Member Reviews

This was such a great story! I throughly enjoyed reading it!

At first, I thought it was more of a Princess Tiana situation but I was wrong! I also LOVED that this author went through the easy process of making sure you are having safe sex and getting tested before any canoodling. I don’t think romance novels normalize it enough and it should be!!! Why would you want to spread things around or catch something yourself??? ESPECIALLY, something you can’t get rid of?!? Anywho, I thought it was interesting how the author revealed more and more about Alex and Eden’s backstory. I felt like they were well rounded characters and loved reading how their love story unfolded. It was a little angsty but in the best way possible. I loved it. Read it.

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wish I would’ve knew about this before she got picked up before a trad publisher! I’d love to see the changes she made! But I smiled & laughed, almost cried! Fell in love with Eden & Andrew /shang and his family. Absolutely despised some other people, a must read! 🔥🔥🔥

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DNF @ 20%

I absolutely loved the premise but unfortunately the execution just wasn't for me. Enemies to lovers is really fun but Alexander was being really unkind to his staff and our heroine and the dynamic really wasn't my cup of tea. I've read quite a few books with this type of premise that are well-loved (like The Spanish Love Deception or Love on the Brain) so I'm sure others will have a better time with this book than I did.

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This was a new author to me so it took me some time to adjust to the writing style. The blurb seemed so intriguing but the actual story was kind of boring tbh. And some plot points were kind of nonsensical. I was very excited to read this but the dialogues and the constant mentioning of the word sweetheart and how tiny the h was, felt annoying. Also, because of the insta-love, I skimmed through most of the parts. Overall, this was such a disappointment because the book had potential, only if it was executed better.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review

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~Workplace-romance, GrumpyxSunshine, Chefs, and more!~

Knives, Seasoning, and a Dash of Love by Katrina Kwan follows Eden Monroe, an aspringing chef. After some unfortunate events that lead Eden to drop out of culinary school, she is forced to work dead-end jobs to survive and hopefully save enough money to hire a private detective to track someone down. That is until she falsely enhances her resume and ends up working as a sous-chef under famous Chef Alexander, or as she used to know him, Shang. Will he recognize her? Will her secret be found out? And will their workplace romance lead to more?

4| This was a sweet, captivating romance read that had me excited to keep reading. I loved Eden's character and her outlook on life despite her hardships. Alexander is initially closed off and mysterious but quickly becomes caring and concerned. I loved the perspective and seeing what both characters are thinking and feeling. It gave lots of insight into their fears and actions. Their dynamic works well, and I loved the contrast between the technicality-trained Alexander versus the raw-talented Eden. I felt like I learned more about their personality throughout the book. The romance progressed nicely, a tad fast, but nothing unreasonable. They have chemistry, and it's contrasted well. I enjoyed seeing the friends Eden makes at the restaurant and how they quickly become her found family.

I would have liked to see a little more of Eden's struggle, from working at a dingy restaurant to a fancy gourmet one. I also would have liked a little more description of where the book was taking place. While it is mentioned a little, I never got a good sense of where it was, which would have helped add to the book. A lot was going on in the story, and at times, I felt like some things were being talked about too much and other things not enough. I loved seeing Alexander, aka Shangs family. It was heartwarming to see and helped me understand how he grew up, which helped me better understand him. One scene I did not like was the one between Bea and Alexander. While I understand why it was included and what it helped get across, I didn't enjoy reading it. I also wish I saw more of a resolution between Alexander and his uncle. It is briefly mentioned but not enough for closure. The ending seemed fast, especially compared to the beginning of the book. I enjoyed the two epilogues and the bonus content. They were a fun edition that helped me envision the future after the story ends.

Overall, this book was genuinely captivating. I loved the characters and how much personityally they had. The side characters were great; they weren't shown enough to overshadow the story but just enough where I got to know them. While there are some things I could have done without, this was a great book and one I would definitely reread.

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I will first like to start this review thanking netgalley and the publishers for this opportunity to read this novel.

Listen I wanted to like this book guys, but it just didn't do it for me. This book was marketed as enemies-to-lovers but it is not. They are basically in love by chapter 5. This book suffered greatly with the insta-love. There was no tension ever, and very little bickering (before they released they were in love). The plot moved very quickly and at times I was shocked to learn how many weeks have passed since the previous paragraph. Many of the problems came quickly and were solved even quicker. I would have dnfed this book if not it being an arc.

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This book was just what I needed right now. It was such a cute story but at the same time talked about some serious subjects and I just loved it.

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se fui triste eu não lembro, eu só sei que desfrutei cada segundo desse livro

nesse livro temos uma querida sem mãe com trust issues e impostora educacional, um homem alto sarado e gostoso que se vendeu pra industria, uma mulher empoderada, um casal de gays felizes e dois vilões fio da mãe, tudo isso enquanto eles cozinham e podem jogar agua fervendo (ou óleo) um no outro.

mas resumo da ópera ou da receita, Alexander parou de ser feliz em cozinhar já que o La Rouge suga toda a vida dele até aparecer a querida da Eden, ele finalemente sente que pode confiar a cozinha a alguem. como se ela devolvesse leveza pra vida dele. oq começa como um "eu sei que você não fez no passado" terminar em um workplace romance e depois eu "vamos jogar tudo pro alto e fazer a nossa vida" e eu ameeeeeeeeei!

1000/10 >> opiniao sincera para o NetGalley em troca de um cópia avançada,

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Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Canada for this arc!

Enjoyed the concept of the story. Two chefs with immense talent and difficult pasts coming together to not only be a great team at work but also as real life partners.

My dislikes were the dialogue did not feel natural. It felt like too charactery as opposed to feeling like natural conversations. What was meant as cute banter fell very flat. I also feel that the main two characters did things that felt out of character? Their actions didn’t line up to what we the reader knew about them. The whole time we are led to believe how important this job is to our FMC but when she gets fired/quits she’s so flippant about it. The resolution of her missing parents was given one chapter even though we are told how important this is to her. Our MMC is supposed to be a disciplined renowned top chef but when he discovers our FMC lied about finishing culinary school he covers for her even though on the previous chapter he fired another employee for the exact same thing! Make it make sense?

Now clearly I still finished the book, and gave it 3 stars. There were some cute moments! I love the found family with the other restaurant employees (humor was strong with the side characters) and the spice scenes were good (now some of the pillow talk could’ve been better here too). The story felt strongest during the MMC reunion with his family. I felt the connection and I really cared about the outcome. It didn’t feel forced and you felt the love from his parents in those scenes. Overall this was a strong debut and with just a few tweaks I could see this author putting out even better work!

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I had mixed emotions about this book. It started off really strong. Loved the strong characters and the bit of mystery but I think it needed a longer burn. The characters resolved their issues far too soon and it lead to some boredom in the middle of the book. The end was ok, not necessarily the resolution I was looking for with Eden’s family cut nice wrap up with Shangs family. Overall a decent read.

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Ebook received for free through NetGalley

An adorably cute book that I had trouble putting down. Perfect when not feeling good.

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We love a grumpy/sunshine trope! This was a very fun read, and I felt like it hit all the markers I want in a romance, workplace romance, grumpy/sunshine romance! I really enjoyed the characters and felt they were fully developed, flawed people just trying to do their best and be their best. I also really loved this one as a fellow Rat - so good on ya for making me love my Reylo feels once again, but absolutely in a way that people not in the know wouldn't know.

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Overall a pretty good quick romance read, it had aspects that reminded me of the bear, which I really liked, but I don’t know why so much of their relationship reminded me of the reylo dynamic, which normally I like but in this book due to the romance being so rushed with the insta love trope, it felt kinda forced instead of natural. I enjoyed the side characters who were quite fun to listen to as well as the detective subplot, made for quite an interesting motivation for the fmc.

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If you're a fan of workplace romance, the grumpy-meets-sunshine trope blending with the "Bear" series concept, and want to scream with me "Yes, Chef!", this book is a great match for you!

Brooding, perfectionist, critical, moody Alexander Chen (a.k.a. Shang) and sunshiny, gold-hearted, easy-going, always-sees-good-in-people Eden Monroe seem like total opposites, but I loved their palpable chemistry and undeniably magnetic attraction. They're incredibly sweet together and great partners in the kitchen.

Their paths cross once again at French haute cuisine restaurant La Rouge, where Shang has changed his name to Alexander Chang. He's one of the top chefs in the industry leading the kitchen, and Eden is the brand new sauce chef, hired urgently after her predecessor quit. Eden has a big secret: she lied about her previous experience and references on her resume. She also didn't finish culinary school, where she met Alexander 9 years ago. Thankfully, Alexander doesn't recognize her, and he intends to test her capabilities in her position, which she's adamant not to lose. She needs to collect enough money for an important mission and is thick-skinned enough to fight against mean, critical people in the kitchen while keeping a smile on her face.

But she doesn't expect to become friends with the brooding chef who needs her help to create a new menu to satisfy the demanding owner Sebastian, who watches their every move like a hawk. Meanwhile, her colleague Hector is trying to replace her as sauce chef, bullying his way to get what he wants.

As Eden tries to find her way in the industry and searches for a big mystery about her past, she realizes her blooming friendship with Alexander is turning into something more intimate. Could they help each other heal from past burdens, becoming the best partners not just in the kitchen but in a relationship, and find their own paths?

Overall: This is a sweet, angsty, steamy romance you can easily get addicted to! Especially if you're a foodie who enjoys the romance-in-workplace concept, your name is written all over this book.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for sharing this lovely romance book's digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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I love a food/restaurant-based book and this was no exception. Parts of this felt very ReyLo coded, but it's possible I've read too much fanfic. The pacing felt a bit fast in my opinion but I liked that there wasn't a second half break up. The plot felt relatively predictable but the characters really sparkled. I loved the cast of friends, the MMC's parents and all the food details.

RIYL The Love Hypothesis (It felt like the characters in this book would 100% be friends with the characters in that one somehow)

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Fun and flirty and not afraid of the spice! I thought that the parts in the kitchen (think Bear) were the most effective. The romance happened a little fast and could've done without the two epilogues. Overall, a good read, 3.5 stars.

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An adorable read! I started it thinking it would be another cute romance book (and it was) but i couldn't put it down. I read the whole thing in one sitting and that's how you know that a book is good (becuase I just couldn't put it down, needing to read what happens next).

Lovely read!

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This book kind of felt like two stories mashed together. The beginning had a very different feel to the latter half and I much preferred the beginning.
I did read to the end but I had lost some interest by the finish.

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I absolutely loved this book! Katrina Kwan's writing style flows so beautifully that I didn't want the story to end. It was impossible not to fall in love with both main characters, and even the side characters were a lot of fun. This book was steamy both in and out of the kitchen.
A spicy rom-com perfect for fans of The Bear :) A great debut novel!

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This was so cute?!

I loved the banter and the communication.. the whole friendship group was just so adorable and i loved how they wasn't any unnecessary 3 act break up.

Just a book of fluff and fun and laughs..

My heart broke for Eden, when she found her dream.. but i also thought it was pretty realistic and amazingly written that sometimes dreams dont work out .. and that is fine!

Thank you netgalley for giving me this arc!

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