Member Reviews

This was a cute and quick read. Grumpy and sunshine trope. I give it 3.5 stars.
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Canada for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love was such a blast to read. Congrats to Katrina on the trad pub - it’s so well deserved. I think fans of The Bear would die for this book?? I’ve never seen the show, but I can tell (I think) the vibes would match. This book is the epitome of grumpy/sunshine. Alexander is a complete and utter jerk to literally everyone he meets, but then there’s Eden, and he immediately has a soft spot for her. SWOON! It’s so sweet to see him be himself with her and for her to open up and be vulnerable with him after all of her childhood trauma. For all she’s been through, I thought she was really stable and able to trust others. There were bits and pieces of distrust, but overall, she was an incredibly healthy individual. Did we accredit it to therapy? I can’t remember, but I don’t think so. That would have been *chef’s kiss*. Lol, get it? I LOVED that there was no third act breakup; they came together against external forces (Sebastian and her mom) and came out stronger than ever. This was such a great story - from plot and pacing to the hilarity of all the side characters. I thoroughly enjoyed this read!

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Love. Love. Love. I thought this book was the perfect blend of cute romance and tackling a few more serious topics.

I didn't think the side characters overwhelmed the main characters or the plot, but they still stood on their own. I would have loved if the side characters all got a little bit more time on their own. I did find them blending in together a bit.

Both Shang and Eden had interesting backstories and personalities that made them individual enough but still cohesive as a duo. I spent most of this book incredibly worried that the outcome of Eden's story would be really upsetting, but I was glad to see it was handled in a gentle way and she had people beside her supporting her the entire time.

Shang's relationship with his parents was very sweet and I wish we could see a little bit more of it.

Overall, the romance was so sweet and genuine and I enjoyed that there wasn't too much toxicity or angst. Sometimes it's nice to have a simple, loving romance! Such a great story.

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I really enjoyed this book. It has a great supporting cast, solid conflict, and solid individual storylines, as well as a spicy workplace romance. The romance between the celebrity chef Alexander and the novice sous chef Eden was sweet, spicy, and uncomfortable in a good way. It felt like reading a cozy Hallmark movie, which I loved.

I appreciated that the author didn't shy away from the topic of racism and portrayed it in a sensitive yet realistic manner. This was unexpected and added depth to the story.

Even though romance is not my go-to genre, I would definitely recommend this book and look forward to reading more from this author.

I to thank Netgalley, Katrina Kwan, and Xpresso Book Tours for providing me with the opportunity to read this advanced reader copy and share my honest personal opinion.

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I really wanted to like this book, and it definitely had some elements I really enjoyed: a searing examination of racism in the fine dining world, loving someone through mental illness, and a gruff hero hiding a marshmallow center. I also adored the side characters - Peter, Freddie, and Rina were all funny and brought depth and heart to the kitchen. However, I just couldn’t get past the fact that the power dynamics of Eden dating her boss, especially when she desperately needed the job and was relying on him to protect her secret, gave me major ick. I think a few years ago this wouldn’t have bothered me but in the current political climate, it does. The spice was hot and well done. I would read more by this author, but for me this book wasn’t a hit.

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*Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an early read in exchange for an honest review*

I absolutely loved this book!! Straight from the get go I loved Eden and her whole personality, she was fleshed out wonderfully from the beginning. Alexander was also a great character from the get go, and I loved the fact this was the grumpy and happy trope, especially as both of the characters were written so perfectly that it felt like I knew them personally. The whole book I almost knew they would end up together but when it eventually happened, I was squealing and giggling as they were absolutely adorable! Also, the whole story being set in a restaurant and centred around food and cooking made it even more interesting and was something I haven’t read about before, which was a refreshing take on a romance book!

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❝ Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love by Katrina Kwan ❞- 2.75 ★

I had to think about this book for a while because for some reason I don’t really know how I feel about it.. What I do know is that it is a bit too fast-paced for me.

When I read the blurb it sounded like a fun and cute workplace romance about two chefs who were bound to fall for each other. It was giving forced proximity and grumpy x sunshine, which are some of my favorite tropes to read but it sadly didn’t hit me as I would have liked. A lot was happening between each chapter and it felt a bit rushed on some parts. I think that’s why the story didn’t really captured me.

Read if you like:
- insta-love
- fast-paced storyline
- chef/cooking plot
- workplace romance
- forced proximity
- grumpy x sunshine

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for the ARC!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (3.5/5)
🌶️🌶️🌶️ (2.5/5)

If you love the Food Network or the show “The Bear,” you might want to pick this one up. This was a cute, heartwarming, and fun read.

Eden Monroe will do anything to keep her new job as sous chef at the prestige restaurant, La Rouge. She’s desperate for the money even if it means dealing with her new boss who is a straight up d!ck. He also happens to be the infamous and talented chef, Alexander Chen.

It was definitely more of a grumpy vs sunshine, insta-love than it was enemies to lovers. But the workplace romance set in a restaurant kitchen was done really well. As someone whose first job was waitressing at a restaurant, I appreciated the kitchen talk and humor. And the stress of working in a kitchen added some nice sexual tension between Alexander and Eden.

Had to drop a star because I found myself skipping over paragraphs. After they got together (which was pretty early on in the book), the dialogue between them became too cringey and corny for me. 😬 It felt a little immature and took me out of the story. And the other half star is due to the pacing of this story. It seemed a little off: the timeline of things, how fast they got together, how quickly issues were resolved in the end. I would have liked to see more tension and build up and banter.

All in all, I did enjoy this one and I especially loved the setting. I will be on the look out for more Katrina Kwan in the future! Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House for giving me the opportunity to read this. All thoughts are my own. 🫶🏻

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Gosh, it's been a hot minute since I read a rom-com with a foodie twist to it. I forgot how much I love food talk in my books. This book is hands-down amazing! I am blown away by Katrina's writing and her ability to create a fun, engaging story with just the right amount of spice. If you like a story with food talk that will have your stomach growling with hunger, this book will be for you. I felt like I could smell and taste the food that Eden and Shang were creating. The food bits in this story were so well done. The story is entertaining and hooks you right from the first chapter.

I love it when an author takes a trope and puts their own unique spin on it. In this case, Katrina has taken the workplace romance trope and spun it so it takes place in this high-pressure, high-end restaurant environment. I loved this twist. The fast-paced, high-pressure work environment meant that we got to see these characters express heightened emotions that are often a result of being under a lot of stress. This means more drama, which we all know I love. I enjoyed just being in that kitchen with Eden and Shang and watching them work together. But it was also really wonderful to watch that working relationship change as Eden and Shang's personal relationship developed. There is also this mystery surrounding Shang and his relationship with his boss, Sebastian, and also this mystery around what caused Shang to change into a cold and distant person. As a reader, you know that these two mysterious are probably connected, but you don't know how.

I adored Eden and Shang. Their characters are just so relatable and likeable. There is this grumpy sunshine feel to their relationship, which I loved. Eden is a glass half full kind of person. She tries to put a positive spin on every situation. She is also a natural in the kitchen. Watching her cook was great; her passion for food leaps from the pages. I just couldn't help but root for her. Shang starts out as the typical broody, grumpy, don't talk to me hero. But that soft side quickly comes out whenever he is alone with Eden. He feels that connection with her almost right away. It is pure catnip to my bookworm soul when a grumpy hero is only sweet and soft to the heroine. It just makes my heart pitter patter a little faster. Shang's character grows tremendously in this story. When we first met him, he had lost his passion for cooking and didn't know what to do to reignite that passion. Of course, as Shang spends time with Eden, he is going to start to remember why he loved cooking and what he really wants to do with his life.

The romance was delicious, and it's pretty clear that Katrina knows what makes a good rom-com. The chemistry between these two was so yummy and real. I loved their fun and witty banter. It was great seeing these two work together. But you know what makes their relationship so wonderful to me was the way they used food as a love language. Eden and Shang create dishes they think the other will love and dishes that mean something to them as a way of sharing their past with each other. It was such a unique way to build that connection between the two MCs.

Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love is a satisfying and easy-to-love rom-com, and I would recommend it to any bookworm who loves books bursting with delicious food talk.

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A perfect dash of everything that makes a good romance. Absolutely loved it!
The writing was superb from the get go, I was two chapters in and realized that I was flying through the pages, it was just really engaging.
I need to confess though that I'm a sucker for the whole grumpy × sunshine trope. There's something weirdly heartwarming about a closed off man who only opens up to his girl and turns into a goofball whenever they are together.
Shang and Eden were such a power couple, they had their faults and imperfections but they did own up to them. I liked how adult they were. Especially how the author manged to write Eden as adorable without turning her into a childish mess. A feat nowadays in the genre.
The plot was really great, there were some parts that were handled too conveniently to be considered authentic but I wasn't that effed about it.
Highly recommend.
*I received an ARC of this book through netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

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Katrina Kwan's Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love is a delightful and fiery workplace romance that expertly blends passion with culinary precision. Alexander Chen, a hotheaded celebrity chef with a chip on his shoulder, is the perfect foil to the bubbly and determined Eden Monroe, his new and inexperienced sous chef. Their dynamic in the kitchen is electric, filled with tension and sharp exchanges that keep the reader hooked. Kwan masterfully captures the high-stakes environment of a top-tier kitchen, where tempers flare as easily as the burners.

The novel shines in its portrayal of Alexander and Eden's evolving relationship. The contrast between Alexander's harsh exterior and his past as the kind-hearted Shang adds depth to his character, making the moments of vulnerability all the more impactful. Eden’s determination to succeed, despite her shaky qualifications and secret past connection with Alexander, adds a layer of intrigue. While the plot follows some familiar romantic tropes, the chemistry between the leads and the intense, flavorful setting make Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love a thoroughly enjoyable read.

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OMG I’M LITERALLY OBSESSED!!! I absolutely sped through this, I literally couldn’t put it down and was still reading at 2am. LOVED IT!

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Thank you to Netgalley, Penguin Random House Canada, and Katrina Kwan for the chance to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

Fans of high stress kitchen drama, The Bear, will appreciate the tension and grumpiness of our lead. If you've worked back of house before- you'll be scandalized by a Chef/Sous Chef romance. (This comment is deeply sarcastic and also not.. my lived experience is mostly BOH/FOH romances so BOH/BOH would have had me popping popcorn and watching intently from my perch.)

The backstories and trauma really bring this story together. I would have liked to learn more exactly about how Sebastian weasled his way between Shang and his Uncle.. but that's what my imagination is for!

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I love the concept of this one but sadly I couldn’t get past the writing style, which is just a personal preference. But I’m here for more chef romance books!!


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Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love by Katrina Kwan is a sweet and spicy workplace romance that will make you hungry AND thirsty! The characters were interesting, the workplace dynamic created great drama, the plot was mostly believable and the spicy scenes were really HOT!

My one issue stems from some of the dialogue; this is supposed to be set in the US, and the characters are American, yet some of the dialogue is clearly either British or Canadian. This is a major pet peeve of mine: if you are going to set a novel in the US with American characters and then market it in the US, have an editor that can fix the dialogue and make it believable for an American audience. Otherwise, the dialogue becomes a distraction and takes away from the suspended disbelief. But there were only a couple instances of this. Overall, this was a very enjoyable read with some real character development and depth toward the end.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to read and review this e-galley!

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Dual pov, chef romance, workplace romance, orphan, Asian mmc, overcoming life

I am honestly just not in the mood to read right now. If I was in a better mindset I do think I would’ve enjoyed this book more than I did, but I’m not and I didn’t. For me it was just the pacing that was off. I felt like it built up really well and then they went straight from friends to lovers. I would’ve enjoyed seeing them be friends and slowly open up to each other that way than jump straight into a romantic relationship.

I did love the individual plot that the characters went on. Eden finding her birth mother and realizing she was better off and Shang letting go of what he’s been told in the past and reconnecting with his parents.

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House for an early read of this book. All thought are my own, I do not accept money for reviews

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A spicy, dual POV, workplace romance between the head chef and his new sous chef. This was full of humor and HEAT and tons of great food. Plus there were a lot of insights into the inner workings of a restaurant kitchen. Great on audio and perfect for fans of authors like Jackie Lau or Opal Wei. I look forward to reading more by this new debut Canadian author! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you to Random House Canada for the eARC.

This was the perfect romance novel for people like me, who like fancy food and have watched a lot of Gordon Ramsey TV shows.

Alexander is kind of the Gordon Ramsey here. He has three Michelin stars and his staff are all scared of him. Enter Eden—who once knew him as a shy boy named Shang (but he doesn’t initially remember her). She’s the only one to stand up to the beast and despite denying it, he wants to protect and take care of her.

While the story is a little predictable, I liked that Shang and Eden didn’t immediately fall in love and solve all their professional problems. They both had childhood trauma to deal with but were so supportive of each other. And I loved the little family they form with the other chefs and how everyone welcomed Shang, despite him being a total jerk boss at the beginning.

The epilogue made my heart happy and will absolutely read more from this author.

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This is my first Katrina Kwan book and it probably won't be the last.
I must say I was drawn to this book because of the title and the cover. Didn't read the blurb because I like to dive in blind, and I was really surprised.
Chef/sous chef romance is really refreshing, the themes are also not the ones often showcased in romance books; I sincerely had a great time! It definitely screams The Bear and I really feel like this is authentic. The spice is also really spicing and not too cheesy.
But I must say, some details were missing for my liking, some french terms weren't correct (French speaking girly, I'm sorry!) and the layout was a bit wonky.
Also not a fan of 3rd person writing, but it's a personal liking.

I want to thank NetGalley, the publisher and Katrina Kwan for this ARC

*Workplace romance
*Grumpy x sunshine
*Food love language (duh!)
*Dirty talk

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*out August 27, 2024* Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love by Katrina Kwan 4.5/5 🔪

I’m not usually one to super enjoy an instant love story, but I adored this one!! I found the relationship between Alexander/Shang and Eden to be so great. I enjoyed that they briefly knew each other and he couldn’t place her. I thought their relationship was believable enough to navigate their own respective baggage.

What sold me was the grumpy chef, and also being described as similar to the Bear. I really enjoyed the different conflicts in the plot and the reuniting with family components. Sincerely one of my fav romances this year!! PS: loved the spice ❣️

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Penguin Random House Canada for an ARC!

#knivesseasoningandadashoflove #katrinakwan #seattlewashington #randomhousecanada #newbook #booksbooksbooks #netgalley

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