Member Reviews

A great read with loveable relatable characters, heartwarming and funny. Definitely a book for dog lovers!

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This was a DNF for me. I wanted to love it and was genuinely excited to read it. It was a cutesy story, but very boring. I lost interest about 30% in and gave up.

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It was okay but everything was a little bland and cliche. I read it for the dogs, and all I liked was the dogs and the nan. Not the worst but ok.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books for providing the ARC.

If there is one thing I can't stand, it's whiny, insecure characters. And both of the main characters in this book are incredibly whiny and insecure.

There's a way to show insecurity without it being overbearing, but I couldn't tell you anything else about these characters' personalities because it was completely overshadowed by a level of insecurity that I would expect from a teenager, not two characters in their 30s. And with the third act breakup due to literally the stupidest miscommunication situation I have read in a while, I was incredibly underwhelmed.

I'm sure people will find this book sweet and endearing, but I found it grating instead.

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A Walk in the Park is the perfect rom-com book for every dog lover out there! Nan and Nell were my favorites and this book had me snuggling my own pup a little more. However, the writing style left a bit to be desired as I felt the pace was all over the place.

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Cool premise.

Very rom-com-e

The characters were nice. The family was probably the funniest part, especially Nan. Nan was right up there with the dogs.

Overall an okay read.

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- A book about dog lovers unapologetically for dog lovers <3 I got upset when some side characters didn't understand the love they had for their dogs.
- Nell's bookshop. *HOW does it FEEL to live MY dream?!* The dog book club was so cute!
- NAN!!!! Probably my favorite character!! I loved her wisdom, her quirky love for serial killer dramas, and her moxie.
- The plot was entertaining, albeit quiet. I was never bored!

- Owen and Nell's relationship started as a friends before they even knew they were friends. It was just such an easy relationship right from the start because they understood each other's souls without knowing their last names. Even with others coming into the mix (some innocently, some not so innocently), they choose each other based off their strong friendship.
- No open-door intimate scenes. Mentions of being intimate and the morning after.

- The pacing was a bit all over the place. Sometimes there were seconds in between chapters, sometimes weeks. And when the chapters opened, it was sometimes in the middle of a situation which threw me off.
- The blurb for the book made me think that Nell trying to find Owen after he disappeared would be the main plot of the story, but if was only the first half. I was just clueless for what the second half would entail.
- I really really really think Lisa did not deserve ANY of Owen's *Mr. Nice Guy.*

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Dogs > People, always.

The characters of Collie and Daisy are simply so much better written than the two human characters. Perhaps it is because the chapters never seem to cut off when they are a part of the action. There isn't anything with them that is just told; everything is shown fully.

Don't get me wrong, I love messy characters. I loved the realism of a budding relationship, the way exes and miscommunication play a huge role. I loved the way Nell learned to advocate for herself, the way Owen learned to stop being a pushover. That is super apparent in the finale, where Owen's "big gesture" is denied (thank goodness). The development is awesome, and I'm sure this will be a lovely read for someone who needs something fluffier than a Samoyed after a blowout.

The writing just left much to be desired.

As always, thank you to NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Dnf—I’m not a fan of the writing style. Maybe I’ll pick it up again in the future. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting me this arc.

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A Walk in the Park is a feel-good, dog-lover rom com. There were plenty of funny chuckles to be had throughout, and heartfelt moments, with a satisfying HEA. However, it wasn't steamy enough for me (hence straight rom com), and the characters didn't hook me. They felt too vanilla, too like an old cardigan. They had flaws and insecurities that could be considered cute, and somewhat problematic histories to deal with to make them relatable, and in that way many of the crucial elements were there. But I never really cared about, or for, them. I would've liked to see more edge from them - more of something truly special and unique. In this case, their uniqueness was their ultimate goodness, which didn't hook me.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The characters and the plot were believable. I recommend this book.

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"who do you think you're competing against?"
"maybe the version of me you've been imagining"

This book was such an easy,cute and lighthearted story and if you're in the mood for it well it's a sign for you to start it!

I really loved to met and getting to know Nell and Owen and their dogs! These characters were both so relatable and cute. I need to mention Nell's Nan as well because she was one of the best in this story!
This book's so romcom and the ending was perfect for their story so I will repeat myself again if you are in the mood for these vibes well, this book could be a good option !

Thanks to NetGalley, Charlotte Barnes and Joffe Books for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I'll say this was a cute romance, but that's it. I was bored halfway. I didn't like any of the characters and I was wishing for it to be over the whole time.

I got an e-arc of this book on NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a sweet walk-in the park love story between two very introverted and dog loving people named Nell and Owen. They harbor a deep love for their dogs. Their friendship and relationship is formed around their two pups. It reminded me of Pongo and Perdita ❤️
I did like Nell’s relationship with her Nan. Her character was so funny and you just want to have afternoon tea with Nan and listen to all her stories. ❤️
At times the story did feel rushed especially with Nell’s trauma of dealing with her parents and grandpas sudden death. There was also a lot of drama surrounding Owen’s family as well. He talked so poorly of all of them and I wish we understood more of the backstory of where his feelings originated. And what about that ending? It was definitely different and I still don’t know how I feel about it 🫤 Also poor Benji 💔 He was such a sweet character and I hope him all the best because he deserves the best after getting the backhand from Nell.
Overall this was a fun read and will make you want to stop at your local pet shelter or go for a walk at the park 🐶🐱🐕
Thank you NetGalley, Choc-Lit Books and Charolette Barnes for this ARC.

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This book was a lovely, romantic read which I couldn’t put down.
It’s all about Nell and Owen and their chance meeting while walking their dogs.
I enjoyed the way the book was written from both of the characters perspectives as this definitely added to the romantic tension and helped to see both of their points of view.
I loved the characters especially Nell’s Nan and Daisy.
The ending was brilliant and had me in tears but the chat Owen had with Nell’s Nan was perfect.
I’m hoping for a sequel so we can see what happens next and maybe hear more about Owens family which I think may be interesting.
Thanks to NetGalley, Charlotte Barnes and Joffe Books for an advance copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Cute Romance with dogs added in. What's not too love. Some unnecessary moments where we didn't know if it would work out but otherwise a nice story.

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Easy reading, ideal for the summer.

People are inclined to walk their dogs same time, same place every day. That’s how Nell and Owen and their dogs, Collie and Daisy, first met in the local park. Soon the walks together became an anticipated regular occurrence. Both wanted, but were hesitant, to suggest meeting beyond the park, until one day Owen is missing. Misunderstandings nearly destroy the budding relationship before they are able to resume the daily walks together finally giving an unexpected ending.

eARC generously supplied by Choc-Lit/Joffe Books and NetGalley, this review is my personal, unbiased opinion.

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I was provided an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was advertised as a hilarious and heartwarming summer romance. And let me tell you, it absolutely lived up to that! I absolutely devoured this book in one sitting and I did not want to put it down at all. I loved every second of it and constantly found myself smiling at what was happening.

Nell and Owen are super cute and I loved the chemistry that they had. And Collie and Daisy were definitely just as great! I appreciate that Nell had an actual personality and was an amazing FMC, instead of being a generic basic FMC that you often find.

This book made me laugh and it made me cry (iykyk).

And the ending?? That ending was so unexpected but also perfectly based on the characters.

The only comment that I have was that I wish there was more details for setting up the scenes. Sometimes it just skips some of the scene building/story building that could be there to show more of what is happening.

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Love a good love story especially one that involves dogs. I cannot wait to share my full thoughts and review on this cute love story! I’m going through some unexpected health issues at the moment and this is the perfect book to keep me company and keep me out of a reading slump. Very much looking forward to sharing more on this one soon. Charlotte Barnes is definitely one to watch!

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