Member Reviews

I never thought I would enjoy a book that talked about tax and accounting as much as I did this. A great follow up to book one in this series. Jenna always writes loveable, relatable characters who you can't help but laugh along with.

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If like me you're primarily a fantasy reader this is the perfect pallet cleanser to read in between the heavier books. The best word to describe it would be fun. It's a silly goofy time, in the best possible way.

The main character, Amelia is an accountant that is passionate about her job. I have to say that I liked her from the get go, she's far from the quirky, artsy type you usually find in these types of books. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but just for me personally, I don't find that type of character relatable or endearing. It took me a while to warm to Reggie as he is quite eccentric and boisterous. However, as the story progressed and his relationship with Amelia developed he grew on me. I especially enjoyed the banter between the two.

Overall, this was a quick and engrossing read!

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4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Before I get to my review I wanted to preface and say I wasn't the biggest fan of book1 in this tie-in series and that unfortunately it was an DNF for me as I couldn't see Fredrick&Cassie as a couple. That being said I was a fan of Jenna Levines writing and other aspects of the book such as the mysterious and odd side character Reginald Cleaves. When I seen he would be getting his own book I was excited to see how he would transition to being the main character/love interest. I have to say I was not disappointed.

I would say it is not necessary to read My Roommate Is A Vampire to enjoy this book but it would give you some background on characters within the story.

When Accountant Amelia Collins lies about having a boyfriend to keep her family off her back about being single and working so much she finds herself needing a plus one for another one of her cousins weddings.
The next morning she sees the mysterious stranger who she ran into the night before and convinces him to be her plus one.
Reginald Cleaves, 300 year old vampire on the run/hiding from the group known as 'The Collective' is not one to shy away from a good time and a chance of mischief agrees to be Amelias plus one.

This book is a lighthearted, laugh out Loud easy read.
The characters as opposite as they are work well together and make an interesting couple.
Who knew
4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Before I get to my review I wanted to preface and say I wasn't the biggest fan of book1 in this tie-in series and that unfortunately it was an DNF for me as I couldn't see Fredrick&Cassie as a couple. That being said I was a fan of Jenna Levines writing and other aspects of the book such as the mysterious and odd side character Reginald Cleaves. When I seen he would be getting his own book I was excited to see how he would transition to being the main character/love interest. I have to say I was not disappointed.

I would say it is not necessary to read My Roommate Is A Vampire to enjoy this book, but it would give you some background on some of the characters within the story.

When Accountant Amelia Collins lies about having a boyfriend to keep her family off her back about being single and working too much, she finds herself needing a plus one for another one of her cousins' weddings.

Reginald Cleaves, 300 year old vampire on the run/hiding from the group known as 'The Collective' is not one to shy away from a good time and a chance of mischief agrees to be Amelias plus one.

This book is a lighthearted, laugh out Loud easy read.
The characters, as opposite as they are work well together and make an interesting couple.

The fact that Reggie, a 300 something year old vampire had gotten so into bullet journalling he joined a discord/reddit to fully embrace the hobby is so bizarre but wonderful and definitely on brand for him. It's hard not to like his character and his flamboyant personality.

And who knew Tax talk could quite literally save the day.

As i didnt finish My Roommate Is A Vampire it was nice to see Fredrick&Cassie again to see how their relationship ended up

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'My Vampire Plus One' by Jenna Levine.

'My Vampire Plus One' is a standalone by Jenna Levine but honestly, I highly recommend reading 'My Roommate is a Vampire' first just for more context. This novel wasn't as good as Levine's other novel and that may be due to Reginald. I was a bit iffy on him as a side character but I just find no enjoyment about reading his love story.

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4.5⭐️ rounded to 5⭐️

Amelia Collins is tired of her family getting at her for not dating so she decides to find someone to pose as her date to a family wedding. This is where Reginald Cleaves comes in as he pretends to date Amelia but the more Amelia gets to know him, the more she realises that there’s more to him than meets the eye…

I really enjoyed the first book of the series but this is by far my favourite so far! I absolutely loved Reginald in the first book so I was over the moon when I learnt he’d be getting his own book! I feel like some of the questions I had from the first book were somewhat answered with this book but there were some minor plot holes, which is why it’s 4.5⭐️ and not 5⭐️.

If I loved Reginald in the first book, this one only cemented that love for him. His character development was truly a joy to witness and I felt so happy to witness it. I loved his banter with Amelia and vice versa. I really enjoyed both as main characters and getting to learn more about them. I loved Amelia’s character growth too - it was lovely to see her have important realisations about herself and her life, like she was more than just her job and she deserves to take breaks, which I think a lot of people (myself included) can relate to. I think Amelia was such a relatable and likeable character, which made me drawn to her instantly. Same for Reginald, as I liked that about him in the first book and that continued in this one.

I was truly sucked into this story. Once I picked it up, I really struggled to put it down, which I haven’t felt like that about a book in a while. I feel like if you’re looking for a lighthearted read, a palette cleanser or a book to get you out of a reading slump, I think this series would be great for that. I loved all of the settings featured within this book as I felt like I could picture each one and could imagine the book playing out in my mind. I also loved how the book included mixed media as it is one of my favourite things to see in books. I loved the writing style and I am excited to see what Jenna writes next!

⚠️ CWs: cursing, alcohol use, sexual acts, blood; mentions cheating, arson ⚠️

Thank you NetGalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for the opportunity to read this book early in exchange for a honest review.

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My Vampire Plus-One
Jenna Levine
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ / 5

Firstly, I’d like to give my thanks to Penguin Random House, Jenna Levine and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC to review!

My Vampire Plus-One is a delightful follow up to my Roommate is a Vampire focusing on a different couple. Amelia is a workaholic accountant whose family can’t seem to give her a break when it comes to pestering her about her dating life. After an unfortunate misunderstanding at a family dinner, Amelia is left with a few weeks to find a boyfriend to bring to a family wedding. Amelia figures that the more embarrassing, weird or annoying her fake boyfriend is, the more likely her family is to give up on pestering her- enter Reginald Cleaves. After a chance encounter with the centuries old vampire, Amelia decides he is the perfect fake boyfriend- he is a jarring and slightly arrogant man with strange habits and a diabolical sense of fashion. Despite this, as the pair practice their facade, sparks fly and their growing connection becomes undeniable.

I was so excited to get a book with Reginald as the main character! Jenna Levine’s books are such a breath of fresh air from the typical vampire romance - the fun and slightly weird vampire love-interests she writes are such a lovely change from how they are usually written. I loved the chaotic energy Reggie radiates and how fun and wholesome of a character he is overall. The inclusions of his bullet journal at the beginning of each chapter were such a fun and cute idea and I really enjoyed them. He contrasts perfectly with the organised, workaholic Amelia and I love every scene they have together! Despite being opposites, the pair have great chemistry and work perfectly- their relationship is filled with jokes, plenty of chaos and a little bit of spice! Like the first book, I loved Jenna Levine’s sense of humour and this book made me laugh a lot! We also got to see plenty of Frederick and Cassie- it was nice seeing them progress with their lives and interact with the new couple! Overall, I thought this book was an amazing follow-up to My Roommate is a Vampire and I recommend this book for fans of vampires, rom com and fluffy romance!

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Was I expecting Reginald to be the star of the show when I read My Roommate is a Vampire? No. Does it work? Kinda.

Cool Accountant Amelia bumps into Reginald and as fate may have it she needs a fake date for her cousin’s wedding and he needs to escape vampires hunting him. A match made in heaven?

I don’t know how to feel about this book - I wasn’t a huge fan of Reggie in Levine’s previous novel so it took a while to warm to him. It feels like his character does a 180 from forgettable asshole to romance novel lead levels of utter devotion to Amelia. He becomes a bit bland by becoming a palatable hero. Also, bits of the book feel like a sequel to My Roommate is a Vampire.

Don’t get me wrong, this book is very enjoyable and entertaining, I just feel it’s a little lacking.

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This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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Jenna is back! She has nailed it with this book! As expected the writing and character building has far exceeded the triumphs of book one and Reginald is an example boyfriend! I don't think I thought much of him in the first book but boy do I think about him now!

If you've read book one, this story is very lightly intertwined. We revisit Frederick and Cassie and it continues their story gently without interfering with the main plot. Reginald is introduced as our main character when he mysteriously bumps into Amelia, a passionate accountant who never hears the end of their concerns about her single, work focused life! What better way to get them off your back than to find a fake boyfriend.......

Enjoy the journey you go on with Reginald and Amelia, they're perfect for each other. He's considerate and slightly more carefree, and we see the best of both of them when they are together. You're going to absolutely love living in their story

Where book 1's ending felt slightly rushed, this was well rounded from the very beginning. It didn't need any more, or any less. It as the perfect cozy read in this dreary 'summer' weather that we're having!

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"My Vampire Plus-One" by Jenna Levine is a delightful blend of romance, humor, and a dash of the supernatural. The story follows Amelia Collins, who, fed up with questions about her dating life, enlists the help of the eccentric vampire Reginald Cleaves to pose as her date for a family wedding. Reginald, with his centuries of experience in being both rude and arrogantly fashionable, seems like the perfect candidate for her ruse.

What starts as a fake date quickly turns into something more as Amelia discovers that Reggie is not what he appears to be. His initial rough exterior hides a sweet, vulnerable side that makes him an unexpectedly perfect match for Amelia. The chemistry between them is palpable from the start, and their growing relationship is a joy to watch unfold.

Reginald, who was introduced in "My Roommate is a Vampire," truly shines in his own book. His unique humor, quirks, and depth make him a memorable love interest. Amelia, a badass accountant, is a refreshing and strong female lead. Their interactions are filled with witty banter and genuine connection, making their romance both endearing and entertaining.

The plot is engaging, with a strong storyline that keeps you hooked. The addition of the ancient vampire collective chasing Reggie adds a layer of intrigue and conflict, enhancing the overall narrative. The "snowed in" trope is used effectively, providing cozy and intimate moments that deepen Amelia and Reggie's bond.

Levine's writing is both fun and comforting, making this book a perfect read for fans of quirky and unconventional romances. "My Vampire Plus-One" is a testament to her talent in creating lovable characters and heartwarming stories.

Thank you for the opportunity to read this amazing book. This review has also been posted on Goodreads and StoryGraph.

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I loved My Roommate is a Vampire so much and when I saw that Levine was writing a book for Reginald, I requested to read the arc so quickly it’s a joke. It did not disappoint. AT. ALL.

I adored Reginald’s silliness in the first book and was so happy that we got a book just for him. I was interested to see how he could be turned into a ‘love interest’ and I’m sorry, but he is perfection. His humour, his uniqueness and his vulnerability were just everything I wanted.

Amelia was also a stellar FMC and I must say I enjoyed getting to read about badass accountant. It’s not often we get that. The relationship between the both of them was more than I knew I wanted and their chemistry was literally there from the beginning. Reginald is such a cinnamon roll and I wish he was real tbh.

The plot of this book felt a lot stronger than the first book and I did enjoy it a smidge more. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t love getting to read about Frederick and Cassie too and how they’ve progressed. This was just such a fun read that I sped through it. Levine is now a go to author for me.

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3.75 STARS

I think on a surface level I really enjoyed this story. It was sweet, funny and easy to read. I liked the characters, and I love the way Jenna Levine writes her vampires generally. They're totally out of the loop, quirky and misguided and it adds a lot of humour to her work.

I just felt that the story progressed so quickly with the entirety of the plot only covering 6 weeks. I found it a bit difficult to believe that a vampire who was alive for 300 odd years, fell so quickly for a human woman. I wish we had gotten more of a glimpse into Reginald's past, I think this could have created a really nice juxtaposition between a more traditional vampire, and the almost comical modern vampire's Jenna Levine writes.

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This book was just SO MUCH FUN!

I ADORED My Roommate is a Vampire and this DID NOT disappoint!

When the most eccentric of all vampires and a straight laced accountant fall for each other fangs come out and SPARKS FLY!

Reggie was just such a fantastic character. We got to meet him in the first book and I am SO GLAD he got his own book! He was just the most loveable, sweet and a lil' spicy hot mess! I was rooting for him from the very first moment!

The swoon factor was high, the SNOWED IN trope was perfection and the sub plot with the ancient vampire collective who were trying to chase Reggie down for his past infractions gave the story some really good conflict that wasn't centred around the usual will they won't they, miscommunication and break-up conflict.

Considering it was about vampires, this book was such a comfort read with low stakes.

Definitely recommend this for anyone who likes their romance a little unusual, quirky and loads of fun!!

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My Vampire Plus-One is a paranormal-contemporary romance by Jenna Levine. Amelia is an orderly accountant deep into the stress of the tax season, whose joke at a family dinner was taken far too seriously, and she couldn’t stop herself from going on with the lie. This lie now means she needs to desperately find a boyfriend to take to her cousin’s wedding. Good thing she quite literally ran into a loudly dressed, far too attractive man that same night and couldn’t help but keep thinking about him. Reginald is trying to hide from people who are hell-bent on seeing to his demise, and blending in isn’t something this vampire is capable of or actually enjoys doing. Still, nothing says normal like a family wedding. It’s just a fake dating scenario; nothing ever comes of those, right?

I found it quite easy to connect with Amelia. She is someone who likes order in all things in life to the point when one thing is out of place, her whole life feels like it’s spiralling into chaos, she worries far too often about far too many things, her family doesn’t listen to her, so she’s simply stopped trying to get them too anymore, and she’s so hard-working that everything about living a life outside of work isn’t close to being near her plate of priorities, and of course, I can easily relate to feeling judgement from my own cat; what cat owner can’t? She was also really supportive; I loved that side of her, to reach out and give care to others, even a stranger like Reginald. Maybe that’s because the only support she gets is from her friend Sophie or her brother Sam when she lets them in enough to receive it. And it was lovely that the support she offered Reginald returned when she needed it as well, without her having to ask for it. I did find myself just waiting, almost desperately, for her to push back and talk to her family openly about how they make her feel and to also just live a bit more, which is why Reginald was the perfect juxtaposition to Amelia.

Reginald is everything chaos; in fact, he thrives in it. He is loud in everything he does because he is not afraid to be seen, and his choice of clothing begs for it. I share his love for Twilight, and the idea of him loving it brings me endless joy. Aside from his terrible dress sense, there is so much about Reginald that I love. He doesn’t take anything too seriously; he’s sexy, confidant, protective, slightly self-absorbed, cares so deeply for those he’s marked as his, he’s super cute, and he’s a smitten little pup for Amelia. His only true connection is with his friend Frederick, but even with him, Reginald seems to create a wall; he has many walls or many facades he likes to hide behind to distract others, or maybe just himself, from the fact that he’s lonely. I loved watching him drop the facade, or perhaps just make a crack in it to allow Amelia to see more of who he is; it was such a lovely insight. I enjoyed this just as much as I enjoyed seeing Amelia let loose and give up a little control, but, let’s be honest, in that carnal scene, she had all the control, and Reginald loves it when she does probably just a smidgen more than he loves her talking taxes.

Unfortunately, there were a few things that made me lower my star rating as I read this book, and I know it’s an ARC, so some of this stuff may be altered before release, but the discord parts, the Collective sections, emails, bullet journal entries, and the talk of taxes were just far too often to be enjoyable, and while some of it could be amusing, I was rushing through it to get to the next part. In all honesty, the only times I was really gripped was when Amelia and Reginald were together or interacting with either of their friends because that added some much-needed spark of heat or humour to the book. I don’t want to give anything away, but there’s a big section later on in the book that, while it helped solve the problem at hand, was dreadfully slow, and I was fairly uninterested in it completely. There’s even something in the epilogue that I felt was completely unnecessary because I had already guessed who the real culprit was a few chapters earlier. And my final gripe was with Amelia herself. I did find her charming, and I connected to her very easily, but for someone so smart, she is shockingly oblivious. I thanked Sophie for making it so we could move past her miscommunication and that we could carry on with the romance at hand. But despite all of this, I do have to give Jenna Levine a shout-out for the perfect meet-cute, a perfect glimpse into what their future might hold in the epilogue, and for the surprising level of heat in this book; the scene was worth waiting for!

Admittedly, I struggled to rate this one. I loved the scenes when Amelia and Reginald were together, even the scenes when one or both of the characters were with Sophie and Frederick, but I struggled to find enjoyment when the chapter was solely on either main character. As I explained above, the talk of taxes, discord excepts, bullet journal entries, emails, and the Collective sections just felt as though they bogged down the speed at which I was reading. At times, they could be amusing, but I just wanted to skim through them. I was just eagerly awaiting the next chapter that had both main characters interacting again, with their easy-to-see and ever-growing chemistry. Despite how much I loved the humour and the surprising sprinkle of heat they shared later on in the book, I just wasn’t that taken with the book as a whole. Even still, I have to admit that Reginald and Amelia are perfectly made for each other, and that’s why I’ll be rating My Vampire Plus-One, Three out of Five Stars.

I’d recommend My Vampire Plus-One to those who like their paranormal romance to have some contemporary romance energy—anything with a fake dating scenario, main characters that appear to be complete opposites, the surprising twist of the buttoned-up character being cheekier than expected, humorous lines, a mild hit of heat, and of course, a HEA. This was my first Jenna Levine book, and while it wasn’t a complete hit for me, I’m very excited to try out My Roommate is a Vampire because I’d love to see where Cassie and Frederick began, and if you did read My Roommate is a Vampire, you’ll love to see where they are currently.

I want to thank Random House UK (Cornerstone) for allowing me the opportunity to eARC for My Vampire Plus-One via Netgalley. As this is an ARC, the final released copy (releasing 26th September 2024) may have been edited, and therefore the quotes I have used may no longer be in it. And because Amazon believes three stars is a bad rating, I will bump the rating of this book to four stars when I leave my review on that platform only.

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Firstly I would like to thank Jenna Levine , Random House UK, Cornerstone | Penguin and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of ' My Vampire Plus - One ' to read in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Due for publication in September , the novel follows the story of Amelia Collins who is tired of the bombardment of questions from her family regarding her love life ( or lack of it ) . In order to deflect the attention she seeks out somebody who could pose as her date to an upcoming family wedding. Upon unexpectedly meeting a stranger , her wishes come true when she finds Reginald . Engaging in a faux romance , secrets are uncovered and Amelia finds out that Reggie’s bark might be worse than his bite . . .

I read the first book in anticipation of the new release and loved every minute of it . I was ecstatic to receive an advanced copy of the second follow-on novel after hearing that Reginald was going to play a big part and I could find out more about his captivating character who took more of a background role in the debut of the series. Reggie always came across as intriguing with too brief an introduction and part - he was certainly worthy of a novel of his own.

I loved the book's cover it is eye-catching and definitely an attention grabber on any shelf. It ties to the feel of the book completely.

The author certainly has a unique writing style that keeps the reader engaged. Her humorous insight into the lives of vampires trying to navigate the modern world is contemporary , quirky and strangely relatable. I cherished the continuity from the first novel and the fact that the reader was given further understanding into the lives of the characters we had got to know and love. I would suggest that the books are read in order due to the tie- ins .

I personally preferred the second book over the first. It was an easy read that kept me engaged and wanting to turn the next page. I am already looking forward to a potential third book so I can get lost in Reggie and Fredrick's world again . Quirky , Fun and I cant recommend it enough

#MyVampirePlusOne #NetGalley

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After reading My Roommate is a Vampire, I knew that I definitely wanted to carry on with any further books in the series, and this one didn't disappoint! Taking Reginald from the first book and turning him in to the romantic lead seemed like quite the task,but Levine accomplished it so well that I think I may even prefer him to Frederick, as he has so much personality and charisma! It was also good to get snippets of how Frederick and Cassie's relationship was growing from the first book.
This book sees Amelia, an accountant in need of a fake date for her wedding literally running in to Reggie, an eccentric, bullet journalling vampire on the run! After coming to a mutually beneficial fake dating arrangement, they get to know each other better and realise that maybe there is more there after all, all while navigating family events and evading a secret Vampire organisation! I really enjoyed the development of their relationship and how they really grew to understand and see and appreciate each other for who they really were.
It's a case of opposites attract in this fake dating romcom and what a romp it is! This book is fun, funny, sweet , and steamy. I'm definitely hoping for more in the future!

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I absolutely loved the first book and this one did not disappoint but the first is still my favourite.
The book is well written and easy to follow. I loved all humour and romance of the book. It’s one of those books that just makes you laugh at little parts.
The book follows Reggie our eccentric and odd Vampire. We met Reggie in the first book and I’m so happy he got his own book and romance. Reggie is trying to hide from The Collective in plain site when he accidentally runs into Amelia outside a coffee shop. Reggie ends up agreeing to a favour for Amelia which is to be her Fake Boyfriend for a family wedding. This is to get her family off her back about her working too much and being single. It’s not long before the pair end up being snowed in at a cabin and Reggie re-revealing his secret. Amelia not realising he was being honest before about the secrets he was revealing!
It’s not long being feelings develop and a relationship blooms between the pair.

Overall a cute, funny and enjoyable read.

Thank you to the Publisher, Author and Netgalley for an eARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Jenna Levine delivers again in her supernatural romcom, following up on "My Roommate is a Vampire." This time, we focus on Reginald and Amelia's story.

We got a brief introduction to Reginald in the previous book, and he quickly captivates in this one. He’s quirky and unapologetically himself. Additionally, we get to see how Cassie and Frederick’s romance has developed.

The story centers on Reginald and Amelia fake dating for a family event, which quickly evolves into genuine affection that neither wishes to admit to themselves.

This book was just what I needed. The banter between the characters and how well they match each other is perfect.

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House for a copy of this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was a sweet and fluffy rom com with an entertaining amount of genre-savviness. I loved the set-up that Reggie fully thought he'd already told Amelia about being a vampire, and the brilliantly awkward misunderstandings that ensued. However, I just couldn't get on board with either main character - Amelia was pretty bland, and Reggie was so... childlike? He was meant to be this optimistic ray of sunshine character, but instead he was just out-and-out stupid and weird, and not in a fun way for me. I couldn't find him interesting as a romantic lead at all. The subplot was better than the romance, but still rather silly. Overall, if you're looking for a silly beach read, this would be a fun one.

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My Vampire Plus-One - Jenna Levine

I was terrified to start this book because I loved My Roommate is a Vampire so much, but I shouldn’t have worried so much, because My Vampire Plus-One has all the same quirky fun and frolics as the first book and we even get to catch up with Frederick and Cassie along the way.

This book follows Reginald (Fredericks annoying and prank loving “friend”) and Amelia, an overtaxed accountant.

Amelia is a hard working accountant who is currently in the middle of the tax season, she’s trying unsuccessfully to balance work and personal life, her family are constantly making comments on the fact that she is still single and she’s had enough.

One night during a family dinner she blurts out that she is currently seeing someone, which she immediately regrets, she is currently very happily single, but with 6 weeks until her cousin’s wedding can she find a fake date to get her family off her back once and for all?

Reginald is a fun loving, prank pulling easy going vampire, who ‘sees humans as friends and not food’, his dress sense is questionable but the most boring thing in the world to him is to fit in.

Until he starts getting threatening notes from The Collective about an incident that happened over a century ago, he enlists the help of Frederick who suggests that maybe he needs to fit in to evade capture and survive, and it's gloriously fun reading about Reggie wearing Fredericks clothes.

One night when Amelia’s and Reginald’s worlds quite literally collide they realise they could be the answer to each other’s problems, they embark on a plan of fake dating to stop Amelia’s families comments, and who would look for a vampire at a human wedding?

I honestly loved this book, it was so much fun to read and I was hooked right from the start. This is the perfect book to read for Autumn/Halloween, and if you're like me during a heatwave!

Some of my favourite quotes are:

“...My most prized possession: a framed oil painting of Edward Cullen on the wall above the sink, sparkly and magnificent…” - Reginald

“ can go back to dressing like a stolen car.”

I want to thank Jenna Levine and Random House UK for providing me with this ARC.

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