Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this audio!

WOW!! What a great movie!! This had me hooked from page one!!! What a great twist and that ending!!!!!!

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Wow. Didn't see that coming.
This was a little treat to read.
I had some suspicions that were correct and then there were some surprises I never saw coming.

Rachel moves to Cornwall with her husband and darling son to start fresh. The house is perfect, designed and furnished just for her. But then she notes the dreamy "secret garden" has been transformed into a pool and she is deathly afraid of water. Although it seems Tom only wanted to help with her phobia and still enjoy his love for swimming with their son, Rachel is a little uneasy.
Rachel later meets Chloe who is exactly the friend she needed with all of these changes. Chloe fills this lonely void Rachel possesses, but is she truly who she seems?

This story was so twisty and messy I could not help but enjoy it. My only disapproval is the abrupt ending.
I listened to the audio book and thoroughly enjoyed the narrator and her delivery of the story.

Thank you, Susan Watson, Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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You, Me, Her by Sue Watson
Narrated by Tamsin Kennard

Rachel has a past, a past that is difficult for her to remember. But we get bits and pieces of it throughout the story. At one point what happened in the past made it hard for her to function but Rachel met Tom and he helped Rachel to move forward, to move on, even if she couldn't let go of the past. Rachel and Tom are married now and have a four year old son.

An inheritance from Rachel's father gave her more money than she'd imagined. Her father wanted it all in her name although she shares it with her husband. Maybe she's shared it too much with her husband because he's blown it all on big older house he's been renovating for the last year. The house is by the sea and he's been there while Rachel and their son stayed in at their old place, while Rachel finished up work and sold their old place. But now they are finally together at the big home Tom picked for them.

Sadly, Rachel is naive, gullible, clueless, thick as a brick and a dozen other things. She also is a spineless pushover. I like Rachel, she's not a bad person at all, but a train could be coming towards her, bells and whistles clanging and blowing, lights flashing, the works, and Rachel would never notice. Or if she did notice it she would brush off the fact that it was coming right at her. I don't want to call Rachel dumb but I had to wonder. But this story couldn't have happened without Rachel wearing blinders so we have her to thank for all the action.

Still, as much I wanted to scream at Rachel for just about every decision she makes, the story was fun in a "can't look away from the train wreck" kind of way. As soon as Rachel arrives at their new house for good, Chloe enters her life. Tom already knew Chloe and warned Rachel to stay away, that Chloe was a lying trouble maker. But not wanting to hurt Chloe's feelings, Rachel becomes entangled with Chloe. Not a good idea but there are so many bad ideas and Chloe isn't the only problem Rachel embraces. Tamsin Kennard narrates and she does a good job of carrying off all the craziness of the story. I especially like how well she is able to narrate Tom, making him actually sound like a guy.

Thank you to Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for this ARC.

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This story was addicting and I breezed thru the audiobook!
I loved the narrator and I usually am not a fan of narrators with strong accents but her voice was perfect for this story - great job Tamsin Kennard!

You Me Her - one husband Tom, one wife Rachel (main character), and her - Rachels newest BFF Chloe. Three people, one marriage, and one murder.

This story is full of so many secrets and lies. It kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what was going to happen next! This was my first Sue Watson book but I will now be going thru her backlist. She knows how to write a fast paced tension building psychological twisted story!

Thank you #netgalley and #bookoutureaudio for the audio ARC.
I truly enjoyed and loved #youmeher by #suewatson

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YOU won't know who to believe and the author does a fantastic great job of driving you mad with what is the truth and what is an anterior motive. The ending was the cherry on top. 10/10 would recommend it as the #1 book to add to your summer TBR. You'll not be able to stop listening until every piece of the truth is uncovered.

ME; I am not someone who is a big thriller reader, and was thoroughly impressed that my neck did not snap with the many twists and turns in this book. There was enough suspense to have me listen to it with the lights on. However, 1/2 way into the book my fear became rage and I hope the same for you.

The wife; for someone who doesn't like water I was confused as to why the wife would upend her life to move beachside and become complacent with an expensive pool being installed in her backyard. I also don't understand why the wife wouldn't have pushed to have the locks changed when there was a key to the house put into question. I also feel like the author should have changed the occupation of the wife. As a reporter, she was not asking hard-hitting questions and she seemed easy to influence.

Thank you to NetGalley for being able to listen for my honest review.

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WOW! I loved this book. I really liked the narrator as her voice was perfect and she did a great job at tone and reading style. She did great at differentiating the characters and I never had any issues as to what was going on or who was "talking". I really enjoyed this audiobook as it enhanced the experience of reading this book. Pace was great as well.

This story was fantastic! So many twists and turns and constantly wanting more of this story. I couldn't stop listening as I wanted to see how it all played out. The way it was written and the "flashback" like scenes went perfectly with everything happening it the present scene. I loved this style of writing and really enjoyed this book.

The flow of the book was perfect and the narrator was great at keeping it going and feeling like the narrator is going through everything the character is going through.

I loved this audiobook and feel like it would be great in either format. Honestly, just really enjoyed the entire book overall and loved the audio as a way to really immerse myself into the book. Highly recommend this book!

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture Audio, and Sue Watson for this amazing ARC/early release of the audiobook.

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I’m slowly introducing myself to thrillers and this story was a great start! It was well paced and even though I knew I still questioned myself at times because the author always gave a little then covered her tracks. Not quite a 5 star read because I found it a little predictable and the FMC was a little dense at times but I still immensely enjoyed it.

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4 stars-
A wife, a husband, and a stalker? She and Tom have a great marriage, right? Now that they have her father’s inheritance and move into this beautiful new house, life will be perfect. However, her new friend Chloe seems to have some boundary issues that might get in the way.

This was an enjoyable domestic thriller, but I sadly figured out what was going on from the beginning. I either A.) listen to way too many thriller audiobooks and know too much or B.) There may have been a few too many obvious clues to the ending.

Still a great listen with a narrator that did a wonderful job.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Bookouture Audio for this fun ARC in exchange for an honest review. I really appreciate it!

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This is a high quality binge audio.. it was fast packed pov story the pacing was spot on . It was cleverly written so at tines you didnt know who the victim and villian were. The final reveal screams sequel pretty please tie up the loose end. It was a pleasure to listen good great narration relatively short listen . I loved the way the characters changed their opinions of each other.

Highly recommended 5 star thanks netgallery and publisher and author and narrator

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What a set of twists and turns! Mystery/thrillers/crime are my favorite genre to read as I love to be kept on my toes. The title explains that the book is going to involve 3 characters, You (Tom), Me (the main female character) Her (Chloe or is it Jenifer or is it Iris or is it Rosa). The Her character is definitely where more of the intensity comes in. I thought I had the final twist about halfway through the book and was correct but it definitely took some extra curveballs to get to that point.

Cons: A few of the characters were undeveloped and therefore not really necessary to the plot.

PROS: A keep you on the edge ready to listen/read more to discover the ending.

I was able to listen to an advanced copy thanks to NetGalley. The narrator was fantastic and had great infliction and tone.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #BookoutureAudio for the book #YouMeHer by #SueWatson. This book is about a couple(that moved into their dream home with their son. Strange things start happening and it seems someone is out to get her. She befriends a girl named Chloe and something is off with her too. Has my husband done this? Who is trying to kill me?

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There are few things certain in this world, but one that is absolutely true is if you read a Sue Watson book, you will be in for a great ride. This is my 10th book by Watson, and I will continue to read her for as long as she writes.

You, Me, Her was a Netgalley audio arc and because of the author, I didn't even read the synopsis prior to requesting. That said, I have read some other reviewers who commented in their reviews that too much is given away from the publisher and it spoiled the journey for them. I wish more thought went into the verbiage to push a book. My preference is to stop reading the blurbs when I know enough to determine if it's going to be for me, and to avoid blurbs altogether when it's a known author.

So, going in blind, I found this novel to be compelling and kept me listening for a full day and a morning. I HAD to know what was next. And, then, when the ending I predicted kinda happened, it still felt satisfying. But Ms. Watson isn't going to let that be the ending for her readers and just when I thought it was over BAM, it delivered.

For the domestic thriller fans out there, this one met all the marks - amazingly charming husband, lovely but meek wife, a really really spoiled 4 year old who made me glad my childrearing days are over, suspicious community, fabulous house and a bunch of stuff that, thankfully, hasn't happened in my own life. Really well done and highly recommend.

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3.5 🌟

This is my first Sue Watson read, and I really enjoyed the fast pace and twist and turns. I personally was not surprised by any of the twists, but that is ok. I still enjoyed it when I could go, yes, knew it 😊.

I listened on audio, and the narrator was really engaging.

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4.5 rounded up. A well-paced thriller in the vein of Girl on the Train, Gemma Rodgers, Daniel Hurst, etc.

Premise - a woman with a crippling fear of water moves to an oceanside home with her handsome husband, Tom, and her four year old son… and Tom uses her inheritance to put in a pool.🤦🏽‍♀️

Someone else said they wanted to yeet Tom into the sea the whole time through and I AGREE. I was rooting for the ladies to team up and take him out.

Some of the twists were obvious, especially the last one, but the delivery was so satisfying it really didn’t detract from the experience. It’s like eating your favorite food - sure, you already know what it’s going to taste like, but it’s no less a pleasure!

Our heroine is ridiculously naive and at times annoyingly dependent, but she’s endearing all the same and the storytelling is so grippy you’ll find yourself neglecting your duties to keep reading.

I think this might be my first book by Sue Watson, but it definitely won’t be my last!

Thanks, NetGalley and Bookouture, for the gifted ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The cover (and synopsis for that matter) totally ruins and spoils the book. This story would have been much, much better if I went in without knowing there was going to be a mistress and a death. That said, because of the cover (and synopsis) I kept reading waiting for the mistress to be revealed and the murder to happen. If murder is on the cover, I shouldn't have to wait until 85% to get my murder. I also kept waiting for the mistress which took away many elements of the surprise reveals. I had guessed the "real" mistress long before the end. I did like the story and pacing I just wish it hadn't been so spoiled for me. I also noticed there were some repetitive statements, such as comparing people to a limpet. This could be improved.

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Oh, what a tangled web we weave....

WOWZA! You, Me, Her is a gripping, thrilling, shocking, and dramatic page turner! I did not want to put this book down! Sue Watson delivers time and time again! I was enticed by the synopsis of this book and once I began reading, I found myself completely glued to the pages, addicted to the drama, riveted by the mystery, and shocked by the secrets!!!! Sue Watson knocked it out of the ballpark with You, Me, Her!


Rachel has recently inherited a lot of money and has trusted her husband, Tom, to get their new home ready. When she and their son finally move in, she is apprehensive but ready for their new fresh start in their new to them home. When Chloe, a young estate agent, shows up and lets herself into their home, Tom tells Rachel not to trust her. But Rachel needs a friend....

This addictive psychological thriller kept me on my toes wanting more. This book was so much fun! I loved the drama, the tension, the secrets, the lies, the not knowing who I could trust or who was telling the truth! There were times when I thought I had this book figured out, but Sue Watson was always one step ahead of me, throwing in twist after twist.

I was lucky to have both the book and the audiobook of You, Me, Her, which made for a completely immersive and thrilling reading experience. I thought the narrator, Tamsin Kennard, did a wonderful job of bringing the characters to life.

Gripping, shocking, thrilling, and dramatic!

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The story is about betrayal lie and secrets it seem like the husband Tom was not understanding of her fears and anxiety and wanted her to snap out of it. Sam is there child they move and a woman Chloe come to there house and she has a key and it's weird that she still has them. There a mysterious around Chloe and the house. Sam is seeing someone in the pool which Rachel is scared of something that happen in her life. Her father left her money and she has the only authority which make Tom less of a man which Rachel has apologize for what her father did.
There marriage has been in trouble since the lockdown and moving to a new place. Things start to happen around there life with Chloe is everywhere after a mysterious death. Then there Jennifer who seem to be crushing on Tom.
The end the plot twist but in the beginning you think who is the person manipulating but you don't because there so many characters the plotting just for money and revenge. Until the end you know who it is and Tom is protecting. It literally keeping you asking why I'm and is someone Rachel trust.

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One of those books I couldn't stop in the middle of - read straight through to the end! Thanks Net Galley for the ARC!

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If this is the only book you take on holiday with you this summer then you have a huge problem on your hands because you are going to read this in one sitting as I did today!
It has everything you want in a mystery thriller, tragic back story, beautiful beach house in Cornwall and a weird new friend your husband doesn’t like!
I loved it and couldn’t put this down, the twists, the turns, the tension!
10/10 for the narration

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