Member Reviews

Ahhhh I loved this! I love the first book in the series and I loved this one also! Jenna you are amazing and your writing is phenomenal

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Thank you for my earc of this book. This was a fun premise but ultimately didn’t keep my attention so I dnf

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This book was an incredibly enjoyable read, combining humor and romance in a fresh take on the vampire genre. It follows the story of overworked accountant Amelia and eccentric vampire Reginald as they engage in a fake dating scheme. The narrative is filled with exciting elements such as man-hunts, snow days, accountancy battles, and weddings, making it a dynamic and engaging vampire rom-com.

The characters are vividly portrayed and immediately captivating, especially with the refreshing departure from the typical brooding, mysterious vampire archetype.

While the inclusion of council meeting notes, bullet journals, and emails added a fun layer to the storytelling, some of these sections were overly lengthy and occasionally disrupted the flow of the narrative.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and appreciate the unique twist it brought to the genre.

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3.5 ☆
So cute and funny!!
I might admit that I enjoyed the first one a little more.
Obsessed with these vampires romcom!!

Thanks to Netgalley, Penguin UK Cornerstone and the author for providing me with this ARC!

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My Vampire Plus-One follows accountant Amelia Collins, who ropes a stranger who owes her a favour into pretending to be her boyfriend to appease her family for an upcoming wedding. Little does she know, however, that Reginald is a vampire fugitive, on the run from a group of vampires who want revenge.

In terms of plot, it’s a very straightforward story with no major plot twists (since they were all very obvious) and uses the tried and true meek female protagonist who doesn’t put her needs first and tends to let people take advantage of her good nature.

The real selling point for me is Reggie, who breaks the moody, brooding vampire stereotype and is instead a literal ray of sunshine.

Overall, a nice, quick, easy read that doesn’t require too much thought and has minimally spicy scenes.

[This review is based on NetGalley ARC provided in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion]

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“If I were joking, I would have said something like, It’s raining cats and dogs outside, and I just stepped in a poodle.”

Paranormal romantic comedy
Fake dating
Forced proximity

I absolutely loved the first book (My Roommate is a Vampire) so I was so excited to read this.

This story follows Amelia, a workaholic who is so fed up with her family prying into her love life (or lack of) she decides to invite a fake date to her cousin's wedding. That's where Reggie comes in, a centuries old vampire, he's cute, hilarious, quirky and he's got an absolutely filthy mouth. The romance between them is fast paced and full of banter. I really enjoyed how their story unfolded and how attentive Reggie is, he helps Amelia learn to let go a little. Amelia is pretty badass and helps Reggie throughout the story. Although there were some miscommunication elements I wasn't a massive fan of, it could be forgiven easily.

We get to catch up with characters from the first book and see some further developments with Cassie and Frederick which I really enjoyed. I love that Reggie spends his time bullet-journaling and evading the vampire society who are hunting him. The collective element is entertaining and reminds me of the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance in the film Hot Fuzz.

This book is super fun and easy to read. It has some real laugh out loud moments and some really cute and steamy romance. I enjoyed it as much as the first and highly recommend it as a great palate cleanser.

Thank you to the author, Jenna Levine, the publisher, Random House UK, Cornerstone - Penguin and Netgalley for providing me with the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed seeing a different side to Reginald (Reggie), in fredrick and Cassie’s book Reggie was very jarring and chaotic. He still held on to some eccentric and chaotic tendencies in this book but it was more endearing this time round.

I really liked seeing Amelia’s walls come down and the side Reggie bought out of her even if it did start out as a fake dating scenario. The plot thickens with the collective on Reggie’s tail and this causes some strain on his and Amelia’s arrangement, but it made for fun and interesting problem solving.

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Absolutely loved it! i didnt think i would enjoy it as much as i did the first book because that was also a 5 stars for me but oh how wrong i was!!!

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wonderfully unique, funny and quirky.

'But for you I would brave a blizzard just to see you smile'

Amelia Collins is super busy at her job as an accountant with tax season in full swing, but when another family member announces they are getting married and pressure from her family to bring a plus one mounts she tells her loved ones that she already has one, now she just needs to find one. Que Reginald who literally runs her off her feet and promises her a favour for his indiscretion, he must be the perfect candidate to fake date the only problem being he happens to be a vampire.
This book includes
- fake dating
- he falls first
- one bed
- snowed in together

This book was such a brilliantly fun read and breath of fresh air, it had an interesting new take on vampires and the MMC Reginald was such a quirky and kooky character rolled into a cinnamon bun package. The way the relationship evolved for Amelia and Reginald was so natural and well written, it wasn't forced and had me kicking my little feet as it happened.
This book is an interconnected stand alone and although it can easily be read as it's own book it does have a fair amount of the characters Frederick and Cassie from the first book 'My roommate the vampire'

The plot for the book was really interesting and when the book took a spicy turn I was thoroughly surprised at how good the scenes actually were so much so that I wanted more.

The only thing that I would have like to have seen added to the book was having a full length scene between Reginald and Amelia's brother.

'If her eyes had been open, she'd have seen it written all over my face just how desperately I was falling for her'
This book was highly entertaining and can't wait to read more from Jenna Levine in the future

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This was SUCH a fun read! It follows overworked accountant Amelia and eccentric vampire Reginald in a fake dating rouse. With man-hunts, snow days, accountancy battles and weddings, this was a really dynamic take on the vampire rom-com.

The characters were really interesting and came off the page instantly for me, I liked the move away from the brooding, mysterious vampire especially.

The extracts from council meeting notes, bullet journals and emails was fun, but some of these were quite long which sometimes took me out of the narrative.

I really enjoyed this, thank you!

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3.5 Stars
This was a super cute Vampire Romance. We follow Amelia a hard working accountant and Reggie an Oddball Vampire. They enter into a fake dating arrangement and end up falling for one another. There story is endearing and fun. A super easy quick read. I loved Reggie, his bullet journaling was so adorable and the ways that he took care of her were heart melting. He was super sweet and a great dynamic MMC. Amelia was an interesting and fun character to spend time with also, she was dedicated and compassionate throughout the novel and I grew to love her. I did feel that there chemistry was a little lacking at times and i wanted more from them in that regard. I also felt that their outer relationships weren't massively fleshed out either and wanted to know more about their friends and history etc. However I loved them both and thought that their personalities worked really well together. The plot of this book was fun, and kept the story moving at a great pace. I did enjoy My Roommate is A Vampire more as I loved Frederick's old timey way of speaking and that whole spiel was entertaining for me. However this book was still great and lots of fun. I loved getting to see Cassie and Frederick from MRIAV throughout this book and seeing them continue their story was adorable. I did wish that we got more of a friendship between Cassie and Amelia and was a bit disappointed when that friendship didn't seem to strike up. It is a great read for if your looking for a cute fluffy Vampire X Human fake dating romance. If you loved book one in this universe you will probably love this one too.

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After reading My Roommate is a Vampire by the author, I was expecting the same sort of quirky romance and Jenna Levine did not disappoint! Frederick and Amelia were absolutely adorable and I think this is the first time I’ve actually liked the miscommunication trope, simply due to how uniquely and hilariously it was used. The tension was simmering throughout the book and their chemistry was off the charts. There were still so many sweet moments and of course, it wouldn’t be a Jenna book without a side plot that is completely ridiculous but brings the whole story together.
Highly recommend to anyone who likes romcoms with a little twist, lots of humour, and quite a bit of spice.

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A vampire romance which doesn't take itself too seriously.
A slight slow burn romance with main characters that had a spark of chemistry that blossomed throughout.
An interesting and fun read.

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I really enjoyed this novel. It was such an easy, fun read and I read it in a day. I loved the story and the characters. I can't wait to read more by the author. I highly recommend it.

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THIS BOOK IS EVERYTHING! It’s the book I didn’t know that I needed to read and therefore proceeded to spend a whole evening reading it in one go. What higher praise can there be?
It has laugh-out-loud moments, tearjerker moments, tug-at-your-heartstrings moments as well as some yep, life’s a bitch moments that were honestly so relatable. I was notified of this book’s availability on NetGalley from the publisher after reading, loving and reviewing Jenna Levine’s previous vampire meet-cute ‘My Roommate is a Vampire’. Honestly, I think that this book is even better than the first and has secured a place for Jenna Levine on my ‘authors books to always read list’.
I loved that this book picked up on the previous two characters, Frederick and Cassie, but that you don’t necessarily need to have read the book for it to have an impact on this storyline - although I would definitely recommend the read! Reggie is every bit as endearing and sweet as you want for a cinnamon roll MMC, even with ‘Old Fuzzy’! He falls hard and I love that we see his thoughts through the bullet journaling, this was a great twist!
The banter between the characters is brilliant and witty, including all of Reggie’s double entendres. Some of my favourites include:

‘I look forward to faking it with you.’

Amelia: I’m getting ploughed!
Frederick: That’s what she said.

There is some spice in this rom-com (with bite) but is perfect for the storyline, which progresses quickly without leaving any details out. It is wonderfully romantic and light-hearted as we see these two trying to navigate the perils of fake dating without catching feelings.
I would honestly recommend this wholeheartedly and look forward to it coming out in print so that I can actually add it to my physical collection! ❤️

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

He falls first
Close proximity
One bed
Fake dating
Age gap 😂
Slow burn

Thank you to NetGalley, Jenna Levine and Penguin Random House for a copy of this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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In my vampire plus one we follow Amelia and her slightly overbearing family who thinks she needs to have more in her life than just her job. At family events she is often questioned why she doesn't have a boyfriend, why she hasn't settled down etc etc so one day when the family are talking about a cousins upcoming wedding Amelia loses her temper a little and tells them she has a boyfriend that she'll be bringing to the wedding. Almost serendipitously when leaving work that very same night, Amelia literally bumps into Reginald. A couple of days later Amelia has met up with a friend to try and figure out how to find a fake boyfriend for the wedding when she spots Reginald in the same cafe and I think you can guess where we are going from there.

I really enjoyed this book, even more so than my roommate is a vampire. I liked that Cassie and Frederick are also characters in this book as it was a nice way to link the stories without it being a direct sequel. I found the pacing good and was engrossed in the story, as evidence by reading it within three days.

I've learnt recently that I really enjoy the fake dating plot in stories and the internally screaming at the characters to be honest with each other and to just tell them how you feel really hooks me. I love the tension that is built by worrying that the characters might walk away from each other without knowing how the other feels.

Roomate was quite tame spice wise I would say whereas this has a good level of spice, the only thing I'm not a fan of is using the C word - I just think there are nicer options.
Aside from the romance there is also an underlying plot based around Reginald, as a vampire organisation is investigating him for something he may or may not have done centuries ago, so if you're wanting a book that is mostly romance/fake dating but also with a little bit more this is definitely for you.

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4.5 ✯

This book was so much better than I could have expected. After reading this book and enjoying it so much, I know I need to read more rom coms. I couldn’t stop reading this, I was laughing and smiling throughout so much of it, the sarcasm and the humour was so funny. There were moments where I was facepalming, it was just such a great book and I enjoyed every second reading it.

I loved that Amelia had a normal office job working as an accountant, I feel like you don’t see that in books very often. Although I do think it was a little far-fetched that she was able to blackmail a vampire to leave them alone otherwise she’d go to the IRS about their tax evasions, but it’s so ridiculous I just found it hilarious. I guess if you want a more serious vampire romance then this definitely isn’t the book for you.

Reggie carried this book with his humour, I couldn’t get enough of his character. He was the opposite of cold, as vampires are usually portrayed, he was such a golden retriever. It was so funny when he would consult his discord channel for relationship advice and they’d hype him up.

I actually haven’t read Jenna Levine's first book, My Roommate is a Vampire, but after getting to see the main characters make an appearance in this book, I'm definitely going to check it out.

Thank you Netgalley and Cornerstone for this ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review!

This was such a fun read - I think I actually enjoyed it even more than the first one (My Roommate Is A Vampire) because Reggie is such a fun oddball of a character. I also adore a fake-dating trope, so it's always highly entertaining to read that. I love the little additions at the beginning of every chapter too - excerpts from books on vampires, or the musings of Reggie in his bullet journal (yes he's a vampire who journals).

I definitely recommend it if you're a fan of very fun and entertaining paranormal romance reads and want something relatively quick and easy to digest. For fans of The Ex Hex, A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon and, honestly? Twilight!

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I really love the cover it's so eye catching.

*ೃ༄ The plot revolves around Amelia Collins a cut throat, successful accountant with a very annoying family but loving family are keen to see her date. Desperate, she lies and tells them she has a boyfriend who she'll bring to a family wedding and the only person who agrees is a charming but weird man she bumps into in the street, who has a very dark secret.

*ೃ༄ Honestly I absolutely have no criticisms to this book. Jenna has a great writing style and her words seem to seamlessly flow, there's no grammatical errors, she seems to get her point across and the narrative is well thought out and easy to understand.

*ೃ༄ The characters are thought through and they're really good together. Amelia is very sweet and Reginald is super whimsy and over the top in like the best way possible. However in all honesty I just didn't connect to them that well. They're like the people in your life who you can always say hi to and have great conversations with but you just don't care about and are close to.

But I have to say that I didn't know that Levine's other book ties into this one and I went into it thinking it was a stand-alone. I mean it technically is but I always felt like I was missing something, like when you hang out with a close friend group, yea they include you and talk to you but you always feel like you're just not getting something. Would definitely recommend probably reading that before this, but I personally don't think I will.

✦ If you want a light hearted funny read with a wacky plot line and a cute romance without having to use your brain this book is definitely for you

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Another brilliant book by this author! I loved the first and this one just as much! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book.

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