Member Reviews

Thank you to Image Comics and NetGalley for an advanced digital copy of this graphic novel. This review is my honest feedback and given voluntarily.

This was such a good story, albeit a short one. I really enjoyed this and it presented a great message. Using talented illustration and the freedom of speculative fiction, this graphic novel delivers a great, quick lesson in "you can't judge a book (or in this case, a giant), by it's cover". The question of how much trust do you give a stranger is also really at the forefront of this tale.

While I really enjoyed this quick run through of a story (little over 100 pages), I wanted so much more! More background on the premise; more information on why certain individuals were left alive; more revelations about the giants; and more longevity to the story overall. It had the foundations to be even greater than what it was, but maybe that's just my fantasy/paranormal novel brain really talking here.

The illustrations were excellent, really felt like a mix of old and new school comic vibes. I liked the color themes for the two Giant characters. I found it interesting the colors that were used vs their character profiles in this case. I feel like by default, you might switch the two, so kudos to the illustrators for planting that little design trap.

Whether this is your first graphic novel or you're a regular consumer of the media type, I think We Called Them Giants is worth a read and can be appreciated by just about anyone. I would definitely recommend. Enjoy and happy reading!

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I've read a few of their other works and this is easily just as good. The art is beautiful, it's a wonderful short story about love (in a very pet like way). My only real complaint is the same complaint I have with a lot of these short one off graphic novels- I want more.

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This graphic novel struck me right away because of the choice of colors, the contrast between the foreboding cold-colored and warm-colored elements that stand out, as you can already see from the cover. Then starting to read I was won over by the post-apocalyptic plot.
The plot is about this girl who suddenly finds herself as one of the few humans left on earth. She then meets other characters, among them the most interesting to me were “the dogs,” the unfiltered and unscrupulous gang that loots the city.
Then, of course, there are the giants, one of whom we know quite well. I must say, however, that I would have liked to know more about the giants, their origins, the relationship between them....
Another aspect that pleasantly struck me was the emotional and moving implication. I was glad to have this unexpected food for thought.

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The illustrations in this graphic novel were truly beautiful. I absolutely loved the other-worldly feeling this one gave me from start to finish. The main characters were loveable, easy to follow and relatable.

I would’ve given this a 4 star rating, however I feel like the story was somewhat lacking. I wished they’d expanding on some points more, rather than just skimming over topics as quickly as they did - it just left me feeling like something was missing, hence the 3 star rating.

I did really enjoy this one though, and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a dystopian theme.

Many thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this one in exchange for an honest review.

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Beautiful story about the loneliness during the end of the world. Most people are gone, they’ve just vanished. Lori and Annette must fight for their survival, but that gets even harder when the wolves appear and in come the giants. Are they friends or foes?

This creative team always nails it! The colors in this absolutely killed me with how stunning they are.
Highly recommend this one sit read for a story that will resonate and stick with you.

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Blown away by how stunning this art style is and how simply yet effectively the artists portrayed such depth of emotion and connection.
“Everyone you rely on. everyone you love. everyone will leave you.”
Immediately gripping and kept my attention to the very end, heartbreaking and moving, I loved this but it crushed me

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was such a gorgeous graphic novel! The art is absolutely stunning, really atmospheric and emotional. The story was interesting, and I can see the message that wanted to be passed on, but I would have happily learned more. So many questions and very little answers! The lack of background information made it hard for me to really relate to the characters or find them likeable, and I'd have loved to learn more about the giants, and what happened to the world and everyone.

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I adore this graphic novel and haven't stopped thinking about it or its beautiful art style since I put it down.

It's a tale about communication and learning to trust others in a world where everything is uncertain and your past has taught you to close yourself off to survive.

The artwork is beautiful and atmospheric and I often caught myself just gazing at the pages. the art style and use of colour evokes emotion and atmosphere and grips you from the first page.

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We Called Them Giants was good. It's post-apocalyptic, which I love, and the art is stunning. The premise is good and the characters are interesting.

The story itself is a little thin. There's some really good world-building, but not enough payoff. There's a message at the end, but the message isn't all that dynamic.

Still, the premise is solid and the art is stellar. This was a good read on a rainy day for sure.

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The art in this was beautiful. It was very captivating and thoroughly enjoyable. However, the plot left something to be desired. The main character wasn't very likeable and we never got enough from them or the secondary characters to really make me care about any of them. I wanted more from the story. Who are the giants and why did they arrive? And what do they want? The story felt very unfinished to me and left me wanting more. 2 stars but rounded up for the art.

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Graphic novel about mysterious beings and leftover civilization. The illustrations are beautiful, but the plot leaves a lot to the imagination. I wanted more than the short story delivered. Thank you Netgalley for the arc!

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Stunning art, and impactful, emotional story. A must read for fans of lonely apocalypse stories and eco criticism.

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Received as an ARC from Netgalley:

This was such an interesting and unique story.

A mysterious post apocalypse in which you never learn the truth behind what is happening or why it happened.

The artwork is really amazing, and the characters are all genuinely captivating.

So much mystery, with no answers provided.

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The art was absolutely beautiful and the premise was intriguing, it just felt like there was too much narration for a graphic novel, and the narration that there was wasn’t that effectively written.

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This beautiful post-apocalyptic graphic novel is mesmerising and moving.

The captivating story revolves around Lori, who wakes up to a world where everyone has vanished. She befriends Annette, a girl from school described by Lori as "a well-tended sunflower of a girl". The two girls, despite their differences, must unite to navigate an unfamiliar and harsh world inhabited by Giants, a gang known as "The Dogs," as well as huge wolves.

The exceptional artwork in this book showcases muted colours that create a dreamlike atmosphere, punctuated by vivid pops of colour that enhance the narrative.

The book felt complete but also somehow left me wanting more. this book is a solid 93/100, and it has compelled me to explore the author/artist’s other works.

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Hauntingly beautiful.
The art was mesmerising and I loved the premise, but I missed something in the execution.
I wanted to know more, about the Giants or or the characters, I'm not sure, but I needed more to feel really engrossed in in the story.
It somehow felt incomplete.

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The artwork is absolutely stunning. Truly a masterpiece in every panel. The story I truly appreciated. It's thought provoking. Truly I don't want to say too much and that you should truly pick this up and experience this for yourself. I do with we could have seen more from this story and see it expanded. to know more about the world and the beautiful giants. However, it was still just a wonderful story and I can't wait to recommend this to friends when this releases!

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This book is fine, I guess. I liked the worldbuilding a lot more than the story, which I feel just doesn't have a enough to it to make this really stellar. It could do with a bit more time fleshing out the characters and their survival, and more to build their relationship with the giants. Also perhaps too much internal dialogue from the main character, observing things from a distance.

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I've loved everything of Gillen's that I've picked up, and We Called Them Giants is no exception. The standalone graphic novel examines the dark parts of humanity in a post-apocalyptic world, and the way that the brightest parts of humanity are our ability to connect with and love other living creatures. I wasn't quite sure what to expect based on the blurb, but I wasn't disappointed. I loved Lori and how prickly and hellbent she was about surviving, and Annette worked so well as her bubbly foil. While Gillen's writing was excellent as usual, I did feel like the pacing felt a little rushed at times, and would've liked another few pages just to flesh characters and their relationships out a bit more as time passed.

But the crown jewel of We Called Them Giants is Stephanie Hans' art. I've been a fan of her work since I first saw it, but she went above and beyond with these illustrations. Her work was achingly beautiful, it stopped me in my tracks every page - I ended up rereading the story a second time so I could fully appreciate it as a whole because I had spent so much time admiring the depth and emotion in each panel. I can't wait to hold a physical copy of this masterpiece in my hands once it's out, and it's far past time that I pick up the first volume of Die from my local comic shop.

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Short and sweet. It’s a heartwarming, beautiful little story about survival, empathy, attachment issues, and relationships—with great tip-of-the-iceberg worldbuilding and wonderful art.
It’s a bit similar to the tv show The Leftovers in a sense that it’s not about the rapture itself but the people living in the changed world.
Great stuff: I’ve only read Gillen’s Star Wars stuff before, but I’m definitely gonna check out his original series.

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