Member Reviews

That was so cute! The storyline was easy to follow and the art was absolutely beautiful. I loved Kiyo and his grumpy fox. I can't wait to pick up a physical copy and see what other works the mangaka has.

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After a few pages of confusion I realised that I should be reading right to left. After this things went more smoothly and I appreciated the translations of the sound effects as not all authors translate these and the list of possibilities is enormous.
The art was pretty good, the story was ok. It was very slow paced and not a lot happened apart from lots of housework and denials of feelings. It was sweet but a bit lacking in substance.

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The pacing was so strange.

How did I get to where I got to by only the end of book 1.
It’s a manga so there’s multiple volumes, but the pace it’s moving at…feels like it should be a standalone.

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I saw this on Netgalley and went “ooh fox spirit BL manga with pretty cover yes please” and IT’S SO CUTE!! 🥹🥹

It’s a oneshot set in the 1920s and is about Kiyo, a student at Tokyo Imperial Iniversity, who ends up being invited to live with the reclusive Ozaki, who turns out to be a fox spirit who knew Kiyo’s grandfather. Ans then there’s lots of feels and adorable-ness and eeeeeeee 🥹🥹🥹

It’s so wholesome and sad (immortal x mortal always gets me 😭😭) and soft and the art is so pretty and I l ove it so very very much 💜💜💜

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Cute cute Taisho-era story about a student who meets a mysterious man who offers to take him in... just to find out said mysterious man is not only a fox spirit, but one that knew his grandfather!

Kiyo is really cute and curious and accepting but not to a fault (the way he treats Ozaki after he finds out he's not human, for example). Since it's a one-shot it's a bit rushed but I would have definitely taken an epilogue or even a follow up volume for years in the future! But it's a cute story of two different people getting to know and love each other.

Thank you to Kodansha and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for review!

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I think this is a one-shot, but I wish it was kind of longer. It was a cute, sweet story that probably could've been longer but if that is something you are looking for than this was sweet. The cover art is gorgeous and the art style inside is just that same.

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Short, lovely and beautiful manga!

It could be a standalone but by the looks of it, it will have more volumes (or at least 1?). Was not sure about it. Either way, if there will be another volum I will pick it up.

This story of Kyo and Ozaki is more of a feeling as it does not focus on plot. Art is absolutely wonderful and I'm very glad to see Taisho - era here.

The pacing and chemistry could be better though. If truly this is the first volume, then I guess it will be better later but if not - it's not satisfactory somehow. This story is overall nice - nothing crazy or complicated. I wish I was more enourmed by their relationship but I am not. Either way - if you want a quick and cute read, this is it!

Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha Comics, for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review! All thoughts are my own and left voluntarily.

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This is a cute manga about a fox spirit and a college student. The artwork was gorgeous and it was a fun quick read.

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This story is cute. It's about a boy who has always been on cruises around the world and goes off to Tokyo for school where he meets someone who knew his grandfather. Come to find out this man is a fox spirit and the two of them become really close. Not sure if this is a stand alone but would read the next one if there is one.

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A solid, cute one-shot that I wish were longer, even just for two volumes. There are some things that are off about the pacing and some of the emotional beats get lost in how quickly the story has to move, but what's there is very cute. The passage of time is about two years, something I didn't catch until the very end.

The characters are very cute, though - I love Kiyo's curious nature and how readily he accepts that his new boss/landlord/friend is a fox spirit, though I wish we got to see more of Ozaki's side of things. Overall, though, very sweet, and I loved the Taisho-era setting.

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The download link isn't working so I wasn't able to read it but I'm looking forward to buying it upon release!

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4 out of 5 Stars

BL Romance and the love interest falls into the Silver Haired Dog boy: Sign Me Up.

*Thank you Netgalley and Kodansha for this E-Arc*

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I am positively delighted with this despite its simplicity.

Kiyo is a university student who goes to live in Tokyo, fortunately he gets lost (yes, lucky) and meets Ozaki, a rich man who offers him to live in his house in exchange for him doing some simple tasks and, most importantly, maintain excellent grades in his studies. We soon learn that Ozaki seems to know him, as he makes references to Kiyo's last name and the resemblance he has to "someone." We also learn that Ozaki is a type of four-tailed fox demon/deity. And here they have me crying, because I love foxes with all my heart. This was the moment when I started to adore Ozaki.

What I like most about their relationship is that it is unconventional in how it develops. In this type of stories, it usually happens that the shy and delicate one is the human, while the glorious moments are left to the mythical being. However, in this case it is the opposite, we almost always see Kiyo taking care of Ozaki, taking care of his discomfort and pampering him. He seemed very sweet to me. Additionally, Ozaki is quite cute too, he is caring, affectionate and, once again in a positive change from the typical, he has no problem with apologizing when he realizes that he is wrong. Although each one has behavioral problems, like Ozaki who is lazy and a disaster, these things do not pose big problems and, although they are not treated in depth, it is implied that behaviors change in favor of a better coexistence.

There isn't a very deep plot, so the characters can be a bit flat. The secondary characters are more decoration than anything else and hardly a different person is shown. But it works for what it's offering: a sweet, slow romance. Personally, I loved it. Furthermore, the ellipsis was well received.

The art is spectacular. I'm in love with the character designs. It is very polished and pretty.

If you want something simple, beautiful and that touches your heart, this could be a good manga choice.

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Quite a soothing, relaxing read. Great to just read in one sitting on a quiet evening. However, I felt the pacing to be somewhat jarring. No plot, just vibes type of story. Loosely reminded me of "The Dragon's Betrothed" manga.

Thanks to Kodansha Comics and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review!

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Thank you netgalley for an advanced ARC of this manga

This story was adorable and also I love fox spirits and kitsunes etc sp reading rhia was right up my alley,the story was nicely Paced and the romance happened gradually which was nice to see happen.

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I thought this book was so cute. The art was adorable and I really loved the two characters and their growing relationship. It was a cute romance and I highly recommend it for anyone who needs a smile and a pick me up when reading because this will do just that

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This is really soft and I really enjoyed how domestic it was throughout. I do wish there’d been more like romantic elements to the story, but at the same time it was a very sweet read.

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"Let's go, then -- I would go anywhere with you."

Short, simple, sweet. (But what a banging tittle).

Honestly, there's not much more to The Yearning Fox Lies in Wait other than that, if you are looking for something packed with a bit more substance -- this manga probably isn't for you. The art had its shining moments (I appreciated the beautiful rendering of 1920 Tokyo as well the clothings worn at the the time) but overall, it was just alright. The writing is direct and straight to the point. Unfortunately, I couldn't, for the life of me, feel any chemistry between our couple, nor relate to them as individuals. I mostly found myself skimming through most of their interactions, wishing for something more, to be moved by their romance... but no.

I would recommend this to manga newbie or readers who wish to dip their toes into the BL genre. Although, if you don't mind a little digging, there are better ones out there.

Thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the E-ARC!!

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The Yearning Fox Lies in Wait by Nauru
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 21 May 2024

In the year 1920, during the 9th year of the Taisho Period, Kiyo Fukasaku, a devoted scholar, celebrates his acceptance into the prestigious Imperial University. Eager to embark on his new journey in the capital city, his excitement fades when he quickly finds himself lost and facing hardships on his very first day.

However, fortune smiles upon him when he encounters Ozaki, a peculiar and seemingly affluent individual, who offers Kiyo shelter in his grand mansion upon learning of his financial woes. Yet, Ozaki harbors a secret - he is a fox spirit with a mysterious connection to Kiyo's grandfather, Seishirou.

In gratitude for Seishirou's past kindness, Ozaki extends an invitation for Kiyo to reside with him. As Kiyo delves deeper into this enigmatic bond between Ozaki and Seishirou, he unravels a complex web of relationships and questions what implications it holds for both himself and Ozaki.

This was my first time reading Manga I was pleasantly taken aback by the adorable storyline and the seamless readability.

Thank you so much to Netgalley, Kodansha Comics, and the author, Nmura, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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