Member Reviews

It's a great biography book for young children to learn about celebrities. Has amazing illustrations across every single page. Great book for a primary school library or for a music class.

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I love this series of helpful short biographies. This one on Leonard Cohen was particularly insightful because I now know a lot more about him than previously; which was that he wrote and sung one of my favourite songs - Hallelujah! Fascinating to learn about his background including that he was a poet before becoming a song writer. Great springboard for finding out more about famous people who have touched our lives in different ways.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book for free in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

This was a fun children's book to read, because while I knew some of Leonard Cohen's music, I didn't really know much about him as a person. As always the illustrations for these biographical children's books are super cute and fun. If you are a fan of Leonard Cohen and want to introduce your children to him, then this is the perfect book to do so.

Many Thanks again to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book in exchange for my honest review.


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This is a beautiful introduction to Leonard Cohen's life and legacy in the music/creative arts world. For a generation of kids who aren't as familiar with his contributions, this lays out not only his contributions in songwriting, but also poetry, novels and other impacts he had in that realm. I enjoyed that the story started in his youth and showed the progression that he took in evolving his passion into where he ended up. There were a couple of impactful phrases that I thought were important to emphasize for kids - especially the emphasis on validating that feelings matter and can create connections with others.

The illustrations are great and definitely help to enhance the story and support the text on the page while adding depth and nuance. I think this is an excellent addition to the Little People, Big Dreams collection and will be enjoyable to kids - especially those who have an interest in the arts (music/poetry/literature). Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC to read!

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Another great book in this series. My son loves reading them and is learning about people from all walks of life.

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Time to share my weekly children’s book reviews. My kids get so excited to see what books I have to read before naps, bedtime, or at breakfast. There are some really cute ones to add to your children’s summer reading book lists!

Scooper and Dumper and the Pumpkin Parade by Lindsay Ward comes out July 8th. My three boys loved the trucks adventures with the pumpkins.

A Rubbish Journey by Jonah Rideout was a really cute chapter book my daughter loved. The story was fun, and entertaining. It comes out June 24.

Keep Trucking by Raven Howell was an adorable book. The illustrations were super cute and my boys again loved the truck story. It comes out May 10.

Ain’t It Funny by Margaret Gurevich was another fun chapter book about following your dreams. My daughter really enjoyed this one. It comes out October 14.

What Are They Feeling by the School of Life is one that is so sweet and great to explain emotions. The kids and I had some fun conversations to follow this one. It comes out September 11.

The Great Turkey Walk by Kathleen Kar is a wonderful story of friendship, and takes you back to 1860. It comes out October 7.

Hailma Superhero Princess by Emily Joof was adorable. The storyline and illustrations were very exciting for the kids. It comes out September 2.

The Sun Never Hurries by Roxane Turcotte was my favorite. Such a precious story and the illustrations were darling. It comes out June 24.

Make a Little Wave by Kerry O’Malley Cerra is a really exciting story! My daughter said this was her favorite. She loved the characters. It comes out September 30.

To Mimi’s House We Go by Susan Meissner was another of my favorite. The story, the pictures, the adventure it took you on was absolutely precious. A fun one for the holidays. Comes out Sept 9.

Leonardo Cohen by Maria Isabel Sanchez-Vegara was a cute story! My kids love to learn new things and these are always so full of knowledge to take away. It comes out August 5.

Fall Feast by Sean Taylor made our family very excited for playing in the leaves. It comes out August 5.

Diwali by Sital Gorasia Chapman was such a good one for kids to learn about another culture. It comes out August 5.

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"It was the first time he had ever written anything from his heart."

A beautifully written and beautifully illustrated children's book about Leonard Cohen. Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara is incredible at writing moving sentences succinctly. Loved this!

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Another winner! I am a big fan of this book series. And I enjoyed finding out more about Leonard Cohen. All over great book!

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I love these little books and although they are aimed at children I find them so interesting.
I have to be honest I had no idea who Leonard Cohen was before this book a really nice introduction to him.

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Another beautiful biography in this fantastic series! And what a story! Leonard Cohen is one of the most famous poets/songwriters ever, and he's simply a guy who followed his dream. When he was young, he felt so unsure of himself he left the stage, but he kept going. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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Another wonderful bio for young readers--part of the stellar Little People, BIG DREAMS series--this time focusing on beloved poet-musician Leonard Cohen. From his youth in Canada, his life in London and Greece, and then his years in NYC, we learn what influenced him to write such poignant lyrics and music. A defining event was the death of his father when Leonard was 12. Includes compelling illustrations, photos, and a timeline of his life. Highly recommended!

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Another beautifully written work by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara for her Little People Big Dreams series. Singer songwriter Leonard Cohen is sensitively examined in the straightforward prose, perfectly pitched at the target market as usual. The illustrations are gentle, almost sepia toned, matching the subject matter exactly.

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Little People, Big Dreams is a great series of children’s books introducing youngsters to real life success stories. Leonard Cohen’s biography was no exception. I definitely learned more about his life and the illustrations are darling.

Thanks to NetGalley, Quarto Publishing, and Maria Isabel Sanchez Vergara for the chance to review!

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I love this series for my kids! I’m always on the lookout for these and I was excited to see Leonard Cohen as the newest subject. This is the perfect way to introduce children to figures who have shaped our world. If you are a music fan, this is a must. Add it next to your David Bowie and John Lennon copies :)

Definitely buying a physical copy for our home library when this releases!

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This entire series is a wonderful, quick read introduction to the world of the personalities we should know about. I do know about Leonard Coehn and like his work very much and this book does not disappoint in providing an accessible sketch of his life, suitable for the young ones in our lives or just for those of us who enjoy a nice, kind presentation of the lives of those who have enriched our lives. Lovely book, good writing and illustrations and a good introduction to Mr. Cohen's moving works.

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This is a cute book about one of my favorite artists of all time. It distills Leonard's life down to the elements a child can understand. I really loved the illustrations

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Seeing beauty where others may not, such a great thing. Great story about pursuing one's dreams. Illustrations were wonderful as well.

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I'm always excited when I see a Little People, Big Dreams book in the NetGalley catalogue. I knew absolutely nothing about Leonard Cohen going into this and this book provided a great overview of both his musical career as well as his personal life. As always with this series, I love that the book teaches valuable life lessons alongside telling the person's story. In the case of this book, the main message was the power of hope and the importance of seeing beauty in everyday things. I thought the illustrations complemented the story really well.

Overall I love this series and this book makes a great addition to it!

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The Little People, Big Dreams series is so wonderful. As a mom, I think I read them more for me, than my boys.
They always have a great message of following your dreams, mixed in with important character qualities for children to aspire to. But for the adults- I always learn new things about real people that I follow or know about. It always reminds me that a person's story is important- it's not always about where you end up- but the journey to get there.
Loved learning about Leonard Cohen- who I knew very little about.

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I loved the story! The illustrations are absolutely beautiful. I think this is a story my kids would really enjoy listening to and getting to look at all the pictures.

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