Member Reviews

I didn't expect this to bring me to tears like it did. It's a testament to the writer and illustrator that you were able to feel such emotion from the giant without him ever having said a word.

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gorgeously illustrated graphic novel with an interesting post-apocalyptic setting and story. the art did so much for me. i enjoyed the characters and the story had an unexpected "twist," which i greatly enjoyed. i just wish there was more to the story as there seems to be so much unsaid world-building, and I wish had more interaction between our main characters and the Giants. Super recommend it though!

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This one drew me in on cover alone. She looked like a fearless main character taking on the world, and that is exactly this story. Alone in a world filled with alien-like creatures, finding a friend who is exact opposite of you is another task for another day. Surviving over thriving and just trying to make the best of it. How scary it must be to realize everyone just vanished and having to figure it out. Truly mind boggling but I think I loved the emotional grasp of figuring out a scary situation. I have not read anything by this team but they quickly became one I will keep an eye out for anything they come up with because it is absolutely amazing. This is a immersive tale, you get to feel and see all the details of the world around them, while lacking in character details, it makes up with giving you life in this world. I think that is hard to do in many of this, is able to give you the whole picture, emotions of what these characters are going through. Absolutely stunning, and beautifully done. Cannot wait for more of these tales. Well done.

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Beautifully drawn. Though the main character is not necessarily the nicest (but can you afford to be in the apocalypse?), she ends up learning a meaningful lesson from the feared Giants. Worth a read, but I feel it could be a bit more fleshed out. Hoping maybe there will be more eventually...

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I really enjoyed the art of this graphic and the flow of the story was easy to follow. The story itself is where it kind of lost me. While it was good, I didn’t really like Lori as a character and I feel like there was part of the story missing.

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We Called Them Giants is a story of finding magic in the mundane when all feels lost.

This little story has a whole lot of heart. It's magic lies in it's quieter moments when the characters are learning that survival isn't just about the logistics. It celebrates connection when all feels lost through the eyes of some quirky and lovable characters. The illustrations are endearing and they absolutely do the story justice elevating it to something special!!

A great choice if you are longing for connection.

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*Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.*

The art style was stunning, the premise was intriguing, and the characters were believable. This graphic novel told such an interesting story, but I was left wanting more information at the end. I do however get the feeling that that as the point, so I can't be too mad. I'm a details person, not knowing things like "where did everyone go?" is always going to bother me.

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"We Called Them Giants" is a a moderately paced apocalyptic tale that is both poignant and thought provoking. Expect an angry narrator, a benevolent supernatural patron, a blighted Winter landscape, threats form every angle and a ray of iridescent hope.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Image Comics, for providing, me with an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

4.5 stars rounded to 4.

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Lori wakes up in a world were most people have disappeared leaving behind only baked beans, this abandonment isn’t unusual for Lori who has lived in the foster system for a long time but this is different.

Whether an act of god, alien abduction, or other catastrophe Lori and the others left behind have to find a way to survive.

Some join a gang called The Dogs but Lori and Annette stay outside this and the gangs violent ways.

Then the Giants arrive and things change. From nowhere with no explanation of who or what they are and whether or not they were involved in the disappearances, faces full of eyes like angels but with the nature spirit bodies of a Miyazaki film they are gorgeous.

The art work is stunning and vibrant, and really build a believable world with great characters in it, and the art of the giants stands out so vividly from the world around them that it really makes them ‘out of this world’ be they angels, aliens, or a mix of both.

A story of love, found family, and what that means we may do to keep that family. I really enjoyed this and would love to explore the world of the giants further.

I was given this on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Perfect apocalyptic read with funny lovable characters that must work together to find out what happened to all the adults. Quick and fun read.

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The art style is gorgeous - I always love Stephanie Hans work and I particularly enjoyed her and Kieron Gillen's collaboration on Die, so I was very pleased to read this too.

I did find it quite hard to follow at times, but it was a generally quick read. Nice simple plot and think it will be well received.

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The artwork in this is beautiful and creates a world with an intriguing story about understanding, broken communication and love.

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We Called Them Giants is a masterful piece of speculative fiction with art that stuns in every page. I found the giants and their homes to be the most beautifully drawn in the graphic novel. The story takes on a more emotional tone that I wasn't expecting, especially towards the end, but it definitely hits hard when you have a character like Lori , cynical and struggling to live in this apocalyptic/dystopian world, narrate the story and realize the deeper meaning behind her, and her friends', relationship with the red giant. The epic conclusion is truly gutwrenching and a tale to remember.

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I usually like Kieron Gillen's work, so that I loved this is no surprise.
I want to talk about it! But I don't want to give away spoilers,
so please everyone read it so I can talk about it with someone.

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An astonishingly beautiful book with a fairly flimsy plot. I really enjoyed reading this, but came away wanting much, much more about the characters, the giants, the dogs, the timeline, ALL of it really. But what was on the page did an excellent job of pulling me in.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for granting me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

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This was great! A short comic which I devoured in a day, but I loved the plot line and character arc within in. It’s a very human tale of loss, trust, and love. Highly recommend!

And it must be said: beautiful artwork

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Thank you to Netgalley for a copy for an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading this and will be picking up a copy as soon it releases. 💕
It was well written and I really enjoyed my time reading it.

Rating 4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This could easily be 8 times longer and I’d still love it.

Beautiful artwork.
The main character has personality.
The story didn’t go the way I expected.

Too short (please make it a series).
None of your questions get answered.

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one of the most eyeopening and beautiful pieces of work ive ever read and looked at. i wish i had come across this sooner!!

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As much as I love Kieron Gillen, there tends to be a bit of an entry-barrier of assumed knowledge to his comics. Not a fan of DND/Pathfinder? You might have a hard time jumping into "DIE". Don't listen to much 90s Britpop? "Phonogram" may not be the comic for you. Even "The Wicked + The Divine" assumes at least passing familiarity with numerous gods/goddesses and musicians. So, my biggest surprise with "We Called Them Giants" isn't that it's great, it's at just how accessible it is. Gillen actually went and wrote a comic that anyone could pick up and connect to.

This is, at its heart, a story about love that can only be understood through actions. To say more would, I think, damper the impact that the gradual recognition had on my personally. Suffice to say, there is a clear parallel between this world and ours, and not in the ways that you may initially assume. The beautiful, etherial artwork perfectly showcases the story. I can't remember the last time that I read a comic and thought "I want this on a poster and/or a t-shirt!" (Dear Image: FYI page 87 would be my top pick, personally) I hope Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans continue to work together because they match so perfectly. I know I'll read anything the two of them create.

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