Member Reviews

to be honest, I had no clue who leonard cohen was, but this book gave excellent information about him. Great for kids, short and easy, drawing style is very unique

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Another great addition to the Little People, Big Dreams series! I am always looking for children’s biographies that focus on important Canadians, so I was very excited to hear there was going to be one on Leonard Cohen.

One of the things I love about this series is that no matter how much I think I might know about the person, this series always teaches me something I didn’t know. This is definitely one I will be recommending!

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Fascinating background on the talented Leonard Cohen, always a pleasure to read The Little People Big Dreams books. I often say that these are great for both kids and adults however, I'm not sure a lot of younger children will get as much out of this one. I will say I enjoyed it as much as I always do!

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Leonard Cohen by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara is a great way to introduce the legacy of the man. It’s written at a great level for children to understand and gently covers the pivotal moments in his life. This would be great to introduce to children so that they can fully understand how we aren’t all the same and it’s wonderful to pursue a life in the arts.

Pictures are a great asset to the book.

Great addition to any children’s collection!

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What a delightful little book! The art is very cozy and easy on the eye, it made me feel warm and as if I was watching a little animation. The colors matched each other very well but the cover seems a little disconnected from the rest.
I actually didn't know much about Cohen before reading this and even though I had read a book of his poems before, I always imagined he wrote them alongside doing music. Never knew he was poet before starting a singing career! I wish the book included some f his lyrics / poems for the kids to feel more immersed.
Over all I think non-fictions for children are very important. I remember how a book about the life of L. M. Montgomery made me want to write one day too so I hope this book inspires kids to try their hand at poetry and read Lorca and Cohen!

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This one touched me. As a Canadian, I grew up listening to Leonard Cohen and am proud of his legacy. Younger generations need to be exposed to his poetry and music because it is a part of us as a society. His music speaks to everyone, young and old. A definite addition to my school and personal library.

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This is a great addition to the Little People, Big Dreams series. While I don't know enough of Leonard Cohen enough to give criticism of any missing material the included biography is excellent. This is one I can imagine reading to children who show an interest in poetry or songwriting, especially is they don't fit with the conventional voice many others have.

Also, as a parent I would be happy to have this volume in our children's personal library.

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This is a children’s book (briefly but sweetly) describing the life of Leonard Cohen. Personally, I don’t love the sound of Cohen’s music but the lyrics - yes, absolutely. The pictures that illustrate the text are heartfelt. Ultimately, the narrative shows how Cohen got his start and how he learned to explore his voice. I would absolutely read this to my kids. Plus, there’s a short little timeline at the end that brings it all together.

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Book 093 of 300 ~ 2024


Of course everyone is familiar with his song Hallelujah and the various interpretations out there.

Honestly, apart from knowing he is a Canadian songwriter and poet, I didn't know much else. As always a great series to introduce famous and/or important people.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Well what can I say that I don't say on most of my other reviews of books in this series!
Yet again another great book, and this time about someone I have actually never heard of.
Turns out I do know some of his music but didn't know who sang them or anything about the artist.
This is what I love about these books - even though they are aimed at children, I learnt something new every time I read one.

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Pros: Little People Big Dreams continues to be my favorite series of children's books--I read each one I come across! As with all of the other books in the series, the illustrations in this book were wonderfully detailed. I also enjoyed learning about Leonard Cohen's journey from a child who loved music and poetry to being the person who wrote "Hallelujah."

Cons: None--I can't wait to see who is featured next in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Frances Lincoln Children's Books | Frances Lincoln Children's Books for the opportunity to read this book.

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Leonard Cohen is beloved by many. His musical talent and unique perspective got people listening to his music. But…how did he become this icon? Young readers and their adults will find out in this title.

As a child, Leonard loved the stories around him; he found them everywhere from his books to the stories he heard in his synagogue. All that he took in influenced his later song writing as did the message he wrote to his father on the day of his (father’s) funeral. Over time, Leonard moved from writing poetry to making music and collaborating with Judy Collins.

Adults who love Leonard’s music will enjoy this title. Children will, as always in this series, feel encouraged to pursue their own creative dreams.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for this title. All opinions are my own.

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Maria does it again.
Within the Little People, Big Dreams series you know what you're getting; which is snapshot into someone's life that children will find interesting.
However, within Leonard Cohen, Maria has pulled on your heartstrings.
This is certainly going on the Christmas lists that I'll be buying for the little people in my life.

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Firstly, Thank You to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this in return for an honest review.

I think these books are fantastic! Such a great idea for children to develop an understanding of some of the famous people who have made significant impact in History. I wish I had requested other's sooner on here but I will be looking to get these for my step-daughter who has grown to love reading. Leonard Cohen is a strange choice - but the book is written in a way that is interesting. Who knew such a talented man could be written up in all of 17 pages.

These are well-worth a look if your child loves history, famous people and just enjoys reading. The illustrations are great too.

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Besides his biggest hit "Hallelujah", I didn't know much about artist Leonard Cohen. I recently heard about him in a Susan Cain's book and thought I'd have a look at this short biography. It's concise and informative. Cute illustrations.

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LPBD hits the mark every single time I pick up a copy. It doesn’t matter who the subject of the book is, I’m always sure to enjoy it. Leonard Cohen’s music is widely popular in our society, but this book helped to shed light on his upbringing and background, displaying information that was easy to understand. Great job to Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara for doing an amazing job with every single title.

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This is a beautifully illustrated story for young children, that parents can also appreciate, the story of Leonard Cohen’s life as a child, and how, even as a young child, he appreciated going to the synagogue, and listening to both the songs and stories that he heard there, and found them to be very moving.

At the age of nine, Leonard began writing poems after his father died, which helped him navigate the loss, but this also helped him find the beauty that surrounded him, and how that, as well, helped him see that in other things, other places like the synagogue, which were filled with wonder and beauty, as well.

He was drawn to songs and stories even as a child, but as an adult, he became even more drawn to music, to the stories told through music, and so he began to write his own songs, and traveled to places around the world looking for inspiration. Eventually, he succeeded in finding success as a musician, and his music is beloved by many.

Pub Date:06 Aug 2024

Many thanks for the ARC provided by Frances Lincoln Children’s Books

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Another wonderful book in the Little People, Big Dreams series by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara, this one is about singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen. It has cute illustrations and an engaging story that teaches kids about Cohen's life, from his youth in Canada to his time in London, Greece, and NYC. The book explores what influenced his moving lyrics and music. It's perfect for young readers to learn about famous people.

I always look forward to these books and highly recommend them!

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This is a fun children's book discussing the story of the singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen. The illustrations are very cute and eye-catching. I think children will absolutely enjoy this book and learn quite a bit about his life. I was not familiar with his story and so learned a great deal. This is part of a series of biographies, Little People, Big Dreams written by this author that are well researched and engaging. I am consistently impressed with this series, I actively look forward to new additions and so far I haven't been disappointed by any of the ones I have read.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Very well related story especially showing the influence of childhood, facing adversity, nurturing creative talents and coming out successful in the world but also retreating to our personal meaning of self and satisfaction. Love the detail of the bird on the guitar in the illustration. Ties the story full circle, with seeing beauty in the bird song and translating beauty of music to the world. through his songs

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