Member Reviews

Malcolm lives with his grown son Adrian, having been let go from his long career as a tax investigator in a diary style Malcolm explains the events that led him to where his life is now . Adrian has his own issues OCD behaviour that drives Malcolm mad and frequently disappearing Malcolm worries Adrian is up to no good … however he has found himself a girlfriend and that’s when things really get interesting. This book is written in a unique style with Malcolm telling the story. Disturbing in parts with a rollercoaster ending that you will not see coming

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Malcom lives a seemingly quiet life with his adult son, Adrian, in their almost too small bungalow on a quiet street that sees no real action. That is until, we learn Malcom has not one but multiple secrets.

This is what I call a Murder thriller book. Multiple bodies, unhinged protagonist who seems normal up until his slow unraveling. You are made to believe that Adrian is the crazy one, which in part is true, but definitely not to the extent of his Father.

I loved that we had two narratives going on, the first being Malcom’s diary entries leading to his demise and the second being his obsession with finding out what his son is up to, convinced he’s back to his peeping tom ways.

You feel like you are part of the unraveling of a mentally insane man’s mind. His constant battle with himself on whether what he did was the right thing and how he convinces himself it was.

One bungalow, one air raid bunker and a Pervert with a psychologically altered mind. What more could you ask for?

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What a great book, the ending was especially great to finish the whole madness going on. Thus author always seems to know how to get you turning pages.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book.

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Malcom, an older tax professional, lives a seemingly quiet life with his son, but things are not always what they seem.
This book was slow for me at the beginning and I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. By chapter 15 my opinion was changed. It is funny that Agatha Christie is referenced in this book (more than once) because that is exactly who this author reminds me of. If you are looking for a super pacey, unrealistic twisty read then this story may not be a good fit for you. This book was a realistic and truly psychological thriller.

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Oh my word! Just when I think Ian‘s novels can’t get any better, along comes this beauty! Just like a heat wave it’s stifling and claustrophobic. I did not see the various twists coming at all. I was sitting in my boiling hot Conservatory at the same time, so I really felt like I was there with the main character as he battled the heat wave and his other Demons throughout the novel. If you like your novels dark, atmospheric, and claustrophobic, you will race through this wonderfully written masterpiece. Bring on the next one.

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I liked this book. It had some twists that I wasn’t really expecting. The ending seems to be the best part of the book. It’s a little slow to begin with but gets better towards the middle.

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Wow what have i just read! This is what i call a thriller!
Murders galore, evil everywhere.
This is not a read for the faint hearted and there were a few moments where i winced.
Having said that i loved this book and am off to find more from this author.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my early copy.

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I loved the style of writing and the story was incredibly gripping. a must read for anyone who likes thrillers

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Iain Maitland knows how to deliver a creepy story and this is one which kept me wondering just how far he was going to take it. As always, I am impressed by his ability to create such a vivid image of a protagonist without really spending much time describing them. But this protagonist is indeed so fully formed I felt him looking over my shoulder as I read. Layers are peeled away as the book progresses and this makes the ending more satisfying as we see the true extent of the horror involved in the plot. A great addition to the Maitland collection.

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A really gripping psychological thriller. The look into Malcolm’s mind is disturbing and fascinating. I couldn’t put it down.

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