Member Reviews

Great story line and fantastic characters. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of this book. I think the plot was well paced and that the story takes places over a good amount of time. I also love that the author made the fmc's depression seem real and relatable. She done the same with the love and I enjoyed how all the loose ends were wrapped up and we get to see a glimpse into the future.

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I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Beware of possible spoilers.

This one was cute! It was the perfect pallet cleanser I needed.

As someone who used to work in a kitchen (granted, not one as grand as this one), it felt realistic and really took me back. I like the main characters. I loved their interactions and their backstories.

The only part that had me frustrated was when Eden tried to push Alexander about his name when he wasn't ready because she thought she had a right for it, but the next chapter had her immediately feeling guilting and wanting to apologize, so it evened out quickly haha

Overall, this is a sweet read and if you want a cute little rom-com, this is the perfect one!

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This is a fun foodie rom-com that delivers a touching and delicate love story in the midst of a fancy restaurant kitchen. Nothing earth shattering here, but a sweet guilty pleasure of a read.
My thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this title.

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i had an exceptional time reading this. "Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love" has romance and found family within a fast-paced restaurant environment that is so fun to read. the one critique i have is: how could he possibly not remember her? that's just a turn of events that isn’t fitting and it sorta hurts that he never clues in. other than that, it heavily reminded me of a ‘No Reservations’ or ’Sweetbitter’ and if you are a fan of those, you’ll certainly be a fan of this book.

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"Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love" by Katrina Kwan is a sizzling workplace romance that left me hungry for more. Alexander Chen, the brooding celebrity chef with a chip on his shoulder, and Eden Monroe, his fresh-faced but overqualified new hire, heat up the kitchen with their fiery chemistry and clashing personalities. This novel serves up a delectable mix of high-stakes culinary drama and emotional spice, as Eden's bubbly demeanor challenges Alexander's iron-fisted control in the kitchen. What I loved most is how Kwan masterfully blends intense workplace tension with a heartfelt romance, all while exploring the complexities of identity and ambition. The dynamic between Eden and Alexander is both steamy and compelling, making this book an irresistible treat for anyone who enjoys a romance with a side of kitchen drama.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I enjoyed this quick read about a celebrity chef and his novice employee turned love.

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This was a sweet weekend read where you can ignore your responsibilities and be drawn into the web that is professional kitchens, where the pressure to perform, and maintain a facade at all costs come together in a workplace romance.

This is an example of a “lie” at the beginning of a relationship being able to be worked with well. The stretched truth becomes a catalyst for side characters to create tension. The two main protagonists are able to work around it in a lovely example of our MMC, Shan, being soft, forgiving and curious for Eden, our FMC.

To me, much of the story is informed by the insidious nature of systemic racism within an (imaginary example of) industry, it caused me pause and to consider the power of a name. Shan - Alexander gave so much of himself, including his mental health. I would have liked to see more explicit discussion around both elements.

With thanks to NetGalley, Penguin Random House Canada and the author, Katrina Kwan for the eARC of this book. All thoughts are my own.

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A fun, workplace romance book! The plot flowed smoothly and the characters were fun to dive into. If you’re a fan of The Bear, I’m sure you’ll love something more light hearted like this!

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Eden lies to get her job as sous-chef happy that Alex doesn’t remember her from her short lived time at culinary school. Although he has some concerns about her, Alex quickly sees her talent and skill, and is drawn to her. His softer side comes out almost immediately and they start to grow closer. Hampered by a difficult co-worker and a slimy owner, the two work through their challenges to come together in a healthy way. Really enjoyed!

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If you are a fan of workplace romance this book is definitely for you. This is a great book for readers to lose themselves in. I was absolutely hooked from the first page. Katrina’s writing flows extremely well.

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This was a fun, slightly spicey (and not just in the kitchen) workplace romance. The characters were likeable, the first half of the was wonderful but after Eden and Alexander got together everything felt very surface level, the conflicts were realistic for the story BUT there was literally immediate resolution that didn't feel appropriate for what we knew about each of the characters. It was also hard to imagine where the book was taking place. Having grown up and lived in both areas mentioned, for decades I couldn't picture either town which felt a little odd. I kept trying to figure out which restaurant(s) could have served as inspiration because I want to go there and eat everything!

Alexander was an absolute cinnamon roll who absolutely met his match with Eden and it was so fun to follow along.

Thank you Netgalley and Penguin Random House Canada | Random House Canada for the ARC in exchange for my review!

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As an author, it is our job to show the readers rather than tell them. I'm not sure if this is Katrina Kwan's debut novel or not, but she told me everything rather than showing me through descriptive imagery and character-driven actions. The plot had potential, but the pacing felt very rushed and the dialogue was stilted. Ultimately, I DNF'd, but I'm sure this book will find its target audience.

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Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love had me at page one. The story, the chemistry between Alexander and Eden, the supporting cast, and the steamy love scenes made a book that I absolutely could not put down. I also loved the epilogues and the bonus chapter. So many times after I finish a book, I wonder what happens to the characters and unless it’s a series, I never find out, so I appreciated those chapters. I had such a good time with this story. Katrina Kwan is now on my must read list of authors. Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Random House Canada for the copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Hear me out, if you mixed Ali Hazelwood with Ratatouille it would be this. Workplace romance and chefs!

Third person, dual POV.

Eden takes on the role of Alexander’s sous chef. She might’ve embellished her resume a bit (read: a lot), but she’s a quick study and great at the job. He’s an overbearing boss that prefers his staff to have a healthy sense of fear towards him.

She’s just hoping he doesn’t remember her from their time together in school. Meanwhile, a disgruntled coworker is sabotaging her.

The writing style reads a little choppy, but overall it was cute. I started to get a little board halfway through, but it wrapped up sweetly. The supporting cast was amazing. Since it’s French cuisine, I was picturing the Ratatouille kitchen, and I’m not even sorry.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for my advanced digital copy!

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I absolutely LOVED this book! It was a quick, easy, and addicting romance read. I honestly could have finished it in just a couple of days if life didn’t get in the way. I highly recommend this book!

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Read if you like:
🧁 culinary rom-com
🧁 boss/subordinate romance
🧁 coworkers to lovers
🧁 grump vs. sunshine
🧁 rich guy/poor girl
🧁 dual POV
🧁 short chapters
🧁 a liiiiiittle bit of spice 🌶️🌶️
🧁 a little bit of mystery ✨

This was a new-to-me author, and I really enjoyed her writing style. Part raunchy, part witty… It was exactly my humour and it made for a very enjoyable read.
The banter between the 2 main characters on this one was on pointttttt 🤣 I laughed out loud so many times! It was hilarious and catchy right from the very start!
I love cooking shows so much, but you don’t often see a culinary rom-com! I literally felt like I was on the set of The Bear 🤪 This was a very enjoyable read, and it made me hungry 🐷
I love a strong female character that isn’t afraid to speak her mind and put a guy in his place if need be. I really liked Eden and her “won’t take no *ish” attitude and the dialogue between her and the men 🤣 I loved the journey and growth for Eden throughout this book; she started out with barely anything and worked her way up to quite a nice life. I love an underdog story 🩷
I love a grump vs. sunshine trope sooooo much because the banter is always hilarious 🤪 I have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humour and the things the grump says always make me laugh-out-loud 🤣 There’s just something about a grumpy guy who is mean to everyone but HER 🩷🩷🩷
I looooooooove to see an overly protective male main character, and Alexander was this to a T! So hot 🥵🥵🥵🥵
We kind of get a dual point-of-view here because we do get to see both characters sides, but it is also kind of like a no-POV as well because we don’t actually see any of the characters inner thoughts.
This one was a little bit darker than the average rom-com, with the missing persons case, but as a mystery lover I absolutely love when genres overlap! I love rom-coms but it definitely made it so much harder to put it down when there is also a mystery that needs to be solved.
I love discovering new authors, and I am so happy to have found Katrina Kwan 🩷🩷 I cannot wait to read more of her books in the future!

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This was probably the sweetest book I've read lately. Now when I say sweetest I meant it, I swear it gave me cavities.

Besides that I'll say it was a cute and entertaining read, it also was super light and easy because I read it in like 2 days. The plot was good, it was fun and most of it had a good paced, the last few chapters though felt a bit rushed and too many things kept happening. There were a lot of scenes that involved daily, normal and routine situations that I enjoyed reading, however I did find some of them unnecessary to the story, it drag certain things too much.

One thing I LOVED was the food talk! Both of them being chefs and working in a kitchen it was so nice to read all the scenes working and cooking, reading about recipes and food, and produce. I love it when their context (i.e. work place, school) is just as important as the romance; it makes the characters feel more real. And speaking of the characters, I really liked both MCs (this was double pov btw) She was cute and a ray of sunshine, he was grumpy yet so freaking soft for her. A perfect book boyfriend. I really liked that even when a mistake was made there was accountability and a healthy communication.

The conflicts were good, the drama too, the ending (in my opinion) felt a bit rushed, however I loved the epilogue! Overall I enjoyed it and it 100% increased my (already gigantic) love and attraction for chefs.

Tropes that can be found in this book:
Workplace romance
Grumpy x Sunshine
Chinese - American representation
A lot of yummy food!

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Cute!! I didn't realize that this book was third person, which is not a favorite of mine, but I pushed through. I also personally didn't love the format/language used in the text conversations, which is a little nitpicky of me, and some parts kind of gave me whiplash trying to follow the character's personality changes, but other than that it was good.

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*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher/author for providing me with an E-Arc of this book. The following is my honest opinion *

4⭐ out 5

The years of binge watching the cooking channel, food network, Iron Chef, and Hell's kitchen have paid off! In a time where the romance and spicy stories are sports, mafia, or fantasy centered (at least in my circle), this was such a refreshing story!! I absolutely loved it!

This felt like a K-drama. We are introduced to Eden who has a bubbly personality and is working through what life has thrown at her. Then we have Alexander who is cold and seemingly uncaring. Both have a story from their past that drives them forward and makes them better people.
And the spice!!!! I was not expecting it in the sense that I thought it was going to be a closed door spice. Loved it!

This was such a cute story and highly recommend it!

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please note that the trigger warnings and topes/themes may contain spoilers
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
POV: dual 3rd person
spice: a few open-door spicy scenes
TWs: bullying (mild), depression/depressive episodes, drunk driving, guilt, manipulation, parental abandonment, racial micro aggressions, racism, sexism
Kinky Content: fingering, food play- whipped cream, grinding, manhandling, marking, oral, praise, shower sex
standalone: yes
final thoughts: first off- this cover is SO CUTE and the imagery of the knives facing different directions to show who the main focus for the 3rd person POV would be was so clever.
I loved the found family in this book so much!!! And the unravelling of both MC’s secrets had me on the edge of my seat waiting to learn more alongside the other characters. For such a cute romance and concept, there were some darker (triggering) elements at play regarding racism (outright and microaggressions) and the abandonment. Those left my heart feeling heavy, but the side characters made up for it and helped bring levity.
I will say I really really really don’t like when there are open door scenes with a MC and someone who is not the other MC in a book even if they aren’t officially together yet. I felt like it added nothing to the story except for giving me an ick I had to bring myself back from.

read this book if you love

🫡 big MMC
🧑‍🏫 boss/employee
🍿 celebrity chef
🧑‍🍳 chef
💬 epistolary
😳 forbidden lovers
🏝️ forced proximity
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 found family
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 great side characters
😡 grumpy/sunshine
🛁 he washes her
🤫 hidden secrets
🙏 praise
🤐 secret relationship
💓 slowburn
👕 wearing his clothes scene
💼 workplace romance

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