Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange of an honest review.

This was a really sweet, enjoyable read to which I'm giving a strong 4 stars! It's definitely geared more towards younger adult and perhaps middle grade, but I'm not saying this in a negative way - it was a lovely easy read that made me smile. I found the premise really original, I liked the idea of Charybdis and the world-building around it. The characters were all really loveable and the story touched on some really important themes of love, desire and self-advocacy. All in, I'd recommend this book to anyone and will be looking out for more work from this author!

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the eARC!

I want to preface this by saying I’m probably not the target audience. This book is YA, truly young YA. I do read YA and enjoy many of them, even the ones on the less mature side. However, this book felt a bit more middle grade, and I can easily imagine myself loving it when I was 12. However, the adult me, not so much.

The premise is amazing, reminding me a lot of Translation State by Ann Leckie in the design of the aliens and Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh in their manipulation by the governing entity. The flashbacks to Silver’s past as a cadet are the best part of the book, a true sci-fi of the best quality. The Earth part, though is the reason I couldn’t finish the book.

Once Silver ends up with the human family, she seems to forget all the supposed knowledge she acquired as a cadet. The scouts died trying to find out as much about human activity as possible, and on all the educational videos, there was no one walking the dog? She learned human language on the ship, but she’s capable only of quoting bad commercials? The logic starts to break a little. Don't even get me started on how the family let the original dog sitter have access to the house before meeting her first. Did they just leave a key under a doormat so that a foreign teenage girl could let herself in?
And then, when Silver wants to cook a cake, so instead of going shopping (payments don’t seem to be a problem for her technology), she goes to a neighbor? A neighbor who is clearly not okay and spends pages after pages on gibberish.

I really wish I loved it more. There is great potential, though, and if I was still a teenager, I would probably enjoy the book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this ARC.

I was immediately drawn in by the cover and the blurb sounded very cool. The initial premise of the story was interesting and the whole 'body-snarcher invasion' thing is definitely not new but a good book concept.

Unfortunately, this book fell short of my expectations. The naivety of the character was expected to a certain degree but I honestly found the whole experience painful. The secondhand embarrassment in this book was strong.

I liked that she learnt to think for herself a bit more but some parts were so unrealistic in terms of 'humans' reactions that it was a struggle at times.

The overall plot is good but I feel like it could have been developed more.

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The story of an alien from Charibdis Who is sent on a mission to earth to find out more about humans, and how to conquer them? Silver is able to possess the bodies of othe Humans in order to read their minds, discover their strengths and weaknesses, and tap them for data
Living with an ordinary human family, she creates emotional bonds with them and questions her mission.

Thanks to #NetGalley For the opportunity to read this, I had a publication and exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars rounded up for net galley
This was a really quick read for me, the first chapter or two took some getting used to with a naïve first person perspective- of a character that is learning and discovering everything for the first time. A few times you have to suspend disbelief on the things the character does and doesn’t understand. But for the most part it is really sweet. It shows how small gestures can really change people’s lives. And I enjoyed knowing the characters. This is a children’s book that is accessible and can be enjoyed by all ages. But the ending had a complete tone shift that kind of left me taken aback and confused, it felt like the author didn’t actually have a plan for the plot or maybe thought it would have a greater emotional impact. Because as a whole it was a really cool concept the way the aliens in this book existed and their powers and they could’ve delved deeper into that rather than the route they chose to go down. There was also one chapter that was third person which was a little strange because it only happened once towards the end of the book.
#ad I received this book as an arc but the opinions are entirely my own.

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A wonderful story about identity and questioning authority. Silver has been trained from birth for the chance to infiltrate planet Earth, but when chosen she is not prepared for the experiences that taking over a human body gives her. Silver becomes attached to her human family, causing her to question everything she once believed.

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I am sorry but I could not read all of this book and gave up after a few chapters. I really do try and finish a book that I have been blessed with having access to prior to the publication date. On this occasion I struggled because I found it slow, dull and totally unrealistic.
The content did not seem original to me and the story reminded me of 'V' from the 1980's.
I found the competition to be the 'chosen one' a little bizarre and the one that was chosen seemed to be the incorrect choice. That may have changed as the book went on. Unfortunately, I was not enticed enough to read on to find out what actually happened.

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Curious and fabulous science fiction romance of the kind that I was crying out for aged 13 and still love today! Genuinely sinister in places, fabulous science fiction world building and sympathetic characters that are well imagined. Brilliant!

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I was drawn in by the cover and title although I should have read the description more carefully because I’m not a huge sci-fi fan!

I saw some reviews using the host as comparison which i can totally see! It was a cute short book but it wasn’t really something I would usually read! I really enjoy the relationships in this book and would recommend to friends!

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Initially I was reminded of "The Host" by Stephanie Myers with the premise of this book, but soon shook that concept as this was much more focused of feelings rather than a fight for survival.

I loved Silver's progression from an outsider to 'human' and her relationships with the family and found family.

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Overall, a very good book.
In the beginning, it gave me vibes of the Host (Stephenie Meyer) for the "alien hijacking body" trope, as well as the Fifth Wave (alien invasion), but it moved more towards the personal experience of Silver, the main character, whom I thought particularly relatable. A great depiction of the search for humanity, I enjoyed the whole cast of characters and Silver's authenticity.
Although not a big fan of romance, I think this one had a great twist in the end (but no spoiler). I would really recommand this book!

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I am great fan of sci-fi which is why I requested this title. I am not a fan of teen romance, so was braced to be objective about that element.
The "body-snatching invasion" theme is not a new one but this was approached with enough innovation and discussion around controlling societies to maintain interest. And the "twist" at the end will satisfy those who are newer to the genre.
The character of Silver left me a little divided : at times I found her authentic and interesting, at others a little obvious, a conduit to examine what it means to be human. Her romance with Finch I didn't find as cloying as I thought I would!
I found the pacing to be a little off at times but overall the narrative kept me engaged and by the end I just had to keep going til it was finished. It was refreshing to have a one-volume story without a bunch of sequels to invest in, and the finale was not what many will expect.
The quality of the writing was good, and I would pick up something else by this author

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A first love story. A sci fi story. A first contact story. A cousin to Under the Skin by Michael Faber. I don't want to give too much away, but this was truly excellent scifi. Highly recommended and quite moving

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This was a bit different to what I was expecting, but it's intriguing and casts a perspective on what it means to be human, as well as the struggle to escape an indoctrinated belief system.

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A really enjoyable read based on an original idea. Silver's development, as they learn about what it means to be human, the bonds that bring us together and what it means to love, intertwines with their discovery of the truth behind their purpose and the intentions of their guardians. I will definitely look out for other titles by this author.

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Firstly, thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this advance copy.

I'm not 100% sure what drew me to this book but I'm pleased it did. I absolutely adored it. From the very beginning I just couldn't pur it down. The characters and storyline were simple but effective. I would highly recommend this book to anyone.

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I would like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read and honestly review an advanced reader’s copy of this book.

Silver is a short, contemporary sci-fi story about an alien chosen by her people to come down to earth, to inhabit their bodies and to find a way for her dying people to take over the world.

And honestly, I wish it had worked better for me. I wish the story had felt a lot smoother, and not so stilted. I also have a problem with suffering from secondhand embarrassment easily, and this book had that in spades.

(Also putting Harry Potter reference in a book in 2024? Yikes.)

The characters were fine, the plot was fine if a tad predictable. Overall it’s just all ‘fine’.
If you read more contemporary than me, this could work for you. 2.5 stars.

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I love SF and was immediately intrigued by the blurb and cover of Silver. I was also a little uncertain, as I'm not really a reader of romance. I’m so glad I took the chance! The concept of Silver and who she is was so original; her voice was pitch-perfect and believable. Her experiences as a newcomer in an unfamiliar world felt so real. Her growing relationships with the family she infiltrates felt completely natural, as did her growing feelings for Finch. The ending – maybe not what everyone will expect – was perfect for the characters and the story.
A highly original concept, brilliantly executed – a definite five stars from me.

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I really enjoyed this book. The characters, especially Silver, were well written and it was well paced too, It was the first book I had read by Olivia Levez but I will definitely read her others now.

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I cant believe its over. I cant believe there isnt more and it just; finished. This book had everything I didnt know I needed, the whole thing from start to finish was a cozy, cute, scifi, romance that i didnt want to put down. The writing style was completely new to me but after just one chapter it flowed so well I didnt wnt to stop reading it. It's also very rare that I like the main character and Silver is one of my favourite characters of all time, I miss her. The character developement for pretty much everyone was a journey I was happy to go on. The short chapters where really nice and going back and forth between past and present wasnt confusing at all. This is now one of my favourite books and as soon as its released Im buying a physical copy.

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