Member Reviews

This is a good thriller but a bit predictable. Husband, wife, mistress, past tragedy, references to COVID lockdown.
Some of this was predictable but the last chapter was a real twist!
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this ARC.

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4ish stars

I do enjoy a good, twisty thriller, and that’s certainly one way to describe this chaotic story. Some parts were kind of all over the place, but it wasn’t too hard to follow. For the most part, I liked the ending, although it seemed to come out of nowhere. It was another good-not-great novel from a writer who I can usually count on for a fun and dramatic novel.

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Publication date: June 3rd, 2024
Genre: thriller
Setting: small English town
POV: Single

Enjoyable listen! Great beach read option. Kept me engaged throughout. The twists however were predictable.

Thank you to author, publisher, NetGalley for advanced copy. This is an honest voluntary review.

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You -Tom
Me -Rachael
Her - Chloe …… At least sort of.

This was a really enjoyable read/listen. However (I hate however) there’s really not much more to the novel than is written in the blurb. It was good, I did enjoy it, but none of the twists to the story were shocking at all, perhaps I’ve read too many domestic thrillers. Let’s be real, it must be extremely difficult to come up with a completely unique thriller, nowadays. Sorry that I’m jaded! think if you’re just arriving at this genre you would probably love it. I’ve just seen it all before sadly (for me) all just a bit too obvious. The only vague differences were the post Covid references, and the convenience of a relative dying from the virus which enabled the inheritance on which the novel was founded and gave the lies deceit and plotting a place to fester.

Please do not let my review put you off, in fact I’d encourage you to give it a go, it’s grand and all.

The narrator had an easy voice to listen to, I generally always enjoy Tamsin Kennards narration.

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This book kept me guessing. I didn’t like the husband from the beginning. I just didn’t know which story to believe. This was a good book and the twist at the end , I did not see coming.

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An intriguing and enjoyable listen, as always Sue Watson delivers another twisty thriller that keeps you involved while catching you out.

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This is my first Sue Watson book and I was really excited to listen as I know many readers that love her.

The book is about Rachel, married to Tom who has been renovating a large house in Cornwall using her deceased father's inheritance. While the building work has been going on Rachel has remained in Manchester with her young son.

On arriving in Cornwall she loves the house and is thrilled to be reunited with Tom, quickly enrolling her son in nursery. The estate agent that sold the house is Chloe and she's quite pally with Tom initially before striking up a friendship with Rachel. Chloe seems a little unstable and Rachel worries she's not all she seems. Tom seems to distrust her and when Rachel believes people are creeping around the house at night, Chloe, with her set of keys seems the obvious suspect.

This book covers domestic suspense, gaslighting, loss and is a pretty decent read but I found it a little slow paced for me and when the reveals came, they weren't a surprise.

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You, Me, Her by Sue Watson is my second read by this author and I have to say she’s quickly becoming one of my favorite authors!

Rachel and her family have just moved into their new home. Her husband Tom has worked endlessly to make it the perfect home. Chloe, their real estate agent makes herself at home that very first day and soon she and Rachel become friends. Tom warns Rachel that Chloe cannot be trusted but Rachel warms to her despite his warnings. Rachel begins to see Chloe for the liar she really is and tries to cut off the friendship. This book was fast paced and the plot twist was jaw dropping.

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Let me start by saying, based upon the reviews I’ve read (which led me to request this book) I’m in the minority. I had such high hopes after reading the summary and the ten 5-star reviews mentioned in the advanced praise.

After Rachel’s father dies from COVID related issues, she inherits a large amount of money. She and her husband, Tom, decide to invest in a large home by the Sea. He spends time renovating the home and all are excited about the reunion when Rachel and their son, Sam, are finally able to join him once completion is done. On their first night, they are interrupted when Chloe, the estate agent, walks in, using her own set of keys. It’s not difficult to imagine what is to come.

While not an original premise, I’m always keen and interested to see if something can be done differently and potentially better so I had an open mind. However, this story was not for me and here’s why:

1 - This is yet another of the type where a wife (Rachel) is suspicious of a younger woman (Chloe) who has entered her life and despite her misgivings befriends her. Chloe is too familiar, too fast, falling over herself complementing Rachel, forcing Rachel to spend time with her and just being weird in general. Rachel knows something isn’t right and yet still spends time with her, sharing her secrets and telling herself that although Chloe is quirky, everything is fine and she’s happy to have a friend.

2 – Early on, we are made aware that Rachel is terrified of something. Her husband, Tom, uses over half of her inheritance on an object that is related to that fear and it petrifies her. Though integral to the story, this act, from a seemingly loving husband, should have been a red flag for Rachel and the fact that it wasn’t just added to her unbelievable naivety.

4 – Rachel’s self-talk is exhausting. She knows she shouldn’t be friends with Chloe yet she continues to let her in. She’s constantly telling herself how much Tom cares for her despite the fact that he’s travelling for work and leaving her alone in a home in which she’s frightened. She’s repeatedly doubting herself regarding odd things happening at the home.

5 – Yes, there is a twist at the very end, but I knew what it was, so yay me for being so smart.

I truly hate being so harsh with a book review because, trust me, I am not a writer, and I applaud anyone creative enough to write a book, much less, many best-selling books as this author has done.

If you’re lucky enough not to have encountered this theme in previous books or movies, then you’ll be in for an enjoyable surprise. Unfortunately for me, I’ve just found it to be overdone.

I’m grateful to have received this ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I am so happy to discover this new to me author! A very well written, suspenseful ride with great narration.

Rachel and Tom move with their 4 year old son from Manchester, England to Cornwall. For Tom it is returning home, but for Rachel it is a foreign pace where she know no one. Tom has been there for months, preparing the home they purchased with Rachel's inheritance from her dad's passing. The money was left to Rachel stipulating Tom have no access to it. Rachel is not thrilled with the move as living close to the sea terrifies her due to a traumatic event in her past. She does it for Tom, to make him happy. On her first night there the estate agent, Chloe, comes to the door. Rachel notices an odd energy between Chloe and her husband. They know each other from the past. Chloe is younger, energetic and bubbly and wants to be friends with Rachel in a very much over the top way! The author does a good job with character building, slowly revealing the events of the past to better our understanding of present day events.

Moving to Cornwall is their fresh start on a new life until secrets, betrayal and murder occur! The story twists and turns and keeps the reader guessing as it unfolds. It is a thrilling ride to the end where the biggest twist occurs. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and look forward to more from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This was unexpectedly amazing! I've been itching for a good thriller and this scratched that it and has led me down a rabbit hole of finding more thrillers like it! I loved the mystery and suspense. I was kept on my toes the whole time (that's usually hard to accomplish, I can typically figure out what's going to happen) and I absolutely loved that! I will most definitely be reading and listening to more from this author! The narrator did an amazing job on this audio and I could feel the emotions that she was trying to convey! This was just an all around amazing listen and story for me!

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Here we have Rachel, a woman in her 40s who is starting life over after a traumatic first marriage in which she lost a child to drowning. Now in her second marriage, with an inheritance of over a million pounds from her father’s death, her new husband Tom decides that they and their preschool-age son, Sam, should relocate to a house on a cliff over water (?!). He spends nearly a year making this place theoretically wonderful for them, and when she arrives for the big reveal, he has transformed her favorite part, the expansive yard, into a showy swimming pool (?!?!) which she will never go near and is her worst nightmare. Why girlfriend doesn’t leave this creep immediately at this point, heaven only knows.

Rachel soon finds out that their beautiful and creepy “estate agent,” Chloe, has a key to their place she never gave back and may or may not have been having an affair with her husband the whole time they’ve been apart. But wait, Chloe might not even be the “her” of the title…is there anyone Rachel can trust?

This is a domestic thriller with many surprising and not-so-surprising twists. Least surprising is that money is the root of all evil, and I sincerely hope Rachel has found a way to recoup or make some new money because little Sam is going to need a heck of a lot of therapy.

This was a well-written page-turner and I enjoyed finding out where it was all headed. This publishes on June 3. Thanks so much #NetGalley, #Bookouture and #SueWatson for the advance listen!

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When Rachel agrees to use her inheritance to move her family into their dream home, she thinks life will improve. Unfortunately, when the house is finished and she starts to settle in, she finds that her new friend Chloe might be even friendlier with Rachel's husband. This book takes you down a twisted path that will grab your attention and hold it until the very end.

I absolutely loved this one! I did suspect the big twist once I hit the halfway point, but the way it was written made it an enthralling, can't-put-it-down read anyway. I disliked Rachel's husband the entire time, but the other characters were written in a way that keeps you guessing as far as who you should trust. The whole friendship between Rachel & Chloe was uncomfortable and cringey in a Single White Female way that worked really well as far as building a tense situation. I'm a huge fan of this author, but this is probably my favorite of hers! Highly recommended for anyone who like a good stalker story!

The narration in this one is as amazing as the story. I generally enjoy books read by Tamsin Kennard but after this one I think I'll add her to my list of narrators that I check on frequently to see if they've narrated anything else!

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I read the book but wanted to listen to it too! The narrator did an amazing job.

Thoroughly engaging psychological thriller, betrayal, I really enjoyed it the audiobook and would definitely recommend.

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✨ Mystery Thriller
✨ Affair
✨ Trauma

✨ Oh my goodness. This book removes me from having a reading slump!
I thought the story at first chapters were predictable, as it was easy to know BUT…. I was wrong. It was never ending who’s who and what just happened?!
✨ For me personally, this book is not a standalone. It leave me with a cliffhanger and wanted more!! I want to know more what happen !!😆
✨ Definitely worth to read. If you like something twisted and surprising ending this book is for you.
Pefection SUE🫶🏼

✨ Thankyou netgalley, bookcouture for the opportunity to have this arc for a honest review.


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A supercharged Psychological thriller that you will become invested with right from the start.

I remember reading The Nursery by this author and subsequently bought a few more of her books, I saw this one on Netgalley and requested it in audio.
The narrator did a fabulous job with the characters.

Although I kinda guessed a few things beforehand, I kid you not… made not one iota of difference to my entertainment as a reader and thoroughly enjoying being lead by the superb writing of Sue Watson.

Three main characters, all interwoven at a degree which will astound you.

I love a good book when nothing is as simple as it seems.

Have you a fear of something?
It may be from a trauma or just inbuilt. Sometimes that fear isn’t rational.

What happens if someone confronts you by this fear. And what if that someone is trying to help? Or not to help.

Praise to Sue Watson.

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I really enjoyed this story. Throughout the story I thought I knew how the outcome was going to be but turns out I was wrong. I look forward to reading more by this author! The narrator did an amazing job.

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Thriller!!! "You, Me, Her", by Sue Watson is a fast-paced thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat all the way to the end. I listened to this audio book in one sitting it was so good. I went without sleep, it was so good! The narrator did a stellar job bringing each character to life.

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I absolutely loved this book! It was full of constant twists and turns and there was never a dull moment. It was so fast paced and was so clever with the story. Throughout the book, the FMC finds herself second guessing everything that is happening to her and her family and it begins to mess with her psychologically. There were multiple times where I thought I had figured it all out and then things kept happening that proved me wrong. And while I did manage to correctly guess the final plot twist at the very end, I was so happy with everything about this book. I have no complaints at all. It was perfect!

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I've been gripped from the first chapter and finished this audiobook in two days!

Fab, twisty plot with an ending that I almost didn't see coming - I really hope that there's a book 2!

Thanks very much to Bookouture Audio, via Netgalley for gifting me an advance copy.

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