but Reggie has a secret that will shock Amelia to her core.
Will Amelia accept Reggie for who he is or is even the fake romance doomed.
If you enjoy a funny, romantic story with strong characters who will have you hooked from the start this is for you. It's funny, romantic and totally captivating.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
4 stars book from me. Loved the plot and the stories in this book. Loved every single second reading it.

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When Amelia Collins tells her family she’s bringing her boyfriend to her cousin’s wedding, she needs to find a boyfriend…quickly. I loved My Roommate is a Vampire so much so I was really excited that Reggie was getting his own book. This is a super cute romance with fake dating that inevitably leads to more. Jenna Levine makes vampires funny and refreshing!

A lighthearted supernatural romance that won't fail to make you giggle and kick your feet!

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read an early copy of the book for my honest review.

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This book is a fantastic follow up to My Roommate is a Vampire. This is a funny, heartwarming romance which made me smile throughout. I really enjoyed getting to explore more of Reginald's character, seeing his humour and his softer side come out and his friendship with Frederick develop. I thought Amelia was a great main character and I really felt for her throughout the book. I also liked seeing the characters from the previous book again. The inclusion of emails, text exchanges and bullet journal entries really adds charm and character to the story. If you enjoyed My Roommate is a Vampire, you will definitely enjoy this and I think you would still love this book without having read the first one. I'm very excited to see what this author does next.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this eArc in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh reggie… sweet sweet reggie.

I’m gonna be honest, I didnt get the overall hype about Reggie in the first book.. yes he was fun, BUT FREDDIE ?!?!

I changed sides tho … Reggie was an absolute cutie and I adored him and Amelia together!!

Me: yeah but did you ?!?

Very happily gonna recommend this one at work!
Perfect for everyone looking for a funny and short read.

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