Member Reviews

"We Called Them Giants" is a nice read with artwork that truly sets the scene beautifully. The premise is great and full of potential, but it falls short in the storyline department. The story moves way too fast, making it feel like you're missing chapters of important information. While the art is impressive and the concept intriguing, the narrative could use more development to fully realize its potential.

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The art is absolutely stunning. Each panel feels like a painting and the use of color (particularly wherever there’s contrast) was absolute magic. Makes me really want to go read the other graphic novels by this team (Wicked + Divine and DIE) if only for the art.

Lori made a great apocalyptic protagonist - prickly and cynical with survival always the first (and usually only) thing on her mind. Combine that with Annette who’s bubbly and hopeful and brave in a way that is wholly unfamiliar and inscrutable to Lori. I wish we understood Beatrice better; instead she felt more like a means to an end.

This could have done so much more if it was longer, but even at only 100 pages, it feels complete - though not so conclusive that the world and characters couldn’t be revisited in the future.

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What a astonishing artstyle, the way the colors and style blend makes such a beautiful contrast to the narrative.
I really enjoyed the story, it was a fast-paced thought provoking story about survival & love.
The pacing did feel a bit too fast, especially because it felt like we didn't get to know the characters enough.

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I just finished it, read it in one sitting!!! So very lucky I got approved for an ARC through NetGalley!!! It’s a unique, beautiful and moving story! Unlike anything I have ever read before! The artwork is ASTOUNDING!!! The only negative thing about it, is that it was so short!

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The art in this story was phenomenal. I found myself pausing and looking at the art for moments at a time because of how they were depicted.
I liked the main character. We didn't get to learn too much about her, but that's because the story was less about her and more about the world she had found herself in. I liked her cynical attitude and I liked the way she developed her friendships and wanted to keep them safe despite not feeling like they could do the same for her.
My one issue was that the pacing felt a little off. At times, I wasn't sure how much time had passed and how things were determined. But other than that, I enjoyed this story a lot!

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With a team of pros like Gillen and Hans this book was always going to have at least a base level of quality. Hans is an incredible artist and Gillen knows how to write to her particular strengths. The character work and world building on display are also extremely strong. All that said, I’m a little disappointed that Gillen’s first OGN effort isn’t more ambitious give the scope of many of his other works.

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