Member Reviews

This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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Another wonderful trip to the Green Creek Pack and their loves and losses. These books are beautiful, and you can find all manner of representation when it comes to sexuality and personality. These books really know how to kick you in the feels over and over again. A must-read.

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I literally adore everything I have ever read from TJ Klune and in Brothersong (with another magnificent cover!), it is no different. Phenomenal on every level!!

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Tj Klune has the power to break me with a lot his books but I spent most of this story crying! Whether it was happy or sad, I am grateful for all of it! The Green Creek series is a must read. I am sad that this is the last book in the series as this world is so easy to full into.

It was candy canes and pinecones and epic and awesome. It was dirt and leaves and rain. It was grass and lake water and sunshine. It was thump and thump and thump.

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The fourth and final Book of the Green Creek series follows Carter, the oldest Bennett brother and picks up after Book 3's finish with him following Gavin into the wilderness.

We get flashbacks of Carter's childhood as the eldest and his role as protector towards Kelly and Joe, and every extra little bit we're shown about this family just makes me love them more.

I love how Klune writes about love. The love between brothers, the love between parent and child, the love for your friends, and of course romantic love and how it's not always what you expect. I read falling in love being described once as "happening slowly, then all at once" and I think that describes Carter perfectly.

All in all if there were 100 of these books I'd happily read them all.

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Reading this saga is good. It is not a perfect book, it is not a perfect saga, at times slow and repetitive, sometimes tiring, with a simplistic fantasy plot and confusing in the resolution, but they are books that leave you with a world.
This saga must be read for the characters, you can not help but LOVE the Bennett family, all of them, no one excluded.
Klune is a master at creating deep, solid relationships, never predictable and inclusive at 360 degrees. There are such strong themes, treated with intelligence and sweetness.
The Bennet family will remain dear to my heart: Elisabeth first and foremost, the woman who carries the family on her shoulders with love, the strong and balanced mother, Gordo and Gavin who are gruff but with huge hearts, the Bennett brothers who finally had the chance to talk to each other openly and who are incredible, Carter who I discovered determined and fragile, Rico who deserves a book of his own for how multifaceted and unconventional he is, Jessie and Dominique who made me laugh so much, Chris and Tanner who amazed me and showed me that you shouldn't set limits and boundaries in love and, finally, Thomas who I missed on every page.
How much love this book. How much family, the real one, extended, of the heart.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with this ARC! The new cover art is gorgeous!

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Brilliant!!! I’m going to miss these wolves so much. Full review in link below.

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This series has been such a delight to read and I loved it but will so miss the characters now. They found their was into my heart. A great final (sob...) book.

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I have loved every single one of the books in this series and this was such a great ending.
I’m so sad it’s over now and I’m going to miss these characters so much. I can see this being a series I read time and time again.
T J Klune is an auto-buy author for me, his stories are just incredible, the characters, the found family. Just perfect.

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Absolutely amazing way to end a beloved series, I am sad that this is the last, but am pleased it ended so well. I have adored this series and have loved all the vibes!

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I am so sad to say goodbye to this world cause the way these characters have burrowed into my heart is a mark of TJ Klune's stellar writing. The pack interaction made my found-family heart sing and their shenanigans made my day light up! The characters were all so distinct and their voices really shone in this conclusion., I did feel like there were a lot of time jumps so I was disappointed to miss those moments and it disturbed the pacing of the book for me. The narration was a bit clunky and the plot was hard to follow at times but that might've been intentional, just not for everyone. While this was not my favorite book in the series, it was a great theme to end on (bringing everything back full circle is always a heartwarming way to conclude a beloved world) so it was still a great read!

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This is a fitting end to the series and very much in the style of the previous three books, but this time with the focus predominantly on the relationship between Carter and Gavin.
The queer vibes are strong with the Bennet pack and it felt appropriate to read this book during Pride month.
With thanks to NetGalley and Pan Macmillan for the chance to read an arc. This beautiful new edition is out on 1 August.

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Absolute freaking 5-star!

I binge read the series before I was invited to read this e-arc but I'll take any excuse to pick up this series again.

Carter and Gavin are smol beans who deserve all the hugs in the world - Carter being selfish and going after Gavin felt like a breath of fresh air, we know that he loves his siblings and that he would do anything for them but him refusing to be without Gavin was so ahhh. I love the way they bring Thomas into the story, him knowing about Gavin and keeping it a secret to they way he protects his family even after his death.

And the Bennett brothers reuniting! Absolutely amazing.

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<B>Set in the dreamy backwoods of Oregon, Brothersong is a queer, paranormal romance of burning passion and pack loyalty.</B>

I was so lucky to be offered an arc of this book. I've loved every book in the series - I'm not sure if these have been changed since the original publications, but they are so good.

A group of wolves with their extended pack: fighting evil, hatred and caring for eachother. It gives me the warm fuzzies! It also stresses me out hoping that they'll survive all the evil that surrounds them! And don't start me on that ending - all the feels.

Obviously, read books 1-3 first, you should have plenty of time before this comes out in August. Be warned, I could barely put this down.

Thank you to Pan-MacMillan and Netgalley.

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I can't believe this series is finished, I've had the best time reading these books.
These are some of my favourite characters I've ever read about
I don't think it's a spoiler to say they all live happily ever after...I sort of wish I could get another book to read of just them being all happy and pack and town community, with nothibg dramatic happening. I would love that, because these are characters you just want to spend more time with.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a free eARC of this book

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A fitting climax to an amazing series of books.

It manages to retain it's own arc whilst tying up loose end,, making dramatic revelations without detracting from your immersion into the character of Carter and his love story with Gavin.

The hardest part of this book was knowing it was the end.

Loved it

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Oh the final instalment of the Green Creek series has been traditionally published and I'm so happy that this will reach an even wider audience! This book follows Carter and Gavin - the timberwolf from Brothersong. I did find it quite hard to get invested at the start of the book as Carter sets off alone to track down Gavin after he leaves at the end of book 3. It takes a lot of searching to track him down and this obviously takes him away from the rest of the family and expanded pack back at home. How the relationship develops after this point is really sweet though and there are a lot of funny moments after the whole gang is reunited. Of course there is underlying tension - in this case from Gavin (and Gordo's) father Richard Collins who is not happy that he's lost an eye and now another son to the Bennett pack, but this just leads to another epic third qarter showdown with serious consequences in the aftermath. All round a really good book, I'm sad that this world is finished with (although there are a couple of novellas I still need to check out) and will miss the easy banter from the Green Creek pack.

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“I was stunned when he raised our joined hands to his lips. He kissed the back of my hand. And then he was gone, as if he hadn’t just devastated me. As if he hadn’t just rocked me down to my foundation.”

GIFTED - this book was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review.

There is something incredibly captivating and addictive about TJ Klune’s writing that just keeps you on the page, even if it’s at 3am and you almost definitely should be sleeping. But sometimes sacrificing sleep for the greater good and reading a great book is worth it.

Brothersong marks the finale of the Green Creek quartet. Due to be published 1st of August 2024. Each book follows one of the main characters from the werewolf pack and this one follows Carter. A headstrong, avoidant and extremely stubborn young man. He was actually one of the weaker characters in my opinion, but Brothersong changed this for me.

It should be noted that this werewolf back is massively gay, every single one of them is gay, and I LOVE IT. I think one of the characters calls them ‘the gayest wolf pack that ever lived.’

It should also be noted that there are open door sex scenes and those can be quite graphic. So if you’re not into that in your reading, then I probably wouldn’t recommend this.

I thought Brothersong was beautiful, heart breaking, soul crushing but also funny, touching, and heart warming. And all of the books in the Green Creek series are like this. I just had such an amazing time reading about the dynamics of the pack, the love interested and learning about how love and family and compassion can change everything.

I am genuinely sad that this series has ended and know that I will revisit them again and again.

Thank you to @netgalley and @panmacmillan for the ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

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How I’m going to miss these characters!
I enjoyed as always the stylistic choices made by the author, the way the narration was a bit muddled and dark at first echoing Carter’s feelings, the way the emotions coming through the pack links are described and put into words. I was overtaken with joy at every group interaction of the pack members, smiling like an idiot when reading about their antics, and I absolutely adored that Gavin’s grumpiness could rival Gordo’s.
The only thing I might have loved a bit less than in the other books is that there were a lot more time jumps, and although I liked seeing these snippets of the past, I sometimes felt frustrated to have to leave the present so often.
In the end, I felt like every character was given enough highlights that we got to properly say goodbye to all of them, but I’m still going to miss them like family members.

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While this wasn’t the strongest book in the series, it was definitely powerful and a really nice ending to the series. The theme of circularity and ouroboros felt particularly poignant, as well as the ending. In a way Carters story felt like it took a back seat in the second half, and more like we needed a return to Ox and Joe for that section, but nonetheless a nice read.

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