Member Reviews

This was my first time reading something by this author and I was very pleasantly surprised. The story was well-written and entertaining and kept my attention from start to finish. It's a sweet and fun romantic comedy that will give you all the feels. Nell and Owen meet while walking their dogs and they strike up a friendship. As their friendship grows, Nell realizes she feels something more and is ready to tell Owen, but he doesn't show up for their regular dog walk. And then he continues to miss their walks and she begins to worry. In the time she's gotten to know him, she knows without a doubt he would never miss the walks. But how can she find him - she doesn't have any contact information and she doesn't even know his last name.
Such a sweet story! I loved getting to know Owen and Nell, they were really cute together and had amazing chemistry. A charming story with a lot of heart! I look forward to reading more of this author's work!
I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Book Review: A Walk in the Park

Reading A Walk in the Park by Charlotte Barnes felt like stepping into a delightful summer afternoon filled with warmth and laughter. From the moment I met Nell, a quirky woman who owns a bakery-turned-bookshop, I was drawn into her charming world. Her adorable dog, Daisy, added an extra layer of sweetness that made the story even more enjoyable.

Nell’s casual daily dog walks with Owen were a highlight of the book for me. Their conversations, ranging from books to intriguing tidbits about Ted Bundy, felt genuine and relatable. I loved how Barnes captured the slow-building connection between them, leaving readers (including myself) rooting for them to take that next step. The chemistry was palpable, but I appreciated the tension of their unspoken feelings, which made their interactions all the more engaging.

When Owen suddenly misses a walk, I felt Nell’s anxiety as if it were my own. The urgency to find him and express her feelings added a thrilling twist to the plot. I found myself invested in her quest, desperately hoping she’d manage to track him down before it was too late.

Barnes has a knack for blending humor and heart, creating a story that is both uplifting and relatable. The challenges of love, friendship, and the unexpected twists of life are beautifully explored, making me reflect on my own experiences with connection.

This book is a perfect escape, filled with charming characters and a captivating storyline. If you’re looking for a feel-good romance that reminds you of the magic found in everyday moments, A Walk in the Park is a must-read. I finished it with a smile, already wishing for more adventures in Nell and Owen’s world!

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I didn't enjoy this book very much. It concentrated too much on dogs which I'm not a great lover of them. The bookshop/bakery was more as a in the background sort of thing which I was more interested in. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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Nell adores her quaint bakery-turned-bookshop and her dog, Daisy, and though her nan constantly nudges her about finding a boyfriend, dating isn’t on her radar—until she meets Owen. For six months, they share daily dog walks, discussing everything from books to family drama, growing closer yet hesitant to express deeper feelings. When Owen suddenly misses a walk and vanishes for a week, Nell, worried and determined, sets out to find him despite knowing little about him. Her heartfelt quest to track Owen down and confess her feelings becomes a charming and captivating journey, perfect for fans of small-town romance and unexpected love.

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Dnf at 40%. I did not enjoy this. It was more of a love story between dogs and I LOVE dogs. But I want romance between humans more in my books. Miscommunication? No like no communication. You walk together for 7 months and don’t know each others last name?! What

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A slow burner, it took a few chapters to get into but I loved the book in the end. At one point I definitely didn't know which way Nell's life would go. A great book for romance lovers, would recommend you read!

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This was a really sweet and fun romance. I really enjoyed the premise and the chemistry between our two main characters.

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A Walk In The Park is a really cute, closed-door, friends-to-lovers story that will warm your heart! Nell and Owen meet in their local dog park and begin a months-long friendship, meeting nearly every day to walk their adorable dogs, Collie and Daisy. Both secretly nurse massive crushes on each other, but neither is brave enough to ask the other out.
Owen's friends finally convince him to set a deadline, and he arranges for a bunch of flowers to be delivered on a certain date. Even if he hasn't mustered the courage to pop the question by then, the flowers will do it for him.
The story adds a bit of drama with a manipulative ex and a handsome paediatrician, but it all leads to the all-important happily ever after. The chemistry between Nell and Owen is sweet, and their journey from friends to lovers is charmingly depicted.
As a dog owner, I do feel the need to give a content warning for pet loss. It hit me hard since Roscoe, my 15-year-old dog, had just been to the vet the same day I read it. However, the topic is dealt with very sensitively.
If you're looking for a light, heart warming read with lovable characters and an adorable dog park setting, A Walk In The Park is the perfect pick!

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This is a really cute and fun read. Love the premise of meeting in a dog park and the tension of will they/won’t they throughout the beginning stages

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A love story between two people who met at the dog park, and how they fell in love every day during their walks.

I absolutely loved how big of characters the dogs were in the book - Collie (a beagle) and Daisy (a bulldog) -there’s a Corgi later on in the book with a small cameo, so bonus stars for that one!

There’s a huge miscommunication trope here and honestly that one just gets on my nerves bc come on guys - just talk it out here. That didn’t stop me from enjoying the book as a whole though (because again, did I mention the dogs?)

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was such a fun book. I really enjoyed it!

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I am not quite finished this but am enjoying it enough to grant the 5 starts now. Once I finish it in the next few days I will post a review on Goodreads.

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Nell and Owen walk their dogs every day at the dog park. for an hour a day they began to make a connection. One day Owen doesn't show up leaving Nell to wonder what happened to him. Loved the characters and the dogs.

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I laughed, I cried, so much love for A Walk In The Park!

As a dog lover, this romance is really an extra layer of special. It's a slow-burn, that will tear you heart out and then leave you smiling. All I can say is... READ THIS BOOK!

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for an ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I loved this book SO much and I honestly think Nell and I are the same person she’s just out there living our dream life! This is the perfect romcom for dog lovers- all the descriptions of huffs and licks and so on are all so relatable and vivid in my brain! This book made me cackle, sob, and even snort at one point! It was truly a treasure and I enjoyed it immensely! 💕💕

If you’re a dog lover be sure you grab yourself a copy for an easy breezy summer read!

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Love stories with a canine twist always tug at my heartstrings, and this one was no exception! A charming tale and escape into its world of love, friendship, and furry companionship.

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This was an entertaining, well-written book. It was sweet, fun and kept me reading. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others.

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This is an average rom com. The best thing in the book was the dogs and Nan. The two main characters lacking in confidence and to be honest I was bored.

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Mein Leseerlebnis

Das schöne, ansprechende Buchcover und die sich frisch anhörende Liebesgeschichte haben mich dazu gebracht, dem Roman eine Chance zu geben. Nach dem Lesen muss ich leider festhalten, dass “A walk in the park” für mich nicht funktioniert hat und ich das romance Buch nicht beendet habe.

Der Schreibstil wirkte auf mich etwas reserviert, er konnte mich leider überhaupt nicht mitreißen. Zunächst hoffte ich noch, dass ich mich an ihn gewöhnen können würde, doch das geschah nicht.

Zudem konnten mich auch die Charaktere nicht vollständig überzeugen, da sie auf mich nicht rund wirkten. Als echte Personen konnte ich sie mir in den gelesenen Kapiteln nicht vorstellen.

Nimmt man beides zusammen, dann sollte es nicht überraschen, dass ich nicht in einen guten Lesefluss gekommen bin. Stattdessen sind meine Gedanken beim Lesen teils abgeschweift und die Geschehnisse konnten mich nicht berühren.

Nach gut zehn Kapiteln habe ich darauf aufbauend beschlossen, dass das Weiterlesen keinen Sinn machte.

Keine Bewertung, da abgebrochen.

Für wen?

Wer ruhige Liebesromane mag, die eine durchaus frische Ausgangssituation beinhalten, für den könnte “A walk in the park” einen Versuch wert sein.

Schaut vor dem Kauf des Buches auf jeden Fall in eine Leseprobe rein und achtet darauf, ob ihr euch mit dem Schreibstil anfreunden könnt.

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Seemed like such a fun little read when I picked it but unfortunately I just could not get into this book. Not any particular reason just wasn’t in the mood or just didn’t vibe with it, I will say tho I didn’t enjoy how it seemed to revolve a whole lot around describing the setting that the characters would be in and how they talked about their dogs a lot, I’m aware that it’s the whole reason they met and is a driving point about the book. Although I didn’t get very far in and barely gave it a chance I’m not going to force myself into something I’m not enjoying and it’s not as if I was in a reading slump/funk as I picked up other books and got invested immediately. I don’t know maybe I’m being a bit harsh by DNFing this book so early in but maybe I’ll come back to it some day

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