Member Reviews

This is a great summer read, it’s fast paced and I was hooked until the very end. I highly recommend and to read more from this author!

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Review for 'The Truth About The Devlins' by Lisa Scottoline.

Well, well, well Wow!!! What an absolute cracker of a book by an extremely talented author!!! This book sucked me straight in from beginning to the explosive ending. It was very well written with excellent descriptions which put me straight into the storyline. The synopsis and the cover suited the book perfectly.

This is an absolutely fantastic page turner by the extremely talented Lisa. This may be the first book I have read by Lisa but it most definitely will not be my last! Lisa's evocative writing skills really brings the story to life ensuring you can see everything around you and feel everything that TJ Devlin is thinking and feeling. This is definitely helped by Lisa's brilliant first person perspective narration. The storyline is addictive and filled with suspense, redemption family, lies, murder, tension, violence, secrets, justice mystery, drama and everything you could ask for in a fantastic page turner!! I loved all the twists and turns and throughout it kept me constantly on edge trying to guess what was going to happen next and although I hate to admit I was wrong, I was wrong each and every time, but keep that to yourselves please!! So, a MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS Lisa for managing to prove me wrong time and time again!!! I would NEVER have seen that ending coming fair play! I have read many thrillers and it's getting harder and harder for me to be surprised so great job there. Lisa does an absolutely amazing job of weaving the difficult topics of addiction and family dilemmas into an absolutely gripping, thrilling and addictive storyline. It is extremely fast paced with multiple layers that the reader discovers about the Devlin's as they turn each page. Lisa's fantastic books this book was explosive, easy to read and intense. Grab your copy of this page turner today and I promise you will not regret it!! I loved the storyline and just loved everything about it. It was all done perfectly!! An absolutely addictive page turner that kept my heart in my throat on the edge of the seat and absolutely absorbed and gripped me. The fact there were so many different red herrings and so many possibilities that all would have worked perfectly I could not put this book down!!! I was so invested in the storyline that I was up until 2am!! I would LOVE to see this turned into a movie!!! I cannot wait to get stuck in to the previous and future books in this series!!!


THE characters were fantastic, solid and completely believable and I absolutely loved meeting some of them again. The main protagonist is TJ Devlin who I really liked from the start. My heart went out to him with everything he was going through. TJ is torn throughout this page turner with family dilemmas, morals, secrets and loyalty. TJ has been known as the black sheep of the family but ends up in dangerous and frightening situations thanks to his family while fearing having to return to prison himself. I enjoyed getting to know more about him as well as the other characters although I must admit I wasn't a fan of them all!! Lisa really has created realistic, strong and in depth characters that leap out of the pages at the reader ensuring they feel and see everything they are seeing and feeling. There was a great eclectic mix of characters from good to bad which always helps to liven and mix the storyline up. They all had such different and strong personalities and all suited the storyline perfectly.. There were such a mix of personalities and its hard really to say too much about any of them without giving too much away!!! Regardless of whether you liked, loved or disliked any of the characters they all work perfectly together to bring this story to life. I cannot wait to meet the next characters that this author creates for her previous and next books. A great cast of characters that come to life thanks to Lisa's extremely evocative writing talent!!


Overall a compelling, addictive, action packed, gripping and fantastic page turner!!

#TheTruthAboutTheDevlins #LisaScottoline #NoExitPress #RandomThingsTours #RandomTTours

@LisaScottoline @NoExitPress @RandomThingsTours @RandomTTours

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The Devlin family. What really goes on behind the hallowed walls, behind the facade that they painstakingly upkeep? When an incident occurs that causes more ripples than they can cope with, will their whole world come crashing down? Perfectly constructed, and perfectly paced, character driven suspense with a propulsive plot littered with twists and a true familial drama at its heart.

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“The Truth about the Devlins,” is my first taste of a Lisa Scottoline’s writing but I enjoyed it so much I will be back for more. An enjoyable story of family loyalty, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of truth. The novel centres around the Devlin family, a brood of lawyers, with the exception of TJ Devlin who appears to be the black sheep with a troubled past.

TJ Devlin recently out of prison and rehab for alcoholism is now back with his family although his role in the family law firm is less prestigious than the other members. His older brother John confesses to murdering a client to him, a client who was caught embezzling. TJ is shocked that John who is held in high esteem could commit any crime never mind murder. TJ decides to investigate which will give him a chance to redeem himself as well as help his brother.

The plot is expertly paced, with each twist and turn intensifying the suspense. As TJ delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of deception that is far more intricate and dangerous than he could have imagined. The tension is palpable, and Scottoline keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning pages to uncover the next revelation.

“The Truth about the Devlins” is not just a thriller; it is also a poignant exploration of redemption and the complexities of familial love. TJ’s determination to save his brother and prove his own worth is both inspiring and heart-wrenching. The moral dilemmas he faces and the dark secrets he uncovers add layers of depth to the story, making it much more than a simple whodunit.

I enjoyed this novel which I thought was well paced with sharp writing and interesting characters. l especially enjoy the legal setting and the courtroom scenes which I really enjoyed. This is a very good legal thriller and I plan to read more of this authors work very soon.

I would like to thank both Netgalley and Bedford Square Publishers for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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The Truth About the Devlins by Lisa Scottoline seemed familiar to me. I'm unsure if I started reading it at some point earlier... I even had the same thought in response to the opening pages - an assumption the narrator was a woman (one I'd had before).

TJ (a guy!) is the black sheep in a family of lawyers, having spent time in prison as a result of alcoholism that started in his teens. He's on track now, though working in a tokenistic investigator job in the family company. Despite changing his ways he continues to feel inferior to his brother and sister and a disappointment to his parents.

Here however, his older brother John (who he idolised as a child) comes to TJ worried he's killed a client. He claims it was in self-defence but he needs TJ's help. All - however - is not as it seems and soon TJ is the suspect in that man's murder.

There was something occasionally infuriating in this read... how easily TJ's family believed he had slipped and started drinking again, thanks to one person's lies and no actual evidence. Obviously readers are meant to connect with TJ. And as we know the truth, I (for one!) was angered on his behalf.

We're offered two mysteries for the price of one here as there's the case of the murdered client whose employer is on the precipice of a huge buyout which will make them (and the Devlins) a lot of money. And then there's a case TJ's sister Gabby is leading - a pro-bono case suing pharmaceutical companies for using prisoners as guinea pigs for trial drugs decades earlier.

Ultimately this has a satisfactory conclusion and Scottoline even throws in an epilogue for those of us who like happy endings and justice being served.

I've read a lot of Scottoline's legal procedurals and enjoyed them a lot. This is another entertaining and engaging book offering up a good balance of family drama and 'clue-uncovering'.

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TJ is the bad boy in the family’s legal firm. As an ex alcoholic, ex convict, he’s the only one in the family without a law degree, so works as the firm’s investigator. When his brother involves him in a case of fraud, he realises that lives are in danger.

The mixture of detective and legal made this quite an interesting read. I wasn’t gripped by it throughout but found it a pleasant enough read.

I enjoyed the exploration of some of the relationships within the family and the insights into alcohol addiction and how it effects the whole family.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this book about family, justice and respect. It was an easy page turner with an unseen twist near the end! Wrapped up nicely, the book didn’t leave me with unanswered questions!

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This is a more than quick paced read,short chapters but full of dialogue that is often comic timed witty and sometimes self deprecating

TJ our main character is the ‘bad apple’ of the very successful Devlin family and now the tables are being turned as John,his brother,needs his help as he thinks he has just killed a man and hasn’t a clue what to do…TJ without question comes to his aid but at what cost….and what really has occurred?.

TJ is a complex character but unquestionably good and loved his attitude and his refusal to be put down,he also takes in a diabetic cat which trust me is no small thing so he went up even further in my estimation

The parts about alcohol addiction and AA meetings etc were well done and gave insight into this illness and the strain am guessing is put upon the sufferer when under duress,John and their Dad often use his addiction against TJ and mention it and the fact he has ‘done time’ whenever they think its suitable,it never is and TJ imo is better than most would be at trying to ignore it and carry on investigating what has happened

If you like family drama’s with depth but humour and a good solid story you will enjoy this,

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Thanks to Bedford Square and NetGalley for ARC.

TJ Devlin is the black sheep of his family and everyone thinks he's a waster. He's done something awful in his past, but his law firm family have taken him on as investigator. When his big brother asks for help after a frightening incident, TJ is drawn into a web of conspiracy and deception that threatens to derail his sense of self, his sobriety, his livelihood. The danger is real, but it's not coming from the direction he thinks it is.

This is Scottoline's 36th novel and if you're familiar with her style, it's all here. Family ties, respect for the judicial system and anger at the injustices in American society, and the city of Philadelphia at the heart of it all. Snappy dialogue, privilege, wealth disparities, and genuine peril all make an appearance and are very deftly handled. It's implausible that one family could have so much going on at a time, and there seems to be an awful lot of money sloshing around even for the circumstances, but Scottoline kept this reader engaged to the end. I even shed a tear.

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This was a compelling thriller about a rather difficult family told from the point of view of TJ Devlin, younger son and recovering alcoholic.
TJ has also spent time in jail and now works for his family law firm, Devlin and Devlin as an investigator.
When attending his father’s birthday party he is confronted by his older brother John who is also a lawyer at the practice. John fears he has killed or seriously injured a client. Keen to help his brother TJ accompanies him to the scene of the crime.
The two brothers become involved in a conspiracy that leads to murder and danger around every corner. TJ has to use all his wits to keep one step ahead of the bad guys and also convince his family he is still stone cold sober which is no mean feat.
I really liked TJ as a character, he seemed to always be doing his best for his family in an incredibly stressful situation. He really struggles with his sobriety, and that makes his attempts at investigating all the more commendable.
Some of his discoveries about his family really shake him to the core and he finds it hard to believe what he has uncovered. Trying to save both himself and the Devlin family he finds himself in some dangerous situations and is fearful of ending up back in prison. I was rooting for him throughout the book and was really hoping he’d come good at the end!
Not only is this a story about family relationships it is also a page turning mystery which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for my advance copy.

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There's nothing I love more than reading about the secret scandals and dramas of the wealthy! And this one ticked all the boxes I could want. The characters are well written, it's all Brough to life really well and kept me hooked throughout. None of it felt irrelevant or like waffle and pacing was good throughout. You have to love a wee bit family dysfunction and Devilns have it in spades

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This is the second book I have read by Lisa Scottoline and it was fab

Thank you for the opportunity to review I flew through this Def must read for others

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Buckle up for a twisty domestic thriller! "The Truth About the Devlins" throws you into the heart of a wealthy family with a dark secret. T.J., the underestimated black sheep, finds himself unexpectedly rescuing his perfect brother from a huge mess. As T.J. navigates this bizarre situation, he uncovers shocking truths about his family's past and just how far they'll go to protect their power. This 4-star read is a thrilling exploration of family secrets, privilege, and the price of loyalty.

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Little is expected of T.J. Devlin, the black sheep of his wealthy, prominent family. The same cannot be said of John, the eldest scion of the Devlin clan.

So in a bizarre twist of fate, when T.J. finds himself in the position of helping out his brother - who has committed the mother of all screw-ups - the tables really are turned.

However, in the process of saving John from a dire predicament, T.J. finds himself facing not only unexpected challenges, but also discovering more than he imagined about his family, and what some of its members are capable of...

Lisa Scottoline has delivered a domestic thriller full of surprises. The story examining family dynamics, power and privilege in considerable depth. It gets 3.5 stars.

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This is a great summer read, it’s fast paced and I was hooked until the very end. Which I did not guess. If you like messy families pick up this book.

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