Member Reviews

Author Wendy Webb has wowed me in my first foray into her work. The Witches of Santo Stefano is a delightfully written read in which the characters are well-developed and the flow of writing is not hindered by the scope of POVs or timelines. I followed along easily and was intrigued prior to even turning the first page. Once I did so I was enthralled and unable to put this book down. It was exactly the kind of break from my recent dark romance reads that I needed on my time off and a story I will happily return to in the future.

The FMC Cass is a powerhouse who will see a course of action through to the very end, come what may. I thoroughly enjoyed reading from her perspective and found her relatable as a mature-aged female protagonist. There was a strong connection and correlation for me in the cultural and spiritual similarities pertaining to Cass’ ancestral history. The shining stars supporting this storyline are the reflection and exploration upon the importance of familial ties and one’s roots, the migrant's journey and the small details that create the greater whole.

A multigenerational tale of magic, mystery and the lives of a line of women of Italian descent whose secrets, traumas, pain, love and losses shape them each in ways that may have remained forever hidden if not for the curiosity and mid-life changes of a present-day family member. I cannot recommend this book more highly and am now determined to discover other works penned by Wendy Webb.

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Cassie travels to Italy did discover more about her family. She wasn’t expecting what she uncovers, though it opens up another can of worms. What would you do if everything you believed about yourself and your family wasn’t quite the truth? That’s exactly what Kathy is about to find out for herself.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author, and this is well done. I would definitely read more from her in the future. The past and present are well intertwined and written. This is highly enjoyable and I recommend it.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of this novel for review purposes.

This novel was such a sweet comfort read.

The plot was well written and easy to get lost in without being overly complicated. The characters were nicely developed and easy to relate to.

Overall this was an enjoyable read that I would recommend to anyone looking for a good natured, light novel.

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When Cassie Graves and her cousin Maria decide to construct their family tree and ancestry, they find some discrepancies from what they had been told by their mothers, grandmother and great grandmother. Since Cassie is dealing with the betrayal of her husband, she decides it's a good time to leave home for a while and go to Italy to search for answers. There is the strength of family and friendship, genealogy, travel to Italy and a little mysticism thrown in. This was my first book by the author and I enjoyed her writing style and storytelling.

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I enjoyed this book from the first page. There is mystery and magic throughout. The story is told with a dual timeline and alternating POV's. Cousins Cassandra and Maria uncover family secrets when they research their family's ancestry online so Cassandra heads to Italy to find the truth. Thanks to the author, Lake Union Publishing, and NetGalley. I received a complimentary copy of this ebook. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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The Witches of Santo Stefano is a story told in multiple voices and timelines. it begins with Cassandra in the present day whose marriage has broken up. She and her sister begin to research their family history, especially after finding a death certificate for their beloved great grandmother, showing that she died in 1911 from witchcraft when she had, in fact, only died a few years ago. Cassie decides to travel to Italy to learn about her family history and also heal from all the heartache she was experiencing. Other voices are that of Cassie's great grandmother, her great great grandmother, and her grandmother - all strong women beekeepers and healers. There's a lot more going on in the story including a touch of the supernatural and the mystery of why the women in her family couldn't find or keep love in their lives. This is such a beautiful story that drew me in right away with its likeable characters and gorgeous scenery - and it gave me the happy ending that I love so much. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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I always admire Wendy Webb’s style of writing! I enjoyed her previous works and The Witches of Santo Stefano is no different. Beautiful writing, ut was smooth and flows easy. It was captivating from the very start and let me settle quick for more. Dual timeline is usually a hit or miss for me but for some reason it was very effective on this book.
I admit, there were quite a number of characters and I think they were there for a reason as they each compliment in the entirety of the story. I love Cass the best. She knows what she wants and has a plan on how to get them. I would have love more conflict but I think everything came out perfect all the way to the end.
Thank you Lake Union Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange of my honest review.

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A magical, mythical story filled with family, love, & magic, of course. I loved every minute of this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If you’re a fan of Lucinda Riley or Kate Morton, you’re in for a treat with Wendy Webb’s latest novel, “The Witches of Santo Stefano.” This enchanting story follows Cassie, who, heartbroken and seeking solace, travels to Italy to uncover her family’s hidden past. Could she be descended from a line of witches?

This novel is a beautiful and heart-warming read. Webb’s writing is captivating, and her descriptions of Italian cuisine, landscapes, and the charming locals make you feel like you’re right there in Italy. The plot, centered around unraveling old family secrets, is engaging, though it can feel a bit drawn out at times.

Overall, “The Witches of Santo Stefano” is a delightful book that’s easy to fall in love with. If you enjoy stories filled with mystery, history, and a touch of magic, this one is definitely worth picking up.

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4.5/5. I really wanted this to be a 5 star read for me, but it just didn’t hit. Wendy Webb is known for gothic, atmospheric suspense with a good mystery. This was certainly gothic and atmospheric, with a bit of suspense and not really a whole lot of mystery. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it for what it was-a story of a woman researching her family history, and along the way, finding herself. But the parts of her family history that were a mystery to her, were being told to us in flashbacks, so we got the answers long before our main character did. One answer was never solved though, and it seems the audience learns so much more than the main character does, which can be off putting if you’re rooting for the MC to discover everything. Also, and maybe it’s just a me problem, but I was constantly mixing up Giovanni and Giuseppe. Overall, it was a wonderfully told story, but not what I went into expecting it to be.

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The premise of this book is such a great one, and after reading the blurb, I was excited to jump right into it. Unfortunately, it was not what I expected. I love the whole found family idea, I love a book that has to do with witches and magic, but I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Overall, it just felt very flat. I expected more excitement and more witchy things as opposed to just mentions of them. I would have enjoyed it more if Cassie had had some sort of magical rebirth while in Santo Stefano, or even if her sister had some revelation or experience while Cassie was away. Her sister was mentioned quite a bit, to the point I thought she would have had a more significant role, but unfortunately, she did not. The book as a whole felt more like a backstory/ set up or introduction to a deeper story to come. 2.5 stars, rounded up.
Thank you NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing, and Wendy Webb for this ARC.

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This is my fifth book by this author and i absolutely love her writing style, her in depth descriptions and character development throughout all her books. She has an intricate way of writing that makes you feel like you are in the novel and experiencing everything that the characters are doing at the same time. Some of my favorite books by her are The Haunting of Brynn Wilder, the end of Temperence dare, the widow's walk, Daughters of the Lake. If you have not read those yet, what are you waiting for.

This book follows Cassandra Graves a middle-aged woman who works as a journalist, Cassandra is contacted by her cousin Maria who is doing some ancestry familial and finds some questioning information. Cassandra starts to do some digging and finds even more information and decides that since her life is falling apart after her husband of 25 years was caught cheating, she decides to travel to Italy and follow the clues to learn about her familial history.

Dante is a local from the little town of Santo Stefano where Cassandra travels to and is learning about her family history, he runs a shop with his family a honey shop, that Cassandra thinks her ancestors used to run and work over a hundred years ago. Cassandra works with Dante, Luna, and Renzo to work out what about her past is true and what is fiction.

This book is told in MPOV's it bounces between Cassandra, Rose, and her ancient family members, as the stories unfold and events start to happen, will Cassandra get the answers that she has come searching for or will she get more than she bargained for. I promise you this book is well worth the read. I devoured it in two days. If i wasnt so busy with mom life i could have easily finished this book in a couple hours, it had me turning the pages so quickly.

Thank you Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for the ARC of this wonderul novel, Until next time Wendy Webb I anxiously await your new book.

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Investigative journalist Cassandra (Cassie) Graves travels to Santo Stefano to find the truth behind her great grandmother's incorrect death certificate that mentions the cause for her death as 'stregoneria' or witchcraft .

When Cassie comes upon an old spell book, she gets closer to unearthing long-buried family secrets, the truth about a powerful female lineage, and the haunting discovery of who she really is.

Love, magic, mystery with little supernatural elements and an amazing Italian setting made this book a very engaging read for me. Told in alternating PoVs from the past and the present, the author effortlessly helps put the puzzle pieces together that initially feels like a difficult task.

The book is atmospheric and gives out all the cozy vibes. The characters are well drawn and I was totally invested in their story. The writing is simple and fluid and Wendy manages to give each character their own distinct voice. I loved working alongside Cassie to unravel the mystery and eventually discover her true self.

Overall, a cozy mystery that one can enjoy reading curled up under a warm fuzzy blanket.

Thank you @netgalley and @lakeunionpublishing for a digital ARC to read and review. The book is out today.

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This story follows Cassandra as she travels to Italy to figure out a newly discovered family mystery. While there, weird things start happening around her. She starts seeing things that aren’t really there… and every where she turns it seems like it has something to do with witch craft. She meets several people who are in some way connected to her family, and with their help, she is more determined than ever to figure out the truth.

This switches from past to present, showing the history of Cassandra’s ancestors in San Stefano and the reason they fled to America.

This was a really fast read for me. I think the author did a great job connecting the past with the present, describing the location, and creating likable characters. Read if you like:

Found family
Multiple POV’s
Cozy mystery

This book is out now! Go grab a copy! ❤️

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The Witches of Santo Stefano by Wendy Webb is the perfect kind of novel to read in October!
A thrilling read which kept me turning the pages.
Webb gives us an intriguing plot, well rounded characters and describes the atmosphere so vividly that I could smell it.

Thank You NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Enchanting read about discovering the truth about the lives of ancestors, their life in Italy and the reason
for their departure to start a new life in the USA. Reading about past and present happenings added to the richness
of the story.
#TheWitchesofSantoStefano #LakeUnionPublishing #NetGalley

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This book was nothing like I was expecting but in a good way. Immediately I felt immersed in the story and felt strong bonds to all of. the characters. The plot jumped between timelines which I usually struggle with but I did not in the book because the timelines all seemed to lend into each other and enhanced each of the timelines. I hated finishing this book because I could no longer be part of that world.

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Told through the generations with the voices and POV of the family members the webs are woven to tell this tale love, magic and tragedy 🕸️

After find contradictory information about her family history and newly discovering her husband’s infidelity, Cassandra heads to Italy to heal and hopefully find the truth of her family history.

This is a great cozy read with a dash of romance, a chunk of history, a bit of magic and a sense of self discovery! Readers will enjoy the beautiful way the story is presented and the feel for the town of Santo Stefano. Just be weary not to upset the townspeople for they still fear the “Strega”🧙🏻‍♀️

Thank you to the author, Wendy Webb and NetGalley, for the opportunity to read this book. I received an epub for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I finished this last night. I wanted to take time to think about my review because I wanted it to be honest, yet kind. This is not a typical Wendy Webb read for me. Normally her books have me completely creeped out and a little on edge. The Vanishing had me sleeping with the lights on for days. This was different, but still great! I wasn’t quite spooked by this one but I cannot stop thinking about it out this story or the characters. Wendy Webb transported me right to the little spot in Italy. I walked those streets, I drank that wine, and I could nearly smell that fresh air. Once again, a brilliant storytelling, albeit quite a different vibe than anything else she’s written. Well done! Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC! I will be buying the hardcover upon its release!

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3.5 Stars
One Liner: A nice read but something is missing

Cassie Graves is heartbroken when her marriage of twenty-five years ends with the exposure of her husband’s affair. When her cousin Maria hits a dead-end in her ancestry research, Cassie decides to take it up. As an investigative journalist, she has a nose for stories, and finding the truth of her roots feels important when her future is uncertain.
In Santo Stefano, Italy, Cassie starts to put together the stories narrated by her grandmother and the random clues provided by strangers. Seems the women in her family had power in their blood. If they were witches, what happened to them? Why did they move across the continents from Europe to the US?
The story comes in the first-person POV of Cassandra (Cassie) and third-person POVs of Fiora, Violetta, and Isabella.

My Thoughts:
The book starts with a prologue, showing a glimpse into the major events from the past in Santo Stefano. Then, we move on to the present where Cassie and her cousin discuss their family tee.
The narrative is slow-paced with chapters alternating in both timelines. While there’s no confusion (thanks to the names mentioned with the chapter head and the difference in POVs), this book needed a graphical representation of the family tree. Quite many characters are mentioned as mother, father, grandparent, niece, sibling, etc., in both timelines. This makes it hard to track who is who.
Cassie’s POV is done well, with a good blend of determination, maturity, vulnerability, anger, hope, confusion, etc. As a person in her late 40s or early 50s going through major upheavals in her life, she manages to make readers support her.
There’s subtle magic, just enough to add to the witch vibe. However, the setting and the atmosphere are wonderful. I loved the changing weather in Stefano and how it felt as if the place belonged to the past era.
There are animals too! Street cats, a large and fluffy herding dog, and two donkeys (my second book this month with donkeys in it).
In a way, the blurb reveals too much. The spell book doesn’t even appear until the last quarter. Moreover, it acts as a diary to help Cassie fill the gaps. This feels like wasted potential for such a powerful book.
The ending is rushed and weak as if we needed to wrap up everything in less than five pages. What was close to four stars until then crashed to 3.5 with the abrupt ending. A few things have been left hanging as well. Sustaining the momentum and adding another ten to fifteen pages would have elevated the story much more.
This is my second book by the author and somehow doesn’t feel as good as the one I read. While it had a few flaws, the narrative was compelling, and the atmosphere was more tangible than this one. It could be my expectations too, which were quite high.

To summarize, The Witches of Santo Stefano has a great premise and some good moments. However, it doesn’t reach its full potential, especially towards the end.
Thank you, NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing, for eARC. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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