Member Reviews

Beautiful art and a great story for this one shot manga! I do wish it had been longer as I think I would have liked to see the characters and their relationship have more chance to blossom, I agree with other reviewers that it does feel like it all went by quickly. But overall it was still very enjoyable and I think the art is lovely. Im always a sucker for a kitsune or fox-type spirit and I love how he was comfortable at home to always have his tails out. An adorable dynamic once they became comfortable with one another!

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I feel like this story just went by really fast and that I wish it was longer cause I feel like the two fell in love kinda fast and I wanted more of a slow burn and tension yk? The plot def had potential. And I’m not tryna say it bad cause it’s not it was actually nice but I just wanted more.

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This story had a very cute premise but ended up boring me quite a bit. You only learn the bare minimum about the main characters and barely any box story. Aside from the fashion choices, nothing else about this story screams that it's set in the 1920's Japan Taisho era. You could have placed the story in almost any era, and it would be exactly the same. The fact that Ozaki is a kitsune doesn't really matter either. You could have him be almost any other type of immortal, and the story would remain the same. I feel like this story would land much better if it was more than a one-shot. Even a 3 volume series would have given it the room to actually become a compelling story. I did enjoy the art, that was lovingly done.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Short and sweet. The idea is fine but it was also pretty boring if I'm being honest. The fact that it took place in the Taisho period didn't mean anything for the story. It could've been any period and the story would have been the same. Ozaki being a fox spirit also didn't really matter much to the story, it just served as a way to make a character that is old but looks young. (I do admit it mattered for one specific point, but otherwise not really). All in all the story was okay, but I definitely enjoyed the author's other manga way more

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Kiyo is a new college student. As he is looking for his living quarters his first time in Tokyo, he stubbles upon a mansion occupied by Ozaki. As it so happens, Ozaki knows Kiyo's grandfather so he offers him a place to stay. As their relationship develops, it becomes apparent that there is more to the story of Ozaki and the grandfather.

As someone who is new to BL manga, I can only compare this to other manga/books that I have read. The "instalove" in this book is somewhat cringe-worthy. How they go from being kid and "some dude" to in love is confusing. Add to that the fact that Ozaki was in love with the grandpa and is now in love with Kiyo is icky. The whole thing feels like a game of Cards Against Humanity. I will not be continuing the series.

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beautiful, artwork and story. It was so beautifully done I am speechless. Not my usual type of book but I quite enjoyed it.

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I liked this manga, though I would have liked more development of the characters, their respective histories and their dynamic. Im not sure how I felt about the main relationship; Im not sure how I feel about the fact that he knew his grandfather and was close to him, that feels very off to me, also I hated the fact he kept calling him sir, it felt like a power inbalance that I didnt like. The art style was gorgeous tho and I rlly loved that !!!

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This was a fantastic standalone manga - and I struggle to find standalone manga that really makes me feel like I've seen a complete arc for the character/s. But here we have it!
I loved the backstory to all this - the grandfather and the past they had which looked to be an unrequited love. I would have loved to have seen a little more tension from the protagonist as his sudden confession towards the end of the book felt a little quick, but it was still believable. This could have been adorable as a duology if the author/artist wanted to stretch it out a bit, but it's great the way it is.
The art style is great and I enjoyed the beauty of it.

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Really loved this!

This is set in 1920, and a young man named Kiyo just got accepted into the prestigious Imperial University and he’s not rich but saved to be able to afford room and board. He gets lost when he gets there and ends up meeting Ozaki, who is a strangely eccentric big beautiful man who just offers him free room and board out of the blue.

He doesn’t know but Ozaki is a fox spirit who knew (and was in love with) his grandfather decades before who died young,

I won’t spoil it but it’s kind of a slow burn but it’s very sweet and not super spicy but I loved it so much!

Thank you to Net Galley and Kodansha Comics for letting me read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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"no matter how long i live, eventually, i will leave him behind. i know i'm asking him for something terrible, and yet..."

this is such a short and sweet story. set in the taisho period of imperial japan, it's a lovely blend of the historical and the mythological. the budding romance between kiyo and ozaki at the forefront is certainly best described as yearning. the art style is lively and the translation choices felt right for the tone. i appreciate the appendix providing more cultural context and providing a brief explanation of how the chosen era affected kiyo's storyline in particular.

that said, the shortness of the story meant the pacing fell somewhat flat. i did not realise three years had passed between the beginning and the end until the appendix and perhaps fleshing it out over several volumes would've given more space for the relationship to develop organically. despite that, i had a lovely time with "yearning fox".

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You know, I like historical fiction. I like some fantasy and some romance on the side too. And I love foxes. The Yearning Fox Lies in Wait has it all.

It is a stand-alone manga - which I don't usually really like. I prefer at least a few volumes but because this has all my favourite things I decided to give it a go. I am so glad I did because I loved it!

The year is 1920 and Kiyo Fukasaku is excited when he's admitted into the Imperial University and can't wait to start his new life in the capital... until he gets lost. Luckily, he runs into Ozaki, an eccentric, seemingly well-off man who invites him to stay in his mansion. Turns out Ozaki is a fox spirit who knew Kiyo's grandfather!

It's really sweet and gentle story. It's fast-paced but not too fast. I wouldn't mind reading more about these two... this is why I don't read stand-alone's. Also the grandfather part was a bit off-putting to me personally but I can live with it.

Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the ARC!

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Awww. I enjoyed this one, it was such a nice short read, that gave you all the feels to brighten your mood. Plus with just a bit of supernatural. I did feel the relationship was briefly touched on overall and rushed. Would be nice to go deeper into the characters, and the history more. Maybe see the mmc actually in school. I just overall wanted more. It was still a cute read, the graphics and details were nice. The shading was nicely done, and the characters were not too young.

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🦊 The Yearning Fox Lies in Wait ⏱️
🥰 Supernatural Romance BL/Yaoi (Adults)
📚 NEW/Complete- Published May 21, 2024
✅ One Volume Only
This supernatural romance was perfectly executed. The relationship develops at a great pace and there’s a perfect amount of mystery and romantic tension.
Kiyo moves to Tokyo for school in the 1920s with no job or place to live. He’s wondering around lost when Ozaki finds him and proposes that he work for him in his mansion and commute to school from there.
Hot guy with white hair invites me to live with him after just meeting… What could go wrong?
Is Kiyo getting too close to Ozaki?
Why does Ozaki keep calling Kiyo his grandfather’s name?
…Just how old are Fox Spirits, anyway?
While I love that this is quick and satisfying, I desperately wish there were more to this story. Not because it was unfulfilling but because these two boys are so darn cute together.
Read if you wish #KamisamaKiss was a BL.
Thanks to #netgalley for the chance to read #TheYearningFoxLiesinWait for free. #yaoi #BL #blromance #romancemanga #blmanga #yaoiManga #mangarec #romancemangarec

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La copertina mi ha decisamente illusa riguardo allo stile e alla storia. Devo dire che sono un pochino delusa.
La storia è carina e scorre piacevolmente, ma i personaggi hanno qualche problema. Il fatto che Ozaki sia uno spirito volpe non ha alcun impatto sulla storia, a parte il fatto che abbia vissuto a lungo. Ne i due protagonisti prendono in considerazione cosa succederà una volta che Kiyo sarà anziano e morirà.
E' una storia d'amore scritta in maniera superficiale, che non affronta come vorrei l'evoluzione dei sentimenti tra i due protagonisti. Perchè e come sono nati questi sentimenti? Come può una relazione nata cosi durare nel tempo?
Il manga è piacevole da leggere, ma facilmente dimenticabile. Non succede niente di indimenticabile e non c'è nessuna scena che ti fa trattenere il fiato.
Che peccato.

Grazie Netgalley per avermi permesso di leggerlo in anteprima.


The cover definitely deceived me regarding the style and story. I have to say I'm a little disappointed.
The story is cute and flows nicely, but the characters have some problems. The fact that Ozaki is a fox spirit has no impact on the story, other than the fact that he lived a long time. Nor do the two protagonists consider what will happen once Kiyo becomes old and dies.
It's a love story written in a superficial way, which doesn't address the evolution of feelings between the two protagonists as I would like. Why and how did these feelings arise? How can a relationship born like this last over time?
The manga is enjoyable to read, but easily forgettable. Nothing unforgettable happens and there is no scene that makes you hold your breath.
What a pity.

Thanks Netgalley for letting me preview it.

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This was a short and cute insta-love story about a young college boy and a kitsune.

I really liked the art style and the premise of the story. However, I would have liked to see more volumes of it so it could really flesh out the relationship development between the two main characters. As it is, there was very little build-up to the love/relationship between the characters (hence the insta-love feel).

I do want to point out that despite the insta-love feel, it was still a very sweet story to read and I did like the characters. I just wished there was more to the story than a single volume.

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𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 3.5 ⭐️
𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁:
💛 Yaoi YA Manga
💛 Magical Realism
💛 Fox Spirit/Human
💛 Set in the 1920s

Kiyo is a new student at the Imperial University in Tokyo. On his first day in the city he gets lost and finds himself in front of a large estate. The single occupant of the estate, Ozaki, is a beautiful, eccentric man who turns out to be a fox spirit. Ozaki invites Kiyo to live with him and then Kiyo finds out Ozaki knew his grandfather. They somehow fall in love, though I feel like we don’t see it, and then it ends.

I’m SO disappointed with this one. The cover is gorgeous and the premise is superb. The artistry was gorgeous, but there was no story. No development. What could have been a phenomenal manga ended up being a puzzle put together wrong with missing pieces. Two-thirds of the story was mentioning Kiyo’s grandfather. If this were a series or a longer manga, it could have worked. What a bummer, but that’s okay because the drawings were worth it on their own!

𝙄 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠. 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙤𝙬𝙣.

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This was a very cute and solid manga. The art work was really cute and the story was solid but not overwhelming. I liked the characters and while it seemed like things happened a bit fast it makes sense for a single volume manga. Overall this was a solid edition to the historical fantasy genre.

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Extremely underwhelming. I expected something like Meguru Hinohara’s The Dragon's Betrothed, but this is nowhere as funny or satisfying. The leads are generic. They have little chemistry with each other and the romance gets no buildup. I never felt like Ozaki has genuine feelings for Kiyo.

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A quick and easy read that’s light and fun. This wasn’t really deep in terms of the story. It brushes on this backstory that could have gone a little deeper — really just surface level. The art is pretty, as is most manga artwork. I wish we could have gotten more about the fox character and how/why he is how he is beyond the relationship

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This is a short story set in the 1920s Japan. A student called Kiyo stayed with a mysterious man Ozaki who is actually a fox spirit. And Ozaki used to know Kiyo's grandfather Seshirou. And of course they got closer as they stayed together.
It's a quick read and very cute story. The author apparently did quite a bit of research to accurately portray the Taisho Period. And love the fluffy fox tails!

Thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha for the ARC!

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